package gtPlusPlus.core.lib; import static gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE.*; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader; import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger; import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.CORE.ConfigSwitches; import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.enums.GregtechTextures; import; public class LoadedMods { //Initialize Variables public static boolean Gregtech = false; public static boolean PlayerAPI = false; public static boolean BuildCraft = false; public static boolean EnderIO = false; public static boolean Big_Reactors = false; public static boolean IndustrialCraft2 = false; public static boolean IndustrialCraft2Classic = false; public static boolean Simply_Jetpacks = false; public static boolean RFTools = false; public static boolean Thaumcraft = false; public static boolean Baubles = false; public static boolean Extra_Utils = false; public static boolean PneumaticCraft = false; public static boolean MorePlanets = false; public static boolean ForbiddenMagic = false; public static boolean CompactWindmills = false; public static boolean Railcraft = false; public static boolean ImmersiveEngineering = false; public static boolean Growthcraft = false; public static boolean CoFHCore = false; public static boolean Forestry = false; public static boolean MagicBees = false; public static boolean ExtraBees = false; public static boolean Psychedelicraft = false; public static boolean MiscUtils = true; //Dummy For MetaData Lookups in MT Wrapper public static boolean ThermalFoundation = false; public static boolean IHL = false; public static boolean OpenComputers = false; //OpenComputers public static boolean Computronics = false; //computronics public static boolean DreamCraft = false; //GT: New Horizons public static boolean BeyondRealityCore = false; //Beyond Reality - Probably Classic public static boolean BiomesOPlenty = false; public static boolean PamsHarvestcraft = false; public static boolean GalacticraftCore = false; public static boolean Mekanism = false; public static boolean RedTech = false; //RedMage's Mod public static boolean TecTech = false; //Technus' Mod public static boolean TiCon = false; public static boolean StevesCarts = false; public static boolean Witchery = false; public static boolean Waila = false; private static int totalMods; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static void checkLoaded(){ Logger.INFO("Looking for optional mod prereqs."); if (Loader.isModLoaded("gregtech") ){ Gregtech = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Gregtech"); if (Gregtech){ try { CORE.sRecipeAdder = CORE.RA = new GregtechRecipeAdder(); Logger.INFO("Created Gregtech recipe handler.");;; Logger.INFO("Created Gregtech texture handler."); } catch (final NullPointerException e){ Logger.INFO("Could NOT create a Gregtech recipe handler."); } } totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("dreamcraft")){ DreamCraft = true; GTNH = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: DreamCraft"); Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: GT: New Horizons"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("beyondrealitycore")){ BeyondRealityCore = true; BRC = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Beyond Reality"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("PlayerAPI")){ PlayerAPI = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: PlayerAPI"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("TConstruct")){ TiCon = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Tinkers Construct"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("BuildCraft")){ BuildCraft = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: BuildCraft"); totalMods++; } if ((Loader.isModLoaded("EnderIO")) && !ConfigSwitches.disableEnderIOIntegration){ EnderIO = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: EnderIO"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("BigReactors")){ Big_Reactors = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Big Reactors"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("IC2")){ IndustrialCraft2 = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: IndustrialCraft2"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("IC2-Classic-Spmod")){ IndustrialCraft2Classic = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: IndustrialCraft2-Classic"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("simplyjetpacks")){ Simply_Jetpacks = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Simply Jetpacks"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("rftools")){ RFTools = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: RFTools"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("StevesCarts")){ StevesCarts = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: StevesCarts"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("Thaumcraft")){ Thaumcraft = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Thaumcraft"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("BiomesOPlenty")){ BiomesOPlenty = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: BiomesOPlenty"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("ExtraUtilities")){ Extra_Utils = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Extra_Utils"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("harvestcraft")){ PamsHarvestcraft = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: PamsHarvestcraft"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("PneumaticCraft")){ PneumaticCraft = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: PneumaticCraft"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("MorePlanet")){ MorePlanets = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: MorePlanets"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("ForbiddenMagic")){ ForbiddenMagic = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: ForbiddenMagic"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("CompactWindmills")){ CompactWindmills = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: CompactWindmills"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("Railcraft")){ Railcraft = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Railcraft"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("Waila")){ Waila = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: WAILA"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("Mekanism")){ Mekanism = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Mekanism - This feature is not configurable and balances Mekanism to suit GT."); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("Growthcraft")){ Logger.INFO("Growthcraft Version: "+getModVersion("Growthcraft")); if (getModVersion("Growthcraft").equals("1.7.10-2.3.1")){ //Load Growthcraft Compat Growthcraft = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Growthcraft"); totalMods++; } else { Growthcraft = false; Logger.INFO("Growthcraft found, but the version was too new. I will update GC support eventually."); } } if (Loader.isModLoaded("CoFHCore")){ CoFHCore = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: CoFHCore"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("Forestry")){ Forestry = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Forestry"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("MagicBees")){ MagicBees = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: MagicBees"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("psychedelicraft")){ Psychedelicraft = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Psychedelicraft"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("ImmersiveEngineering")){ ImmersiveEngineering = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: ImmersiveEngineering"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("ExtraBees")){ ExtraBees = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: ExtraBees"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("ThermalFoundation") == false){ ThermalFoundation = false; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: ThermalFoundation - This feature will disable itself if you add TF."); totalMods++; } else if (Loader.isModLoaded("ThermalFoundation")){ ThermalFoundation = true; Logger.INFO("Components disabled for: ThermalFoundation - This feature will enable itself if you remove TF."); //totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("ihl")){ IHL = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: IHL"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("Baubles")){ Baubles = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Baubles"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("GalacticraftCore")){ GalacticraftCore = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Galacticraft Core"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("OpenComputers")){ OpenComputers = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: OpenComputers"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("computronics")){ Computronics = true; Logger.INFO("Components disabled for: Computronics - This feature will enable itself if you remove Computronics."); totalMods++; } else { Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Computronics - This feature will disable itself if you add Computronics."); } if (Loader.isModLoaded("GTRedtech")){ RedTech = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: GTRedtech"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("tectech")){ TecTech = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: TecTech"); totalMods++; } if (Loader.isModLoaded("witchery")){ Witchery = true; Logger.INFO("Components enabled for: Witchery"); totalMods++; } Logger.INFO("Content found for "+totalMods+" mods"); } public static String getModVersion(final String modName){ final String ver = cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.instance().findContainerFor(modName).getVersion(); return ver; } }