package gtPlusPlus.core.material;

import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.M;
import static gtPlusPlus.core.util.math.MathUtils.safeCast_LongToInt;

import java.util.*;

import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes;
import gregtech.api.enums.TextureSet;
import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger;
import gtPlusPlus.core.item.base.BaseItemComponent.ComponentTypes;
import gtPlusPlus.core.item.base.cell.BaseItemCell;
import gtPlusPlus.core.lib.LoadedMods;
import gtPlusPlus.core.material.state.MaterialState;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.Utils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.math.MathUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.FluidUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.ItemUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.core.util.minecraft.MaterialUtils;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.api.enums.CustomOrePrefix;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.thaumcraft.objects.wrapper.aspect.TC_Aspect_Wrapper;
import gtPlusPlus.xmod.tinkers.material.BaseTinkersMaterial;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;

public class Material {

	public static final Set<Material> mMaterialMap = new HashSet<Material>();

	public static final Map<String, Map<String, ItemStack>> mComponentMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, ItemStack>>();

	private String unlocalizedName;
	private String localizedName;

	private MaterialState materialState;
	private TextureSet textureSet;

	private Fluid vMoltenFluid;
	private Fluid vPlasma;

	private boolean vGenerateCells;

	protected Object dataVar = MathUtils.generateSingularRandomHexValue();

	private ArrayList<MaterialStack> vMaterialInput = new ArrayList<>();
	public long[] vSmallestRatio;
	public short vComponentCount;

	private short[] RGBA;

	private boolean usesBlastFurnace;
	public boolean isRadioactive;
	public byte vRadiationLevel;

	private int meltingPointK;
	private int boilingPointK;
	private int meltingPointC;
	private int boilingPointC;
	private long vProtons;
	private long vNeutrons;
	private long vMass;
	public int smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing; //Add a check for <=0 || > 64
	public int vTier;
	public int vVoltageMultiplier;
	public String vChemicalFormula;
	public String vChemicalSymbol;

	public long vDurability;
	public int vToolQuality;
	public int vHarvestLevel;

	private TC_Aspect_Wrapper[] vAspects;
	public BaseTinkersMaterial vTiConHandler;

	public static AutoMap<Materials> invalidMaterials = new AutoMap<Materials>();

	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState, final MaterialStack... inputs){
		this(materialName, defaultState, null, inputs);
	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState, final short[] rgba, final MaterialStack... inputs){
		this(materialName, defaultState, null, 0, rgba, -1, -1, -1, -1, false, "", 0, false, false, inputs);

	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState, final short[] rgba, int radiationLevel, MaterialStack... materialStacks) {
		this(materialName, defaultState, null, 0, rgba, -1, -1, -1, -1, false, "", radiationLevel, false, materialStacks);

	public Material(String materialName, MaterialState defaultState, short[] rgba, int j, int k, int l, int m, int radiationLevel, MaterialStack[] materialStacks){
		this(materialName, defaultState, null, 0, rgba, j, k, l, m, false, "", radiationLevel, false, materialStacks);

	public Material(String materialName, MaterialState defaultState, final TextureSet set, short[] rgba, int meltingPoint, int boilingPoint, int protons, int neutrons, int radiationLevel, MaterialStack[] materialStacks){
		this(materialName, defaultState, set, 0, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, false, "", radiationLevel, false, materialStacks);
	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState,final short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, final MaterialStack... inputs){
		this(materialName, defaultState, 0, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, blastFurnace, "", 0, inputs);
	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState,final short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, final String chemSymbol, final MaterialStack... inputs){
		this(materialName, defaultState, 0, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, blastFurnace, chemSymbol, 0, inputs);

	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState, final short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, boolean generateCells, final MaterialStack... inputs){
		this(materialName, defaultState, null, 0, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, blastFurnace, "", 0, generateCells, true, inputs);

	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState,final short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, final int radiationLevel, final MaterialStack... inputs){
		this(materialName, defaultState, 0, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, blastFurnace, "", radiationLevel, inputs);

	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState,final long durability, final short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, final int radiationLevel, final MaterialStack... inputs){
		this(materialName, defaultState, durability, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, blastFurnace, "", radiationLevel, inputs);

	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState,final short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, final String chemicalSymbol, final int radiationLevel, final MaterialStack... inputs){
		this(materialName, defaultState, 0, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, blastFurnace, chemicalSymbol, radiationLevel, inputs);

	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState,final short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, final String chemicalSymbol, final int radiationLevel, boolean addCells,final MaterialStack... inputs) {
		this (materialName, defaultState, null, 0, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, blastFurnace, chemicalSymbol, radiationLevel, addCells, true, inputs);

	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState, TextureSet textureSet,final short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, final String chemicalSymbol, final int radiationLevel, final MaterialStack... inputs){
		this (materialName, defaultState, textureSet, 0, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, blastFurnace, chemicalSymbol, radiationLevel, true, true, inputs);

