package com.elisis.gtnhlanth.common.register; import static com.github.bartimaeusnek.bartworks.util.BW_Util.subscriptNumbers; import static com.github.bartimaeusnek.bartworks.util.BW_Util.superscriptNumbers; import java.util.Arrays; import com.github.bartimaeusnek.bartworks.system.material.Werkstoff; import com.github.bartimaeusnek.bartworks.util.Pair; import gregtech.api.enums.Materials; import gregtech.api.enums.TextureSet; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public class WerkstoffMaterialPool implements Runnable { // Current highest ID = 11_499 private static final int offsetID = 11_000; private static final int offsetID2 = 11_100; private static final int offsetID3 = 11_300; private static final int offsetID3b = 11_350; private static final int offsetID4 = 11_400; private static final int offsetID5 = 11_460; /* * public static final Werkstoff __ = new Werkstoff( new short[] {_, _, _}, "__", new Werkstoff.Stats(), * Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable(), offsetID_, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); */ // Misc. public static final Werkstoff Hafnium = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 232, 224, 219 }, "Hafnium", subscriptNumbers("Hf"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.ELEMENT, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addMetalItems() .enforceUnification(), // Perhaps use // hafnia // liquid in // elemental // hafnium // synthesis offsetID, TextureSet.SET_METALLIC); public static final Werkstoff LowPurityHafnium = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 240, 223, 208 }, "Low-Purity Hafnium", subscriptNumbers("??Hf??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 1, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff Hafnia = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 247, 223, 203 }, "Hafnia", subscriptNumbers("HfO2"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 2, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff HafniumTetrachloride = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 238, 247, 249 }, "Hafnium Tetrachloride", subscriptNumbers("HfCl4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 3, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff HafniumTetrachlorideSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 238, 247, 249 }, "Hafnium Tetrachloride Solution", subscriptNumbers("HfCl4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID + 4, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff HafniumIodide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 216, 60, 1 }, "Hafnium Iodide", subscriptNumbers("HfI4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 5, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff HafniumRunoff = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 74, 65, 42 }, // Literally the statistically ugliest colour "Hafnium Runoff", subscriptNumbers("??????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 6, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff Zirconium = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 225, 230, 225 }, "Zirconium", subscriptNumbers("Zr"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setBlastFurnace(true), Werkstoff.Types.ELEMENT, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addMetalItems(), // .enforceUnification(), offsetID + 7, TextureSet.SET_METALLIC); public static final Werkstoff Zirconia = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 177, 152, 101 }, "Zirconia", subscriptNumbers("ZrO2"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 8, TextureSet.SET_SHINY); public static final Werkstoff ZirconiumTetrachloride = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 179, 164, 151 }, "Zirconium Tetrachloride", subscriptNumbers("ZrCl4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 9, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff ZirconiumTetrachlorideSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 179, 164, 151 }, "Zirconium Tetrachloride Solution", subscriptNumbers("ZrCl4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), // Blast Furnace needs liquid input because it // can't do 3 item inputs so have a shitty // material offsetID + 10, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff HafniaZirconiaBlend = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 247, 223, 203 }, "Hafnia-Zirconia Blend", // Maybe Hafnon?? subscriptNumbers("??HfZr??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 11, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff Iodine = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 171, 40, 175 }, "Iodine", subscriptNumbers("I"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setProtons(53) .setMass(127) .setSublimation(true) .setBoilingPoint(484) .setGas(true), Werkstoff.Types.ELEMENT, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addCells() .enforceUnification(), offsetID + 12, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // Lanthanide Line public static final Werkstoff MuddyRareEarthMonaziteSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 111, 78, 55 }, "Muddy Monazite Rare Earth Solution", subscriptNumbers("??LaNdZr??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID + 14, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff DilutedRareEarthMonaziteMud = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 120, 90 }, "Diluted Monazite Rare Earth Mud", subscriptNumbers("??LaNdHf??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID + 15, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff DilutedMonaziteSulfate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 237, 201, 175 }, "Diluted Monazite Sulfate", subscriptNumbers("??LaNd??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID + 16, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff NitratedRareEarthMonaziteConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 250, 223, 173 }, "Nitrogenated Monazite Rare Earth Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??LaNd??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID + 17, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff NitricMonaziteLeachedConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 244, 202, 22 }, "Nitric Monazite Leached Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??LaNd??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID + 18, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff MonaziteSulfate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 152, 118, 84 }, "Monazite Sulfate", subscriptNumbers("??CeEu??