# Comparison keys are for comparing two simulated reactors. Instead of being in
# in a TextArea like the main simulation, the comparison will be in a JLabel, wrapped
# in html tags, to allow color coding of the text more easily.
Comparison.ComponentHeating=Component heating: %s (%s/%s)
Comparison.ComponentsReplacedHeading=Components replaced:
Comparison.Default=Please run at least two simulations (preferably with different reactor designs) to get a comparison.
Comparison.EUEUoutput=total output: %s (%s/%s) EU (%s EU/t average (%s/%s), %s EU/t min (%s/%s), %s EU/t max (%s/%s))
Comparison.EUHUoutput=total output: %s EU / %s HU (%s EU/t / %s HU/t average, %s EU/t / %s HU/t min, %s EU/t / %s HU/t max)
Comparison.Header=Most recent simulated reactor (left, in-grid) compared to previous simulated reactor (right, in-tab):
Comparison.HUEUoutput=total output: %s HU / %s EU (%s HU/t / %s EU/t average, %s HU/t / %s EU/t min, %s HU/t / %s EU/t max)
Comparison.HUHUoutput=total output: %s (%s/%s) HU (%s HU/t average (%s/%s), %s HU/t min (%s/%s), %s HU/t max (%s/%s))
Comparison.HullCooling=Hull cooling: %s (%s/%s)
Comparison.HullCoolingPossible=Possible hull cooling: %s (%s/%s)
Comparison.HullHeating=Hull heating: %s (%s/%s)
Comparison.MaterialsEntry=%s %s (%s/%s)
Comparison.NoDifferences=No significant differences detected.
Comparison.PostsimMaxTemp=Reactor maximum temperature: %s (%s/%s)
Comparison.PostsimMinTemp=Reactor minimum temperature: %s (%s/%s)
Comparison.PredepleteMaxTemp=Reactor maximum temperature (before first fuel rod depleted): %s (%s/%s)
Comparison.PredepleteMinTemp=Reactor minimum temperature (before first fuel rod depleted): %s (%s/%s)
Comparison.Prefix.PostSimulation=After simulation,\u0020
Comparison.Prefix.PostSimulationTime=Time simulated:\u0020
Comparison.Prefix.Prebreak=Before first component broken,\u0020
Comparison.Prefix.PrebreakTime=Time to first component break:\u0020
Comparison.Prefix.Predeplete=Before first rod depleted,\u0020
Comparison.Prefix.PredepleteTime=Time to first rod depletion:\u0020
Comparison.Prefix.TimeToBelow50=Time to below 50%% heat (after being above it):\u0020
Comparison.Prefix.TimeToBurn=Time to "Burn" temperature:\u0020
Comparison.Prefix.TimeToEvaporate=Time to "Evaporate" temperature:\u0020
Comparison.Prefix.TimeToHurt=Time to "Hurt" temperature:\u0020
Comparison.Prefix.TimeToLava=Time to "Lava" temperature:\u0020
Comparison.Prefix.TimeToXplode=Time to explode:\u0020
Comparison.Time.Both=%+,d seconds (%d/%d)
Comparison.Time.BothColored=%+,d seconds (%d/%d)
Comparison.VentCooling=Vent cooling: %s (%s/%s)
Comparison.VentCoolingPossible=Possible vent cooling: %s (%s/%s)
