package bloodasp.galacticgreg.api; public class Enums { public enum SpaceObjectType { OreAsteroid, NonOreSchematic } public enum TargetBlockPosition { Invalid, AsteroidInnerCore, AsteroidCore, AsteroidShell, StructureBlock } public enum AllowedBlockPosition { AsteroidInnerCore, AsteroidCore, AsteroidShell, AsteroidCoreAndShell } public enum AirReplaceRule { NeverReplaceAir, AllowReplaceAir, OnlyReplaceAir } public enum ReplaceState { Unknown, Airblock, CanReplace, CannotReplace } public enum DimensionType { /** * The Dimension is a void dimension and asteroids shall be generated. They will randomly spawn bewteen 0 and * 250 Additional config values will be generated in worldconfig */ Asteroid, /** * The Dimension is a planet, and only ores shall be generated in the ground */ Planet, } }