	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState, TextureSet textureSet,final short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, final String chemicalSymbol, final int radiationLevel, boolean addCells,final MaterialStack... inputs) {
		this (materialName, defaultState, textureSet, 0, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, blastFurnace, chemicalSymbol, radiationLevel, addCells, true, inputs);

	private Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState, final long durability, final short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, final String chemicalSymbol, final int radiationLevel, final MaterialStack... inputs){
		this (materialName, defaultState, null, durability, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, blastFurnace, chemicalSymbol, radiationLevel, true, true, inputs);

	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState, final TextureSet set, final long durability, final short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, final String chemicalSymbol, final int radiationLevel, boolean generateCells, final MaterialStack... inputs){
		this (materialName, defaultState, set, durability, rgba, meltingPoint, boilingPoint, protons, neutrons, blastFurnace, chemicalSymbol, radiationLevel, true, true, inputs);

	public Material(final String materialName, final MaterialState defaultState, final TextureSet set, final long durability, short[] rgba, final int meltingPoint, final int boilingPoint, final long protons, final long neutrons, final boolean blastFurnace, String chemicalSymbol, final int radiationLevel, boolean generateCells, boolean generateFluid, final MaterialStack... inputs){

		if (mMaterialMap.add(this)) {

		if (defaultState == MaterialState.ORE) {
			rgba = null;

		mComponentMap.put(unlocalizedName, new HashMap<String, ItemStack>());

		try {
			this.unlocalizedName = Utils.sanitizeString(materialName);
			this.localizedName = materialName;

			this.materialState = defaultState;

			Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" is "".");

			this.vGenerateCells = generateCells;

			//Add Components to an array.
			if (inputs == null){
				this.vMaterialInput = null;
			else {
				if (inputs.length != 0){
					for (int i=0; i < inputs.length; i++){
						if (inputs[i] != null){
							this.vMaterialInput.add(i, inputs[i]);

			//set RGB

			if (rgba == null) {
				if (vMaterialInput.size() > 0) {
					try {
					Short[] mMixedRGB = new Short[3];
					AutoMap<Material> mMaterialSet = MaterialUtils.getCompoundMaterialsRecursively(this);					
					for (int mnh = 0; mnh < 3; mnh++) {						
						AutoMap<Short> aDataSet = new AutoMap<Short>();	
						Set<Material> set4 = new HashSet<Material>();
						for (Material u  : mMaterialSet) {
							//if (u.getState() == MaterialState.ORE || u.getState() == MaterialState.SOLID)
						for(Material e : set4){
						Short aAverage = MathUtils.getShortAverage(aDataSet);
						if (aAverage > Short.MAX_VALUE || aAverage < Short.MIN_VALUE || aAverage < 0 || aAverage > 255) {							
							if (aAverage > 255) {
								while (aAverage > 255) {
									aAverage = (short) (aAverage/2);
							aAverage = (short) Math.max(Math.min(aAverage, 255), 0);							
						mMixedRGB[mnh] = aAverage;

					if (mMixedRGB != null && mMixedRGB[0] != null && mMixedRGB[1] != null && mMixedRGB[2] != null) {
						this.RGBA = new short[] {mMixedRGB[0], mMixedRGB[1], mMixedRGB[2], 0};
					else {
						this.RGBA = Materials.Steel.mRGBa;						
					catch (Throwable t) {
						this.RGBA = Materials.Steel.mRGBa;	
				else {
					//Boring Grey Material
					int aValueForGen = this.getUnlocalizedName().hashCode();
					int hashSize = MathUtils.howManyPlaces(aValueForGen);

					String a = String.valueOf(aValueForGen);
					String b = "";
					if (hashSize < 9) {
						int aSecondHash = this.materialState.hashCode();
						int hashSize2 = MathUtils.howManyPlaces(aSecondHash);
						if (hashSize2 + hashSize >= 9) {
							b = String.valueOf(aValueForGen);
						else {
							String c = b;
							while (MathUtils.howManyPlaces(hashSize + c.length()) < 9) {
								c = c + c.hashCode();
							b = c;
					String valueR;
					if (b != null) {
						valueR = a+b;
					else {
						valueR = a;
					short fc[] = new short[3];
					int aIndex = 0;
					for (char gg : valueR.toCharArray()) {
						short ui = Short.parseShort(""+gg);
						if (ui > 255 || ui < 0) {
							if (ui > 255) {
								while (ui > 255) {
									ui = (short) (ui / 2);
							else {
								ui = 0;
						fc[aIndex++] = ui;
					this.RGBA = fc;				
			else {
				this.RGBA = rgba;

			//Set Melting/Boiling point, if value is -1 calculate it from compound inputs.
			if (meltingPoint != -1){
				this.meltingPointC = meltingPoint;
			else {
				this.meltingPointC = this.calculateMeltingPoint();
			if (boilingPoint != -1){
				if (boilingPoint != 0){
					this.boilingPointC = boilingPoint;
				else {
					this.boilingPointC = meltingPoint*4;
			else {
				this.boilingPointC = this.calculateBoilingPoint();

			this.meltingPointK = (int) MathUtils.celsiusToKelvin(this.meltingPointC);
			this.boilingPointK = (int) MathUtils.celsiusToKelvin(this.boilingPointC);