# ComponentData keys are for providing extra details in the tooltips for the component palette.
# Suggested by kekzdealer in Pull Request: https://github.com/MauveCloud/Ic2ExpReactorPlanner/pull/67
# but heavily modified since.
ComponentData.AdvancedHeatExchanger=Heat Capacity: 10,000
Hull Exchange Rate: 8 heat/s
Component Exchange Rate: 24 heat/s
ComponentData.AdvancedHeatVent=Heat Capacity: 1,000
Self Venting Rate: 12 heat/s
ComponentData.ComponentHeatExchanger=Heat Capacity: 5,000
Component Exchange Rate: 36 heat/s
ComponentData.ComponentHeatVent=Component Venting Rate: 4 heat/s
ComponentData.ContainmentReactorPlating=Dampens explosions
ComponentData.CoolantCell10k=Heat Capacity: 10,000
ComponentData.CoolantCell180kHelium=Heat Capacity: 180,000
ComponentData.CoolantCell180kNak=Heat Capacity: 180,000
ComponentData.CoolantCell30k=Heat Capacity: 30,000
ComponentData.CoolantCell360kHelium=Heat Capacity: 360,000
ComponentData.CoolantCell360kNak=Heat Capacity: 360,000
ComponentData.CoolantCell60k=Heat Capacity: 60,000
ComponentData.CoolantCell60kHelium=Heat Capacity: 60,000
ComponentData.CoolantCell60kNak=Heat Capacity: 60,000
ComponentData.CoolantCell180kSpace=Heat Capacity: 180,000
ComponentData.CoolantCell360kSpace=Heat Capacity: 360,000
ComponentData.CoolantCell540kSpace=Heat Capacity: 540,000
ComponentData.CoolantCell1080kSpace=Heat Capacity: 1080,000
ComponentData.DualFuelRodCesium=Generation Time: 10,861 seconds
EU Generation: 40/60/80/100/120 /t
Heat Generation: 6/12/20/30/42 /s
ComponentData.DualFuelRodCoaxium=Generation Time: 20,000 seconds
EU Generation: 20/30/40/50/60 /t
Heat Generation: 0 /s
ComponentData.DualFuelRodMox=Generation Time: 10,000 seconds
EU Generation: [20,100)/[30,150)/[40,200)/[50,250)/[60,300) /t - scales linearly with hull temperature.
Heat Generation in EU reactor or when hull temperature<=50%: 24/48/80/120/168 /s
Heat Generation in fluid reactor when hull temperature>50%: 48/96/160/240/336 /s
ComponentData.DualFuelRodNaquadah=Generation Time: 100,000 seconds
EU Generation: [40,100)/[60,150)/[80,200)/[100,250)/[120,300) /t - scales linearly with hull temperature.
Heat Generation in EU reactor or when hull temperature<=50%: 24/48/80/120/168 /s
Heat Generation in fluid reactor when hull temperature>50%: 48/96/160/240/336 /s
ComponentData.DualFuelRodNaquadahGTNH=Generation Time: 100,000 seconds
EU Generation: 20/30/40/50/60 /t
Heat Generation: 24/48/80/120/168 /s
ComponentData.DualFuelRodNaquadria=Generation Time: 100,000 seconds
EU Generation: [40,100)/[60,150)/[80,200)/[100,250)/[120,300) /t - scales linearly with hull temperature.
Heat Generation in EU reactor or when hull temperature<=50%: 24/48/80/120/168 /s
Heat Generation in fluid reactor when hull temperature>50%: 48/96/160/240/336 /s
ComponentData.DualFuelRodThorium=Generation Time: 50,000 seconds
EU Generation: 4/6/8/10/12 /t
Heat Generation: 6/12/20/30/42 /s
ComponentData.DualFuelRodTiberium=Generation Time: 50,000 seconds
EU Generation: 10/20/30/40/50 /t
Heat Generation: 12/24/40/60/84 /s
ComponentData.DualFuelRodUranium=Generation Time: 20,000 seconds
EU Generation: 20/30/40/50/60 /t
Heat Generation: 24/48/80/120/168 /s
ComponentData.FuelRodCesium=Generation Time: 10,861 seconds
EU Generation: 10/20/30/40/50 /t
Heat Generation: 1/3/8/10/15 /s
ComponentData.FuelRodCoaxium=Generation Time: 20,000 seconds
EU Generation: 5/10/15/20/25 /t
Heat Generation: 0 /s
ComponentData.FuelRodMox=Generation Time: 10,000 seconds
EU Generation: [5,25)/[10,50)/[15,75)/[20,100)/[25,125) /t - scales linearly with hull temperature.
Heat Generation in EU reactor or when hull temperature<=50%: 4/12/24/40/60 /s
Heat Generation in fluid reactor when hull temperature>50%: 8/24/48/80/120 /s
ComponentData.FuelRodNaquadah=Generation Time: 100,000 seconds
EU Generation: [10,25)/[20,50)/[30,75)/[40,100)/[50,125) /t - scales linearly with hull temperature.
