Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Add the ore dicitionary name `stoneGlowstone` to the
`minecraft:glowstone` block, so it can be selected with prefix `stone`
and material `glowstone` when registering the Glowstone plate
cover's block texture.
Add the ore dicitionary name `blockNetherQuartz` to the
`minecraft:quartz_block` block, so it can be selected with prefix `block`
and material `NetherQuartz` when registering the NetherQuartz plate
cover's block texture.
Add the ore dicitionary name `stoneStone` to the `minecraft:stone` block, so it can be selected
with prefix `stone` and material `Stone` when registering the stone plate cover's block texture.
Some Disassembler related fixes:
#7654 #7586 #7676
Enabled autoloading for oil drills
Address issue:
Remove mention of using CFoam over covers which has been replaced by
chemical bath concrete based recipes since GT5.09.
New Frame Box dexcription is localisable in `Gregtech.lang`:
S:gt.blockmachines.gt_frame.desc.format=Just something you can put covers on.
Fixed chunk coordinates for self-loaded machine (in the first session)
fix(rendering): brightness of no-z-fighting offset faces
swapped repetitive if-block to switch statement and cached machine tier
Ignore the z-fighting offset when detecting if a face uses the block's brightness
or the brightness from the block above.
my mistake. This has to be changed.
Expose all fluid tanks properly when there are more than one internal tank
Standardized Bee Comb processing recipes
Pipes don't use a block texture, only ore blocks use these and they
don't implement IPipeRenderedTileEntity and are not covered either ^^
Implement requested change:
A default method body is required for older add-ons implementing the old interface without a
`getTextureCovered` method, or those would crash when rendering their covered full-size pipes.
Centrifuge Duration is now Equal to original Recipes.(At least in Bee
Comb Nerfed Config) Unnerfed config needs more balancing, because
disabling the nerfed Config makes Comb process recipes strange and
override each other.(Even before this PR).
Add support for transparent covers (glass plate) on all GT Machines:
- See pipes, wires, cables through transparent covers
- Layer transparent covers over full-block pipes and machines
Signed-off-by: Glease <>
Search different prefixes as fall-back to find a proper block.
fix(rendering): cover dumb block teture on bottom face
Allow several miners in one chunk
Matched requirement of EU/t same as the old one.
changed minimum Tier that needs cleanRoom for autoclave and chemical process
- Add missing BUFFERED recipes bits
- More code cleanup
- Copy the block texture to render covers made of a block's material
- Fix and refactor lint and tidy the whole ProcessingPlate class (no side-effect detected)
fixed missed chance of twilight forest bees
if the config nerf beeComb is disabled. GT_comb processing recipes go totally Messed up. So I separated the nerfed part and un nerfed part. Also added enum values to the recipes to automatically generate the required voltage and duration, required cleanRoom by the required Voltage Tier. This will make us easier to add new honeycomb or balancing Beekeeping.
Render the bottom face of covers made of a dumb block, the same orientation as
the referrence dumb block.
Stone background on the bottom side of ores, did not use the same flipped
orientation as with dumb blocks of the same material, which uses the vanilla
block renderer from Minecraft.
This patch fixes the rendering of the bottom side of Gregtecg ores which uses
te following Gregtech stone backgrounds:
- Black Granite
- Red Granite
- Marble
- Basalt
Refactor World Events
- Fix modifiers order
- Fix redundant string literal
- Fix indentation
- fix missing run()
Correctly release/reuse channel after ME bus removal and reconnect
World events have way to many parameters, so the code gets unreadable, this commit fixes that behavior.