path: root/src/resources/assets/miscutils/textures
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-05-25+ Added the Volumetric Flask Configurator.Alkalus
+ Added a recipe for the Egg Box. + Added a Book for the Chemical Plant. % Changed the Tooltip for the Egg Box. $ Fixed Robinators not returning the correct block when mined. $ Fixed Electric tool recipes not consuming the original tool. $ Redid handling of all shaped crafting recipes. $ Fixed recipe handling for the last few multiblocks. $ Potentially forgot some other minor fixes.
2020-05-04$ Fixed handling of Giant Eggs.Alkalus
$ Fixed obscure crash caused by Dingos. $ Fixed handling of Spawn Eggs and entities registered to the global list. $ Potentially fixed NEI not working correctly for GT++ recipe maps.
2020-04-14+ Added an Advanced Hazmat Suit.Alkalus
+ Added a T3 circuit for recipe selections. $ Disabled TT Thaumic Repairer patch. $ Fixed a bug in EnumUtils not correctly handling missing entries.
2020-04-04+ Added a new base bus type.Alkalus
+ Added the Ball Housing bus. + Added the Catalyst Housing bus. + Added the Reinforced Engine Casing. + Made the Flotation Cell Regulator actually load. $ Fixed Tooltips on Milling Balls & Catalysts. $ Added improved item handling for Milling Balls. $ Added improved item handling for Catalysts.
2020-03-31+ Added a Pine Tree.Alkalus
+ Oredict BoP Pinecone if it exists. $ Fixed Algae Farm controller recipe. $ Fixed bug where getOrePrefixStack(rod) would return null. $ Fixed a bug where getItemStackFromFQRN didn't work correctly.
2020-03-31+ Added Carbon Disulfide.Alkalus
+ Added Hydrogen Sulfide if it doesn't exist. + Added Sodium Ethoxide. + Added Potassium Hydroxide. + Added Sodium Ethyl Xanthate. + Added Potassium Ethyl Xanthate. + Added Base work for Froth Flotation Multi.
2020-03-30+ Added IsaMill.Alkalus
+ Added repackaged Sun classes. + Added Milled ores. + Added Milling Balls. $ Disabled Hand-pump pumping from non-GT tile entities. > Maybe did other things, but in a hurry to commit.
2020-03-28+ Added Materials for the new LNR fuels.Alkalus
+ Added a new casing block class for special handled multiblock casings. + Added locale for Naq Fuel Cells. $ Reworked TAE. There are now 19 texture slots free out of the 64 total. $ Fixed a minor bug in the update checker.
2020-03-28+ Added some new food items.Alkalus
2020-03-28+ Added more 'Special Behaviour' items for my multiblocks as Examples.Alkalus
+ Added '/gtpp hand' command. + Added TungstenSteel & Neutronium tool variants to NEI while in dev. + Added Large Semifluid Generator and a crafting recipe for it. + Added Placeholder for Adv. Assembly Line. + Added Distillus Upgrade Chip and a crafting recipe for it. % Updated build.gradle. % Reworked a few recipes. $ Fixed ULV Overflow Covers using 0L Water in assembler. (https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/5700) $ Fixed Integral Encasement I using 0L Steel in assembler. (https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/5617) $ Fixed Thaumcraft based FakePlayer's triggering Fluorite drops. (https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/5744) $ Fixed bad handling of hatch textures on a few multiblocks. $ Semi-Fixed Distillus. $ Fixed Semifluid Generator recipes. $ Fixed Semifluid Generators crashing the game when mined. $ Fixed bad handling of calls to ItemList.java. $ Began work fixing all ASM to be more compatible with ProGuard. $ Fixed compiler complaining about varargs. ^ Bumped version to 1.7.05.x.
2020-01-17+ Added a new Catalyst (Platinum + Rhodium).Alkalus
+ Added simple functions to CI for obtaining catalysts. % Improved Catalyst handling across the board. $ Fixed Pyromatic 'mode' handling.
2020-01-15+ Added Transmission Components.Alkalus
% Adjusted recipe for Chemical Plant controller, to now use T2 Frames instead of ambiguously tiered Stainless Steel Frames. % Adjusted a few recipes using Sensors & Emitters to now use TransComps. % Chunkloaders now have different textures and more informative tooltips. % Chunkloaders now have better ranges. % Renamed Fluid Reactor to Chemical Plant. $ Fixed Chemical Plant NEI handler.
