package Ic2ExpReactorPlanner; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components.ReactorItem; import gtPlusPlus.api.objects.Logger; import gtPlusPlus.core.util.math.MathUtils; import gtPlusPlus.xmod.gregtech.common.tileentities.misc.GT_TileEntity_ComputerCube; /** * * @author Brian McCloud */ public class AutomationSimulator { private final Reactor reactor; private final ArrayList output; private final GT_TileEntity_ComputerCube mReactor; private final boolean[][] needsCooldown = new boolean[6][9]; private final int initialHeat; private double minEUoutput = Double.MAX_VALUE; private double maxEUoutput = 0.0; private double minHeatOutput = Double.MAX_VALUE; private double maxHeatOutput = 0.0; private final int onPulseDuration; private final int offPulseDuration; private final int clockPeriod; private final int suspendTemp; private final int resumeTemp; private final int maxSimulationTicks; private boolean reachedBelow50; private boolean reachedBurn; private boolean reachedEvaporate; private boolean reachedHurt; private boolean reachedLava; private boolean reachedExplode; private boolean allFuelRodsDepleted = false; private boolean componentsIntact = true; private boolean anyRodsDepleted = false; private int activeTime = 0; private int inactiveTime = 0; private int currentActiveTime = 0; private int minActiveTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private int maxActiveTime = 0; private int currentInactiveTime = 0; private int minInactiveTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private int maxInactiveTime = 0; private double totalHullHeating = 0; private double totalComponentHeating = 0; private double totalHullCooling = 0; private double totalVentCooling = 0; private boolean showHeatingCoolingCalled = false; private boolean active = true; private int pauseTimer = 0; private int redstoneUsed = 0; private int lapisUsed = 0; private boolean completed = false; private boolean mRunning = false; private static final DecimalFormat DECIMAL_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.##"); private final SimulationData data = new SimulationData(); public SimulationData getData() { if (completed) { return data; } return null; } public AutomationSimulator(final Reactor reactor, final ArrayList output2, final GT_TileEntity_ComputerCube aTile) { this.reactor = reactor; this.output = output2; this.mReactor = aTile; this.initialHeat = (int) reactor.getCurrentHeat(); this.onPulseDuration = reactor.getOnPulse(); this.offPulseDuration = reactor.getOffPulse(); this.clockPeriod = onPulseDuration + offPulseDuration; this.suspendTemp = reactor.getSuspendTemp(); this.resumeTemp = reactor.getResumeTemp(); this.maxSimulationTicks = reactor.getMaxSimulationTicks(); } public void process() { mRunning = true; completed = false; long startTime = System.nanoTime(); int reactorTicks = 0; int cooldownTicks = 0; int totalRodCount = 0; publish(""); // NOI18N publish("Simulation.Started"); reactor.setCurrentHeat(initialHeat); reactor.clearVentedHeat(); double minReactorHeat = initialHeat; double maxReactorHeat = initialHeat; reachedBelow50 = false; reachedBurn = initialHeat >= 0.4 * reactor.getMaxHeat(); reachedEvaporate = initialHeat >= 0.5 * reactor.getMaxHeat(); reachedHurt = initialHeat >= 0.7 * reactor.getMaxHeat(); reachedLava = initialHeat >= 0.85 * reactor.getMaxHeat(); reachedExplode = false; for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) { ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col); if (component != null) { component.clearCurrentHeat(); component.clearDamage(); totalRodCount += component.getRodCount(); } publish(String.format("R%dC%d:0xC0C0C0", row, col)); // NOI18N } } data.totalRodCount = totalRodCount; double lastEUoutput = 0.0; double totalEUoutput = 0.0; double lastHeatOutput = 0.0; double totalHeatOutput = 0.0; double maxGeneratedHeat = 0.0; double explosionPower = 10.0; allFuelRodsDepleted = false; componentsIntact = true; anyRodsDepleted = false; Logger.INFO("Reactor Current Heat: "+reactor.getCurrentHeat()); Logger.INFO("Reactor Max Heat: "+reactor.getMaxHeat()); Logger.INFO("Least EU Output: "+lastEUoutput); Logger.INFO("Least Heat Output: "+lastHeatOutput); Logger.INFO("Reactor Max Ticks: "+maxSimulationTicks); Logger.INFO("All Fuel Depleted: "+allFuelRodsDepleted); Logger.INFO("Running: "+isRunning()); Logger.INFO("Stopped: "+hasStopped()); while (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < reactor.getMaxHeat() && (!allFuelRodsDepleted || lastEUoutput > 0 || lastHeatOutput > 0) && reactorTicks < maxSimulationTicks && isRunning()) { //Logger.INFO("Reactor