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 19, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff AcidicMonazitePowder = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 50, 23, 77 }, "Acidic Monazite Powder", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 20, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff MonaziteRareEarthFiltrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 72, 60, 50 }, "Monazite Rare Earth Filtrate", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 21, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff NeutralizedMonaziteRareEarthFiltrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 50, 23, 77 }, "Neutralized Monazite Rare Earth Filtrate", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 22, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff MonaziteRareEarthHydroxideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 193, 154, 107 }, "Monazite Rare Earth Hydroxide Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 23, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff DriedMonaziteRareEarthConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 250, 214, 165 }, "Dried Monazite Rare Earth Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 24, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff CeriumDioxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 255, 255 }, "Cerium Dioxide", subscriptNumbers("CeO2"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .enforceUnification(), offsetID + 25, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff CeriumChloride = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 255, 255 }, "Cerium Chloride", subscriptNumbers("CeCl3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 26, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff CeriumOxalate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 255, 224 }, "Cerium Oxalate", subscriptNumbers("Ce2(C2O4)3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 27, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff CeriumIIIOxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 255, 102 }, "Cerium (III) Oxide", subscriptNumbers("Ce2O3"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setElektrolysis(true), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 28, TextureSet.SET_DULL, Arrays.asList(Materials.Cerium, Materials.Oxygen), new Pair<>(Materials.Cerium, 2), new Pair<>(Materials.Oxygen, 3)); public static final Werkstoff CeriumRichMixture = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 244, 164, 96 }, "Cerium-Rich Mixture", subscriptNumbers("??Ce??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 29, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff CooledMonaziteRareEarthConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 250, 214, 165 }, "Cooled Monazite Rare Earth Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 30, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff MonaziteRarerEarthSediment = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 250, 214, 165 }, "MonaziteRarer Earth Sediment", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 31, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff MonaziteHeterogenousHalogenicRareEarthMixture = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 250, 214, 165 }, "Heterogenous Halogenic Monazite Rare Earth Mixture", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 32, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff SaturatedMonaziteRareEarthMixture = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 250, 214, 165 }, "Saturated Monazite Rare Earth", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 33, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff SamaricResidue = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 248, 243, 231 }, "Samaric Residue", subscriptNumbers("??SmGd??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 34, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff AmmoniumNitrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 255, 255 }, "Ammonium Nitrate Solution", subscriptNumbers("NH4NO3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID + 36, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff ThoriumPhosphateCake = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 188, 143, 143 }, "Thorium-Phosphate Cake", subscriptNumbers("??ThP??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 37, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff ThoriumPhosphateConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 217, 144, 88 }, "Thorium-Phosphate Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??ThP??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 38, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff UraniumFiltrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 190, 240, 94 }, "Uranium Filtrate", subscriptNumbers("??U??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 39, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff NeutralizedUraniumFiltrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 217, 120, 88 }, "Neutralized Uranium Filtrate", subscriptNumbers("??U??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 40, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff SeaweedAsh = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 70, 75, 71 }, "Seaweed Ash", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.BIOLOGICAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 41, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff SeaweedConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 70, 100, 71 }, "Seaweed Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??I??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.BIOLOGICAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID + 42, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff PotassiumPermanganate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 165, 50, 138 }, "Potassium Permanganate", subscriptNumbers("KMnO4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 43, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff PotassiumPermanganateSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 165, 50, 138 }, "Potassium Permanganate Solution", subscriptNumbers("KMnO4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID + 44, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff SeaweedByproducts = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 125, 50, 138 }, "Seaweed Byproducts", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID + 45, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff NitricLeachedMonaziteMixture = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 125, 50, 138 }, "Nitric-Leached Monazite Mixture", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID + 46, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff EuropiumOxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 255, 255 }, "Europium Oxide", subscriptNumbers("EuO"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 47, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff EuropiumSulfide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 5, 0, 5 }, "Europium Sulfide", subscriptNumbers("EuS"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 48, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff UnknownBlend = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 0, 0, 5 }, "UnknownBlend", subscriptNumbers("?????