Heat Generation in EU reactor or when hull temperature<=50%: 4/12/24/40/60 /s
Heat Generation in fluid reactor when hull temperature>50%: 8/24/48/80/120 /s
ComponentData.FuelRodNaquadahGTNH=Generation Time: 100,000 seconds
EU Generation: 5/10/15/20/25 /t
Heat Generation: 4/12/24/40/60 /s
ComponentData.FuelRodNaquadria=Generation Time: 100,000 seconds
EU Generation: [10,25)/[20,50)/[30,75)/[40,100)/[50,125) /t - scales linearly with hull temperature.
Heat Generation in EU reactor or when hull temperature<=50%: 4/12/24/40/60 /s
Heat Generation in fluid reactor when hull temperature>50%: 8/24/48/80/120 /s
ComponentData.FuelRodTheCore=Generation Time: 100,000 seconds
EU Generation: 10880 /t
Heat Generation: 19584 /s
ComponentData.FuelRodThorium=Generation Time: 50,000 seconds
EU Generation: 1/2/3/4/5 /t
Heat Generation: 1/3/6/10/15 /s
ComponentData.FuelRodTiberium=Generation Time: 50,000 seconds
EU Generation: 5/10/15/20/25 /t
Heat Generation: 2/6/12/20/30 /s
ComponentData.FuelRodUranium=Generation Time: 20,000 seconds
EU Generation: 5/10/15/20/25 /t
Heat Generation: 4/12/24/40/60 /s
ComponentData.HeatCapacityReactorPlating=Increases maximum heat capacity
ComponentData.HeatExchanger=Heat Capacity: 2,500
Hull Exchange Rate: 4 heat/s
Component Exchange Rate: 12 heat/s
ComponentData.HeatVent=Heat Capacity: 1,000
Self Venting Rate: 6 heat/s
ComponentData.IridiumNeutronReflector=Durability: Infinite
ComponentData.LzhCondensator=Heat Capacity: 100,000
Cannot be vented from.
ComponentData.NeutronReflector=Durability: 30,000 (10,000 in MC 1.7.10)
ComponentData.OverclockedHeatVent=Heat Capacity: 1,000
Self Venting Rate: 20 heat/s
Hull Cooling Rate: 36 heat/s
ComponentData.QuadFuelRodCesium=Generation Time: 10,861 seconds
EU Generation: 120/160/200/240/280 /t
Heat Generation: 24/40/60/84/112 /s
ComponentData.QuadFuelRodCoaxium=Generation Time: 20,000 seconds
EU Generation: 60/80/100/120/140 /t
Heat Generation: 0 /s
ComponentData.QuadFuelRodMox=Generation Time: 10,000 seconds
EU Generation: [60,300)/[80,400)/[100,500)/[120,600)/[140,700) /t - scales linearly with hull temperature.
Heat Generation in EU reactor or when hull temperature<=50%: 96/160/240/336/448 /s
Heat Generation in fluid reactor when hull temperature>50%: 192/320/480/672/896 /s
ComponentData.QuadFuelRodNaquadah=Generation Time: 100,000 seconds
EU Generation: [120,300)/[160,400)/[200,500)/[240,600)/[280,700) /t - scales linearly with hull temperature.
Heat Generation in EU reactor or when hull temperature<=50%: 96/160/240/336/448 /s
Heat Generation in fluid reactor when hull temperature>50%: 192/320/480/672/896 /s
ComponentData.QuadFuelRodNaquadahGTNH=Generation Time: 100,000 seconds
EU Generation: 60/80/100/120/140 /t
Heat Generation: 96/160/240/336/448 /s
ComponentData.QuadFuelRodNaquadria=Generation Time: 100,000 seconds
EU Generation: [120,300)/[160,400)/[200,500)/[240,600)/[280,700) /t - scales linearly with hull temperature.
