Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
+ Added BoP Rainforest Trees (Still need a bit of work).
> First 1.50 release, long overdue.
- Temporarily disabled the added witch noises.
Hit/Idle/Death sounds.
> All this does is replicate villager sounds to the witch, nothing major, but fixes log spam and makes them a tad noisier.
$ Fixed COFH Fluids having incorrect textures.
$ Fixed the recipe for Clay plates not auto-generating.
$ Initial fixes for recipe use code in Industrial Sifter.
% Changed Sieve Grate texture to not have transparency.
+ Added the ability to generate Heavy Plates to
+ Added some extra desaturated textures.
$ Fixed Helium Generator slot handling.
$ Fixed HG slot locations within the GUI.
+ Added a handful of new textures.
+ Added a new GUI texture for the Helium generator, made by 4000DC.
$ Fixed a Byte to Int conversion.
$ Reverted (Fixes ArrayList<ArrayList> cannot be converted to List<Object>)
$ Fixed use of generics in
+ Added the Alkalus Disk.
$ Fixed Frame Box Assembler Recipes.
$ Fixed Missing 7Li material.
$ Fixed Tiered Tanks not showing their capacity in the tooltip.
$ Fixed tooltips for alloys containing Bronze or Steel.
$ Fixed Clay Pipe Extruder Recipes.
- Removed a handful of Plasma cells for misc. materials.
% Changed the Industrial Coke Oven's tooltip, to better describe the input/output requirements.
% Cleaned up The Entire Project.
$ Fixed GT:NH compatibility not working.
% Tweaked Fluorite drop function.
+ Added Double Clay Plates.
+ Added the TileEntity for a Fish Trap.
get removed).
+ Added a function to generate Plasma.
- Removed Bedrockium generation.
$ Fixed the chemical symbol for Thallium.
$ Fixed an issue where a String in was being set server side.
% Further defined the generation method for radioactive materials, making plates a boolean switch.
- Removed the booze segment of Growthcraft for the moment.
Tree Farmer GUI. Thanks to @Dragon2488 for showing me how Container syncing should be done properly.
% Rewrote the Tooltip for the Tree Farmer Controller block.
% Changed the Tree Farmer GUI, moved the item slot up 18px and added a console for the power information.
$ Fixed the tool check returning Null when valid tools were present in the Tree Farmer.
debug them easily without TOTAL DEBUG mode.
+ Added support for the TreeFarmer to use Saws/Buzzsaws to cut things. They are now required.
+ Added a GUI for the Tree Farmer.
+ Added a custom slot class just for Buzzsaw and Saw items.
% Tweaked power handling for findLogs() in the Tree Farmer class, it wasn't checking the internal power buffer.
+ Added a handler for creating non-molten fluids.
+ Added the basis for a config switch to enable or disable the tree farmer.
$ Improved Tree Farm cutting and cleanup code.
$ Fixed a bug in ItemUtils, stemming from ancient code which pointed at an array index which never exists. (Now I compare array length.)
- Removed some useless code from
clears leaves for upto 150 blocks above it.
+ Added a isLeaves check to
+ Added a placeholder casing texture for the Tree Farmer. (ID 77)
+ Added vanilla Podzol and Acacia log textures.
% Changed the textures on TreeFarmer blocks.
$ Improved the structure formation of the Tree Farmer, it now works better when built.
+ Added a new texture for the Farm manager blocks, which surround the Tree Farming structure.
$ Fixed the slot positions for the new NEI handler, also added more output slots for fluids.
^ Version bump to V1.4.9.22-alpha
+ Uploaded PlayerAPI-1.7.10-1.4.jar library file.
$ Fixed Distillation tower recipe for Helium/hydrogen blobs.
+ Added a config option for the FFPP.
+ Added new textures for the new casings.
- Removed obsolete tooltips on casing blocks.
+ Added Ore Blocks.
+ Gave Ore Blocks an overlay texture.
- Removed the old ZrF4 dust.
+ Created Thorium-232, a step towards ThF4.
+ Added centrifuge recipe for Th->Th232(Bonus U232 0.10%).
% Fixed fluid extractor recipes not being added for every dust.
+ Added more fluid extractor and fluid solidifier recipes for each material.
- Removed old "uraniumHexafluoride", "uraniumTetrafluoride", "thoriumTetrafluoride" fluids and IC2 cells.
% Changed Multitank Controller Logic, maybe broke things.
+ Added getNugget and getCell to
% Changed to use the materials radioactivity level, not the old method based on name.
% Moved material blacklist for BlastSmelting Recipe generation out of material/
+ Added a unique NEI GUI for the LFTR.
$ Fixed a spelling error in the LFTR NEI page.
+ Added a recipe for the Fire Maker.
% Changed recipes using uraniumtetrafluoride & uraniumthexafluoride, they now use molten.uraniumtetrafluoride and molten.uraniumhexafluoride.
% Changed the texture of molten.fluids.
+ Gave the Helium Blob a name.
+ Gave core items the ability to have a name on yet another constructor.
- Disabled the cape handler.
% Minor improvements to the portable tanks.
have the generateAll flag as false.
+ Added some logging to RecipeBuilder() to further help find broken recipes.
$ Fixed a missing texture; textures/items/cell/SulfuricLithium.png had a double .png file extension.
+ Added a new constructor to material/ which allows a true/false on what parts get generated. The old constructor was not removed, it just defaults to true for all parts to be generated.
- Removed Lithium-7 Rotors, Screws, Rods, Long Rods, Gears, Bolts & Rings as a result of the previous addition.
+ Added some missing textures.
+ Added recipes to create these shards.
+ Added a texture for shards.
+ Added a class to handle Block Events.
% Improved formatting on the 'Infused' dusts.
% Deprecated the Helium blob in favour of the Hydrogen blob.
+ Added proper components for the BLOODSTEEL material.
+ Added a feature to that allows items to be replaced (easy deprecation of older items).
$ Fancied up the PlaceHolder Texture.
% Tweaked the recipe for the Maceration Stack Controller.
+ Added some basic armour/sword textures for future use.
+ Added the base framework for a random loot system.