path: root/src/main/resources
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-05-24feat(glow): iconset machines glow supportLéa Gris
- Add glow support for all sides and states of iconset machines (same as with basicmachines). Automated code cleanup with IDEA of: - Optiimise all imports (remove unused, sort) - Reorder all modifiers to the canonical preferred order (as stated in the Java Language Specification) - Add all missing @Override annotations
2021-05-21feat(render): implementation-free api texture factoryLéa Gris
Provides an implementation-free API Texture factory an builder. Deprecates gregtech.api.objects.GT_*Texture.java classes Once all GregTech add-on will be migrated to the new implemnetation-free API, changes to the implementation will not affect the add-on. For now, this API allow rendering of in-world glow textures. In-inventory/hand rendering of glow texture require implementation changes that are postponed until no add-on uses the deprecated embedded implementation API.
2021-05-21feat(render): support all basic machines glowLéa Gris
Support glow textures on all sides and states of basic machines. When a glow is irrelevant, a blank placeholder still maintain support for customization from resource packs.
2021-05-21feat(render): buffers glowLéa Gris
Add code support and blank glow placeholders so resource pack can provide own glow. Applies to: - Chest Buffer - Item Filter - Distributor - Regulator - SuperBuffer - Type Filter
2021-05-21feat(render): pipeline side glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): active disassembler top glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): active steam macerator top glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): teleporter glowLéa Gris
Renders on: - Teleporter - Monster Repellator - Microwave Energy Transmitter
2021-05-21feat(render): active steam macerator front glowLéa Gris
place-holder blank to support glow texture in resourcepack
2021-05-21feat(render): active steam forgehammer front glowLéa Gris
place-holder blank to support glow texture in resourcepack
2021-05-21feat(render): active steam extractor front glowLéa Gris
place-holder blank to support glow texture in resourcepack
2021-05-21feat(render): active steam compressor front glowLéa Gris
place-holder blank to support glow texture in resourcepack
2021-05-21feat(render): active boxinator front glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): assembly line glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): diesel engine glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): disassembler glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): distillation tower glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): electric blast furnace glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): extreme diesel engine glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): heat exchanger glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): implosion compressor glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): large boiler glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): large chemical reactor glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): active potion brewer glowLéa Gris
blank for now but implemented for resource-pack compat
2021-05-21feat(render): active mass-fabricator glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): multi-smelter glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): oil cracker glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): oil drilling rig glowLéa Gris
Fixed to use own previously existing texture assets
2021-05-21feat(render): ore drilling plant glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): processing array glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): pyrolyse oven glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): active replicator front glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): active rockbreacker front glowLéa Gris
Used by: - Advanced Seismic Prospector - Rock Breaker - Seismic Prospector - Charcoal Pit
2021-05-21feat(render): scanner glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): active steam alloy smelters glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): active steam furnaces glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): vaccum freezer glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): auto maintenance hatch glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): activity detector covers glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): active naquadah reactor glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): magical energy converter and absorber glow texturesLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): active high pressure lava boiler glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): active boiler glowLéa Gris
2021-05-21feat(render): first set of glow texturesLéa Gris
Add glowing textures to: - Qantum or Super Tanks and Chests - Active Bronze and Bricked Blast Furnaces - Active Magical Absorber Top - Fusion Reactor Control Computer Screen - Active Yellow Glass Fusion Casing used on: - Active Fusion Reactor Controller and Hatches - Plasma Generator - Lightning Rod - Computer Screen Cover
2021-04-27fix(pngfiles): .png files not in png formatLéa Gris
Convert to png all .png files that were not in image/png format using Linux shell ```sh git ls-files -z | while IFS= read -rd '' f; do mime="$(file --brief --mime "$f")"; if [ -z "${f%%*.png}" ] && [ -n "${mime##image/png;*}" ]; then convert "$f" /tmp/a.png; cat /tmp/a.png >"$f"; fi; done; rm -f -- /tmp/a.png ```
2021-04-27tidy(json): all .mcmeta and .infoLéa Gris
Normalise all these json files with jq Used Linux shell ```sh find ./src -type f \( -iname '*.mcmeta' -o -iname '*.info' \) -execdir bash -c ' for f; do if jq "." "$f" >/tmp/a.json; then cat /tmp/a.json >"$f"; fi; done; rm -f -- /tmp/a.json ' _ {} +; ```
2021-03-24impr(textures): harminise cable insulationsLéa Gris
fix insulation texture was darker on cable ends than on cable sides
2021-03-24feat(cover): hide covers when holding a soldering-ironLéa Gris
2021-02-16feat(render): tile ambient occlusionLéa Gris
Render smooth lighting ambient occlusion on all Gregtech tiles: - Ores - Machines - Pipes, Cables, Wires, Frames Add new Client-side configuration entry in Gregtech.cfg. If false, the flat lighting rendering of older versions is used. ```yml render { B:TileAmbientOcclusion_true=true } ```
2021-02-01Merge pull request #429 from GTNewHorizons/autoclave-fluid-outMartin Robertz
allow autoclave to have fluid out in recipe