Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Fix ItemBasicScrubberTurbine not working in Scrubbers.
Improved scrubber handling slightly.
Changed how Fluorite is handled.
Change Monazite Froth output to no longer contain Praseodymium.
Change Monazite Froth output to have 4x less Europium.
Add some localization.
Migrate material recipes out of item classes.
Fixed NEI handling for some handlers.
Fixed some tooltips.
Made low tier tanks portable, now that higher tier tanks are.
Fixed ULV gens not working correctly.
Disabled ClassTransformer_GT_ItemMachines_Tooltip.
Changed fluid textures for many autogenerated fluids.
Renamed & remapped Cryolite to Cryolite (F).
Fixed toArray() in
Fixed Sparging.
Final touches to Nuclear Fuel reprocessing.
More Nuclear reprocessing work.
Updated Tooltips on all multiblocks.
Possibly improved GT++ Fluid generation where GT counterparts exist.
Adding remapping event for when existing items are removed with a suitable replacement added.
Did some locale work.
Added two new machines.
Made generic GT++ Recipes maps use default GT NEI handler.
Boosted fuel value of Rocket Fuels.
Added ability to set Fluid for a Material.
Moved Nuclear recipe generation to a different phase during init.
Added recipes for Isamill and Flotation Cell content.
Corrected tooltip on IsaMill controller.
Fixed bad casing allocation.
+ Added better handler for packager recipes.
% Moved RTG fuel pellet recipe handling to it's own function.
$ Fixed minor oversight in ItemStackData.
$ Fixed TC Alchemical Furnace being a laggy PoS.
$ Maybe fixed TC Aspect scanner on items with invalid unlocal names.
+ Added custom Data Orb bus for Elemental Duplicator.
- Removed weird dependency on CofhCore.
+ Added capability for Scrubbers to be automated.
% Changed colours of the two new alloys.
$ Fixed NEI handling for GTPP Recipes.
+ Added a recipe for the Egg Box.
+ Added a Book for the Chemical Plant.
% Changed the Tooltip for the Egg Box.
$ Fixed Robinators not returning the correct block when mined.
$ Fixed Electric tool recipes not consuming the original tool.
$ Redid handling of all shaped crafting recipes.
$ Fixed recipe handling for the last few multiblocks.
$ Potentially forgot some other minor fixes.
$ Fixed obscure crash caused by Dingos.
$ Fixed handling of Spawn Eggs and entities registered to the global list.
$ Potentially fixed NEI not working correctly for GT++ recipe maps.
+ Added a T3 circuit for recipe selections.
$ Disabled TT Thaumic Repairer patch.
$ Fixed a bug in EnumUtils not correctly handling missing entries.
+ Added the Ball Housing bus.
+ Added the Catalyst Housing bus.
+ Added the Reinforced Engine Casing.
+ Made the Flotation Cell Regulator actually load.
$ Fixed Tooltips on Milling Balls & Catalysts.
$ Added improved item handling for Milling Balls.
$ Added improved item handling for Catalysts.
+ Oredict BoP Pinecone if it exists.
$ Fixed Algae Farm controller recipe.
$ Fixed bug where getOrePrefixStack(rod) would return null.
$ Fixed a bug where getItemStackFromFQRN didn't work correctly.
+ Added Hydrogen Sulfide if it doesn't exist.
+ Added Sodium Ethoxide.
+ Added Potassium Hydroxide.
+ Added Sodium Ethyl Xanthate.
+ Added Potassium Ethyl Xanthate.
+ Added Base work for Froth Flotation Multi.
+ Added recipes for both grinding balls.
+ Added more milling chains.
+ Added two advanced recipes for obtaining Nitric Acid.
+ Added Nitric Oxide and recipes if it doesn't exist.
+ Added Nitrogen Dioxide and recipes if it doesn't exist.
% Changed recipe for Nitrogen Tetroxide.
% Adjusted recipe for Th232 again.
% Changed Rocket Fuels slightly once more, swapped T3 and T4 fuels back. (Accidentally did them backwards in my last update)
+ Added Death by IsaMIll.
% Moved debug mode switch to AsmConfig.
$ Fixed handling of custom OrePrefixes.
$ Fixed OreDict registration of MetaFoodItems.
$ Improved handling of Core Classes being static initialised too early.
$ Fixed client-side bug in Distillus which would cause an infinite loop.
$ Fixed bug in ForgeEnumHelper.
$ Fixed bug in setField methods from ReflectionUtils.
+ Added repackaged Sun classes.
+ Added Milled ores.
+ Added Milling Balls.
$ Disabled Hand-pump pumping from non-GT tile entities.
> Maybe did other things, but in a hurry to commit.
% Made Formaldehyde Catalyst handled correctly in Chemical Plant.
% Adjusted Rocket Fuel recipe values a bit.
% Localised a few things.
+ Added a new casing block class for special handled multiblock casings.
+ Added locale for Naq Fuel Cells.
$ Reworked TAE. There are now 19 texture slots free out of the 64 total.
$ Fixed a minor bug in the update checker.
+ Added '/gtpp hand' command.
+ Added TungstenSteel & Neutronium tool variants to NEI while in dev.
+ Added Large Semifluid Generator and a crafting recipe for it.
+ Added Placeholder for Adv. Assembly Line.
+ Added Distillus Upgrade Chip and a crafting recipe for it.
% Updated build.gradle.
% Reworked a few recipes.
$ Fixed ULV Overflow Covers using 0L Water in assembler. (
$ Fixed Integral Encasement I using 0L Steel in assembler. (
$ Fixed Thaumcraft based FakePlayer's triggering Fluorite drops. (
$ Fixed bad handling of hatch textures on a few multiblocks.
$ Semi-Fixed Distillus.
$ Fixed Semifluid Generator recipes.
$ Fixed Semifluid Generators crashing the game when mined.
$ Fixed bad handling of calls to
$ Began work fixing all ASM to be more compatible with ProGuard.
$ Fixed compiler complaining about varargs.
^ Bumped version to 1.7.05.x.
+ Added simple functions to CI for obtaining catalysts.
% Improved Catalyst handling across the board.
$ Fixed Pyromatic 'mode' handling.
% Adjusted recipe for Chemical Plant controller, to now use T2 Frames instead of ambiguously tiered Stainless Steel Frames.
% Adjusted a few recipes using Sensors & Emitters to now use TransComps.
% Chunkloaders now have different textures and more informative tooltips.
% Chunkloaders now have better ranges.
% Renamed Fluid Reactor to Chemical Plant.
$ Fixed Chemical Plant NEI handler.
+ Added 10 new casing blocks, with assembler recipes.
- Removed obsolete Chunkloading classes.
% Update chinese translations
$ Fixed Mispelling of Net.
% Adjusted Some Bio recipes, based on feedback from Discord. (Butanol now has 4.5x better fuel value)
% Added a hard crash into the Chemical Plant recipe handler, to prevent it being handled incorrectly.
$ Fixed Toluene Cell generating under wrong circumstances.