			//Set Proton/Neutron count, if value is -1 calculate it from compound inputs.
			if (protons != -1){
				this.vProtons = protons;
			else {
				this.vProtons = this.calculateProtons();
			if (boilingPoint != -1){
				this.vNeutrons = neutrons;
			else {
				this.vNeutrons = this.calculateNeutrons();

			this.vAspects = null;

			this.vMass = this.getMass();

			//Sets tool Durability
			if (durability != 0){
				this.vDurability = durability;
			else {
				long aTempDura = 0;
				for (MaterialStack g : this.getComposites()) {
					if (g != null) {
						aTempDura += safeCast_LongToInt(g.getStackMaterial().getMass() * 2000);
				this.vDurability = aTempDura > 0 ? aTempDura : (this.getComposites().isEmpty() ? 51200 : 32000 * this.getComposites().size());

			if ((this.vDurability >= 0) && (this.vDurability < 64000)){
				this.vToolQuality = 1;
				this.vHarvestLevel = 2;
			else if ((this.vDurability >= 64000) && (this.vDurability < 128000)){
				this.vToolQuality = 2;
				this.vHarvestLevel = 2;
			else if ((this.vDurability >= 128000) && (this.vDurability < 256000)){
				this.vToolQuality = 3;
				this.vHarvestLevel = 2;
			else if ((this.vDurability >= 256000) && (this.vDurability < 512000)){
				this.vToolQuality = 3;
				this.vHarvestLevel = 3;
			else if ((this.vDurability >= 512000) && (this.vDurability <= Integer.MAX_VALUE)){
				this.vToolQuality = 4;
				this.vHarvestLevel = 4;
			else {
				this.vToolQuality = 1;
				this.vHarvestLevel = 1;

			//Sets the Rad level
			if (radiationLevel > 0){
				Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" is radioactive. Level: "+radiationLevel+".");
				this.isRadioactive = true;
				this.vRadiationLevel = (byte) radiationLevel;
			else {			
				if (vMaterialInput.size() > 0) {
					AutoMap<Byte> aDataSet = new AutoMap<Byte>();
					for (MaterialStack m : this.vMaterialInput) {
					byte aAverage = MathUtils.getByteAverage(aDataSet);
					if (aAverage > 0) {
						Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" is radioactive due to trace elements. Level: "+aAverage+".");
						this.isRadioactive = true;
						this.vRadiationLevel = (byte) aAverage;					
					else {
						Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" is not radioactive.");
						this.isRadioactive = false;
						this.vRadiationLevel = 0;
				else {
					Logger.MATERIALS(this.getLocalizedName()+" is not radioactive.");
					this.isRadioactive = false;
					this.vRadiationLevel = 0;					

			/*if (vMaterialInput.size() > 0) {
				AutoMap<Integer> aDataSet = new AutoMap<Integer>();

				int bonus = 0;
				bonus += this.vMaterialInput.size();
				bonus += MathUtils.roundToClosestInt(meltingPointC/1000);


				for (MaterialStack m : this.vMaterialInput) {
				int aAverage = MathUtils.getIntAverage(aDataSet);
				if (aAverage > Integer.MAX_VALUE || aAverage < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
					aAverage = 0;
				if (aAverage > 0) {
					this.vTier = Math.min(aAverage, 10);					
				else {
					this.vTier = MaterialUtils.getTierOfMaterial((int) MathUtils.celsiusToKelvin(meltingPoint));
			else {
				this.vTier = MaterialUtils.getTierOfMaterial((int) MathUtils.celsiusToKelvin(meltingPoint));				
			this.vTier = MaterialUtils.getTierOfMaterial(meltingPoint);

			//Sets the materials 'tier'. Will probably replace this logic.

			this.usesBlastFurnace = blastFurnace;
			this.vVoltageMultiplier = MaterialUtils.getVoltageForTier(vTier);

			this.vComponentCount = this.getComponentCount(inputs);
			this.vSmallestRatio = this.getSmallestRatio(this.vMaterialInput);
			int tempSmallestSize = 0;

			if (this.vSmallestRatio != null){
				for (int v=0;v<this.vSmallestRatio.length;v++){
					tempSmallestSize=(int) (tempSmallestSize+this.vSmallestRatio[v]);
				this.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing = tempSmallestSize; //Valid stacksizes
			else {
				this.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing = 1; //Valid stacksizes