Heat Generation in EU reactor or when hull temperature<=50%: 96/160/240/336/448 /s
Heat Generation in fluid reactor when hull temperature>50%: 192/320/480/672/896 /s
ComponentData.QuadFuelRodThorium=Generation Time: 50,000 seconds
EU Generation: 12/16/20/24/28 /t
Heat Generation: 24/40/60/84/112 /s
ComponentData.QuadFuelRodTiberium=Generation Time: 50,000 seconds
EU Generation: 60/80/100/120/140 /t
Heat Generation: 48/80/120/168/224 /s
ComponentData.QuadFuelRodUranium=Generation Time: 20,000 seconds
EU Generation: 60/80/100/120/140 /t
Heat Generation: 96/160/240/336/448 /s
ComponentData.ReactorHeatExchanger=Heat Capacity: 5,000
Hull Exchange Rate: 72 heat/s
ComponentData.ReactorHeatVent=Heat Capacity: 1,000
Self Venting Rate: 5 heat/s
Hull Cooling Rate: 5 heat/s
ComponentData.ReactorPlating=Crafting component for Containment and Heat-Capacity Reactor Plating
ComponentData.RshCondensator=Heat Capacity: 20,000
Cannot be vented from.
ComponentData.ThickNeutronReflector=Durability: 120,000 (40,000 in MC 1.7.10)
# ComponentInfo keys are for updating information about a component during a simulation.
ComponentInfo.BrokeTime=\nBroke after %,d seconds.
ComponentInfo.CooldownTime=\nTook %,d seconds to cool down.
ComponentInfo.GeneratedEU=\nGenerated %,.2f to %,.2f EU per second.
ComponentInfo.GeneratedHeat=\nGenerated %,.0f to %,.0f heat per second.
ComponentInfo.ReachedHeat=\nReached up to %,.0f of %,.0f heat.
ComponentInfo.ReceivedHeat=\nReceived at most %,.0f heat per second.
ComponentInfo.RemainingHeat=\nHad %,.0f heat left after main simulation stopped.
ComponentInfo.ReplacedTime=\nReplaced at %,d seconds.
ComponentInfo.ResidualHeat=\nHad %,.0f heat left after cooldown period.
ComponentInfo.UsedCooling=\nUsed %,.0f of %,.0f cooling.
# Keys for component names were originally matched to class names, to allow using reflection to look them up.
# However, refactoring eliminated the "one class for each component type" idea.
# These keys will be used both in the reactor area and the component selection area.
ComponentName.AdvancedHeatExchanger=Advanced Heat Exchanger
ComponentName.AdvancedHeatVent=Advanced Heat Vent
ComponentName.ComponentHeatExchanger=Component Heat Exchanger
ComponentName.ComponentHeatVent=Component Heat Vent
ComponentName.ContainmentReactorPlating=Containment Reactor Plating
ComponentName.CoolantCell10k=10k Coolant Cell
ComponentName.CoolantCell1080kSpace=1080k Space Coolant Cell
ComponentName.CoolantCell180kHelium=180k He Coolant Cell
ComponentName.CoolantCell180kNak=180k NaK Coolant Cell
ComponentName.CoolantCell180kSpace=180k Space Coolant Cell
ComponentName.CoolantCell30k=30k Coolant Cell
ComponentName.CoolantCell360kHelium=360k He Coolant Cell
ComponentName.CoolantCell360kNak=360k NaK Coolant Cell
ComponentName.CoolantCell360kSpace=360k Space Coolant Cell
ComponentName.CoolantCell540kSpace=540k Space Coolant Cell
ComponentName.CoolantCell60k=60k Coolant Cell
ComponentName.CoolantCell60kHelium=60k He Coolant Cell
ComponentName.CoolantCell60kNak=60k NaK Coolant Cell
ComponentName.DualFuelRodCesium=Dual Fuel Rod (Cesium)
ComponentName.DualFuelRodCoaxium=Dual Fuel Rod (Coaxium)
ComponentName.DualFuelRodMox=Dual Fuel Rod (MOX)
ComponentName.DualFuelRodNaquadah=Dual Fuel Rod (Naquadah)
ComponentName.DualFuelRodNaquadahGTNH=Dual Fuel Rod (Naquadah)
ComponentName.DualFuelRodNaquadria=Dual Fuel Rod (Naquadria)
ComponentName.DualFuelRodThorium=Dual Fuel Rod (Thorium)
ComponentName.DualFuelRodTiberium=Dual Fuel Rod (Tiberium)
ComponentName.DualFuelRodUranium=Dual Fuel Rod (Uranium)
ComponentName.FuelRodCesium=Fuel Rod (Cesium)
ComponentName.FuelRodCoaxium=Fuel Rod (Coaxium)
ComponentName.FuelRodMox=Fuel Rod (MOX)
ComponentName.FuelRodNaquadah=Fuel Rod (Naquadah)
ComponentName.FuelRodNaquadahGTNH=Fuel Rod (Naquadah)
ComponentName.FuelRodNaquadria=Fuel Rod (Naquadria)
ComponentName.FuelRodTheCore=Fuel Rod (The Core)
ComponentName.FuelRodThorium=Fuel Rod (Thorium)
ComponentName.FuelRodTiberium=Fuel Rod (Tiberium)
ComponentName.FuelRodUranium=Fuel Rod (Uranium)
ComponentName.HeatCapacityReactorPlating=Heat-Capacity Reactor Plating
ComponentName.HeatExchanger=Heat Exchanger
ComponentName.HeatVent=Heat Vent
ComponentName.IridiumNeutronReflector=Iridium Neutron Reflector
ComponentName.NeutronReflector=Neutron Reflector
ComponentName.OverclockedHeatVent=Overclocked Heat Vent
ComponentName.QuadFuelRodCesium=Quad Fuel Rod (Cesium)
ComponentName.QuadFuelRodCoaxium=Quad Fuel Rod (Coaxium)
ComponentName.QuadFuelRodMox=Quad Fuel Rod (MOX)
ComponentName.QuadFuelRodNaquadah=Quad Fuel Rod (Naquadah)
ComponentName.QuadFuelRodNaquadahGTNH=Quad Fuel Rod (Naquadah)
ComponentName.QuadFuelRodNaquadria=Quad Fuel Rod (Naquadria)
ComponentName.QuadFuelRodThorium=Quad Fuel Rod (Thorium)
ComponentName.QuadFuelRodTiberium=Quad Fuel Rod (Tiberium)
ComponentName.QuadFuelRodUranium=Quad Fuel Rod (Uranium)
ComponentName.ReactorHeatExchanger=Reactor Heat Exchanger
ComponentName.ReactorHeatVent=Reactor Heat Vent
ComponentName.ReactorPlating=Reactor Plating
ComponentName.ThickNeutronReflector=Thick Neutron Reflector
ComponentTooltip.Broken=Broke during last simulation
ComponentTooltip.ResidualHeat=Had residual heat after last simulation
Config.CSVCheckbox=Output CSV Data
Config.CSVLimit=For how many simulated seconds:
Config.EUReactor=EU Reactor
Config.FluidReactor=Fluid Reactor
Config.InitialComponentHeat=Initial Heat:
Config.NoComponentSelected=No component selected
Config.OffPulse=Off-pulse duration:
Config.OnPulse=On-pulse duration:
Config.PlacingReactorPause=Reactor Pause:
Config.PulseHelp=(on-pulse can be set to 5 million to mimic having no redstone timing)
Config.ReactorCoolantInjectors=Use Reactor Coolant Injectors (MC 1.8+ only)
Config.ReactorPause=Reactor Pause (seconds):
Config.ReactorPauseHelp=(This is how long the reactor will pause while replacing this component)
Config.ReplacementThreshold=Replacement Threshold:
Config.ReplacementThresholdHelp=(Set higher than component's initial heat/damage to replace the component when it gets this hot/damaged, or lower to replace a component that has cooled; broken components will be replaced during automation runs regardless of this setting)
