# GT NEI Ore Plugin This minecraft forge mod is an addon for GregTech5/6 and NEI and is a client-side mod. It adds several NEI plugins for GT5/6 which shows the detailed information of GregTech's ore generation. These plugins are: * Plugin for vein generation (GT5/6) * Plugin for asteriod generation (GT5.09+ only) * Plugin for small ore generation (GT5/6) * Plugin for Immersive Engineering vein generation (GT5.09.26+ only) * Plugin for bedrock ore generation (GT6 only). ### Download Currently, this mod is only released on two **Chinese** minecraft forum: [Baidu Post Bar](http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4848951445) and [MCBBS](http://www.mcbbs.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=646455). You can find the download link there, or simply download it [here](http://pan.baidu.com/s/1b2mOFW). This download link is from a Chinese NetDisk FYI. ### Build If you want a bleeding-edge version of this mod, you can simply download or clone this repository, establish a folder named "libs" and put the dev build of NEI, GT5, and GT6 in the folder. Then you can build this mod in the same way as building other mods. i.e. run "gradlew build" command in the CMD window. Then the build can be found in "./build/libs/" folder. ### License The whole repository is under [MIT](https://github.com/GWYOG/GTNEIOrePlugin/blob/master/LICENSE) License. You can feel free to use the mod in your modpacks. If you add my name in your credit list, I'll be super happy with that.