package bloodasp.galacticgreg.auxiliary; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog; /** * Generic LogHelper to print stuff to the console * @author Namikon */ public final class LogHelper { private ArrayList _mReportedCategories = new ArrayList(); private boolean doDebugLogs = false; private boolean doTraceLogs = false; private boolean quietMode = false; private String _mModID = ""; private final static String STR_NOCAT = "ihaznocathegory"; private final static String STR_TOKEN_ONETIMEMESSAGE = " OTM"; public LogHelper(String pModID) { _mModID = pModID; } /** If true, only error/fatal/warn messages will be printed * @param pEnabled */ public void setQuietMode(boolean pEnabled) { quietMode = pEnabled; } /** * Enable/Disable debug logs * @param pEnabled */ public void setDebugOutput(boolean pEnabled) { doDebugLogs = pEnabled; } /** * Enable/Disable trace logs * @param pEnabled */ public void setTraceOutput(boolean pEnabled) { doTraceLogs = pEnabled; } /** * Resets all One-Time categories, so they will be displayed again */ public void ResetCategories() { _mReportedCategories = new ArrayList(); } /** * Print a log-message with built-in String.format(x) support. This message will only appear once. usefull for * error/warnings within loops * @param pCategory The category for this message. Used to identify the function, use an easy to memorize name. Will never be displayed * @param pLogLevel The logLevel for this message * @param pMessage The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void log(String pCategory, Level pLogLevel, String pMessage, Object... args) { if (pLogLevel == Level.DEBUG && !doDebugLogs) return; if (pLogLevel == Level.TRACE && !doTraceLogs) return; if (pLogLevel != Level.ERROR && pLogLevel != Level.FATAL && pLogLevel != Level.WARN) if (quietMode) return; String tt = ""; if (!pCategory.equals(STR_NOCAT)) { tt = STR_TOKEN_ONETIMEMESSAGE; if (_mReportedCategories.contains(pCategory)) return; else { _mReportedCategories.add(pCategory); } } FMLLog.log(_mModID.toUpperCase() + tt, pLogLevel, pMessage, args); } /** Prints a one-time message with Category ALL * @param pCategory The category for this message. Used to identify the function, use an easy to memorize name. Will never be displayed * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void ot_all(String pCategory, String object, Object... args) { log(pCategory, Level.ALL, object, args); } /** Prints a one-time message with Category DEBUG * @param pCategory The category for this message. Used to identify the function, use an easy to memorize name. Will never be displayed * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void ot_debug(String pCategory, String object, Object... args) { log(pCategory, Level.DEBUG, object, args); } /** Prints a one-time message with Category ERROR * @param pCategory The category for this message. Used to identify the function, use an easy to memorize name. Will never be displayed * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void ot_error(String pCategory, String object, Object... args) { log(pCategory, Level.ERROR, object, args); } /** Prints a one-time message with Category FATAL * @param pCategory The category for this message. Used to identify the function, use an easy to memorize name. Will never be displayed * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void ot_fatal(String pCategory, String object, Object... args) { log(pCategory, Level.FATAL, object, args); } /** Prints a one-time message with Category INFO * @param pCategory The category for this message. Used to identify the function, use an easy to memorize name. Will never be displayed * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void ot_info(String pCategory, String object, Object... args) { log(pCategory, Level.INFO, object, args); } /** Prints a one-time message with Category OFF * @param pCategory The category for this message. Used to identify the function, use an easy to memorize name. Will never be displayed * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void ot_off(String pCategory, String object, Object... args) { log(pCategory, Level.OFF, object, args); } /** Prints a one-time message with Category TRACE * @param pCategory The category for this message. Used to identify the function, use an easy to memorize name. Will never be displayed * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void ot_trace(String pCategory, String object, Object... args) { log(pCategory, Level.TRACE, object, args); } /** Prints a one-time message with Category WARN * @param pCategory The category for this message. Used to identify the function, use an easy to memorize name. Will never be displayed * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void ot_warn(String pCategory, String object, Object... args) { log(pCategory, Level.WARN, object, args); } /** Prints a message with Category ALL * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void all(String object, Object... args) { log(STR_NOCAT, Level.ALL, object, args); } /** Prints a message with Category DEBUG * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void debug(String object, Object... args) { log(STR_NOCAT, Level.DEBUG, object, args); } /** Prints a message with Category ERROR * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void error(String object, Object... args) { log(STR_NOCAT, Level.ERROR, object, args); } /** Prints a message with Category FATAL * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void fatal(String object, Object... args) { log(STR_NOCAT, Level.FATAL, object, args); } /** Prints a message with Category INFO * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void info(String object, Object... args) { log(STR_NOCAT, Level.INFO, object, args); } /** Prints a message with Category OFF * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void off(String object, Object... args) { log(STR_NOCAT, Level.OFF, object, args); } /** Prints a message with Category TRACE * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void trace(String object, Object... args) { log(STR_NOCAT, Level.TRACE, object, args); } /** Prints a message with Category WARN * @param object The log message * @param args Optional args, if you've used format-specifier in pMessage */ public void warn(String object, Object... args) { log(STR_NOCAT, Level.WARN, object, args); } }