Tick: "+reactorTicks); reactorTicks++; reactor.clearEUOutput(); reactor.clearVentedHeat(); for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) { ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col); if (component != null) { component.preReactorTick(); } } } if (active) { allFuelRodsDepleted = true; // assume rods depleted until one is // found that isn't. } double generatedHeat = 0.0; for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) { ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col); if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) { if (allFuelRodsDepleted && component.getRodCount() > 0) { allFuelRodsDepleted = false; } if (active) { generatedHeat += component.generateHeat(); } component.dissipate(); component.transfer(); } } } maxReactorHeat = Math.max(reactor.getCurrentHeat(), maxReactorHeat); minReactorHeat = Math.min(reactor.getCurrentHeat(), minReactorHeat); checkReactorTemperature(reactorTicks); maxGeneratedHeat = Math.max(generatedHeat, maxGeneratedHeat); if (active) { for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) { ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col); if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) { component.generateEnergy(); } } } } lastEUoutput = reactor.getCurrentEUoutput(); totalEUoutput += lastEUoutput; lastHeatOutput = reactor.getVentedHeat(); totalHeatOutput += lastHeatOutput; if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() <= reactor.getMaxHeat()) { if (reactor.isPulsed() || reactor.isAutomated()) { if (active) { activeTime++; currentActiveTime++; if (reactor.isPulsed() && (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= suspendTemp || (reactorTicks % clockPeriod) >= onPulseDuration)) { active = false; minActiveTime = Math.min(currentActiveTime, minActiveTime); maxActiveTime = Math.max(currentActiveTime, maxActiveTime); currentActiveTime = 0; } } else { inactiveTime++; currentInactiveTime++; if (reactor.isAutomated() && pauseTimer > 0) { pauseTimer--; } else if ((reactor.isPulsed() && reactor.getCurrentHeat() <= resumeTemp && (reactorTicks % clockPeriod) < onPulseDuration)) { active = true; minInactiveTime = Math.min(currentInactiveTime, minInactiveTime); maxInactiveTime = Math.max(currentInactiveTime, maxInactiveTime); currentInactiveTime = 0; } } } minEUoutput = Math.min(lastEUoutput, minEUoutput); maxEUoutput = Math.max(lastEUoutput, maxEUoutput); minHeatOutput = Math.min(lastHeatOutput, minHeatOutput); maxHeatOutput = Math.max(lastHeatOutput, maxHeatOutput); } calculateHeatingCooling(reactorTicks); handleAutomation(reactorTicks); } if (hasStopped()) { publish("Simulation.CancelledAtTick", reactorTicks); } data.minTemp = (int) minReactorHeat; data.maxTemp = (int) maxReactorHeat; publish("Simulation.ReactorMinTemp", minReactorHeat); publish("Simulation.ReactorMaxTemp", maxReactorHeat); if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < reactor.getMaxHeat()) { publish("Simulation.TimeWithoutExploding", reactorTicks); if (reactor.isPulsed()) { String rangeString = ""; if (maxActiveTime > minActiveTime) { rangeString = rangeString("Simulation.ActiveTimeRange", minActiveTime, maxActiveTime); } else if (minActiveTime < activeTime) { rangeString = "Simulation.ActiveTimeSingle "+minActiveTime; } publish("Simulation.ActiveTime", activeTime, rangeString); rangeString = ""; if (maxInactiveTime > minInactiveTime) { rangeString = rangeString("Simulation.InactiveTimeRange", minInactiveTime, maxInactiveTime); } else if (minInactiveTime < inactiveTime) { rangeString = "Simulation.InactiveTimeSingle " + minInactiveTime; } publish("Simulation.InactiveTime", inactiveTime, rangeString); } if (reactorTicks > 0) { data.totalReactorTicks = reactorTicks; if (reactor.isFluid()) { data.totalHUoutput = (int) (40 * totalHeatOutput); data.avgHUoutput = (int) (2 * totalHeatOutput / reactorTicks); data.minHUoutput = 2 * minHeatOutput; data.maxHUoutput = (int) (2 * maxHeatOutput); if (totalHeatOutput > 0) { publish("Simulation.HeatOutputs", DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(40 * totalHeatOutput), DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(2 * totalHeatOutput / reactorTicks), DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(2 * minHeatOutput), DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(2 * maxHeatOutput)); if (totalRodCount > 0) { publish("Simulation.Efficiency", totalHeatOutput / reactorTicks / 4 / totalRodCount, minHeatOutput / 4 / totalRodCount, maxHeatOutput / 4 / totalRodCount); } } } else { data.totalEUoutput = (int) totalEUoutput; data.avgEUoutput = MathUtils.roundToClosestInt(Math.ceil(totalEUoutput / (reactorTicks * 20))); data.minEUoutput = minEUoutput / 20.0; data.maxEUoutput = (int) (maxEUoutput / 20.0); if (totalEUoutput > 0) { publish("Simulation.EUOutputs", DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(totalEUoutput), DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(totalEUoutput / (reactorTicks * 20)), DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(minEUoutput / 20.0), DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(maxEUoutput / 20.0)); if (totalRodCount > 0) { publish("Simulation.Efficiency", totalEUoutput / reactorTicks / 100 / totalRodCount, minEUoutput / 100 / totalRodCount, maxEUoutput / 100 / totalRodCount); } } } } if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() > 0.0) { publish("Simulation.ReactorRemainingHeat", reactor.getCurrentHeat()); } double prevReactorHeat = reactor.getCurrentHeat(); double prevTotalComponentHeat = 0.0; for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) { ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col); if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) { if (component.getCurrentHeat() > 0.0) { prevTotalComponentHeat += component.getCurrentHeat(); publish(String.format("R%dC%d:0xFFA500", row, col)); // NOI18N"ComponentInfo.RemainingHeat " + component.getCurrentHeat()); } } } } if (prevReactorHeat == 0.0 && prevTotalComponentHeat == 0.0) { publish("Simulation.NoCooldown"); } else if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < reactor.getMaxHeat()) { double currentTotalComponentHeat = prevTotalComponentHeat; int reactorCooldownTime = 0; do { reactor.clearVentedHeat(); prevReactorHeat = reactor.getCurrentHeat(); if (prevReactorHeat == 0.0) { reactorCooldownTime = cooldownTicks; } prevTotalComponentHeat = currentTotalComponentHeat; for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) { ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col); if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) { component.dissipate(); component.transfer(); } } } lastHeatOutput = reactor.getVentedHeat(); totalHeatOutput += lastHeatOutput; minEUoutput = Math.min(lastEUoutput, minEUoutput); maxEUoutput = Math.max(lastEUoutput, maxEUoutput); minHeatOutput = Math.min(lastHeatOutput, minHeatOutput); maxHeatOutput = Math.max(lastHeatOutput, maxHeatOutput); cooldownTicks++; currentTotalComponentHeat = 0.0; for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) { ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col); if (component != null && !component.isBroken()) { currentTotalComponentHeat += component.getCurrentHeat(); if (component.getCurrentHeat() == 0.0 && needsCooldown[row][col]) {"ComponentInfo.CooldownTime " + cooldownTicks); needsCooldown[row][col] = false; } } } } } while (lastHeatOutput > 0 && cooldownTicks < 50000); if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < reactor.getMaxHeat()) { if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() == 0.0) { publish("Simulation.ReactorCooldownTime", reactorCooldownTime); } else if (reactorCooldownTime > 0) { publish("Simulation.ReactorResidualHeat", reactor.getCurrentHeat(), reactorCooldownTime); } publish("Simulation.TotalCooldownTime", cooldownTicks); } } } else { publish("Simulation.ReactorOverheatedTime", reactorTicks); explosionPower = 10.0; double explosionPowerMult = 1.0; for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) { ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col); if (component != null) { explosionPower += component.getExplosionPowerOffset(); explosionPowerMult *= component.getExplosionPowerMultiplier(); } } } explosionPower *= explosionPowerMult; publish("Simulation.ExplosionPower", explosionPower); } double totalEffectiveVentCooling = 0.0; double totalVentCoolingCapacity = 0.0; double totalCellCooling = 0.0; double totalCondensatorCooling = 0.0; for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) { ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col); if (component != null) { if (component.getVentCoolingCapacity() > 0) {"ComponentInfo.UsedCooling " + component.getBestVentCooling() + " | " + component.getVentCoolingCapacity()); totalEffectiveVentCooling += component.getBestVentCooling(); totalVentCoolingCapacity += component.getVentCoolingCapacity(); } else if (component.getBestCellCooling() > 0) {"ComponentInfo.ReceivedHeat " + component.getBestCellCooling()); totalCellCooling += component.getBestCellCooling(); } else if (component.getBestCondensatorCooling() > 0) {"ComponentInfo.ReceivedHeat " + component.getBestCondensatorCooling()); totalCondensatorCooling += component.getBestCondensatorCooling(); } else if (component.getMaxHeatGenerated() > 0) { if (!reactor.isFluid() && component.getMaxEUGenerated() > 0) {"ComponentInfo.GeneratedEU " + component.getMinEUGenerated() + " | " + component.getMaxEUGenerated()); }"ComponentInfo.GeneratedHeat " + component.getMinHeatGenerated() + " | " + component.getMaxHeatGenerated()); } if (component.getMaxReachedHeat() > 0) {"ComponentInfo.ReachedHeat " + component.getMaxReachedHeat() + " | " + component.getMaxHeat()); } } } } // if (totalVentCoolingCapacity > 0) { // publish("Simulation.TotalVentCooling", // totalEffectiveVentCooling, totalVentCoolingCapacity); // } showHeatingCooling(reactorTicks); // Call to show this info in case it // hasn't already been shown, such // as for an automated reactor. if (totalCellCooling > 0) { publish("Simulation.TotalCellCooling", totalCellCooling); } if (totalCondensatorCooling > 0) { publish("Simulation.TotalCondensatorCooling", totalCondensatorCooling); } if (maxGeneratedHeat > 0) { publish("Simulation.MaxHeatGenerated", maxGeneratedHeat); } if (redstoneUsed > 0) { publish("Simulation.RedstoneUsed", redstoneUsed); } if (lapisUsed > 0) { publish("Simulation.LapisUsed", lapisUsed); } // double totalCooling = totalEffectiveVentCooling + totalCellCooling + // totalCondensatorCooling; // if (totalCooling >= maxGeneratedHeat) { // publish("Simulation.ExcessCooling", totalCooling - // maxGeneratedHeat); // } else { // publish("Simulation.ExcessHeating", maxGeneratedHeat - // totalCooling); // } // return null; /* catch (Throwable e) { if (cooldownTicks == 0) { publish("Simulation.ErrorReactor", reactorTicks); } else { publish("Simulation.ErrorCooldown", cooldownTicks); } publish(e.toString(), " ", Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace()); // NO18N }*/ data.explosionPower = (int) explosionPower; data.totalReactorTicks = reactorTicks; long endTime = System.nanoTime(); publish("Simulation.ElapsedTime", (endTime - startTime) / 1e9); mRunning = false; completed = true; } public boolean hasStopped() { return !mRunning; } public boolean isRunning() { return mRunning; } private void handleAutomation(final int reactorTicks) { for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) { ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col); if (component != null && reactor.isAutomated()) { if (component.getMaxHeat() > 1) { if (component.getAutomationThreshold() > component.getInitialHeat() && component.getCurrentHeat() >= component.getAutomationThreshold()) { component.clearCurrentHeat();"ComponentInfo.ReplacedTime | " + reactorTicks); if (component.getReactorPause() > 0) { active = false; pauseTimer = Math.max(pauseTimer, component.getReactorPause()); minActiveTime = Math.min(currentActiveTime, minActiveTime); maxActiveTime = Math.max(currentActiveTime, maxActiveTime); currentActiveTime = 0; } } else if (component.getAutomationThreshold() < component.getInitialHeat() && component.getCurrentHeat() <= component.getAutomationThreshold()) { component.clearCurrentHeat();"ComponentInfo.ReplacedTime | " +reactorTicks); if (component.getReactorPause() > 0) { active = false; pauseTimer = Math.max(pauseTimer, component.getReactorPause()); minActiveTime = Math.min(currentActiveTime, minActiveTime); maxActiveTime = Math.max(currentActiveTime, maxActiveTime); currentActiveTime = 0; } } } else if (component.isBroken() || (component.getMaxDamage() > 1 && component.getCurrentDamage() >= component.getAutomationThreshold())) { component.clearDamage();"ComponentInfo.ReplacedTime | " +reactorTicks); if (component.getReactorPause() > 0) { active = false; pauseTimer = Math.max(pauseTimer, component.getReactorPause()); minActiveTime = Math.min(currentActiveTime, minActiveTime); maxActiveTime = Math.max(currentActiveTime, maxActiveTime); currentActiveTime = 0; } } } if (reactor.isUsingReactorCoolantInjectors() && component != null && component.needsCoolantInjected()) { component.injectCoolant(); if ("rshCondensator".equals(component.baseName)) { redstoneUsed++; } else if ("lzhCondensator".equals(component.baseName)) { lapisUsed++; } } } } } private void checkReactorTemperature(final int reactorTicks) { if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() < 0.5 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedBelow50 && reachedEvaporate) { publish("Simulation.TimeToBelow50", reactorTicks); reachedBelow50 = true; data.timeToBelow50 = reactorTicks; } if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= 0.4 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedBurn) { publish("Simulation.TimeToBurn", reactorTicks); reachedBurn = true; data.timeToBurn = reactorTicks; } if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= 0.5 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedEvaporate) { publish("Simulation.TimeToEvaporate", reactorTicks); reachedEvaporate = true; data.timeToEvaporate = reactorTicks; } if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= 0.7 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedHurt) { publish("Simulation.TimeToHurt", reactorTicks); reachedHurt = true; data.timeToHurt = reactorTicks; } if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= 0.85 * reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedLava) { publish("Simulation.TimeToLava", reactorTicks); reachedLava = true; data.timeToLava = reactorTicks; } if (reactor.getCurrentHeat() >= reactor.getMaxHeat() && !reachedExplode) { publish("Simulation.TimeToXplode", reactorTicks); reachedExplode = true; data.timeToXplode = reactorTicks; } } private void calculateHeatingCooling(final int reactorTicks) { if (reactorTicks > 20) { for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) { ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col); if (component != null) { totalHullHeating += component.getCurrentHullHeating(); totalComponentHeating += component.getCurrentComponentHeating(); totalHullCooling += component.getCurrentHullCooling(); totalVentCooling += component.getCurrentVentCooling(); } } } } } private void showHeatingCooling(final int reactorTicks) { if (!showHeatingCoolingCalled) { showHeatingCoolingCalled = true; if (reactorTicks >= 40) { double totalHullCoolingCapacity = 0; double totalVentCoolingCapacity = 0; for (int row = 0; row < 6; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++) { ReactorItem component = reactor.getComponentAt(row, col); if (component != null) { totalHullCoolingCapacity += component.getHullCoolingCapacity(); totalVentCoolingCapacity += component.getVentCoolingCapacity(); } } } data.hullHeating = totalHullHeating / (reactorTicks - 20); data.componentHeating = totalComponentHeating / (reactorTicks - 20); data.hullCooling = totalHullCooling / (reactorTicks - 20); data.hullCoolingCapacity = totalHullCoolingCapacity; data.ventCooling = totalVentCooling / (reactorTicks - 20); data.ventCoolingCapacity = totalVentCoolingCapacity; if (totalHullHeating > 0) { publish("Simulation.HullHeating", totalHullHeating / (reactorTicks - 20)); } if (totalComponentHeating > 0) { publish("Simulation.ComponentHeating", totalComponentHeating / (reactorTicks - 20)); } if (totalHullCoolingCapacity > 0) { publish("Simulation.HullCooling | " +totalHullCooling / (reactorTicks - 20), totalHullCoolingCapacity); } if (totalVentCoolingCapacity > 0) { publish("Simulation.VentCooling | " +totalVentCooling / (reactorTicks - 20), totalVentCoolingCapacity); } } } } private void publish(String string, double currentHeat, int reactorCooldownTime) { publish(string + " | "+currentHeat+" | "+reactorCooldownTime); } private void publish(String string, double d, double e, double f) { publish(string + " | "+d+" | "+e+" | "+f); } private void publish(String string, String format, String format2, String format3, String format4) { publish(string + " | "+format+" | "+format2+" | "+format3+" | "+format4); } private void publish(String string, int activeTime2, String rangeString) { publish(string + " | "+activeTime2+" | "+rangeString); } private void publish(String aString, double aData) { publish(aString+":"+aData); } private void publish(String aString, long aData) { publish(aString+":"+aData); } private void publish(String aString) { output.add(aString); } private String rangeString(String string, int aMin, int aMax) { return string+" ("+aMin+"-"+aMax+")"; } protected void process(List chunks) { /* for (String chunk : chunks) { if (chunk.isEmpty()) { output.add(""); // NO18N } else { if (chunk.matches("R\\dC\\d:.*")) { // NO18N String temp = chunk.substring(5); int row = chunk.charAt(1) - '0'; int col = chunk.charAt(3) - '0'; if (temp.startsWith("0x")) { // NO18N mReactorComponents[row][col].setBackground(Color.decode(temp)); if ("0xC0C0C0".equals(temp)) { mReactorComponents[row][col].setToolTipText(null); } else if ("0xFF0000".equals(temp)) { mReactorComponents[row][col].setToolTipText(getI18n("ComponentTooltip.Broken")); } else if ("0xFFA500".equals(temp)) { mReactorComponents[row][col].setToolTipText(getI18n("ComponentTooltip.ResidualHeat")); } } } else { output.add(chunk); } } } */ } public void cancel() { Logger.INFO("Stopping Simulation."); mRunning = false; completed = true; } }