Config.ResumeTemp=Resume when reactor temp <=
# Same language string should be usable anywhere "seconds" appears.
Config.SimulationStyle=Simulation Style:
Config.SuspendTemp=Suspend when reactor temp >=
Config.SuspendTempHelp=(both temps can be set to match explode temp to mimic having no temperature control)
CSVData.HeaderComponentName=,%s (R%dC%d)
CSVData.HeaderComponentOutput=,%s (R%dC%d) Output
CSVData.HeaderCoreHeat=,Core Heat
CSVData.HeaderEUOutput=,EU Output
CSVData.HeaderHUOutput=,HU Output
CSVData.HeaderReactorTick=Reactor Time
MaterialName.AdvancedAlloy=Advanced Alloy
MaterialName.AdvancedCircuit=Advanced Circuit
MaterialName.BasicCircuit=Basic Circuit
MaterialName.CallistoIceDust=Callisto Ice Dust
MaterialName.CesiumFuel=Cesium-Enriched Nuclear Fuel
MaterialName.CoaxiumFuel=Coaxium-Enriched Nuclear Fuel
MaterialName.DistilledWater=Distilled Water
MaterialName.EmptyCell=Empty Cell
MaterialName.EnrichedNaquadah=Enriched Naquadah
MaterialName.FluxedElectrum=Fluxed Electrum
MaterialName.GlowstoneDust=Glowstone Dust
MaterialName.IridiumReinforcedPlate=Iridium Reinforced Plate
MaterialName.LapisLazuli=Lapis Lazuli
MaterialName.LedoxDust=Ledox Dust
MaterialName.MoxFuel=MOX Fuel
MaterialName.ReinforcedGlass=Reinforced Glass
MaterialName.UraniumFuel=Uranium Fuel
# %s at the end of this string is for optionally showing the range of active time.
Simulation.ActiveTime=Reactor was active for a total of %,d seconds%s.\n
Simulation.ActiveTimeRange=\u0020(%,d to %,d seconds at a time)
Simulation.ActiveTimeSingle=\u0020(%,d seconds at a time)
Simulation.CancelledAtTick=Simulation cancelled after simulating %,d seconds.\n
Simulation.ComponentHeating=Component heating: %.2f average.\n
Simulation.ComponentsReplaced=Components replaced:\n%s
Simulation.CSVOpenFailure=Failed to open CSV file for output.\n
Simulation.CycleCompleteTime=Cycle complete after %,d seconds.\n
# This will be used to optionally show extra precision, in format strings where %s is used when %.2f might otherwise be expected.
Simulation.Efficiency=Efficiency: %.2f average, %.2f minimum, %.2f maximum\n
Simulation.ElapsedTime=Simulation took %.2f seconds.\n
Simulation.ErrorCooldown=Error %,d simulated seconds into cooldown.\n
Simulation.ErrorReactor=Error after simulating %d seconds of reactor activity\n
Simulation.EUOutputs=Total output after full simulation: %s EU (%s EU/t average, %s EU/t min, %s EU/t max)\n
Simulation.EUOutputsBeforeDepleted=Total output before first fuel rod depleted: %s EU (%s EU/t average, %s EU/t min, %s EU/t max)\n
Simulation.EUOutputsBeforeBreak=Total output before first component broken: %s EU (%s EU/t average, %s EU/t min, %s EU/t max)\n
Simulation.ExcessCooling=Excess cooling: %.2f\n
Simulation.ExcessHeating=Excess heating: %.2f\n
Simulation.ExplosionPower=Raw explosion power: %,.2f\n
Simulation.FirstComponentBrokenDetails=First Component Broken: %s at row %d column %d, at %d seconds.\n
Simulation.FirstRodDepletedDetails=First Fuel Rod Depleted: %s at row %d column %d, at %d seconds.\n
Simulation.FuelRodsTime=Fuel rods (if any) stopped after %,d seconds.\n
Simulation.HeatOutputs=Total output after full simulation: %s HU (%s HU/t average, %s HU/t minimum, %s HU/t max)\n
Simulation.HeatOutputsBeforeBreak=Total output before first component broken: %s HU (%s HU/t average, %s HU/t minimum, %s HU/t max)\n
Simulation.HeatOutputsBeforeDepleted=Total output before first fuel rod depleted: %s HU (%s HU/t average, %s HU/t minimum, %s HU/t max)\n
Simulation.HullCooling=Hull cooling: %,.2f average of %,.0f possible.\n
Simulation.HullHeating=Hull heating: %,.2f average.\n
Simulation.InactiveTime=Reactor was inactive for a total of %,d seconds%s.\n
Simulation.InactiveTimeRange=\u0020(%,d to %,d seconds at a time)
Simulation.InactiveTimeSingle=\u0020(%,d seconds at a time)
Simulation.LapisUsed=Used %d Lapis Lazuli Blocks.\n
Simulation.MaxHeatGenerated=Max heat generated (internally, by fuel rods): %,.0f\n
Simulation.NoCooldown=No cooldown needed.\n
Simulation.NoFuelRods=No fuel rods found! Simulating a pulsed cycle makes no sense!
