/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. To change this template file, choose * Tools | Templates and open the template in the editor. */ package Ic2ExpReactorPlanner; import java.awt.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import Ic2ExpReactorPlanner.components.ReactorItem; /** * Represents an IndustrialCraft2 Nuclear Reactor. * * @author Brian McCloud */ public class Reactor { private final ReactorItem[][] grid = new ReactorItem[6][9]; private double currentEUoutput = 0.0; private double currentHeat = 0.0; private double maxHeat = 10000.0; private double ventedHeat = 0.0; private boolean fluid = false; private boolean pulsed = false; private boolean automated = false; private boolean usingReactorCoolantInjectors = false; private static final int DEFAULT_ON_PULSE = (int) 5e6; private int onPulse = DEFAULT_ON_PULSE; private static final int DEFAULT_OFF_PULSE = 0; private int offPulse = DEFAULT_OFF_PULSE; private static final int DEFAULT_SUSPEND_TEMP = (int) 120e3; private int suspendTemp = DEFAULT_SUSPEND_TEMP; private static final int DEFAULT_RESUME_TEMP = (int) 120e3; private int resumeTemp = DEFAULT_RESUME_TEMP; private int maxSimulationTicks = (int) 5e6; // maximum paramatter types for a reactor component (current initial heat, automation threshold, reactor pause private static final int MAX_PARAM_TYPES = 3; public static final int MAX_COMPONENT_HEAT = 1_080_000; public ReactorItem getComponentAt(final int row, final int column) { if (row >= 0 && row < grid.length && column >= 0 && column < grid[row].length) { return grid[row][column]; } return null; } public void setComponentAt(final int row, final int column, final ReactorItem component) { if (row >= 0 && row < grid.length && column >= 0 && column < grid[row].length) { if (grid[row][column] != null) { grid[row][column].removeFromReactor(); } grid[row][column] = component; if (component != null) { component.addToReactor(this, row, column); } } } public void clearGrid() { for (int row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) { setComponentAt(row, col, null); } } } /** * @return the amount of EU output in the reactor tick just simulated. */ public double getCurrentEUoutput() { return currentEUoutput; } /** * @return the current heat level of the reactor. */ public double getCurrentHeat() { return currentHeat; } /** * @return the maximum heat of the reactor. */ public double getMaxHeat() { return maxHeat; } /** * Adjust the maximum heat * * @param adjustment the adjustment amount (negative values decrease the max heat). */ public void adjustMaxHeat(final double adjustment) { maxHeat += adjustment; } /** * Set the current heat of the reactor. Mainly to be used for simulating a pre-heated reactor, or for resetting to 0 * for a new simulation. * * @param currentHeat the heat to set */ public void setCurrentHeat(final double currentHeat) { this.currentHeat = currentHeat; } /** * Adjusts the reactor's current heat by a specified amount * * @param adjustment the adjustment amount. */ public void adjustCurrentHeat(final double adjustment) { currentHeat += adjustment; if (currentHeat < 0.0) { currentHeat = 0.0; } } /** * add some EU output. * * @param amount the amount of EU to output over 1 reactor tick (20 game ticks). */ public void addEUOutput(final double amount) { currentEUoutput += amount; } /** * clears the EU output (presumably to start simulating a new reactor tick). */ public void clearEUOutput() { currentEUoutput = 0.0; } /** * Gets a list of the materials needed to build the components. * * @return a list of the materials needed to build the components. */ public ArrayList getMaterials() { return new ArrayList(); } public ArrayList getComponentList() { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); for (int col = 0; col < grid[0].length; col++) { for (int row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) { if (getComponentAt(row, col) != null) { result.add(getComponentAt(row, col)); } } } return result; } /** * @return the amount of heat vented this reactor tick. */ public double getVentedHeat() { return ventedHeat; } /** * Adds to the amount of heat vented this reactor tick, in case it is a new-style reactor with a pressure vessel and * outputting heat to fluid instead of EU. * * @param amount the amount to add. */ public void ventHeat(final