package bloodasp.galacticgreg.auxiliary; import; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import bloodasp.galacticgreg.GalacticGreg; import bloodasp.galacticgreg.api.BlockMetaComb; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; public class GalacticGregConfig extends ConfigManager { public GalacticGregConfig(File pConfigBaseDirectory, String pModCollectionDirectory, String pModID) { super(pConfigBaseDirectory, pModCollectionDirectory, pModID); } public boolean ProfileOreGen; public boolean ReportOreGenFailures; public boolean PrintDebugMessagesToFMLLog; public boolean PrintTraceMessagesToFMLLog; public boolean LootChestsEnabled; public boolean EnableAEExportCommand; public boolean SchematicsEnabled; public String LootChestItemOverride; public boolean QuietMode; public BlockMetaComb CustomLootChest; @Override protected void PreInit() { ProfileOreGen = false; ReportOreGenFailures = false; PrintDebugMessagesToFMLLog = false; PrintTraceMessagesToFMLLog = false; LootChestsEnabled = true; // Default false, as it is WiP EnableAEExportCommand = false; SchematicsEnabled = false; LootChestItemOverride = ""; QuietMode = false; } @Override protected void Init() { ProfileOreGen = _mainConfig.getBoolean("ProfileOreGen", "Debug", ProfileOreGen, "Enable to profile oregen and register the ingame command ggregprofiler"); ReportOreGenFailures = _mainConfig.getBoolean("ReportOreGenFailures", "Debug", ReportOreGenFailures, "Report if a ore tileentity could not be placed"); PrintDebugMessagesToFMLLog = _mainConfig.getBoolean("PrintDebugMessagesToFMLLog", "Debug", PrintDebugMessagesToFMLLog, "Enable debug output, not recommended for servers"); PrintTraceMessagesToFMLLog = _mainConfig.getBoolean("PrintTraceMessagesToFMLLog", "Debug", PrintTraceMessagesToFMLLog, "Enable trace output. Warning: This will produce gazillions of log entries"); QuietMode = _mainConfig.getBoolean("QuietMode", "Debug", QuietMode, "In quiet-mode only errors, warnings and fatals will be printed to the logfile/console"); LootChestsEnabled = _mainConfig.getBoolean("LootChestsEnabled", "Extras", LootChestsEnabled, "Enables/disables the dungeon-chest generator system for asteroids. New config values will be generated if set to true"); EnableAEExportCommand = _mainConfig.getBoolean("EnableAEExportCommand", "Extras", EnableAEExportCommand, "If set to true, you can export any structure stored on a AE2 spatial storage disk. (Can't be spawned yet, WiP). Requires SchematicsEnabled to be true"); SchematicsEnabled = _mainConfig.getBoolean("SchematicsEnabled", "Extras", SchematicsEnabled, "Enable the experimental Schematics-handler to spawn exported schematics in dimensions. This is WiP, use at own risk"); LootChestItemOverride = _mainConfig.getString("CustomLootChest", "Extras", LootChestItemOverride, "Define the chest you wish to use as LootChest. use the :: format or leave empty for the default Minecraft Chest"); GalacticGreg.Logger.setDebugOutput(PrintDebugMessagesToFMLLog); GalacticGreg.Logger.setTraceOutput(PrintTraceMessagesToFMLLog); GalacticGreg.Logger.setQuietMode(QuietMode); } @Override protected void PostInit() { } public boolean serverPostInit() { CustomLootChest = new BlockMetaComb(Blocks.chest); try { if (LootChestItemOverride != "") { String[] args = LootChestItemOverride.split(":"); String tMod; String tName; int tMeta; if (args.length >= 2) { tMod = args[0]; tName = args[1]; if (args.length == 3) tMeta = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); else tMeta = 0; Block tBlock = GameRegistry.findBlock(tMod, tName); if (tBlock != null) { GalacticGreg.Logger.debug("Found valid ChestOverride: %s. LootChest replaced", LootChestItemOverride); CustomLootChest = new BlockMetaComb(tBlock, tMeta); } } } return true; } catch (Exception e) { GalacticGreg.Logger.error("Unable to find custom chest override %s. Make sure item exists. Defaulting to Minecraft:chest", LootChestItemOverride); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } }