Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
debug them easily without TOTAL DEBUG mode.
+ Added support for the TreeFarmer to use Saws/Buzzsaws to cut things. They are now required.
+ Added a GUI for the Tree Farmer.
+ Added a custom slot class just for Buzzsaw and Saw items.
% Tweaked power handling for findLogs() in the Tree Farmer class, it wasn't checking the internal power buffer.
get a config option).
% Moved the internal power buffer variable out of the cut method into the class.
% Massive project tidy up, lots of old unused code removed or tidied up.
$ Fixed lots of String comparisons that used == instead of .equals().
$ Fixed Double/Triple/Quad null checks in certain places.
$ Fixed returns that set values at the same time.
$ Swapped 3.14 and 1.57 to Math.PI and Math.PI/2.
$ Fixed possible cases where a NPE may be thrown, by calling logging outside of null checks.
+ Added PI to, since it's a double and MC uses it as a float in each instance.
- Stripped 95% of the useless code out of
+ Added a 1/100 chance for leaf blocks to drop their drops. (Apples, sticky resin, etc.)
+ Added base work for internal power storage for the Tree Farmer.
% Inverted the operation for planting saplings. Input hatch loop is done, then a check to plant, instead of each block being checked then the input bus being looped over each time.
% Inverted Cutting logic, it now checks for power first, then logs, not logs and a loop for power hatches.
% Tweaked cleanup() occurrences, Made them far less frequent.
$ Rewrote sapling plantation logic, now it doesn't place infinite saplings down from a single item input.
$ Rewrote the cutting logic to drain power in a more consistent way.
code will get cleaned up a lot).
% More Tree Farmer Logic improvements.
% Moved COFH API related files.
+ Added a child mod, for misc handling.
$$ Borrowed some code from MFR, to attempt forestry support. (Credit left, will re-do if I even get it working).
% Ended up making some not exist any more.
to have tools.
% Bumped Multispade durability by 3x.
machine components, ingots/plates/rods/etc.).
- Removed recipe addition logging.
% Tried again to boost multi-tool durabilities by 3x.
% Added sapling plant code to the Tree Farmer, improved output bus storage of chopped logs.
+ Added a getSimpleStack method for blocks, to simplify life.
+ Added a handler for creating non-molten fluids.
+ Added the basis for a config switch to enable or disable the tree farmer.
$ Improved Tree Farm cutting and cleanup code.
$ Fixed a bug in ItemUtils, stemming from ancient code which pointed at an array index which never exists. (Now I compare array length.)
- Removed some useless code from
% Made EnderIO Interface for wrenching optional.
clears leaves for upto 150 blocks above it.
+ Added a isLeaves check to
+ Added a placeholder casing texture for the Tree Farmer. (ID 77)
+ Added vanilla Podzol and Acacia log textures.
% Changed the textures on TreeFarmer blocks.
$ Improved the structure formation of the Tree Farmer, it now works better when built.
+ Added a new texture for the Farm manager blocks, which surround the Tree Farming structure.
+ Added, for static forestry related content.
+ Did a whole lot of work on it's logic, it now sort of assembles properly.
Furnace with a tooltip).
+ * XSTR - Xorshift ThermiteRandom
+ * Modified by Bogdan-G
(They were missing).
+ Added Crafting Recipes for nuggets in the alloy smelter (It was missing).
$ Fixed the last recipeGen class not being loaded, also added the new one
+ Added a GT API version into the internal variables class.
+ Added a base system for fluctuating colour in fluid Cells.
cell is recoloured, not the entire thing.
% Tweaked costs of Fluid Melting and Solidifying recipes.
% Changed Assembly Recipe generator. (Now has a factory method for things needing molten fluids)
+ Added Rotor recipes to the assembly machine.
+ Added Frame Box recipes to the assembly machine.
$ Fixed the slot positions for the new NEI handler, also added more output slots for fluids.
% Moved Fission Fuel recipe map to it's own class, specially for the NEI handler.