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 49, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff EuropiumIIIOxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 230, 255 }, "Europium III Oxide", subscriptNumbers("Eu2O3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID + 50, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // TODO // BASTNASITE public static final Werkstoff MuddyRareEarthBastnasiteSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 205, 133, 63 }, "Muddy Bastnasite Rare Earth Solution", subscriptNumbers("??LaCeY??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID2, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); /* * public static final Werkstoff FluorosilicicAcid = new Werkstoff( new short[] {205, 133, 63}, * "Hexafluorosilicic Acid", subscriptNumbers("H2SiF6"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new * Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().addCells(), offsetID2 + 1, TextureSet.SET_FLUID ); */ public static final Werkstoff SodiumFluorosilicate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 205, 133, 63 }, "Sodiumfluorosilicate", subscriptNumbers("Na2SiF6"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID2 + 2, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff SteamCrackedBasnasiteSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 205, 133, 63 }, "Steam-Cracked Bastnasite Mud", subscriptNumbers("??LaCeY??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID2 + 3, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff ConditionedBastnasiteMud = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 205, 133, 63 }, "Conditioned Bastnasite Mud", subscriptNumbers("??LaCeY??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID2 + 4, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff DiltedRareEarthBastnasiteMud = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 205, 133, 63 }, "Diluted Bastnasite Mud", subscriptNumbers("??LaCeY??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID2 + 5, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilteredBastnasiteMud = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 205, 133, 63 }, "Filtered Bastnasite Mud", subscriptNumbers("??LaCeY??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID2 + 6, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff BastnasiteRareEarthOxidePowder = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 205, 133, 63 }, "Bastnasite Rare Earth Oxides", subscriptNumbers("??LaCeY??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 7, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff LeachedBastnasiteRareEarthOxides = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 205, 133, 63 }, "Acid-Leached Bastnasite Rare Earth Oxides", subscriptNumbers("??LaCeY??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 8, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // TODO: Deal with colouring public static final Werkstoff RoastedRareEarthOxides = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 82, 45 }, "Roasted Rare Earth Oxides", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 10, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff WetRareEarthOxides = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 82, 49 }, "Wet Rare Earth Oxides", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 11, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff CeriumOxidisedRareEarthOxides = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 82, 49 }, "Cerium-Oxidised Rare Earth Oxides", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 12, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff BastnasiteRarerEarthOxides = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 82, 49 }, "Bastnasite Rarer Earth Oxides", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 13, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff NitratedBastnasiteRarerEarthOxides = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 90, 60 }, "Nitrogenated Bastnasite Rarer Earth Oxides", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID2 + 14, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff SaturatedBastnasiteRarerEarthOxides = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 170, 90, 60 }, "Bastnasite Rarer Earth Oxide Suspension", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID2 + 15, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff SamaricRareEarthConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 170, 90, 60 }, "Samaric Rare Earth Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??SmHoTb??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 16, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff NeodymicRareEarthConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 170, 90, 60 }, "Neodymium Rare Earth Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??LaNdPr??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 17, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff LanthaniumChloride = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 82, 112, 102 }, "Lanthanium Chloride", subscriptNumbers("LaCl3"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setElektrolysis(true), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 21, TextureSet.SET_DULL, Arrays.asList(Materials.Lanthanum, Materials.Chlorine), new Pair<>(Materials.Lanthanum, 1), new Pair<>(Materials.Chlorine, 3)); public static final Werkstoff NeodymiumOxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 82, 112, 102 }, "Neodymium Oxide", subscriptNumbers("Nd2O3"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setElektrolysis(true), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 22, TextureSet.SET_DULL, Arrays.asList(Materials.Neodymium, Materials.Oxygen), new Pair<>(Materials.Neodymium, 2), new Pair<>(Materials.Oxygen, 3)); public static final Werkstoff FluorinatedSamaricConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 182, 193 }, "Fluorinated Samaric Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??SmHo??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 23, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff CalciumFluoride = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 250, 250 }, "Calcium Fluoride", subscriptNumbers("CaF2"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setElektrolysis(true), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addMolten() .addCells(), offsetID2 + 24, TextureSet.SET_DULL, Arrays.asList(Materials.Calcium, Materials.Fluorine), new Pair<>(Materials.Calcium, 1), new Pair<>(Materials.Fluorine, 2)); public static final Werkstoff SamariumTerbiumMixture = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 223, 182, 193 }, "Samarium-Terbium Mixture", subscriptNumbers("??SmTb??