			//Makes a Fancy Chemical Tooltip
			if (chemicalSymbol == null) {
				chemicalSymbol = "";
			this.vChemicalSymbol = chemicalSymbol;
			if (this.vMaterialInput != null){
				this.vChemicalFormula = this.getToolTip(chemicalSymbol, OrePrefixes.dust.mMaterialAmount / M, true);
			else if (!this.vChemicalSymbol.equals("")){
				Logger.MATERIALS("materialInput is null, using a valid chemical symbol.");
				this.vChemicalFormula = this.vChemicalSymbol;
				Logger.MATERIALS("MaterialInput == null && chemicalSymbol probably equals nothing");
				this.vChemicalSymbol = "??";
				this.vChemicalFormula = "??";

			if (generateFluid){
				final Materials isValid = Materials.get(this.getLocalizedName());				
				FluidStack aTest = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack(localizedName, 1);				
				if (aTest != null){
					this.vMoltenFluid = aTest.getFluid();
				else {
					if (isValid == null || isValid == Materials._NULL){
					else {		
						FluidStack aTest2 = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack(localizedName, 1);	
						if (aTest2 != null){
							this.vMoltenFluid = aTest2.getFluid();
						else {
				this.vPlasma = this.generatePlasma();
			else {
				this.vMoltenFluid = null;
				this.vPlasma = null;
			String ratio = "";
			if (this.vSmallestRatio != null) {
				for (int hu=0;hu<this.vSmallestRatio.length;hu++){
					if (ratio.equals("")){
						ratio = String.valueOf(this.vSmallestRatio[hu]);
					else {
						ratio = ratio + ":" +this.vSmallestRatio[hu];

			this.textureSet = setTextureSet(set, vTier);
			if (LoadedMods.TiCon && this.materialState == MaterialState.SOLID) {
				if (this.getProtons() >= 98 || this.getComposites().size() > 1 || this.getMeltingPointC() >= 3600) {
					this.vTiConHandler = new BaseTinkersMaterial(this);

			Logger.MATERIALS("Creating a Material instance for "+materialName);
			Logger.MATERIALS("Formula: "+this.vChemicalFormula + " Smallest Stack: "+this.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing+" Smallest Ratio:"+ratio);
			Logger.MATERIALS("Protons: "+this.vProtons);
			Logger.MATERIALS("Neutrons: "+this.vNeutrons);
			Logger.MATERIALS("Mass: "+this.vMass+"/units");
			Logger.MATERIALS("Melting Point: "+this.meltingPointC+"C.");
			Logger.MATERIALS("Boiling Point: "+this.boilingPointC+"C.");
		catch (Throwable t){
			Logger.MATERIALS("Stack Trace for "+materialName);

	public final TextureSet getTextureSet() {
		synchronized(this) {
			return textureSet;

	public TextureSet setTextureSet(TextureSet set) {
		return setTextureSet(set, vTier);

	public TextureSet setTextureSet(TextureSet set, int aTier) {
		if (set != null) {
			Logger.MATERIALS("Set textureset for "+this.localizedName+" to be "+set.mSetName+". This textureSet was supplied.");
			return set;

		int aGem = 0;
		int aShiny = 0;
		TextureSet aSet = null;

		//Check Mixture Contents
		for (MaterialStack m : this.getComposites()) {

			if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().AER) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().AQUA) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().IGNIS) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().TERRA) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().MAGIC) {
			//Shiny Materials
			if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().GOLD) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().SILVER) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().PLATINUM) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().AMERICIUM) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().TITANIUM) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().GERMANIUM) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().GALLIUM) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().MERCURY) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().MAGIC) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().SAMARIUM) {
			else if (m.getStackMaterial() == ELEMENT.getInstance().TANTALUM) {

		if (aSet == null) {
			if (aGem >= this.getComposites().size()/2) {			
				if (MathUtils.isNumberEven(aGem)) {
					Logger.MATERIALS("Set textureset for "+this.localizedName+" to be "+TextureSet.SET_GEM_HORIZONTAL.mSetName+".");
					return TextureSet.SET_GEM_HORIZONTAL;
				else {
					Logger.MATERIALS("Set textureset for "+this.localizedName+" to be "+TextureSet.SET_GEM_VERTICAL.mSetName+".");
					return TextureSet.SET_GEM_VERTICAL;

		if (aSet == null) {
			if (aShiny >= this.getComposites().size()/3) {	
				Logger.MATERIALS("Set textureset for "+this.localizedName+" to be "+TextureSet.SET_SHINY.mSetName+".");
				return TextureSet.SET_SHINY;

		// build hash table with count
		AutoMap<Material> sets = new AutoMap<Material>();
		if (this.vMaterialInput != null) {
			for (MaterialStack r : this.vMaterialInput) {
				if (r.getStackMaterial().getTextureSet().mSetName.toLowerCase().contains("fluid")) {
				else {
			TextureSet mostUsedTypeTextureSet = MaterialUtils.getMostCommonTextureSet(new ArrayList<Material>(sets.values()));
			if (mostUsedTypeTextureSet != null && mostUsedTypeTextureSet instanceof TextureSet) {
				Logger.MATERIALS("Set textureset for "+this.localizedName+" to be "+mostUsedTypeTextureSet.mSetName+".");
				return mostUsedTypeTextureSet;
		Logger.MATERIALS("Set textureset for "+this.localizedName+" to be "+Materials.Iron.mIconSet.mSetName+". [Fallback]");
		return Materials.Gold.mIconSet;

