package powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.item.*; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import; public class ReplacementBlock { protected byte _hasMeta; protected int _meta; protected final Block _block; protected final NBTTagCompound _tileTag; /** * Called to replace a block in the world. * @param world The world object * @param x The X coord * @param y The Y coord * @param z The Z coord * @param stack The ItemStack being used to replace the block (may be null) * @return True if the block was set successfully */ public boolean replaceBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, ItemStack stack) { int meta = getMeta(world, x, y, z, stack); if (world.setBlock(x, y, z, _block, meta, 3)) { if (hasTag(stack) && _block.hasTileEntity(meta)) { TileEntity tile = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); if (tile != null) tile.readFromNBT(getTag(world, x, y, z, stack)); } return true; } return false; } /** * Called to get the metadata of the replacement block in the world. * @param world The world object * @param x The X coord * @param y The Y coord * @param z The Z coord * @param stack The ItemStack being used to replace the block (may be null) * @return The metadata of the block */ protected int getMeta(World world, int x, int y, int z, ItemStack stack) { int m = 0; if (_hasMeta > 0) { if (_hasMeta > 1) return _meta; m = stack.getItemDamage(); Item item = stack.getItem(); if (item instanceof ItemBlock) m = ((ItemBlock)item).getMetadata(m); } return m; } /** * Called to set the metdata of this ReplacementBlock to a fixed value * @param meta The metadata of the block * @return This instance */ public ReplacementBlock setMeta(int meta) { if (meta >= 0) { _hasMeta = 2; _meta = meta; } return this; } /** * Called to set the metdata of this ReplacementBlock to a value read from an ItemStack * @param meta The metadata of the block * @return This instance */ public ReplacementBlock setMeta(boolean hasMeta) { _hasMeta = (byte) (hasMeta ? 1 : 0); return this; } /** * Called to get the NBTTagCompound a TileEntity will read its state from * @param world The world object * @param x The X coord * @param y The Y coord * @param z The Z coord * @param stack The ItemStack being used to replace the block (may be null) * @return The NBTTagCompound a TileEntity will read its state from */ protected NBTTagCompound getTag(World world, int x, int y, int z, ItemStack stack) { return _tileTag; } /** * Called to see if a TileEntity should have its state set * @param stack The ItemStack being used to replace the block (may be null) * @return True if the TileEntity should have its state set */ protected boolean hasTag(ItemStack stack) { return _tileTag != null; } public ReplacementBlock(Item block) { this(Block.getBlockFromItem(block)); } public ReplacementBlock(Item block, NBTTagCompound tag) { this(Block.getBlockFromItem(block), tag); } public ReplacementBlock(Block block) { this(block, null); } public ReplacementBlock(Block block, NBTTagCompound tag) { _block = block; _tileTag = tag; } }