Simulation.ReactorCooldownTime=Reactor took %,d seconds to cool down.\n
Simulation.ReactorHeatBuildup=Reactor heat buildup per second (while all components are intact):%,.0f minimum, %,.0f maximum.\n
Simulation.ReactorMaxTemp=Reactor maximum temperature: %,.0f\n
Simulation.ReactorMaxTempBeforeDepleted=Reactor maximum temperature (before first fuel rod depleted): %,.0f\n
Simulation.ReactorMinTemp=Reactor minimum temperature: %,.0f\n
Simulation.ReactorMinTempBeforeDepleted=Reactor minimum temperature (before first fuel rod depleted): %,.0f\n
Simulation.ReactorOverheatedTime=Reactor overheated at %,d seconds.\n
Simulation.ReactorRemainingHeat=Reactor remained at %,.0f heat after main simulation finished.\n
Simulation.ReactorResidualHeat=Reactor remained at %,.0f heat even after cool down period of %,d seconds.\n
Simulation.RedstoneUsed=Used %d Blocks of Redstone.\n
Simulation.Started=Simulation started.\n
Simulation.TimeToBelow50=Reactor will dip below 50%% heat for the first time (after being above it) at %d seconds.\n
Simulation.TimeToBurn=Reactor will reach "Burn" temperature at %d seconds.\n
Simulation.TimeToEvaporate=Reactor will reach "Evaporate" temperature at %d seconds.\n
Simulation.TimeToHurt=Reactor will reach "Hurt" temperature at %d seconds.\n
Simulation.TimeToLava=Reactor will reach "Lava" temperature at %d seconds.\n
# Note: The "e" is deliberately dropped from "Explode" in the key name so that it will sort after the others.
Simulation.TimeToXplode=Reactor will explode at %d seconds.\n
Simulation.TimeWithoutExploding=\nReactor ran for %,d seconds without exploding.\n
Simulation.TotalCellCooling=Total Cell Cooling (peak usages): %,.2f\n
Simulation.TotalCondensatorCooling=Total Condensator Cooling (peak usages): %,.2f\n
Simulation.TotalCooldownTime=Other components took %,d seconds to cool down (as much as they would).\n
Simulation.TotalVentCooling=Total Vent Cooling (peak usages, theoretical maximum): %,.2f of %,.2f\n
Simulation.VentCooling=Vent cooling: %,.2f average of %,.0f possible.\n
#Needs to be heavily abbreviated to fit on the button.
UI.AutomateButtonFont=Arial 10
UI.AutomatedReactor=Automated Reactor
UI.AutomatedReactorTooltip=Turn on to allow automating of adding/removing of components.
UI.AutomationTooltip=Click to define automation rules for this component.
UI.ChosenComponentRowCol=%s at row %d column %d
UI.ClearGridButton=Clear Grid
UI.ComponentAutomationTab=Component Automation
#Needs to be heavily abbreviated to fit on the button.
UI.ComponentInfoButtonFont=Arial 10
UI.ComponentInfoButtonTooltip=Click for information about this component
UI.ComponentInfoDefault=Please run a simulation and select a component in the reactor grid above to see its details.
UI.ComponentInfoLastSimRowCol=%s at row %d column %d\n%s
UI.ComponentListTab=Component List
UI.ComponentPlacingDefault=Placing Component: None
UI.ComponentPlacingSpecific=Placing Component: %s
UI.CopyCodeButton=Copy Code
UI.CopyComparisonData=Copy Comparison Data
UI.CSVFileDefault=No File Selected