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 25, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff NitratedSamariumTerbiumMixture = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 223, 182, 193 }, "Nitrogenated Samarium-Terbium Mixture", subscriptNumbers("??SmTb??NH4NO3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 26, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff TerbiumNitrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 167, 252, 0 }, "Terbium Nitrate", subscriptNumbers("TbNO3"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setElektrolysis(true), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 27, TextureSet.SET_DULL, Arrays.asList(Materials.Terbium, Materials.Nitrogen, Materials.Oxygen), new Pair<>(Materials.Terbium, 1), new Pair<>(Materials.Nitrogen, 1), new Pair<>(Materials.Oxygen, 3)); public static final Werkstoff SamariumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 200, 230 }, "Samarium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Sm??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 28, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff DephosphatedSamariumConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 170, 220 }, "Dephosphated Samarium Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Sm??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID2 + 29, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Weird/Exciting Chemicals public static final Werkstoff Tetrahydrofuran = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 222, 165, 164 }, "Tetrahydrofuran", subscriptNumbers("(CH2)4O"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // 1,4-Butanediol public static final Werkstoff Butanediol = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 185, 78, 72 }, "1,4-Butanediol", subscriptNumbers("HO(CH2)4OH"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3 + 1, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // Acidicised 1,4-Butanediol public static final Werkstoff AcidicButanediol = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 239, 213 }, "Acidicised 1,4-Butanediol", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3 + 2, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // Tellurium-Molybdenum-Oxide Catalyst public static final Werkstoff MoTeOCatalyst = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 238, 131, 238 }, "Tellurium-Molybdenum-Oxide Catalyst", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID3 + 3, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Tellurium Oxide public static final Werkstoff TelluriumIVOxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 229, 199, 187 }, "Tellurium (IV) Oxide", subscriptNumbers("TeO2"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID3 + 4, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff MolybdenumIVOxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 52, 53, 57 }, "Molybdenum (IV) Oxide", subscriptNumbers("MoO2"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID3 + 5, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff Polytetrahydrofuran = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 192, 128, 129 }, "Polytetrahydrofuran", subscriptNumbers("(C4H8O)OH2"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addCells(), offsetID3 + 6, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff TungstophosphoricAcid = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 223, 255, 0 }, "Tungstophosphoric Acid", subscriptNumbers("H3PW12O40"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3 + 7, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff TolueneDiisocyanate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 255, 102 }, "Toluene Diisocyanate", subscriptNumbers("CH3C6H3(NCO)2"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3 + 8, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff Dinitrotoluene = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 216, 191, 216 }, "Dinitrotoluene", subscriptNumbers("C7H6N2O4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3 + 9, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff Diaminotoluene = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 227, 218, 201 }, "Diaminotoluene", subscriptNumbers("C6H3(NH2)2CH3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3 + 10, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff TolueneTetramethylDiisocyanate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 255, 255 }, "Toluene Tetramethyl Diisocyanate", subscriptNumbers("(CONH)2(C6H4)2CH2(C4O)"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3 + 11, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff PTMEGElastomer = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 248, 248, 255 }, "PTMEG Elastomer", new Werkstoff.Stats().setMeltingPoint(600) .setMeltingVoltage(64), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addMolten() .addMetalItems(), offsetID3 + 12, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff PotassiumChlorate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 240, 255, 255 }, "Potassium Chlorate", subscriptNumbers("KClO3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addMolten(), offsetID3 + 14, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff DilutedAcetone = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 254, 254, 250 }, "Diluted Acetone", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3 + 16, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff MolybdenumTrioxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 236, 255, 248 }, "Molybdenum Trioxide", subscriptNumbers("MoO3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID3 + 17, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // TODO Samarium Processing Line Material regist public static final Werkstoff MuddySamariumRareEarthSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 226, 180, 108 }, "Muddy Samarium Rare Earth Solution", subscriptNumbers("???Sm???"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID5 + 1, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff SamariumRareEarthMud = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 226, 180, 128 }, "Samarium Rare Earth Mud", subscriptNumbers("??Sm??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID5 + 2, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff DilutedSamariumRareEarthSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 226, 180, 148 }, "Diluted Samarium Rare Earth Solution", subscriptNumbers("?Sm?"