Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
% Renamed lots of classes.
server/client versions, all with various constructors. (World/String/UUID) - Closes #31
% Moved a heap of Code to separate Utils classes.
> Recipe Cost/Time is now based on Mass, except Potin. Being extremely dense, it gets a discount as it's early game tier. Potin uses 1/4 eu.
$ Fixed Ring recipes using a Wrench instead of a Hard hammer.
% Adjusted some Alloy compositions, however, this has caused some overlaps which will need to be adjusted again. (Zeron, Hastelloy X/W, MS 300/350)
+ Added Subscript integers to Chemical Formulas.
improvements, but the figures and compound should be correct.
☼ Broke Mixer recipes.
+ Added a check for Growthcraft versioning, newer versions past 2.3.1 will not have extra support loaded.
+ Improved Chemical Compound tooltip generation on dusts.
generation isn't important because recipe generation now happens after, not during item creation.
% Most Generated Item classes are now < 10 lines.
> This should slightly improve the startup time by 10-15 seconds, maybe more, maybe less.
+ Added Chemical Compounds to Dust stacks, so you know how to make/use them.
+ As an idea, added Deci and Centi dusts, each representing .10 and point .01 of a full dust. (Probably will remove these, or use them for unique crafting options)
% Moved Radiation data to Material class.
% Created a BaseItemComponent and made all machine components except ingots/dusts utilise it. (Saves boiler-plating 30 lines per class and also it's using OOP for it's real job)
+ Added Blast furnace recipe - Will change this though later~
+ Added Calcium Carbonate and Hydroxide.
+ Added Quicklime.
+ Added Lithium Carbonate, Fluoride, Peroxide and Hydroxide.
+ Added Beryllium Fluoride
+ Added recipes for the creation of all above chemical compounds.
> FLiBe Fuel production chain is basically done.
+ Added new dusts for nuclear fuel production.
$ Fixed OreDictionary not working for some recipes.
$ Changed the Textures on some machines, to now use GT4 overlay textures.
+ Added some more GT4 textures.
@Mezz, I've had a horrible time trying to backtrack what apiaries do and apply that to the Alveary.
Any advice or suggestions?
NBT as they are filled/drained.
- Removed all old code now not required by tanks.
- Removed the GT4 workbench classes, favourite my homebrew ones.
move his fluids and stop complaining about the pump. :p
^ Bumped the build version to 1.4.9-dev-3
+ Added a 'hopeful' save for fluids when the TileEntity is broken.
+ Added custom slots for the Adv. Workbench, that take either tools or IElectricItems.
% Swapped the textures on most multiblocks/casings.
item dupes & actual item dupes)
% Changed the workbench textures.
> Also moved most of the mod and it's hosting to Curse -
current value.
$ Fixed the Extruder and the Alloy smelter eating the shaping molds.
$ Fixed .09 recipes for cells.
% Changed the recipes for the Geothermal Engines and Rocket Engines.
+ Slowed down the other vent texture to half speed.
+ Added code to allow the usage of the new custom textures.
+ Added some debug messages for furnace recipes.
% Cleaned up the NetworkUtils class and added a nice internet availability check.
$ Fixed an issue where Geothermal generators did not implement pollution values for GT 5.09.
% Changed the textures on the Rocket Engine Generators, for hopefully the last time.
% Cleaned up dual fuel code for Rocket Engine Generators.
^ Bumped the build version to 1.4.9-dev
% Changed the Rocket Engines to now require two separate fuels at once. (The secondary fuel will deplete quite slowly, consider using the better fuel here)
% Changed interface handling for the Tesseract Terminal.
+ Added a handful of new, old textures from GT4.
% Rewrote portions of the Blueprint item again, to try make it work better with NBT.
+ Added an Example NBT item for myself~ because I am a derp.
+ Added some custom textures for the Industrial Centrifuge.
% Moved all the GT4 Tile Entities to their own loading class.
to be used with the workbench.
% More Internal work on the Workbench and it's handling of shit.
+ Added an interface for blueprints and other shit to utilize.
+ Added recipes and fuels for all Geothermals. (Normal Lava and Pahoehoe Lava)
$ Fixed workbench not saving crafting table contents when closed.
% Changed internal loading of Workbenches, Tanks and Geothermals.
% Disabled old workbench buttons, now using Gregtech Holo slots.
Gregtech.lang file
1.7.10 and Gt5.
% Changed the IDs of workbenches.
a WIP.
// Temporarily added Workbench registration to the Tiered Tanks Loader.
% Added some logging to the Plate Generation.
$ Fixed getTexture() in to now support all branches of Gregtech.
+ Updated Generated Tools and their damage taken when mining blocks.
> Now meta-tools only generate if they have a valid colour, durability and recipe contains valid components.
$ Fixed Fluid Cell Recipes between .08/.09 branches.
% Cleaned up some old textures.
+ Added a log message to output total recipes the mod has added for crafting table use.
+ Started the base work for extra NBT data saving for GT TileEntities.
+ Bumped Build version and recommended version.
$ Fixed the block texture for the matter fabricators internal space.
the changes I made in AspectStack handling.
% Changed how logging is done for cable reflection tasks.
+ Bumped version in
- Removed some Gradle files that aren't required.
- Removed some Deobf libs and gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/
+ Added gradle build files.
+ Added a few missing classes from my last merge.