path: root/src/resources/assets/miscutils/lang/en_US.lang
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-12-12Locale Fixes.Alkalus
2021-12-12Add one final milling recipe for Monazite.Alkalus
2021-12-12Add recipes for Sparging Multiblock.Alkalus
Add some localization. Migrate material recipes out of item classes.
2021-12-10Added HS-188A.Alkalus
Fixed NEI handling for some handlers. Fixed some tooltips.
2021-12-10Added ability to clear all output hatches on GT++ multis with a plunger.Alkalus
Changed fluid textures for many autogenerated fluids. Renamed & remapped Cryolite to Cryolite (F). Fixed toArray() in AutoMap.java. Fixed Sparging. Final touches to Nuclear Fuel reprocessing.
2021-12-07More Nuclear Fuel recipe work.Alkalus
2021-12-07Stopped fluids from having their generation queued.Alkalus
Possibly improved GT++ Fluid generation where GT counterparts exist. Adding remapping event for when existing items are removed with a suitable replacement added. Did some locale work.
2021-12-06Did some localizations.Alkalus
2021-12-05Add workaround for BW Hydrogen Peroxide unification.Alkalus
Made generic GT++ Recipes maps use default GT NEI handler. Boosted fuel value of Rocket Fuels.
2021-11-29Added new generic Nuclear Chem item.Alkalus
Added ability to set Fluid for a Material. Moved Nuclear recipe generation to a different phase during init.
2021-10-15Volcanus separate bussesFlorexiz
2021-07-11Add chat feedback on void excess togglellk89
2020-05-29+ Added low tier basic turbines for Pollution Scrubbers.Alkalus
+ Added capability for Scrubbers to be automated.
2020-05-26+ Added locale for the two new alloys.Alkalus
$ Fixed NEI handling for GTPP Recipes.
2020-05-25+ Added the Volumetric Flask Configurator.Alkalus
+ Added a recipe for the Egg Box. + Added a Book for the Chemical Plant. % Changed the Tooltip for the Egg Box. $ Fixed Robinators not returning the correct block when mined. $ Fixed Electric tool recipes not consuming the original tool. $ Redid handling of all shaped crafting recipes. $ Fixed recipe handling for the last few multiblocks. $ Potentially forgot some other minor fixes.
2020-05-04$ Fixed handling of Giant Eggs.Alkalus
$ Fixed obscure crash caused by Dingos. $ Fixed handling of Spawn Eggs and entities registered to the global list. $ Potentially fixed NEI not working correctly for GT++ recipe maps.
2020-04-14+ Added an Advanced Hazmat Suit.Alkalus
+ Added a T3 circuit for recipe selections. $ Disabled TT Thaumic Repairer patch. $ Fixed a bug in EnumUtils not correctly handling missing entries.
2020-04-11+ Added some localization for the new milling products.Alkalus
2020-03-31+ Added a Pine Tree.Alkalus
+ Oredict BoP Pinecone if it exists. $ Fixed Algae Farm controller recipe. $ Fixed bug where getOrePrefixStack(rod) would return null. $ Fixed a bug where getItemStackFromFQRN didn't work correctly.
2020-03-31+ Added Carbon Disulfide.Alkalus
+ Added Hydrogen Sulfide if it doesn't exist. + Added Sodium Ethoxide. + Added Potassium Hydroxide. + Added Sodium Ethyl Xanthate. + Added Potassium Ethyl Xanthate. + Added Base work for Froth Flotation Multi.
2020-03-31+ Added NitroBenzene to the Gas Turbine fuel list. (Up for balance)Alkalus
+ Added recipes for both grinding balls. + Added more milling chains. + Added two advanced recipes for obtaining Nitric Acid. + Added Nitric Oxide and recipes if it doesn't exist. + Added Nitrogen Dioxide and recipes if it doesn't exist. % Changed recipe for Nitrogen Tetroxide. % Adjusted recipe for Th232 again. % Changed Rocket Fuels slightly once more, swapped T3 and T4 fuels back. (Accidentally did them backwards in my last update)
2020-03-31+ Added Custom NEI Handler for IsaMIll.Alkalus
+ Added Death by IsaMIll. % Moved debug mode switch to AsmConfig. $ Fixed handling of custom OrePrefixes. $ Fixed OreDict registration of MetaFoodItems. $ Improved handling of Core Classes being static initialised too early. $ Fixed client-side bug in Distillus which would cause an infinite loop. $ Fixed bug in ForgeEnumHelper. $ Fixed bug in setField methods from ReflectionUtils.
