Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
+ Added Base classes for ItemBlocks.
% Changed a Few tooltips for newly generated material items.
% Changed internal item handling, to use abstract classes.
% All Generated items now register against the OreDictionary.
+ Added Curried Sausages
$ Fixed broken hot food cooling tooltip logic.
+ Added Tantalloy 60 & 61 Ingots & Hot Ingots.
+ Added a Special Loaf.
+ Hot Ingot now do damage when holding them.
+ Hot foods now do damage when holding them.
+ Added automatic naming of Ingots when being added.
+ Added a Blast Furnace Recipe for Staballoy.
+ Added a Vacuum Freezer Recipe for Staballoy.
+ Added Some Raisin Bread for ImQ009.
+ Added a placeholder item for invalid recipes, so that broken recipes show up and hidden/unavailable stuff doesn't.
+ Added a handler for generating ingots & Hot ingots.
% Changed Staballoy to generate from this new ingotHandler.
% Changed getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDict to handle meta, thanks to Greg for pointing that out.
% Changed Matter Fabricator to actually have an output (It was returning 0 previously, thought worked)
- Removed pollution value from the Matter Fabricator.
to turn back on)
+ Added Solar generators, but are disabled by default through config.
+ Added textures and Names for the alternative rotors if EnderIO is not installed.
% Changed a few internal things (Look at the commit if interested)
+ Re-added support for EnderIO Fuels for use in any voltage Diesel generator.
% Changed the textures for the batteries, added two new types. (Cadmium and Lithium)
$ Fixed a spelling error for Staballoy ingots.
is not installed.
+ Added support for ImmersiveEngineering's Coke Oven Block to be used in recipes & overall mod support now.
+ More work on the Solar Generators. (disabled for now though, for public builds)
$ Fixed the ExtraBees Checking.
- Disabled the Skookum Choocher for now. :(
$ Gave some thins placeholder textures.
> Texture issues everywhere, but it's related to another issue from long ago.
> Think fixing one will fix the other.
% More stuff added to
> This Frame Allows maximum production for your bees.
% Reused his textures and names.
% Changed Item Registration for Rotors & Components
+ Added Recipes for All Rotors and components.
% Changed internal handling of Rotors to better support them.
+ Added Framework for adding in future Windmill rotors.
% Rewrote Centrifuge GUI/Container workings.
+Added in a new Bee Frame - The Mutagenic Frame.
All fluids should now have valid textures or textures missing within the <MiscUtils> domain.
+Custom Jack Daniels Brewing Recipes for Growthcraft and Psychedelicraft.
$Fixed a weird texture overwrite (Electric Blast Furnace & Large Bronze Boiler)
+First attempt at adding an Alveary block for Forestry
As always, Used authors code to implement it the cleanest way possible. (Sorry if you don't like it, but feel free to offer PR's with better solutions)
+Added Blazing Pyrotheum
+Added Gelid Cryotheum
+Added Blizz Rods
+Added A complete set of Machine components up to MAX voltage along with recipes.
+Started Initial work on multiblock items (Similar to the turbine rotor needed in Large turbines)
+Added better support for future recipe additions.
+Added LuV -> Max Voltage Machine components.
+Added Rocket Engines, High tier diesel generators.
+Added new textures for everything.
+Added - Debug item for testing and NBT data storage.
+Added - Another Debug machine for testing NBT value manipulation.
Also did some more refactoring beforehand.
~Tried some code clean-up on the Helium generator.
~Cleaned up a handful of classes (,, &
+Added a handful of DEBUG classes (To resolve multiblock shaping issues)
+Added textures for itemStickyRubber, itemIngotBatteryAlloy & itemPlateBatteryAlloy.
+Added a basic wrapper for direct MineTweaker script usage (Ultra W.I.P.)
>This will probably be changed to preload .zs scripts, regex and handle appropriately, but undecided.
+Reformatted Item Generation
+New Coke Oven GUI
+Changed casings internally.
+3 Coke Oven Recipes.
Takes 5-6x longer, Uses 3x fuel, but is far cheaper to make.
anti-grief block.
Fixed Buffer Cores, now there is 10 tiers, all with a unique colour and recipe.
Energy Buffers have had their recipes revised, due to new recipes for the cores.
Steam condenser may need tweaking, but for now, I'll let it slide and players test it.
Updated a few graphics too, the Staballoy Axe and Pickaxe, the Buffer Core and the New Hammer Tool all received visual updates.
Compiled build and Dev. build will be up shortly.
Playercache is now Active and caching playerdata, for use in GUIs and other places. ;)
Player Safe Blocks should now be 100% intruder safe.
Will add a changed version next commit.
useful (Not Helium and HSLA) & swapped out a texture on a [WIP] block.
snapshop codebase.