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID5 + 3, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff SamariumOxalate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 248, 248, 180 }, "Samarium(III) Oxalate", subscriptNumbers("?Sm2(C2O4)3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID5 + 4, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff SamariumChloride = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 248, 248, 120 }, "Samarium(III)-Chloride", subscriptNumbers("?SmCl3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addMolten(), offsetID5 + 5, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff SamariumChlorideSodiumChlorideBlend = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 200, 230 }, "Samarium Chloride-Sodium Chloride Blend", subscriptNumbers("?SmCl3NaCl"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID5 + 6, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff ImpureLanthanumChloride = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 90, 100, 30 }, "Impure Lanthanum Chloride", subscriptNumbers("?LaCl3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID5 + 7, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff SamariumOxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 223, 182, 193 }, "Samarium Oxide", subscriptNumbers("Sm2O3"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setElektrolysis(true), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID5 + 8, TextureSet.SET_DULL, Arrays.asList(Materials.Samarium, Materials.Oxygen), new Pair<>(Materials.Samarium, 2), new Pair<>(Materials.Oxygen, 3)); public static final Werkstoff ChlorinatedRareEarthConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 130, 80, 60 }, "Chlorinated Rare Earth Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID5 + 9, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff ChlorinatedRareEarthEnrichedSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 130, 90, 60 }, "Chlorinated Rare Earth Enriched Solution", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID5 + 10, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff ChlorinatedRareEarthDilutedSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 216, 180, 100 }, "Chlorinated Rare Earth Diluted Solution", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID5 + 11, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff RarestEarthResidue = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 224, 211, 211 }, "Rarest Earth Residue", subscriptNumbers("???"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID5 + 12, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // TODO reg Lanth Ore Concentrate /** * Extracted Nano Resin Lanthanum1.2 Praseodymium3.4 Cerium5.6 Neodymium7.8 Promethium9.10 Samarium11.12 √ * Europium13.14 Gadolinium15.16 Terbium17.18 Dysprosium19.20 Holmium21.22 Erbium23.24 Thulium25.26 Ytterbium27.28 * Lutetium29.30 */ public static final Werkstoff LanthanumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 50, 80, 40 }, "Lanthanum Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 1, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledLanthanumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 128, 128, 80 }, "Filled Lanthanum Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 2, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff PraseodymiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 80, 192, 130 }, "Praseodymium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 3, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledPraseodymiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 140, 192, 130 }, "Filled Praseodymium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 4, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff CeriumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 80, 240, 160 }, "Cerium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 5, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledCeriumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 240, 180 }, "Filled Cerium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 6, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff NeodymiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 128, 140, 128 }, "Neodymium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 7, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledNeodymiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 150, 150, 150 }, "Filled Neodymium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 8, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff PromethiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 110, 255, 60 }, "Promethium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 9, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledPromethiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 150, 255, 140 }, "Filled Promethium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 10, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff SamariumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 240, 100 }, "Samarium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 11, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledSamariumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 240, 196 }, "Filled Samarium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 12, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff EuropiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 240, 160, 240 }, "Europium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 13, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledEuropiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 240, 200, 240 }, "Filled Europium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 14, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff GadoliniumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 120, 255, 80 }, "Gadolinium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 15, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledGadoliniumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 255, 140 }, "Filled Gadolinium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 16, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff TerbiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 200, 200, 200 }, "Terbium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 17, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledTerbiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 255, 255 }, "Filled Terbium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 18, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff DysprosiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 110, 240, 180 }, "Dysprosium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 19, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledDysprosiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 150, 240, 180 }, "Filled Dysprosium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 20, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff HolmiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 16, 16, 216 }, "Holmium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 21, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledHolmiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 60, 90, 255 }, "Filled Holmium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 22, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff ErbiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 200, 160, 80 }, "Erbium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 23, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledErbiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 233, 170, 100 }, "Filled