2020-03-30+ Added IsaMill.Alkalus
+ Added repackaged Sun classes. + Added Milled ores. + Added Milling Balls. $ Disabled Hand-pump pumping from non-GT tile entities. > Maybe did other things, but in a hurry to commit.
2020-03-29+ Added code to remove GT recipes for rocket_fuel and 1,1dimethylhydrazine.Alkalus
% Made Formaldehyde Catalyst handled correctly in Chemical Plant.
2020-03-29% Moved Rocket Fuel production to the Chem Plant.Alkalus
% Adjusted Rocket Fuel recipe values a bit. % Localised a few things.
2020-03-28+ Added Materials for the new LNR fuels.Alkalus
+ Added a new casing block class for special handled multiblock casings. + Added locale for Naq Fuel Cells. $ Reworked TAE. There are now 19 texture slots free out of the 64 total. $ Fixed a minor bug in the update checker.
2020-03-28+ Added some new food items.Alkalus
2020-01-17+ Added a new Catalyst (Platinum + Rhodium).Alkalus
+ Added simple functions to CI for obtaining catalysts. % Improved Catalyst handling across the board. $ Fixed Pyromatic 'mode' handling.
2019-12-12% Moved Several recipes to the Chemical Plant. Fixes #547.Alkalus
% Adjusted Some Bio recipes, based on feedback from Discord. (Butanol now has 4.5x better fuel value) % Added a hard crash into the Chemical Plant recipe handler, to prevent it being handled incorrectly. $ Fixed Toluene Cell generating under wrong circumstances.
2019-12-12+ Added Pellet Mold.Alkalus
+ Added Clean Aluminium Mix. $ 5.08 Compliance. And looooots of it. $ Fixed most, if not all Fluid Canning & Extraction recipes that I broke previously. % Adjusted Textures for Particles. New textures thanks to Discord User Никита#8621. % Adjusted Aluminium Processing Chain.
2019-12-10% Changed name of custom GT++ Programmed Circuit to Programmed Bio Circuit.Alkalus
$ Fixed getNumberedBioCircuit() in CI. $ Fixed an issue where stripped fields were referenced in server side bytecode. $ Fixed Tooltips not working as intended for items giving custom GT++ Multi behaviour. $ Fixed 'No Bonus Output Chance' item not registering correctly.
2019-10-24% Tried to adjust the name of IC2 Hot Water.Alkalus
$ Fixed OreDicting ore Sodium Hydroxide if GT dusts are detected. $ Fixed bad oredict look-up for RP1 cell. $ Rewrote how GT++ Materials look for existing fluids and cells during generation, hopefully this didn't break any existing cells or fluids. (Please investigate log after loading a world)
2019-10-16+ Added first batch of Bio Recipes.Alkalus
% Updated some Textures.
2019-10-16+ Added some new items for Biochem recipes.Alkalus
2019-10-13+ Added Round-Robinator recipes.Alkalus
% Adjusted Zirconium Carbide tier, and changed the materials used for LV tiered recipes. % Finished work on the Round-Robinator logic. $ Removed PSS log spam. $ Many minor bug fixes.
2019-08-24+ Added new processing chain for Rare Earth. 3 different processing chains ↵Alkalus
can be used to obtain various resources. Closes #530. % Adjusted some auto-generated recipe processing times for Ore materials. % Adjusted some material components of a few Ore materials. $ Added some placeholder names for unnamed blocks from other mods.
2019-08-17+ Added Air consumption to the LRE.Alkalus
% Made the LRE longer. (10, up from 4) % Greatly improved NEI handling for decayables. $ Improved logic of LRE. $ Fixed NEI crash. $ Fixed bug in underlying GT code causing depleteInput to return false wrongly.
2019-08-15+ Attempted to add a buggy NEI page for decayable dusts.Alkalus
+ Added a way to disable ALL GT++ logging in the ASM config file. + Added recipes for Ztones covers. % Adjusted recipes for Tiered machine covers. % Updated GT++ debug command to toggle logging if desired. (Useful in-game). $ Fixed bug where smart covers would lose their state.