double amount) { ventedHeat += amount; } /** * Clears the amount of vented heat, in case a new reactor tick is starting. */ public void clearVentedHeat() { ventedHeat = 0; } /** * Get a code that represents the component set, which can be passed between forum users, etc. * * @return a code representing some ids for the components and arrangement. Passing the same code to setCode() * should re-create an identical reactor setup, even if other changes have happened in the meantime. */ public String getCode() { return "erp=" + buildCodeString(); } /** * Sets a code to configure the entire grid all at once. Expects the code to have originally been output by * getCode(). * * @param code the code of the reactor setup to use. */ public void setCode(final String code) { int pos = 0; int[][] ids = new int[grid.length][grid[0].length]; char[][][] paramTypes = new char[grid.length][grid[0].length][MAX_PARAM_TYPES]; int[][][] params = new int[grid.length][grid[0].length][MAX_PARAM_TYPES]; if (code.startsWith("erp=")) { readCodeString(code.substring(4)); } else if (code.length() >= 108 && code.matches("[0-9A-Za-z(),|]+")) { // NOI18N try { for (int row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) { ids[row][col] = Integer.parseInt(code.substring(pos, pos + 2), 16); pos += 2; int paramNum = 0; if (pos + 1 < code.length() && code.charAt(pos) == '(') { paramTypes[row][col][paramNum] = code.charAt(pos + 1); int tempPos = pos + 2; StringBuilder param = new StringBuilder(10); while (tempPos < code.length() && code.charAt(tempPos) != ')') { if (code.charAt(tempPos) == ',') { params[row][col][paramNum] = Integer.parseInt(param.toString(), 36); paramNum++; if (tempPos + 1 < code.length()) { tempPos++; paramTypes[row][col][paramNum] = code.charAt(tempPos); } param.setLength(0); } else { param.append(code.charAt(tempPos)); } tempPos++; } params[row][col][paramNum] = Integer.parseInt(param.toString(), 36); pos = tempPos + 1; } } } for (int row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) { final ReactorItem component = ComponentFactory.createComponent(ids[row][col]); for (int paramNum = 0; paramNum < MAX_PARAM_TYPES; paramNum++) { switch (paramTypes[row][col][paramNum]) { case 'h': component.setInitialHeat(params[row][col][paramNum]); break; case 'a': component.setAutomationThreshold(params[row][col][paramNum]); break; case 'p': component.setReactorPause(params[row][col][paramNum]); break; default: break; } } setComponentAt(row, col, component); } } if (code.split("\\|").length > 1) { String extraCode = code.split("\\|")[1]; switch (extraCode.charAt(0)) { case 'f': fluid = true; break; case 'e': fluid = false; break; default: break; } switch (extraCode.charAt(1)) { case 's': pulsed = false; automated = false; break; case 'p': pulsed = true; automated = false; break; case 'a': pulsed = true; automated = true; break; default: break; } switch (extraCode.charAt(2)) { case 'i': usingReactorCoolantInjectors = true; break; case 'n': usingReactorCoolantInjectors = false; break; default: break; } if (extraCode.length() > 3) { currentHeat = Integer.parseInt(extraCode.substring(3), 36); } else { currentHeat = 0; } } if (code.split("\\|").length > 2) { String[] moreCodes = code.split("\\|"); for (int i = 2; i < moreCodes.length; i++) { switch (moreCodes[i].charAt(0)) { case 'n': onPulse = Integer.parseInt(moreCodes[i].substring(1), 36); break; case 'f': offPulse = Integer.parseInt(moreCodes[i].substring(1), 36); break; case 's': suspendTemp = Integer.parseInt(moreCodes[i].substring(1), 36); break; case 'r': resumeTemp = Integer.parseInt(moreCodes[i].substring(1), 36); break; default: break; } } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { String tempCode = code; if (code.startsWith("http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/v3/reactorplanner.html?")) { // NOI18N tempCode = code.replace("http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/v3/reactorplanner.html?", ""); // NOI18N } if (tempCode.matches("[0-9a-z]+")) { // NOI18N // Possibly a code from Talonius's old planner handleTaloniusCode(tempCode); } else if (code.matches("[0-9A-Za-z+/=]+")) { // NOI18N // Try to handle it as a newer code with the "erp=" prefix stripped readCodeString(code); } else if (!code.isEmpty()) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, String.format(getI18n("Warning.InvalidReactorCode"), code), // getI18n("Warning.Title"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } } } private void handleTaloniusCode(String tempCode) throws HeadlessException { StringBuilder warnings = new StringBuilder(500); TaloniusDecoder decoder = new TaloniusDecoder(tempCode); // initial heat, in multiples of 100 currentHeat = 100 * decoder.readInt(10); // reactor grid for (int x = 8; x >= 0; x--) { for (int y = 5; y >= 0; y--) { int nextValue = decoder.readInt(7); // items are no longer stackable in IC2 reactors, but stack sizes from the planner code still need to be // handled if (nextValue > 64) { nextValue = decoder.readInt(7); } switch (nextValue) { case 0: setComponentAt(y, x, null); break; case 1: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("fuelRodUranium")); break; case 2: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("dualFuelRodUranium")); break; case 3: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("quadFuelRodUranium")); break; case 5: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("neutronReflector")); break; case 6: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("thickNeutronReflector")); break; case 7: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("heatVent")); break; case 8: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("reactorHeatVent")); break; case 9: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("overclockedHeatVent")); break; case 10: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("advancedHeatVent")); break; case 11: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("componentHeatVent")); break; case 12: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("rshCondensator")); break; case 13: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("lzhCondensator")); break; case 14: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("heatExchanger")); break; case 15: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("coreHeatExchanger")); break; case 16: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("componentHeatExchanger")); break; case 17: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("advancedHeatExchanger")); break; case 18: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("reactorPlating")); break; case 19: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("heatCapacityReactorPlating")); break; case 20: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("containmentReactorPlating")); break; case 21: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("coolantCell10k")); break; case 22: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("coolantCell30k")); break; case 23: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("coolantCell60k")); break; case 24: warnings.append("Warning.Heating", y, x); break; case 32: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("fuelRodThorium")); break; case 33: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("dualFuelRodThorium")); break; case 34: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("quadFuelRodThorium")); break; case 35: warnings.append("Warning.Plutonium", y, x); break; case 36: warnings.append("Warning.DualPlutonium", y, x); break; case 37: warnings.append("Warning.QuadPlutonium", y, x); break; case 38: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("iridiumNeutronReflector")); break; case 39: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("coolantCellHelium60k")); break; case 40: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("coolantCellHelium180k")); break; case 41: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("coolantCellHelium360k")); break; case 42: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("coolantCellNak60k")); break; case 43: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("coolantCellNak180k")); break; case 44: setComponentAt(y, x, ComponentFactory.createComponent("coolantCellNak360k")); break; default: warnings.append("Warning.Unrecognized", y, x); break; } } } if (warnings.length() > 0) { warnings.setLength(warnings.length() - 1); // to remove last newline character // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, warnings, "Warning.Title", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } } // reads a Base64 code string for the reactor, after stripping the prefix. private void