Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
$ Fixed Dev Cape in Dev.
% Adjusted some Tech Textures mildly.
% Adjusted tooltip of the MK IV Fusion reactor to reflect new tier casing requirements.
+ Added new Bus for Control Cores.
$ Added packager recipes for all small/tiny dusts, Closes #395.
$ Increased amount of Cryotheum gained from Fluid Extraction to be inline with Pyrotheum. Closes #390.
$ Fixed issue where hatches/busses could be counted multiple times on multiblock structure checks. I now add them to a set as opposed to an arraylist.
% made Nos not generated if it already exists.
% Rewrote base tile entity system.
% Added hashCode() to
% Changed some calculations on Materials.
% Made Rocket Engines produce heavy pollution.
+ Added custom overlay textures for new mufflers.
% Logging changes.
$ Fixed generation of recipes for pocket fusion.
% Renamed to
% Further tweaks to GUI handling.
% Rewrote the way multiblocks in GT++ handle GUIs, to allow for more flexibility.
$ Fixed some invalid recipe logging for recipes that contained nulls.
$ Fixed Custom ores not having a default texture.
% Moved Pump Logging, it was moved to WARNING from INFO.
- Removed most of old Pump tool code.
+ Added some ore veins to Australia Dimension.
tanks of GT machines.
- Disabled Sulfuric Chem for the time being.
$ Tried to fix all the recipes I borked.
% Re-arranged spawner code during loading.
$ Hopefully recipe Creative Tabs issues.
$ Fixed profession of one of the new villagers.
+ Added some trade templates to all three villagers.
+ Added localization for all new villagers.
% More work on Spawners.
% More work on Villagers.
$ Fixed Ore Recipe generator not working for things without byproducts (pure materials)
$ Tried to fix loading of some recipes.
$ Fixed a bug in the Fluids recipe generator.
+ Added Creative Item Tab name for BOP (En/De)
+ Initial work on an infinite item holder, for test setups.
% Renamed to
added BOP crative tab
$ Fixed NEI handler not showing % chances for recipes. (maybe?)
$ Fixed Trinium not working correctly in GTNH.
$ Fixed invalid cape lookups.
% Tweaked recipe for Max tier Redox cells.
% Tweaked name of Control Circuit.
+ Added config option for animated texture hack.
% Tweaked Large Egg texture again.
$ Fixed Adv. Vac Freezer recipes not requiring Cryotheum.
% Tweaked Large Egg texture mildly.
$ Fixed invalid localization of Large Chickens.
% Fixed a fluid naming issue.
% Changed around the capes a lil bit.
+ Added Big Eggs.
- Removed Segment Analytics entirely.
+ Added recipes for the shelves.
% Made the Adv. EBF process 8 parallel recipes, up from 4.
% Made the Fusion Reaction MK IV use the new casings.
$ Fixed a bug during ore recipe generation.
$ Fixed all GT Shelves using incorrect textures.
never PR'd or anything.
+ Added recipes for all Advanced Multis.
+ Added new casings for Advanced EBF.
+ Added Turbine Animations.
+ Added recipe for the Air Intake Hatch.
+ Added new textures for the Adv. Vac. Freezer and casings.
% Gave old Adv. Vac. Freezer texture to Adv. EBF.
% Swapped recipe materials for Adv. Vac. and EBF.
+ Added a book for Power Storage Solutions.
+ Added book for the FFPP.
- Removed some useless Meta Tiles. (This removes advanced Mixer recipes, but not the tiles themselves.)
$ Fixed issue with AIC tooltip.
$ Fixed some chemical processing recipes. #266
$ Fixed Large Auto-Assembler Name.
$ Possible fix for #239.
$ Other Bug Fixes.
$ Fixed Old School Circuits breaking Integrated Circuit Recipes.
% Made all FFPP recipes require/produces 1/10th of the original fluid amounts. #268
% Made Adv. EBF. Use new casing textures.
% Streamlined Old School Circuit function call locations to a single handler.
% Cleaned up ASM Logging.
$ Fixed many .08 compat issues stemming from use of newer NEI handler features in .09.
$ Redid a lot of GT_Recipe and Recipe_GT handling.
$ Fix to Adv. Vacuum Freezer recipe handling.
$ Fixed NEI not loading Multiblock Handler.
$ Fixed various crashed from NEI.
% Initial work on the new Sub-Station GUI.
$ Fixed a compile issue where I used the wrong XSTR import.
- Removed some logging.
> Frames by bartimaeusnek
+ Added some frames
+ Added recipes for frames
+ Added localisation for frames (US-EN, DE-DE)
$ Fixed Useless Frame
non-per-bus version.