2019-07-26+ Added config option to adjust ingame BGM delays. (Should be working)Alkalus
+ Added a Pest Killer for quick removal of Butterflies and Bats. + Added Hydrogen Cyanide. % Replaced existing assets for the Bat King. % Replaced Bat King Logic, it's now an offensive mob. $ Fixed Bat King model scaling.
2019-05-16% Minor adjustments.Alkalus
2019-05-14% Minor Adjustments.Alkalus
$ Minor Fixes.
2019-05-13+ Added High Quality Industrial Diamond.Alkalus
+ Added various material components. + Added a debug machine used for calling the Garbage Collector. + Added recipe to obtain Hot Water. + Added way to obtain Dragonsblood. + Added lots of quick access fluids directly to FluidUtils. % Updated English Locale. $ Fixed issue preventing all Multiblocks from forming. $ Fixed some minor texture issues.
2019-04-29$ Fixed bug when breaking blocks which drop their inventory contents.Alkalus
$ Fixed Hardness of Lead Lined Chest. $ Fixed handling of tools/electrics in the Tree Farmer. % Updated English Locale.
2019-04-17% Updated Locale.Alkalus
% Adjusted names of three Materials slightly. $ Fixed Multiblocks not consuming inputs by reverting logic back to a previous state. $ Fixed Multiblocks not respecting Control Cores correctly when present. $ Fixed Multiblocks handling of recipes which require boosted outputs. $ Fixed Animation of Large Centrifuges. (Mostly)
2019-03-14+ Added Teflon.Alkalus
2019-03-14+ Added more Carbon based chemicals for future use.Alkalus
% Mild tweaks to some Carbon based chemistry. % Updated en_US.lang. $ Fixed NPE in BTF_Inventory.java.
2019-03-14+ Added Biocomposite Collector.Alkalus
% Updated en_US.lang. $ Fixed recipe for Agricultural Sewer.
2019-03-13% Mild improvements to BTF_Inventory.java.Alkalus
% Finished Agricultural Sewer.
2019-02-07+ Added new achievements page for Assembly Line Recipes.Alkalus
+ Added custom safety checks to Assembly Line Recipe/Achievement handling via ASM. + Added a safe way to get the unlocal names of items. - Removed 'Press e' Achievement when in Dev. (Thank, Fucking, God) $ Fixed a mild error concerning localization of Americium-241 Blocks.
2019-02-05+ Added recipe for Nano Healer.Alkalus
+ Added recipe for Strange Dust. + Added recipe for Slow Builders Ring. + Added recipes for Charge Packs. + Added recipes to make obtaining Zirconium a little earlier. + Added packager recipes for all ore materials. + Added lathe recipes for all materials -> rods. Closes #411. + Added way to process Silicon Carbide into Synthetic Graphite. Closes #407. + Added proper achievement localization for all new AL recipes. + Added more INIT_PHASE's. - Removed ways to obtain Trinium dust in GTNH. (Leave handling to GT instead). % Adjusted recipes for Cyclotron and Casings, it's now assembled instead of shape crafted. % Adjusted circuits used in lower tier dehydrator recipes for consistency. Closes #364. % Adjusted a few materials having '-' in their name within en_US.lang. % Adjusted power capacity of the Gem Batteries. % Adjusted tiering for Large Auto-Assembler, it has been reduced by one. % Adjusted composition of Pikyonium to now require Yttrium, instead of the rare Ytterbium. % Adjusted composition of DEEP_EARTH_REACTOR_FUEL_DEPOSIT to be slightly more balanced. % Adjusted smelting point of Zirconium Carbide. $ Fixed an NPE in GeneralTooltipEventHandler.java. $ Fixed weird invisible recipes. Closes #304. $ Confirmed Large Mixer is now working correctly. Closes #366. (Closed in previous commit https://github.com/draknyte1/GTplusplus/commit/918d763dabd82d47db739a1b0a51c01f0803adc0). $ Confirmed Matter Fabricator is now working correctly. Closes #360. + Auto Doors. Closes #338. (Closed in previous commit https://github.com/draknyte1/GTplusplus/commit/22c6a05a8a3a00294bcb8890a1e2a0fdc9196de8). % Changed Energy Buffer Recipes. Closes #52. (Closed in previous commit https://github.com/draknyte1/GTplusplus/commit/499411aa21ac4a742b6d51ef3ce9c4046d0a22c1). $ Invalid Recipe. Closes #241. (Closed in unknown, previous commit).