path: root/src/main/java/gtPlusPlus
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-09-17delete SideOnly annotation in gt++ ClientProxyAlexdoru
2024-09-17delete GT++ ServerProxy.java since it does nothingAlexdoru
2024-09-17delete SpecialBehaviourTooltipHandler.java which does nothingAlexdoru
2024-09-17fix molecular transformer tooltip notice that disappeared in last gt+ cleanupAlexdoru
2024-09-17delete CommandMath and MiningUtils which can only be used by minecraft user "...Alexdoru
2024-09-17cache some Enum.values() call to reduce RAM allocationsAlexdoru
2024-09-17Add more is mod loaded checks to avoid crash during recipe registration (#3211)Alexdoru
2024-09-17Fix steam min casings (#3216)Mary
2024-09-17Fix GT++ index out of bounds (#3214)NotAPenguin
2024-09-17fix ioob errors (#3212)chochem
2024-09-16Fix air intake and reservoir hatch tooltips (#3206)Mary
2024-09-15Remove GT++ AutoMap (#3199)NotAPenguin
2024-09-15Small optimizations & MultiBlockBase cleanup (#3197)NotAPenguin
2024-09-15Allow recycling recipes for semi-fluid singleblock gens (#3196)Maya
2024-09-14Don't allow PA or LPF to do HIP/Black hole compression recipes (#3195)Mary
2024-09-14Recipe conflicts gt++ (#3182)BucketBrigade
2024-09-13Fix of Overflow Valve & New features (#3040)Elkatra2
2024-09-12Merge config categories (#3152)boubou19
2024-09-11Various turbine fixes (#3147)Sampsa
2024-09-11Fixes for previous PR (#3157)Alexdoru
2024-09-11Steam Machine Fixes & Improvements (#3143)PlayfulPiano
2024-09-10remove gtpp comb recipes (#3146)chochem
2024-09-10Change sleep potion buff code (#3076)Alexdoru
2024-09-09fix no method found exception when forestry is missing (#3141)Alexdoru
2024-09-09Removed implicit forestry dep (#3140)RecursivePineapple
2024-09-09Rebalance Steam multi (#3108)evgengoldwar
2024-09-09Large Large & Larger Turbine Rework (#3075)Sampsa
2024-09-09Fix wrong packager recipes (#3131)GDCloud
2024-09-09Remove findRecipe methods (#3084)miozune
2024-09-08Fix crop manager tooltip being incorrect (#3126)Temm
2024-09-08Fix some mistakes in GT++ stuff (#3119)Александр
2024-09-07Fix more broken NEI caused by renaming (#3102)HoleFish
2024-09-07Update MUI2 (#3100)miozune
2024-09-07Finishing touches on black hole compressor (#3060)Mary
2024-09-07Remove a bunch more reflection (#3074)Alexdoru
2024-09-07fix for use new mui2 version (#3091)Martin Robertz
2024-09-06Deprecate Large Processing Factory (#3086)Mary
2024-09-05update steam multi tooltips (#3067)chochem
2024-09-05UEV+ Material Diversity (#3045)NotAPenguin
2024-09-05Add superdense plates (#3050)Mary
2024-09-04Delete/modify some reflection + more renaming (#3037)Alexdoru
2024-09-04fix pyro vent recipes (#3048)chochem
2024-09-04Fixes #17207 (#3041)joegnis
2024-09-04fix (#3038)Jakub
2024-09-03readd eff numbers. (#3036)chochem
2024-09-03generate solidifier recipes (#3034)GDCloud
2024-09-03replace Loader.isModLoaded() calls with Mods enum cached call (#3031)Alexdoru
2024-09-03Steam Hatch texture update (#3020)Elkatra2
2024-09-03fix switch fall-through (#3022)chochem
2024-09-02The Great Renaming (#3014)NotAPenguin