	public final String getLocalizedName(){
		if (this.localizedName != null) {
			return this.localizedName;

	public final String getUnlocalizedName(){
		if (this.unlocalizedName != null) {
			return this.unlocalizedName;

	final public MaterialState getState(){
		return this.materialState;

	final public short[] getRGB(){
		if (this.RGBA != null) {
			return this.RGBA;
		return new short[] {255,0,0};

	final public short[] getRGBA(){
		if (this.RGBA != null) {
			if (this.RGBA.length == 4){
				return this.RGBA;
			else {
				return new short[]{this.RGBA[0], this.RGBA[1], this.RGBA[2], 0};
		return new short[] {255,0,0, 0};

	final public int getRgbAsHex(){

		final int returnValue = Utils.rgbtoHexValue(this.RGBA[0], this.RGBA[1], this.RGBA[2]);
		if (returnValue == 0){
			return (int) this.dataVar;
		return Utils.rgbtoHexValue(this.RGBA[0], this.RGBA[1], this.RGBA[2]);

	final public long getProtons() {
		return this.vProtons;

	public final long getNeutrons() {
		return this.vNeutrons;

	final public long getMass() {
		return this.vProtons + this.vNeutrons;

	public final int getMeltingPointC() {
		return this.meltingPointC;

	public final int getBoilingPointC() {
		return this.boilingPointC;

	public final int getMeltingPointK() {
		return this.meltingPointK;

	public final int getBoilingPointK() {
		return this.boilingPointK;

	public final boolean requiresBlastFurnace(){
		return this.usesBlastFurnace;

	public final ItemStack getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes aPrefix, int stacksize) {
		String aKey =;
		Map<String, ItemStack> g =  mComponentMap.get(this.unlocalizedName);
		if (g == null) {
			Map<String, ItemStack> aMap = new HashMap<String, ItemStack>();
			mComponentMap.put(unlocalizedName, aMap);
			g = aMap;
		ItemStack i = g.get(aKey);
		if (i != null) {
			return ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(i, stacksize);
		else {
			// Try get a GT Material
			Materials Erf = MaterialUtils.getMaterial(this.unlocalizedName);
			if (Erf != null && Erf != Materials._NULL) {
				ItemStack Erg = ItemUtils.getOrePrefixStack(aPrefix, Erf, stacksize);
				if (Erg != null) {
					Logger.MATERIALS("Found \"" + aKey + this.unlocalizedName + "\" using backup GT Materials option.");
					g.put(aKey, Erg);
					mComponentMap.put(unlocalizedName, g);
					return Erg;
			} else {
				ItemStack u = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken(aKey + this.unlocalizedName, stacksize);
				if (u != null) {
					g.put(aKey, u);
					mComponentMap.put(unlocalizedName, g);
					return u;
			//Logger.MATERIALS("Unabled to find \"" + aKey + this.unlocalizedName + "\"");
			return ItemUtils.getErrorStack(stacksize, (aKey + this.unlocalizedName+" x"+stacksize));

	final public Block getBlock(){
		Block b = Block.getBlockFromItem(getBlock(1).getItem());
		if (b == null) {
			Logger.INFO("[ERROR] Tried to get invalid block for "+this.getLocalizedName()+", returning debug block instead.");
		return b != null ? b : Blocks.lit_furnace;

	public final ItemStack getBlock(final int stacksize){
		ItemStack i = getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.block, stacksize);
		return i != null ? i : ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("block"+this.unlocalizedName, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getDust(final int stacksize){
		ItemStack i = getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.dust, stacksize);
		return i != null ? i : ItemUtils.getGregtechDust("dust"+this.unlocalizedName, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getSmallDust(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.dustSmall, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getTinyDust(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.dustTiny, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getIngot(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.ingot, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getHotIngot(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.ingotHot, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getPlate(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.plate, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getPlateDouble(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.plateDouble, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getGear(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.gearGt, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getRod(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.stick, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getLongRod(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.stickLong, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getBolt(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.bolt, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getScrew(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.screw, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getRing(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.ring, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getRotor(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.rotor, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getFrameBox(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.frameGt, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getCell(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.cell, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getPlasmaCell(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.cellPlasma, stacksize);

	public final ItemStack getNugget(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.nugget, stacksize);

	 * Ore Components
	 * @return

	public final ItemStack getOre(final int stacksize){
		return ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("ore"+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getUnlocalizedName()), stacksize);
	public final Block getOreBlock(final int stacksize){
		//Logger.DEBUG_MATERIALS("Trying to get ore block for "+this.getLocalizedName()+". Looking for '"+"ore"+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getUnlocalizedName())+"'.");
			ItemStack a1 = getOre(1);
			Item a2 = a1.getItem();
			Block a3 = Block.getBlockFromItem(a2);
			if (a3 != null) {
				return a3;