readCodeString(final String code) { BigintStorage storage = BigintStorage.inputBase64(code); // read the code revision from the code itself instead of making it part of the prefix. int codeRevision = storage.extract(255); int maxComponentHeat; if (codeRevision == 3) maxComponentHeat = (int) 1080e3; else maxComponentHeat = (int) 360e3; // Check if the code revision is supported yet. if (codeRevision > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported code revision in reactor code."); } // for code revision 1 or newer, read whether the reactor is pulsed and/or automated next. if (codeRevision >= 1) { pulsed = storage.extract(1) > 0; automated = storage.extract(1) > 0; } // read the grid next for (int row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) { int componentId = 0; // Changes may be coming to the number of components available, so make sure to check the code revision // number. if (codeRevision <= 1) { componentId = storage.extract(38); } else if (codeRevision == 2) { componentId = storage.extract(44); } else { componentId = storage.extract(ComponentFactory.MAX_COMPONENT_ID); } if (componentId != 0) { ReactorItem component = ComponentFactory.createComponent(componentId); int hasSpecialAutomationConfig = storage.extract(1); if (hasSpecialAutomationConfig > 0) { component.setInitialHeat(storage.extract(maxComponentHeat)); if (codeRevision == 0 || (codeRevision >= 1 && automated)) { component.setAutomationThreshold(storage.extract(maxComponentHeat)); component.setReactorPause(storage.extract((int) 10e3)); } } setComponentAt(row, col, component); } else { setComponentAt(row, col, null); } } } // next, read the inital temperature and other details. currentHeat = storage.extract((int) 120e3); if (codeRevision == 0 || (codeRevision >= 1 && pulsed)) { onPulse = storage.extract((int) 5e6); offPulse = storage.extract((int) 5e6); suspendTemp = storage.extract((int) 120e3); resumeTemp = storage.extract((int) 120e3); } fluid = storage.extract(1) > 0; usingReactorCoolantInjectors = storage.extract(1) > 0; if (codeRevision == 0) { pulsed = storage.extract(1) > 0; automated = storage.extract(1) > 0; } maxSimulationTicks = storage.extract((int) 5e6); } // builds a Base64 code string, not including the prefix. private String buildCodeString() { BigintStorage storage = new BigintStorage(); // first, store the extra details, in reverse order of expected reading. storage.store(maxSimulationTicks, (int) 5e6); storage.store(usingReactorCoolantInjectors ? 1 : 0, 1); storage.store(fluid ? 1 : 0, 1); if (pulsed) { storage.store(resumeTemp, (int) 120e3); storage.store(suspendTemp, (int) 120e3); storage.store(offPulse, (int) 5e6); storage.store(onPulse, (int) 5e6); } storage.store((int) currentHeat, (int) 120e3); // grid is read (almost) first, so written (almost) last, and in reverse order for (int row = grid.length - 1; row >= 0; row--) { for (int col = grid[row].length - 1; col >= 0; col--) { ReactorItem component = grid[row][col]; if (component != null) { int id = component.id; // only store automation details for a component if non-default, and add a flag bit to indicate // their presence. null components don't even need the flag bit. if (component.getInitialHeat() > 0 || component.getAutomationThreshold() != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getAutomationThreshold() || component.getReactorPause() != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getReactorPause()) { if (automated) { storage.store(component.getReactorPause(), (int) 10e3); storage.store(component.getAutomationThreshold(), (int) 1080e3); } storage.store((int) component.getInitialHeat(), (int) 1080e3); storage.store(1, 1); } else { storage.store(0, 1); } storage.store(id, ComponentFactory.MAX_COMPONENT_ID); } else { storage.store(0, ComponentFactory.MAX_COMPONENT_ID); } } } storage.store(automated ? 1 : 0, 1); storage.store(pulsed ? 1 : 0, 1); // store the code revision, allowing values up to 255 (8 bits) before adjusting how it is stored in the code. storage.store(3, 255); return storage.outputBase64(); } // Get an old-style (pre-2.3.1) code for the reactor, for pasting into older versions of the planner. public String getOldCode() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(108); for (int row = 0; row < grid.length; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < grid[row].length; col++) { final ReactorItem component = getComponentAt(row, col); final int id = (component != null) ? component.id : 0; result.append(String.format("%02X", id)); // NOI18N if (component != null && (component.getInitialHeat() > 0 || (automated && component.getAutomationThreshold() != