# Configuration file enchants { # Allow the Auto Smelt enchant to be registered. # [default\: true] B:allowAutoSmelt=true # Allow the Auto Smelt enchant to work with Fortune. # [default\: true] B:allowAutoSmeltWithFortune=true # Allow the XP Boost enchant to be registered. # [default\: true] B:allowXPBoost=true # Enchant ID for the Auto Smelt enchant. # [range\: 0 ~ 255, default\: 46] I:enchantIDAutoSmelt=46 # Enchant ID for the XP boost enchant. # [range\: 0 ~ 255, default\: 45] I:enchantIDXPBoost=45 } general { # Disabling this option will prevent any crops added to the config json from being right clickable. # [default\: true] B:allowCropRC=true # Prevent tick speedup (i.e. torcherino) on any TE that uses the base TE class from EnderCore # [default\: false] B:allowExternalTickSpeedup=false # The max amount of XP levels an anvil recipe can use. # [default\: 40] I:anvilMaxLevel=40 # The way the game should have been made (Yes this is the fireworks thing). # [default\: true] B:betterAchievements=true # Controls the default sorting on the mod list GUI. # 0 - Default sort (load order) # 1 - A to Z sort # 2 - Z to A sort # [range\: 0 ~ 2, default\: 1] I:defaultModSort=1 # Removes all void fog. # 0 = off # 1 = DEFAULT worldtype only # 2 = all world types # [range\: 0 ~ 2, default\: 1] I:disableVoidFog=1 # Show durability on item tooltips. # 0 - Off # 1 - Always on # 2 - Only with shift # 3 - Only in debug mode # [range\: 0 ~ 3, default\: 1] I:showDurabilityTooltips=1 # Show oredictionary names of every item in its tooltip. # 0 - Off # 1 - Always on # 2 - Only with shift # 3 - Only in debug mode # [range\: 0 ~ 3, default\: 2] I:showOredictTooltips=2 # Show item registry names in tooltips. # 0 - Off # 1 - Always on # 2 - Only with shift # 3 - Only in debug mode # [range\: 0 ~ 3, default\: 3] I:showRegistryNameTooltips=3 # 0 - Do nothing # 1 - Remove stacktraces, leave 1-line missing texture errors # 2 - Remove all missing texture errors completely. # [range\: 0 ~ 2, default\: 1] I:textureErrorRemover=1 } tweaks { B:bookToPaperRecipe=true # Makes boats stack to 16 # [default\: true] B:changeBoatStackSize=true # Makes the bed stepSound wool instead of stone # [default\: true] B:fixBedSound=true # Allows packed ice to be mined with a pickaxe # [default\: true] B:fixPackedIceTool=true B:infinibow=true B:shapelessPaperRecipe=true B:slabToBlockRecipes=true }