Erbium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 24, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff ThuliumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 128, 178, 255 }, "Thulium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 25, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledThuliumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 200, 255 }, "Filled Thulium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 26, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff YtterbiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 0, 255, 0 }, "Ytterbium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 27, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledYtterbiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 100, 255, 100 }, "Filled Ytterbium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 28, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff LutetiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 230, 16, 230 }, "Lutetium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 29, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff FilledLutetiumExtractingNanoResin = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 240, 100, 240 }, "Filled Lutetium Extracting Nano Resin", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 30, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // Lanthanides Chloride Concentrate // Lanthanum public static final Werkstoff LanthanumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 128, 128, 80 }, "Lanthanum Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 31, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // Praseodymium public static final Werkstoff PraseodymiumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 140, 192, 130 }, "Praseodymium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 32, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // Cerium public static final Werkstoff CeriumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 240, 180 }, "Cerium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 33, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // Neodymium public static final Werkstoff NeodymiumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 150, 150, 150 }, "Neodymium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 34, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // public static final Werkstoff PromethiumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 150, 255, 140 }, "Promethium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 35, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // public static final Werkstoff SamariumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 240, 196 }, "Samarium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 36, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // public static final Werkstoff EuropiumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 240, 200, 240 }, "Europium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 37, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // public static final Werkstoff GadoliniumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 255, 140 }, "Gadolinium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 38, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // public static final Werkstoff TerbiumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 255, 255 }, "Terbium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 39, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // public static final Werkstoff DysprosiumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 150, 240, 180 }, "Dysprosium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 40, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // public static final Werkstoff HolmiumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 60, 90, 255 }, "Holmium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 41, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // public static final Werkstoff ErbiumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 233, 170, 100 }, "Erbium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 42, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // public static final Werkstoff ThuliumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 200, 255 }, "Thulium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 43, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // public static final Werkstoff YtterbiumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 100, 255, 100 }, "Ytterbium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 44, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // public static final Werkstoff LutetiumChlorideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 240, 100, 240 }, "Lutetium Chloride Concentrate", new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID4 + 45, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); // Lanthanides Ore Concentrate // Lanthanum public static final Werkstoff LanthanumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 128, 128, 96 }, "Lanthanum Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??La??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 46, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Praseodymium public static final Werkstoff PraseodymiumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 140, 192, 130 }, "Praseodymium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Pr??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 47, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Cerium public static final Werkstoff CeriumOreConcentrate = CeriumRichMixture; // Neodymium public static final Werkstoff NeodymiumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 128, 128, 128 }, "Neodymium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Nd??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 49, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Promethium public static final Werkstoff PromethiumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 150, 255, 140 }, "Promethium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Po??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 50, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Europium public static final Werkstoff EuropiumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 240, 200, 240 }, "Europium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Eu??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 51, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Gadolinium public static final Werkstoff GadoliniumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 255, 140 }, "Gadolinium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Gd??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 52, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Terbium public static final Werkstoff TerbiumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 255, 255, 255 }, "Terbium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Tb??