2019-12-31+ Added the Adv. DT. (Locked to T1 for now)Alkalus
+ Added 10 new casing blocks, with assembler recipes. - Removed obsolete Chunkloading classes.
2019-12-12+ Added several new catalysts.Alkalus
+ Added Recipe for Nitrobenzene. + Added Recipe for Aniline. + Added Recipe for Cadaverine & Putrescine. + Added Recipe for Cyclohexane. + Added Recipe for Cyclohexanone. + Added several other recipes, which I forget.
2019-12-12+ Added Pellet Mold.Alkalus
+ Added Clean Aluminium Mix. $ 5.08 Compliance. And looooots of it. $ Fixed most, if not all Fluid Canning & Extraction recipes that I broke previously. % Adjusted Textures for Particles. New textures thanks to Discord User Никита#8621. % Adjusted Aluminium Processing Chain.
2019-12-08+ Added an assembly recipe for tier 1 Round Robinators.Alkalus
+ Added localization for Rotor Housing achievement. + Added the Algae Farm (WIP). - Removed Durability bar on Iridium Rotors. - Reverted 2A hatch fix on Multiblocks. % Adjusted all Robinator recipes, removing the fluid requirements. $ Fixed Robinators Crashing on Servers. $ Implemented new backend for all future non-GT tile entities.
2019-10-24+ Added Chemical Plant.Alkalus
+ Added more Bio Recipes. $ Fixed Strontium Hydroxide generating before it's components. $ Fixed existing Bio Recipes not working.
2019-10-16+ Added first batch of Bio Recipes.Alkalus
% Updated some Textures.
2019-10-16+ Added some new items for Biochem recipes.Alkalus
2019-10-14+ Initial work on Algae.Alkalus
2019-10-13+ Added Round-Robinator recipes.Alkalus
% Adjusted Zirconium Carbide tier, and changed the materials used for LV tiered recipes. % Finished work on the Round-Robinator logic. $ Removed PSS log spam. $ Many minor bug fixes.
2019-08-24+ Added new recipes for Hydrogen Chloride, Sodium Hydroxide, Brine.Alkalus
+ Added new UV/IR laser lens. $ Fixed Chemical formula not showing up correctly on some mixed materials. $ Fixed Tooltips of Rare Earth materials being too long. $ Fixed Voltage of Rare Earth materials being a tier too high.
2019-08-19% Tweaked default Multiblock GUI for those without a slot. (Many will still ↵Alkalus
be broken) $ Fixed weirdly encoded symbol within CONTAINER_Cyclotron.java, which didn't tend to play nice for some users. $ Fixed Cyclotron GUI bug. Closes #473
2019-08-17+ Added Air consumption to the LRE.Alkalus
% Made the LRE longer. (10, up from 4) % Greatly improved NEI handling for decayables. $ Improved logic of LRE. $ Fixed NEI crash. $ Fixed bug in underlying GT code causing depleteInput to return false wrongly.
2019-08-17+ Added new casing textures for the Large Rocket Engine.Alkalus
2019-08-15+ Re-added Tiered Machine Covers. (Old ones will be deprecated) Closes #516.Alkalus
+ Added extra tiered covers. (For use in GTNH mostly) + Added textures and colour coding for Ztones covers. + Localized some cover names.
2019-08-02+ Added some legacy burnables.Alkalus
2019-07-26+ Added config option to adjust ingame BGM delays. (Should be working)Alkalus
+ Added a Pest Killer for quick removal of Butterflies and Bats. + Added Hydrogen Cyanide. % Replaced existing assets for the Bat King. % Replaced Bat King Logic, it's now an offensive mob. $ Fixed Bat King model scaling.
2019-05-17+ Added Fake Covers for ULV-MAX casings. Now you can hide your cables better.Alkalus
% Migrated some recipes.
2019-05-14% Minor Adjustments.Alkalus
$ Minor Fixes.
2019-05-13% Adjusted ID of Industrial Vacuum Furnace.Alkalus
% Adjusted Textures on Industrial Vacuum Furnace.
2019-05-13+ Added High Quality Industrial Diamond.Alkalus
+ Added various material components. + Added a debug machine used for calling the Garbage Collector. + Added recipe to obtain Hot Water. + Added way to obtain Dragonsblood. + Added lots of quick access fluids directly to FluidUtils. % Updated English Locale. $ Fixed issue preventing all Multiblocks from forming. $ Fixed some minor texture issues.