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getAutomationThreshold()) || (automated && component.getReactorPause() != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getReactorPause()))) { result.append("("); if (component.getInitialHeat() > 0) { result.append(String.format("h%s,", Integer.toString((int) component.getInitialHeat(), 36))); // NOI18N } if (automated && component.getAutomationThreshold() != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getAutomationThreshold()) { result.append(String.format("a%s,", Integer.toString(component.getAutomationThreshold(), 36))); // NOI18N } if (automated && component.getReactorPause() != ComponentFactory.getDefaultComponent(id).getReactorPause()) { result.append(String.format("p%s,", Integer.toString(component.getReactorPause(), 36))); // NOI18N } result.setLength(result.length() - 1); // remove the last comma, whichever parameter it came from. result.append(")"); } } } result.append('|'); if (fluid) { result.append('f'); } else { result.append('e'); } if (automated) { result.append('a'); } else if (pulsed) { result.append('p'); } else { result.append('s'); } if (usingReactorCoolantInjectors) { result.append('i'); } else { result.append('n'); } if (currentHeat > 0) { result.append(Integer.toString((int) currentHeat, 36)); } if (pulsed && onPulse != DEFAULT_ON_PULSE) { result.append(String.format("|n%s", Integer.toString(onPulse, 36))); } if (pulsed && offPulse != DEFAULT_OFF_PULSE) { result.append(String.format("|f%s", Integer.toString(offPulse, 36))); } if (pulsed && suspendTemp != DEFAULT_SUSPEND_TEMP) { result.append(String.format("|s%s", Integer.toString(suspendTemp, 36))); } if (pulsed && resumeTemp != DEFAULT_SUSPEND_TEMP) { result.append(String.format("|r%s", Integer.toString(resumeTemp, 36))); } return result.toString(); } /** * Checks whether the reactor is to simulate a fluid-style reactor, rather than a direct EU-output reactor. * * @return true if this was set to be a fluid-style reactor, false if this was set to be direct EU-output reactor. */ public boolean isFluid() { return fluid; } /** * Sets whether the reactor is to simulate a fluid-style reactor, rather than a direct EU-output reactor. * * @param fluid true if this is to be a fluid-style reactor, false if this is to be direct EU-output reactor. */ public void setFluid(final boolean fluid) { this.fluid = fluid; } /** * Checks whether the reactor is using Reactor Coolant Injectors (RCIs) * * @return true if this reactor was set to use RCIs, false otherwise. */ public boolean isUsingReactorCoolantInjectors() { return usingReactorCoolantInjectors; } /** * Sets whether the reactor is to use Reactor Coolant Injectors (RCIs) * * @param usingReactorCoolantInjectors true if this reactor should use RCIs, false otherwise. */ public void setUsingReactorCoolantInjectors(final boolean usingReactorCoolantInjectors) { this.usingReactorCoolantInjectors = usingReactorCoolantInjectors; } public int getOnPulse() { return onPulse; } public void setOnPulse(final int onPulse) { this.onPulse = onPulse; } public int getOffPulse() { return offPulse; } public void setOffPulse(final int offPulse) { this.offPulse = offPulse; } public int getSuspendTemp() { return suspendTemp; } public void setSuspendTemp(final int suspendTemp) { this.suspendTemp = suspendTemp; } public int getResumeTemp() { return resumeTemp; } public void setResumeTemp(final int resumeTemp) { this.resumeTemp = resumeTemp; } public boolean isPulsed() { return pulsed; } public void setPulsed(boolean pulsed) { this.pulsed = pulsed; } public boolean isAutomated() { return automated; } public void setAutomated(boolean automated) { this.automated = automated; } public int getMaxSimulationTicks() { return maxSimulationTicks; } public void setMaxSimulationTicks(int maxSimulationTicks) { this.maxSimulationTicks = maxSimulationTicks; } public void resetPulseConfig() { onPulse = DEFAULT_ON_PULSE; offPulse = DEFAULT_OFF_PULSE; suspendTemp = DEFAULT_SUSPEND_TEMP; resumeTemp = DEFAULT_RESUME_TEMP; } }