Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Add new zpm and uv battery #1147
Distilling IC2 Biomass into IC2 Biogas now consumes significantly more
The EUt of processing Fermented Biomass in the Distillation Tower has
been reduced to fix netto energy density.
Commit: 0189b933e35476bc65bfda0201db657b9689bec1 [0189b93]
Revised Hydrochloric Acid recycling, Salt electrolyzation cost
Hydrochloric Acid can be recycled at 100% efficiency.
The production of Dimethylhydrazine, Tetrafluoroethylene,
Polydimethylsiloxane, and Hypochlorous Acid yields Diluted Hydrochloric
Acid, which can be recycled at 50% efficiency.
The energy cost of 21600 EU per 2 Salt -> Sodium + Chlorine has turned
out to be too high.
The cost is now 9600 EU.
Commit: 01da9150f662d010db07f8729f5ec696a4f935fd [01da915]
Added missing Tetraitromethane, Polymerization recipes
enable the fluid plastic (was molten)
add a circuit to the recipes
probably fix this
( BrainTech duct tape uncraftable. #1877
Commit: b5721d140b127512b9961f5cf984d35a37dcd2e6 [b5721d1]
Fixed Nitric Oxide EUt, halved Ammonia cost
To prevent the construction of perpetua mobilia via Rocket Fuel the EU
cost of making Dimethylhydrazine has been increased.
Commit: 97fc717f9a69480beda609c4c7789027c89246bf [97fc717]
Fixed LCM desulfurization recipes in combination with CirChemUpdateFU
Commit: 262951068334a5cd18a046d360eb7aa26a507934 [2629510]
Fixed collision between Acetic Acid and Vinyl Chloride recipes
Commit: 57dbb05068b76bcac70e6123b1008a502f902077 [57dbb05]
Added scalable Methane + Water -> Hydrogen + CarbonDioxide recipes
Commit: bc58367801878dfb07c283ab0c06008ceea7242e [bc58367]
Added missing Tetrafluoroethylene recipes
Commit: 3b3921034805f45e59534890faf258a3e19b21ce [3b39210]
Fixed desulfuriation recipes colliding with hydro-cracking recipes
Commit: 1afc8405e8005433903afdf8a3cdcc82d3f05c9a [1afc840]
Added multi-step recipes for the Large Chemical Reactor
Added recipes for the Large Chemical Reactor that perform several steps
of a processing line in a single recipe.
Added new method for Chemical rector not using a clenroom
Commit: d85b7bee49dbb309127753c96ce4eae2e45e83bd [d85b7be]
Fixed Chloroform recipe
Commit: 967c3c07af627f92200111013b5a7d0e6a176de1 [967c3c0]
Reduced Oxygen consumption of Plastic Production by 50%
It is now possible to produce Fermented Biomass in the Pyrolyse Oven
without the need of any Fermenters.
resin rebalance
Reenabled several old recipes regardless of the config
-IC2 Biomass -> IC2 Biogas
-Forestry Biomass -> Ethanol
-LPG -> Super Fuel
-Food --Centrifuge--> Methane
-Heavy Fuel/Light Fuel --Distillery--> Toluene
Commit: a184258c98049a713eca0cf4dcac9f69c41ad5b4 [a184258]
Reverted the changes to basic machine processing.
Basic Machines no longer automatically add an integrated circuit to
their input.
Commit: f0326b831726515ce71dd4f1a0a86b1c902b5af7 [f0326b8]
Made Niobium more accessible
Niobium can now be obtained from Apatite and Pyrolusite as Byproducts.
apatite veins now also contain Pyrochlore (new materials, contains
Niobium) instead of Phosphate (PO4).
Commit: c146a47ff9177286603aef58a146b8d7cf8cd1dd [c146a47]
Adapted the Large Chemical Reactor recipes for the Int. Circuits
Commit: d563a92dbc1d4d27ec53d399b86f659ded46c02d [d563a92]
Moved Synthetic Rubber requirement: EV -> IV, made it more convenient
Cable insulation works as it did before for EV cables.
IV+ Cables can be insulated with only molten Silicone.
Insulation now also works with whole Dusts at 4x the batch size.
Commit: d1a106aa819120af0cb0bc0ec399f07e62ad1bba [d1a106a]
Added a line to the NEI handler that hints at leaving IntCirc(0) empty
Commit: 4bfbdcdb1dea4d4e4786e351b591096fb7646351 [4bfbdcd]
Made it so that if two inputs are equal an Integr. Circuit (0) is added
Commit: ecf7b4aa504315528810f3a66867788810b00ab0 [ecf7b4a]
Empty slots are only used as IntCirc(0) if no other IntCirc is in input
Commit: ff35ae8d9115571c631a2e96d60bbd38b869c14b [ff35ae8]
Overhauled Chemical recipes
Chemical Recipes now have a controllable output pattern.
By adding an Integrated Circuit the Fluid output can automatically be
canned into empty cells.
Water outputs can also be automatically voided.
This reduces the need for fluid Canners in a processing line.
Commit: 6a1d32e4a3a48b4f7c18e352a4d2efe260994ba8 [6a1d32e]
Overhauled the Wetware Circuit recipes
They no longer need beer.
Also the basic Wetware Processor only needs 1 Wetware Circuit Board.
Overhauled Fiberglass Circuit Board
Renamed: Fiberglass Circuit Board -> Fiber-Reinforced Circuit Board
Fiber-Reinforced Boards are now made by combining Epoxy Resin with
either Glass Fiber or Carbon Fiber.
Glass Fiber is produced from Borosilicate Glass, which is in turn
produced from Glass and Boron.
To make this feasible Salt and Rock Salt now yield Borax as a byproduct.
Reduced cost of Small Coil to 50%, added Ferrite for 25% cost
Added a config for the converion rate of Direct Smelting: 1 <-> 2/3
Fixed a bug where a recipe had the wrong amount of Cells
Fixed Salt processing recipes
SaltWater now yields the same amount of material as Salt Dust.
Increased the energy cost of electrolyzing Salt to make netto energy
yield via NaOH+Hydrogen negative.