2019-05-13+ Added 5 lower Tier charging packs.Alkalus
2019-04-18+ Added more tools.Alkalus
2019-04-17+ Added Electric Wire Cutters.Alkalus
% Adjusted Angle Grinder Recipes.
2019-04-17+ Added textures for the Angle Grinders.Alkalus
% Adjusted Tooltips on Angle Grinders.
2019-04-02+ Added TexturePackages.Alkalus
$ More work on redstone systems.
2019-03-14+ Added Bombs.Alkalus
% Made RAW collectors produce 10x less. $ Fixed tooltips on RAW collectors. $ Fixed a bug regarding STARTUP_PHASE.
2019-03-14* % Xenil is no longer a primal aspect.Alkalus
% Disabled Control Cores for Multiblocks.
2019-03-14+ Added crafting recipe for Biocomposite Collector.Alkalus
$ Minor fixes.
2019-03-08% Allowed Hand-Pumps to function on all Tanks again & also allowed GT output ↵Alkalus
slots. Closes #423. % Adjusted Generic Bucket handling of Textures and Colouring. $ Fixed several issues with Hand-Pump logic, Fixes #353. $ Fixed load issues with FluidFactory.java.
2019-03-08$ More work on fluid overhaul.Alkalus
2019-03-08+ Added some AgriChem. (You can now use Raw waste as a fuel source)Alkalus
+ Added OreDict names to vanilla items, as was done in Forge 1.8.9. + Added functions to allow other mods to add Semifluid Fuels. + Added functions to handle String data into StringUtils.java. % Renamed getItemStack -> getItemStackFromFQRN. $ Fixed handling of custom cells for fluids using '.' within their names. $ Fixed HF exploit.
2019-03-04% Final touches to TC aspects. The 5 custom ones added by GT++ now have ↵Alkalus
names and proper handling.
2019-02-28+ Added some new dummy items for Assembly Line research, so as not to ↵Alkalus
conflict with existing recipes. % Rewrote some of ItemGenericToken.java to allow other classes to extend it. $ Fixed recipe overlap. Closes #431.
2019-02-28+ Uploaded missing Hemp crop textures.Alkalus
% Adjusted crafting recipe for Tumbaga when hand-crafted. Closes #433. $ Fixed A2 Spam. Closes #432.
2019-02-05+ Added recipes for ULV generators.Alkalus
+ Added recipes for New batteries and their components. (To be use in the charger packs). % Mildly adjusted Circuit programmer recipe. % Adjusted Plasma hatch to be output only. $ Fixed bad tooltips on material blocks/frames. $ Fixed Lang formatting issue.
2019-02-05+ Added Charge Packs, which can be worn in the Bauble belt slot.Alkalus
+ Added more recipes for particle related content. + Added recipe for Hydrogen Plasma. + Added Plasma Tanks. + Added Alternative Fusion Reactor. + Added recipe for the Super Jukebox. % Updated Locale files. $ Hopefully made calls to possibly invalid ItemList values safer. $ Fixed Large Mixer not working with fluids correctly. $ Fixed ABS and Adv. EBF not allowing a muffler in the center of the top layer. $ Fixed Fusion bug, making all recipes take 4x longer than originally required. $ Fixed recipes using Redstone Alloy as a material in tiered recipes. (Makes ULV Energy Cores craftable again) $ Fixed Nano Healing Bauble. $ Fixed annoying low transfer rate of Railcraft. (This should be higher when playing with GT anyway, it's now 4x, disabled in ASM config). $ Fixed the fact that Portable tanks were still portable in GTNH.
2019-01-31+ Added a config option for control cores. Someone should definitely test ↵Alkalus
this works as expected. % Reduced cost of Hatch_Control_Core recipe. % Minor tweaks to Fish Traps. $ Fixed inventory shuffling for some Tile Entities. $ Fixed Super Jukebox, it's now mostly functional. $ Fixed constructBaseMetaTileEntity returning the wrong type of Entity for pre-existing wooden pipes, this should now get caught and thrown if the GT++ entity fails to a ClassCastException.
2019-01-25Merge branch 'master' into imgbotAlkalus
# Conflicts: # src/resources/assets/miscutils/textures/items/itemBufferCore.png