Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
% Tweaks to the Exotic Seed Module.
+ Added A Texture for the EFM.
% Fixed tooltip for Industrial Wash Plant.
extended german language file
+ Added particles to the Mining Pipe and Mining Head blocks.
+ Added a casing block for the BRMPs.
% Made Custom GT Pipes/Wires load prior to the GT Machines.
$ Fixed the Industrial Extruder tooltip, incorrectly stating the Muffler was required at the rear. Tooltip now states the Maint. Hatch is required at the rear.
+ Added Radium items to en_US.lang.
% Base work on tickCounting for Tickable items in containers.
$ Small Mass Fabricator fix.
^ Version bump to Pre-8-final.
+ Added U235 foil, if it is missing.
$ Fixed Mutagenic frame recipe not working, due to U235 Foil not existing in .09.
$ Fixed naming of Cryo/Pyrotheum fluid blocks.
% Tweaked Multi Machine Manual.
Coils and Coil Wires. Thanks to @mtesseracttech for these!
$ Multi Machine Work.
% Recipe tweaks.
% Tried to fluorite ore not having correct recipe outputs during ore processing. (This is still broken due to an invalid output)
$ Fixed old fluorite ore not having a valid shapeless recipe.
$ Fixed all custom ores trying to register static textures.
$ Fixed plugin loading system not registering plugins, I think?
$ Fixed missing texture for Nitro Fix.
$ Fixed an issue where .get(x) was called on a null item in GTNH.
$ Fixed Alloy Smelting Recipes for small gears that were using an extrusion shape, instead of a mold.
(Extruder/Alloy Smelter)
+ Added recipes for the Iron and Steel rotor shafts to be crafted using the Shaft extrusion shape.
+ Added Block of Vibrant alloy to blockVibrantAlloy in the Ore Dictionary.
$ Fixed missing extrusion shaft recipe, due to blockVibrantAlloy not existing previously.
% Changed texture for GT computer cube.
$ Fixes bad Buffer Core registration.
$ Fixes blank tooltip added to some items.
> It appears @codewarrior0 tried to PR this in #221 while I was out at dinner. His fixes are identical to mine, but mine simply weren't committed. So, this Closes #221.
$ Fixed incorrect names of Buffer Cores.
+ Added new textures for casings.
% Improved Large Wiremill tooltip.
Created german language files.
$ Locale fixes.
$ Tried to better support locales across all items. This should enhance #218.
% Updated
% Made AnimalFarm abstract, as it's currently an empty class.
$ Fixed Recycling recipes not generating properly for all material components. They now get queued and run at the end of postInit().
^ Version Bump.
$ More work on Gregtech ASM.
> NBTTagCompound is now created in MetaTileEntity. getDrops() & breakBlock() are also both overwritten.
^ Version bump to 1.7.0-pre3.
$ Fixed worldgen issue in Everglades.
$ Fixed Power Sub-station not handling output voltages correctly.
$ Fixed Ore vein bias issue for Everglades gen. -
% Toned down Staballoy Construct explosion.
% Changed ore Density during generation in Toxic Everglades.
% Updated en_US.lang.
- Disabled Toxic Everglade Ore generation.
% Tweaked Sludge/Waste water textures to be less blurry.
+ Added recipe to craft Mystic Frame portal blocks.
% Tweaked Toxic Everglades Portal.
% Tweaked sludge textures.
$ Stopped Mining Explosive using CSPRNG.
% Changed Power Sub-Station recipe, harder in GTNH. Closes #194. Also closes
% Tweaked Industrial Sifter & Wash Plant items/operation.
% Greatly improved the Iron Blast Furnace for GT 5.09. It is now double the speed of a Bronze/Bricked Blast Furnace.
+ Redid material components to better use GT texture assets.
% Gave all 32 ore types new TextureSets.
% Doubled capacity of all fluid pipes.
% Moved Item/Block creation from init() to preInit().
$ Fixed Sludge fluid texture.
$ Moved Darkworld from being a child mod into it's own mod, Renamed to Toxic Everglades.
$ Bundled, for future development ease.
$ Fixed electrolyzer recipes for ore dust.
$ Fixed bug with material generation system.
+ Added a custom renderer for the ore blocks.
$ Fixed renderer issue where the background texture was incorrect.
$ Fixed Circuits so that each one has a valid replacement type.
$ Fixed a bug some materials had invalid radiation levels.
$ Fixed crushed ore item type textures.
+ Added recipes for all crushed ore items.
+ Added processing recipes for all crushed ore items.
$ Tree Farmer Fix (a)
$ Multitank Fix.
^ Version Bump.
* + Added Chainsaw support to treefarm.
+ Added check for creative tools to tree farm for creative testing.
$ Implemented fix to stop Wireless charging exploits.
$ Fixed Casing textures on the Tree Farmer.
^ Version bump to 1.6.101-prerelease
$ Fix an error in RecipeBuilder().
$ Final .08.33 fix.
+ Added recipes for Plant Fibre, Rope and Nets.
+ Added English localization for the Staballoy Construct.
% Made the Xp Converter give of light as it cycles colours.
% Formatting.