			Block x = Block.getBlockFromItem(ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("ore"+Utils.sanitizeString(this.unlocalizedName), stacksize).getItem());
			if (x != null){
				return x;
		catch (Throwable t){
		//Logger.MATERIALS("Failed getting the Ore Block for "+this.getLocalizedName()+".");
		return Blocks.stone;
	public final ItemStack getCrushed(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.crushed, stacksize);
	public final ItemStack getCrushedPurified(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.crushedPurified, stacksize);
	public final ItemStack getCrushedCentrifuged(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.crushedCentrifuged, stacksize);
	public final ItemStack getDustPurified(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.dustPure, stacksize);
	public final ItemStack getDustImpure(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(OrePrefixes.dustImpure, stacksize);
	public final ItemStack getMilled(final int stacksize){
		return getComponentByPrefix(CustomOrePrefix.milled.get(), stacksize);
	public final boolean hasSolidForm() {		
		if (ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] {getDust(1), getBlock(1), getTinyDust(1), getSmallDust(1)})) {
			return true;
		return false;

	final public ItemStack[] getMaterialComposites(){
		if (this.vMaterialInput != null && !this.vMaterialInput.isEmpty()){
			final ItemStack[] temp = new ItemStack[this.vMaterialInput.size()];
			for (int i=0;i<this.vMaterialInput.size();i++){
				ItemStack testNull = null;
				try {
					testNull = this.vMaterialInput.get(i).getValidStack();
				} catch (final Throwable r){
					Logger.MATERIALS("Failed gathering material stack for "+this.localizedName+".");
					Logger.MATERIALS("What Failed: Length:"+this.vMaterialInput.size()+" current:"+i);
				try {
					if (testNull != null){
						//Utils.LOG_MATERIALS("not null");
						temp[i] = this.vMaterialInput.get(i).getValidStack();
				} catch (final Throwable r){
					Logger.MATERIALS("Failed setting slot "+i+", using "+this.localizedName);
			return temp;
		return new ItemStack[]{};

	public final ArrayList<MaterialStack> getComposites(){
		return this.vMaterialInput;

	final public int[] getMaterialCompositeStackSizes(){
		if (!this.vMaterialInput.isEmpty()){
			final int[] temp = new int[this.vMaterialInput.size()];
			for (int i=0;i<this.vMaterialInput.size();i++){
				if (this.vMaterialInput.get(i) != null) {
					temp[i] = this.vMaterialInput.get(i).getDustStack().stackSize;
				} else {
			return temp;
		return new int[]{};

	private final short getComponentCount(final MaterialStack[] inputs){

		if (inputs == null || inputs.length < 1) {
			return 1;
		int counterTemp = 0;
		for (final MaterialStack m : inputs){
			if (m.getStackMaterial() != null){
		if (counterTemp != 0){
			return (short) counterTemp;
		else {
			return 1;

	public final long[] getSmallestRatio(final ArrayList<MaterialStack> tempInput){
		if (tempInput != null){
			if (!tempInput.isEmpty()){
				Logger.MATERIALS("length: "+tempInput.size());
				Logger.MATERIALS("(inputs != null): "+(tempInput != null));
				//Utils.LOG_MATERIALS("length: "+inputs.length);
				final long[] tempRatio = new long[tempInput.size()];
				for (int x=0;x<tempInput.size();x++){
					//tempPercentage = tempPercentage+inputs[x].percentageToUse;
					if (tempInput.get(x) != null){
						tempRatio[x] = tempInput.get(x).getPartsPerOneHundred();

				final long[] smallestRatio = MathUtils.simplifyNumbersToSmallestForm(tempRatio);

				if (smallestRatio.length > 0){
					String tempRatioStringThing1 = "";
					for (int r=0;r<tempRatio.length;r++){
						tempRatioStringThing1 = tempRatioStringThing1 + tempRatio[r] +" : ";
					Logger.MATERIALS("Default Ratio: "+tempRatioStringThing1);

					String tempRatioStringThing = "";
					int tempSmallestCraftingUseSize = 0;
					for (int r=0;r<smallestRatio.length;r++){
						tempRatioStringThing = tempRatioStringThing + smallestRatio[r] +" : ";
						tempSmallestCraftingUseSize = (int) (tempSmallestCraftingUseSize + smallestRatio[r]);
					//this.smallestStackSizeWhenProcessing = tempSmallestCraftingUseSize;
					Logger.MATERIALS("Smallest Ratio: "+tempRatioStringThing);
					return smallestRatio;
		return new long[] {};

	public final String getToolTip(final String chemSymbol, final long aMultiplier, final boolean aShowQuestionMarks) {
		if (!aShowQuestionMarks && (this.vChemicalFormula.equals("?")||this.vChemicalFormula.equals("??"))) {
			return "";
		Logger.MATERIALS("===============| Calculating Atomic Formula for "+this.localizedName+" |===============");
		if (!chemSymbol.equals("")) {
			return chemSymbol;
		final ArrayList<MaterialStack> tempInput = this.vMaterialInput;
		if (tempInput != null){
			if (!tempInput.isEmpty()){
				String dummyFormula = "";
				final long[] dummyFormulaArray = this.getSmallestRatio(tempInput);
				if (dummyFormulaArray != null){
					if (dummyFormulaArray.length >= 1){
						for (int e=0;e<tempInput.size();e++){
							MaterialStack g = tempInput.get(e);
							if (g != null){
								if (g.getStackMaterial() != null){