^ Updated CodeChickenCore-1.7.10- to CodeChickenCore-1.7.10-
^ Updated CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- to CodeChickenLib-1.7.10-
^ Updated NotEnoughItems-1.7.10- to NotEnoughItems-1.7.10-
to iuytrewetyu for noticing this issue.
when moved.)
- Removed Internal PlayerAPI I previously bundled.
- Removed some debug logging from single block tanks.
^ Version bump to V1.4.9.22-alpha
+ Uploaded PlayerAPI-1.7.10-1.4.jar library file.
and smp tested.
% Slight change to molten fluid generation.
% Name changed to Molten ZrF4.
+ Added HOTINGOT to ComponentTypes.
+ Added subscript formulae to dusts. (Which still use the old material system) when the name contains subscript (Basically assumes that any item with a number is a chemical formula).
- Removed Subscript from dust names.
% Added a check to the tooltip for any component item to not show the chemical composition if it's empty or ??.
% Made the mChemicalFormula String in generateMaterialFromGtENUM subscripted.
% Rewrote to use the component system, renamed copy of the old class to
% Rewrote to use the new component system.
% Changed the Error ingot to use
+ Added a new, secondary, simpler 7Li creation recipe, albeit not as efficient as the old one.
+ Enabled Fission Fuel Processing recipes.
+ Added recipes for all three nuclear fuels in the Fission Fuel Processor.
% Changed two LFTR recipes to require the full salt mixtures, not just Uranium235 or UF4.
% Changed tooltip on the Slow builders ring.
> It now uses a client-side state system, which can be hooked by anything to force sneaking or sprinting.
+ Added support for the builders ring to toggle Sneak on and Sprinting off while worn.
+ Added PlayerAPI.
% Moved COFH api files into the same package as PlayerAPI.
$ Fixed Distillation tower recipe for Helium/hydrogen blobs.
+ Gave Fission Fuel plant a better tooltip.
$ Finalized shape of Fission Fuel Processing Plant.
+ Added a config option for the FFPP.
+ Added new textures for the new casings.
- Removed obsolete tooltips on casing blocks.
% Tweaked some recipes, ZrC4 -> ZrF4 now gives 4x less Hydrogen Chloride. Fluorite dust + Sulfuric now takes longer.
+ Added a custom tooltip for Fluorite ore blocks, to depict where they are obtained from. (Sandstone and Limestone)
+ Added Calcium Sulfate if Gypsum does not exist, if it does, also oredicts Gypsum as dustCalciumSulfate.
+ Added Macerator recipe for Fluorite Ore to Fluorite Dust.
$ Rewrote large portions of the multitool mining logic.
% Made Fluorite ore drop 50% more often.
% Changed ore textures back to being single layer, for now.
% Changed logging for multi picks to debug mode.
+ Added Ore Blocks.
+ Gave Ore Blocks an overlay texture.
- Removed the old ZrF4 dust.
- Disabled Reactor Salt compound generation.
% Renamed Reactor Secondary Fuel [Li2BeF4] back to Li2BeF4.
+ Added dustZrF4 to dustZirconiumTetrafluoride.
+ Moved most Nuclear components to the new classes, for readability and ease of use.
- Removed old instances of Nuclear Fuel components, not generated by my
% Tweaked recipes to reflect new materials generated.
+ Enabled material generation for Nuclear materials, producing a very strict item output set.
+ Added U235/U238/Pu241/Pu244 to
% Changed all LFTR recipes to now output Uranium Hexafluoride, instead of straight U233.
+ Added recipes to the Macerator/Pulveriser for blocks to 9 dust.
+ Added recipe for Sulfuric Lithium to be used in.
+ Added a dehydrator recipe for LiOH fluid to dust.
% Adjusted Li7 crafting time.
% Made various recipes now require Lithium-7
% Renamed 2LiOHCaCO3 to Li2CO3CaOH2.
+ material/ now has getBlock().