# GalacticGregGT5 The rewritten GalacticGreg mod for GregTech5 This mod: - is not compatible with GregTech 6 - is not compatible with GalacticGreg-Config settings created prior to this mod - is still WiP (Not anymore!) - is not maintained by BloodAsp, so don't contact him about bugs, use the issue tracker here You can build it for yourself, but if you just feel lazy (As I do most times), feel free to grab a compiled version for either master (will try to keep that branch stable) or dev (cutting edge features!) here: Master: [![Build Status](http://jenkins.usrv.eu:8081/buildStatus/icon?job=GalacticGreg GT5)](http://jenkins.usrv.eu:8081/job/GalacticGreg%20GT5/) Dev: [![Build Status](http://jenkins.usrv.eu:8081/buildStatus/icon?job=GalacticGreg GT5 - DeveloperBranch)](http://jenkins.usrv.eu:8081/job/GalacticGreg%20GT5%20-%20DeveloperBranch/) # Copyright / License / Modpack usage You may use this mod in any modpack you want to. You may also fork this repository and continue to develop this mod to cover your own ideas. Pullrequests are welcome.