Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
+ Added particles to the Mining Pipe and Mining Head blocks.
+ Added a casing block for the BRMPs.
% Made Custom GT Pipes/Wires load prior to the GT Machines.
$ Fixed the Industrial Extruder tooltip, incorrectly stating the Muffler was required at the rear. Tooltip now states the Maint. Hatch is required at the rear.
Coils and Coil Wires. Thanks to @mtesseracttech for these!
$ Multi Machine Work.
(Extruder/Alloy Smelter)
+ Added recipes for the Iron and Steel rotor shafts to be crafted using the Shaft extrusion shape.
+ Added Block of Vibrant alloy to blockVibrantAlloy in the Ore Dictionary.
$ Fixed missing extrusion shaft recipe, due to blockVibrantAlloy not existing previously.
% Changed texture for GT computer cube.
+ Added new textures for casings.
% Improved Large Wiremill tooltip.
$ More work on Gregtech ASM.
> NBTTagCompound is now created in MetaTileEntity. getDrops() & breakBlock() are also both overwritten.
$ Fixed worldgen issue in Everglades.
$ Fixed Power Sub-station not handling output voltages correctly.
$ Fixed Ore vein bias issue for Everglades gen. -
- Disabled Toxic Everglade Ore generation.
% Tweaked Sludge/Waste water textures to be less blurry.
+ Added recipe to craft Mystic Frame portal blocks.
% Tweaked Toxic Everglades Portal.
% Tweaked sludge textures.
$ Stopped Mining Explosive using CSPRNG.
% Changed Power Sub-Station recipe, harder in GTNH. Closes #194. Also closes
% Tweaked Industrial Sifter & Wash Plant items/operation.
% Greatly improved the Iron Blast Furnace for GT 5.09. It is now double the speed of a Bronze/Bricked Blast Furnace.
+ Redid material components to better use GT texture assets.
% Gave all 32 ore types new TextureSets.
% Doubled capacity of all fluid pipes.
% Moved Item/Block creation from init() to preInit().
$ Fixed Sludge fluid texture.
$ Moved Darkworld from being a child mod into it's own mod, Renamed to Toxic Everglades.
$ Bundled, for future development ease.
$ Fixed Circuits so that each one has a valid replacement type.
$ Fixed a bug some materials had invalid radiation levels.
$ Fixed crushed ore item type textures.
+ Added recipes for all crushed ore items.
+ Added processing recipes for all crushed ore items.
+ Added recipes for Plant Fibre, Rope and Nets.
+ Added English localization for the Staballoy Construct.
% Made the Xp Converter give of light as it cycles colours.
% Formatting.
+ Added compressed obsidian.
+ Added inverted obsidian.
+ Added crafting & uncrafting recipes for the compressed & inverted obsidian.
% Formatting.
+ Added new textures for capes.
^ Version bump.
% Did work on the CFR.
$ Fixed a tooltip on the Pollution Detector.
+ Added some new MT textures.
+ Added 9 storage slots for components to the modularity table.
+ Added a processing time to Modular upgrades.
$ Fixed upgrade stacks being consumed in one go.
$ Fixed Icon not correctly aligning to bauble type.
+ Added a matching ring bauble texture.
% Changed Industrial Electrolyzer controller texture.
% Changed Large Sifter controller texture.
$ Fixed names of custom IC2 cells.
$ Fixed the empty item having an invalid texture.
> This allows more alloys requiring oxygen or argon to be produced.
$ Fixed Dark World Top and secondary layer not generating.
% Changed the Meta Tile IDs of the Thermal Centrifuge and Wash Plant.
+ Added Red-Steel casing.
+ More additions to Thermal Centrifuge.
+ Added Wash-Plant and Large Thermal Centrifuge casings.
% Refactored config option 'enableMachine_ThermalBoiler' to be 'enableMultiblock_ThermalBoiler'.
Data Orbs.
+ New Project Table GUI.
% Changed Infinite fluid tank texture.
+ Added LFTR Control Circuit.
$ Changed Material logging. Fixes #126.
+ Added the Lava Filter.
+ Added Thermal Boiler Casing.
+ Added Recipes for the Thermal Boiler controller and casing block.
% Cleaned up shelving code.
+ Added recipes for the tesseract devices.
+ Added 3 new materials for the custom pellets.
% Created and migrated Super/Subscript formatting functions to it.
- Removed some old textures that aren't used any more.
> This will be a config option to avoid a requirement of remerging it back into Gregtech itself.
> Although the new circuits will exist and have recipes, updating from a pre .09.28 world to .28+ will allow automation to continue working.
> New circuits produced will have correct oredict and will continue being used in recipes.
+ Added GT++ Coal Coke.
+ Added a new handler for burnable items.
% Changed up the 4 Coke Oven Recipes.
- Removed lots of spam log messages during material creation.