									String aChemSymbol = g.getStackMaterial().vChemicalSymbol;
									String aChemFormula = g.getStackMaterial().vChemicalFormula;

									if (aChemSymbol == null) {
										aChemSymbol = "??";
									if (aChemFormula == null) {
										aChemFormula = "??";

									if (!aChemSymbol.equals("??")){
										if (dummyFormulaArray[e] > 1){

											if (aChemFormula.length() > 3){
												dummyFormula = dummyFormula + "(" + aChemFormula + ")" + dummyFormulaArray[e];
											else {
												dummyFormula = dummyFormula + aChemFormula + dummyFormulaArray[e];
										else if (dummyFormulaArray[e] == 1){
											if (aChemFormula.length() > 3){
												dummyFormula = dummyFormula + "(" +aChemFormula + ")";
											else {
												dummyFormula = dummyFormula +aChemFormula;
										else {
											dummyFormula = dummyFormula + "??";											
									} else {
										dummyFormula = dummyFormula + "??";
								} else {
									dummyFormula = dummyFormula + "??";
						return StringUtils.subscript(dummyFormula);
						//return dummyFormula;
					Logger.MATERIALS("dummyFormulaArray <= 0");
				Logger.MATERIALS("dummyFormulaArray == null");
			Logger.MATERIALS("tempInput.length <= 0");
		Logger.MATERIALS("tempInput == null");
		return "??";


	public final boolean queueFluidGeneration() {
		return isFluidQueued = true;

	public final static void generateQueuedFluids() {
		for (Material m : mMaterialMap) {
			if (m.isFluidQueued) {
				m.vMoltenFluid = m.generateFluid();

	//If we need a fluid, let's just queue it for later.
	public boolean isFluidQueued = false;

	public final Fluid generateFluid(){
		if (this.materialState == MaterialState.ORE){
			return null;
		Fluid aGTBaseFluid = null;

		// Clean up Internal Fluid Generation
		final Materials n1 = MaterialUtils.getMaterial(this.getLocalizedName(), Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName()));
		final Materials n2 = MaterialUtils.getMaterial(this.getUnlocalizedName(), Utils.sanitizeString(this.getUnlocalizedName()));

		FluidStack f1 = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack(n1, 1);
		FluidStack f2 = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack(n2, 1);
		FluidStack f3 = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack(Utils.sanitizeString(this.getUnlocalizedName(), new char[] {'-', '_'}), 1);
		FluidStack f4 = FluidUtils.getWildcardFluidStack(Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName(), new char[] {'-', '_'}), 1);

		if (f1 != null) {
			aGTBaseFluid = f1.getFluid();
		else if (f2 != null) {
			aGTBaseFluid = f2.getFluid();
		else if (f3 != null) {
			aGTBaseFluid = f3.getFluid();
		else if (f4 != null) {
			aGTBaseFluid = f4.getFluid();

		ItemStack aFullCell = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("cell"+this.getUnlocalizedName(), 1);
		ItemStack aFullCell2 = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("cell"+this.getLocalizedName(), 1);
		ItemStack aFullCell3 = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("cell"+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getUnlocalizedName(), new char[] {'-', '_'}), 1);
		ItemStack aFullCell4 = ItemUtils.getItemStackOfAmountFromOreDictNoBroken("cell"+Utils.sanitizeString(this.getLocalizedName(), new char[] {'-', '_'}), 1);
		Logger.MATERIALS("Generating our own fluid.");
		//Generate a Cell if we need to, but first validate all four searches are invalid
		if (!ItemUtils.checkForInvalidItems(new ItemStack[] {aFullCell, aFullCell2, aFullCell3, aFullCell4})){
			if (this.vGenerateCells){
				Item g = new BaseItemCell(this);
				aFullCell = ItemUtils.getSimpleStack(g);
				Logger.MATERIALS("Generated a cell for "+this.getUnlocalizedName());
			else {
				Logger.MATERIALS("Did not generate a cell for "+this.getUnlocalizedName());
		else {
			// One cell we searched for was valid, let's register it.
			if (aFullCell != null) {
				this.registerComponentForMaterial(ComponentTypes.CELL, aFullCell);
			else if (aFullCell2 != null) {
				this.registerComponentForMaterial(ComponentTypes.CELL, aFullCell2);					
			else if (aFullCell3 != null) {
				this.registerComponentForMaterial(ComponentTypes.CELL, aFullCell3);					
			else if (aFullCell4 != null) {
				this.registerComponentForMaterial(ComponentTypes.CELL, aFullCell4);					