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 53, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Dysprosium public static final Werkstoff DysprosiumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 150, 240, 180 }, "Dysprosium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Dy??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 54, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Holmium public static final Werkstoff HolmiumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 60, 90, 255 }, "Holmium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Ho??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 55, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Erbium public static final Werkstoff ErbiumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 233, 170, 100 }, "Erbium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Er??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 56, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Thulium public static final Werkstoff ThuliumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 160, 200, 255 }, "Thulium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Tm??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 57, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Ytterbium public static final Werkstoff YtterbiumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 100, 255, 100 }, "Ytterbium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Yb??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 58, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // Lutetium public static final Werkstoff LutetiumOreConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 240, 100, 240 }, "Lutetium Ore Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??Lu??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID4 + 59, TextureSet.SET_DULL); // LuAG public static final Werkstoff CeriumDopedLutetiumAluminiumOxygenBlend = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 128, 192, 80 }, "Cerium-doped Lutetium Aluminium Oxygen Blend", subscriptNumbers("(Ce)Lu3Al5O12"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addMolten(), offsetID5 + 38, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff CeriumDopedLutetiumAluminiumGarnet = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 144, 255, 63 }, "Cerium-doped Lutetium Aluminium Garnet (Ce:LuAG)", subscriptNumbers("(Ce)Lu3Al5O12"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MATERIAL, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addGems(), offsetID5 + 39, TextureSet.SET_GEM_VERTICAL); public static final Werkstoff Permalloy = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 195, 230, 225 }, "Permalloy", subscriptNumbers("Ni4FeMo"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setCentrifuge(true), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addMetalItems() .addMixerRecipes((short) 3) .enforceUnification(), offsetID3b, TextureSet.SET_DULL, new Pair<>(Materials.Nickel, 4), new Pair<>(Materials.Iron, 1), new Pair<>(Materials.Molybdenum, 1)); public static final Werkstoff MuMetal = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 210, 230, 225 }, "Mu-metal", subscriptNumbers("?NiFeCuCrMo?"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setBlastFurnace(true) .setCentrifuge(true) .setMass(180) .setSpeedOverride(3), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addMetalItems() .addMultipleIngotMetalWorkingItems() .addCraftingMetalWorkingItems() .enforceUnification(), offsetID3b + 1, TextureSet.SET_METALLIC, new Pair<>(WerkstoffMaterialPool.Permalloy, 9), new Pair<>(Materials.Copper, 1), new Pair<>(Materials.Chrome, 1)); public static final Werkstoff Thorium234 = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 0, 40, 0 }, "Thorium 234", superscriptNumbers("Th234"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setBlastFurnace(true) .setRadioactive(true), Werkstoff.Types.ISOTOPE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID3b + 2, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff SiliconNitride = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 132, 140, 120 }, "Silicon Nitride", subscriptNumbers("Si3N4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addMetalItems() .enforceUnification(), offsetID3b + 3, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff Fluoroform = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 0, 0, 0 }, "Fluoroform", subscriptNumbers("CHF3"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setElektrolysis(true), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3b + 4, TextureSet.SET_FLUID, new Pair<>(Materials.Carbon, 1), new Pair<>(Materials.Hydrogen, 1), new Pair<>(Materials.Fluorine, 3)); public static final Werkstoff FluoroformOxygenMix = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 0, 0, 0 }, "Reactive-Ion Etching Mixture", subscriptNumbers("CHF3/O2"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setCentrifuge(true), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3b + 5, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static final Werkstoff BoronTrioxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 238, 222, 209 }, "Boron Trioxide", subscriptNumbers("B2O3"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setElektrolysis(true), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID3b + 6, TextureSet.SET_DULL, new Pair<>(Materials.Boron, 2), new Pair<>(Materials.Oxygen, 3)); public static final Werkstoff BoronTrichloride = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 154, 96, 208 }, "Boron Trichloride", subscriptNumbers("BCl3"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setElektrolysis(true), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3b + 7, TextureSet.SET_FLUID, new Pair<>(Materials.Boron, 1), new Pair<>(Materials.Chlorine, 3)); public static final Werkstoff LanthanumHexaboride = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 140, 110, 120 }, "Lanthanum Hexaboride", subscriptNumbers("LaB6"), new Werkstoff.Stats().setMass(200), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust() .addGems() .addSimpleMetalWorkingItems(), offsetID3b + 8, TextureSet.SET_GEM_HORIZONTAL, new Pair<>(Materials.Lanthanum, 1), new Pair<>(Materials.Boron, 6)); public static final Werkstoff LanthanumOxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 105, 209, 180 }, "Lanthanum Oxide", subscriptNumbers("La2O3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .onlyDust(), offsetID3b + 9, TextureSet.SET_DULL); public static final Werkstoff NitrogenPlasmaSilaneMix = new Werkstoff( new short[] { 140, 125, 220 }, "Silane-Nitrogen Plasma Mixture", subscriptNumbers("SiH4/N"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable() .addCells(), offsetID3b + 10, TextureSet.SET_FLUID); public static void runInit() { addSubTags(); } private static void addSubTags() { // WerkstoffMaterialPool.PTMEGElastomer.add(SubTag.BOUNCY, SubTag.STRETCHY); } @Override public void run() {} }