		// We found a GT fluid, let's use it.
		// Good chance we registered the cell from this material too.
		if (aGTBaseFluid != null) {
			return aGTBaseFluid;
		// This fluid does not exist at all, time to generate it.
		if (this.materialState == MaterialState.SOLID){
			return FluidUtils.addGTFluid(
					"Molten "+this.getLocalizedName(),
		else if (this.materialState == MaterialState.LIQUID || this.materialState == MaterialState.PURE_LIQUID){
			return FluidUtils.addGTFluid(
		else if (this.materialState == MaterialState.GAS){
			return FluidUtils.addGTFluid(
					this.getLocalizedName()+" Gas",
		else { //Plasma
			return this.generatePlasma();

	public final Fluid generatePlasma(){
		if (this.materialState == MaterialState.ORE){
			return null;
		final Materials isValid = Materials.get(this.getLocalizedName());

		if (!this.vGenerateCells){
			return null;
		for (Materials m : invalidMaterials.values()){
			if (isValid == m){
				return (m.mPlasma != null ? m.mPlasma : null);
		if (isValid.mPlasma != null){
			Logger.MATERIALS("Using a pre-defined Plasma from GT.");
			return isValid.mPlasma;

		Logger.MATERIALS("Generating our own Plasma.");
		return FluidUtils.addGTPlasma(this);

	final public FluidStack getFluid(final int fluidAmount) {
		if (this.vMoltenFluid == null){
			return null;
		final FluidStack moltenFluid = new FluidStack(this.vMoltenFluid, fluidAmount);
		return moltenFluid;

	final public int calculateMeltingPoint(){
		try {
			AutoMap<Integer> aDataSet = new AutoMap<Integer>();
			for (MaterialStack m : this.vMaterialInput) {
			long aAverage = MathUtils.getIntAverage(aDataSet);
			return MathUtils.safeInt(aAverage);
		catch (Throwable r){
			return 500;

	final public int calculateBoilingPoint(){
		try {

			AutoMap<Integer> aDataSet = new AutoMap<Integer>();
			for (MaterialStack m : this.vMaterialInput) {
			long aAverage = MathUtils.getIntAverage(aDataSet);
			return MathUtils.safeInt(aAverage);
		catch (Throwable r){
			return 2500;

	final public long calculateProtons(){
		try {

			AutoMap<Long> aDataSet = new AutoMap<Long>();
			for (MaterialStack m : this.vMaterialInput) {
			long aAverage = MathUtils.getLongAverage(aDataSet);
			return MathUtils.safeInt(aAverage);
		catch (Throwable r){
			return 50;

	final public long calculateNeutrons(){
		try {

			AutoMap<Long> aDataSet = new AutoMap<Long>();
			for (MaterialStack m : this.vMaterialInput) {
			long aAverage = MathUtils.getLongAverage(aDataSet);
			return MathUtils.safeInt(aAverage);
		catch (Throwable r){
			return 75;
	public boolean equals(Object obj) {
		if (obj == null) {
			return false;
		if (!Material.class.isInstance(obj)) {
			return false;
		Material aObj = (Material) obj;
		if (aObj.unlocalizedName.equals(this.unlocalizedName)) {
			if (aObj.localizedName.equals(this.localizedName)) {
				return true;
		return false;

	public boolean registerComponentForMaterial(FluidStack aStack) {
		return registerComponentForMaterial(this, aStack);
	private static boolean registerComponentForMaterial(Material componentMaterial, FluidStack aStack) {		
		if (componentMaterial != null && aStack != null && componentMaterial.vMoltenFluid == null) {
			componentMaterial.vMoltenFluid = aStack.getFluid();
			return true;
		return false;
	public boolean registerComponentForMaterial(ComponentTypes aPrefix, ItemStack aStack) {
		return registerComponentForMaterial(this, aPrefix.getGtOrePrefix(), aStack);
	public boolean registerComponentForMaterial(OrePrefixes aPrefix, ItemStack aStack) {
		return registerComponentForMaterial(this, aPrefix, aStack);

	public static boolean registerComponentForMaterial(Material componentMaterial, ComponentTypes aPrefix, ItemStack aStack) {
		return registerComponentForMaterial(componentMaterial, aPrefix.getGtOrePrefix(), aStack);		
	public static boolean registerComponentForMaterial(Material componentMaterial, OrePrefixes aPrefix, ItemStack aStack) {		
		if (componentMaterial == null) {
			return false;
		//Register Component
		Map<String, ItemStack> aMap = Material.mComponentMap.get(componentMaterial.getUnlocalizedName());
		if (aMap == null) {
			aMap = new HashMap<String, ItemStack>();
		String aKey =;
		ItemStack x = aMap.get(aKey);
		if (x == null) {
			aMap.put(aKey, aStack);
			Logger.MATERIALS("Registering a material component. Item: ["+componentMaterial.getUnlocalizedName()+"] Map: ["+aKey+"]");
			Material.mComponentMap.put(componentMaterial.getUnlocalizedName(), aMap);
			return true;
		else {
			Logger.MATERIALS("Tried to double register a material component. ");
			return false;
