package com.elisis.gtnhlanth.common.register; import static com.github.bartimaeusnek.bartworks.util.BW_Util.subscriptNumbers; import com.github.bartimaeusnek.bartworks.system.material.Werkstoff; import com.github.bartimaeusnek.bartworks.system.material.Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures; import gregtech.api.enums.TextureSet; @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public class WerkstoffMaterialPool implements Runnable { private static final int offsetID = 11_000; //Misc. public static final Werkstoff Hafnium = new Werkstoff( new short[] {232, 224, 219}, "Hafnium", subscriptNumbers("Hf"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust().addMetalItems().enforceUnification(), //Perhaps use hafnia liquid in elemental hafnium synthesis offsetID, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff LowPurityHafnium = new Werkstoff( new short[] {240, 223, 208}, "Low-Purity Hafnium", subscriptNumbers("??Hf??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), //Perhaps use hafnia liquid in elemental hafnium synthesis offsetID + 1, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff Hafnia = new Werkstoff( new short[] {247, 223, 203}, "Hafnia", subscriptNumbers("HfO2"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), //Perhaps use hafnia liquid in elemental hafnium synthesis offsetID + 2, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff HafniumTetrachloride = new Werkstoff( new short[] {238, 247, 249}, "Hafnium Tetrachloride", subscriptNumbers("HfCl4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 3, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff HafniumTetrachlorideSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] {238, 247, 249}, "Hafnium Tetrachloride Solution", subscriptNumbers("HfCl4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().addCells(), offsetID + 4, TextureSet.SET_FLUID ); public static final Werkstoff HafniumIodide = new Werkstoff( new short[] {216, 60, 1}, "Hafnium Iodide", subscriptNumbers("HfI4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 5, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff HafniumRunoff = new Werkstoff( new short[] {74, 65, 42}, //Literally the statistically ugliest colour "Hafnium Runoff", subscriptNumbers("??????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 6, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff Zirconium = new Werkstoff( new short[] {225,230,225}, "Zirconium", subscriptNumbers("Zr"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().addMetalItems().enforceUnification(), offsetID + 7, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff Zirconia = new Werkstoff( new short[] {177,152,101}, "Zirconia", subscriptNumbers("ZrO2"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 8, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff ZirconiumTetrachloride = new Werkstoff( new short[] {179, 164, 151}, "Zirconium Tetrachloride", subscriptNumbers("ZrCl4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 9, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff ZirconiumTetrachlorideSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] {179, 164, 151}, "Zirconium Tetrachloride Solution", subscriptNumbers("ZrCl4"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().addCells(), //Blast Furnace needs liquid input because it can't do 3 item inputs so have a shitty material offsetID + 10, TextureSet.SET_FLUID ); public static final Werkstoff HafniaZirconiaBlend = new Werkstoff( new short[] {247, 223, 203}, "Hafnia-Zirconia Blend", // Maybe Hafnon?? subscriptNumbers("??HfZr??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 11, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff Iodine = new Werkstoff( new short[] {171, 40, 175}, "Iodine", subscriptNumbers("I"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().addCells().enforceUnification(), offsetID + 12, TextureSet.SET_FLUID ); //Lanthanide Line public static final Werkstoff MuddyRareEarthSolution = new Werkstoff( new short[] {111, 78, 55}, "Muddy Rare Earth Solution", subscriptNumbers("??LaNdZr??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().addCells(), offsetID + 14, TextureSet.SET_FLUID ); public static final Werkstoff DilutedRareEarthMud = new Werkstoff( new short[] {160, 120, 90}, "Diluted Rare Earth Mud", subscriptNumbers("??LaNdHf??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().addCells(), offsetID + 15, TextureSet.SET_FLUID ); public static final Werkstoff DilutedMonaziteSulfate = new Werkstoff( new short[] {237, 201, 175}, "Diluted Monazite Sulfate", subscriptNumbers("??LaNd??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().addCells(), offsetID + 16, TextureSet.SET_FLUID ); public static final Werkstoff NitratedRareEarthConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] {250, 223, 173}, "Nitrated Rare Earth Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??LaNd??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().addCells(), offsetID + 17, TextureSet.SET_FLUID ); public static final Werkstoff NitricLeachedConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] {244, 202, 22}, "Nitric Leached Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("??LaNd??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().addCells(), offsetID + 18, TextureSet.SET_FLUID ); public static final Werkstoff MonaziteSulfate = new Werkstoff( new short[] {152, 118, 84}, "Monazite Sulfate", subscriptNumbers("??CeEu??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 19, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff AcidicMonazitePowder = new Werkstoff( new short[] {50, 23, 77}, "Acidic Monazite Powder", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 20, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff RareEarthFiltrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] {72, 60, 50}, "Rare Earth Filtrate", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 21, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff NeutralizedRareEarthFiltrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] {50, 23, 77}, "Neutralized Rare Earth Filtrate", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 22, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff RareEarthHydroxideConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] {193, 154, 107}, "Rare Earth Hydroxide Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 23, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff DriedRareEarthConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] {250, 214, 165}, "Dried Rare Earth Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 24, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff CeriumDioxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] {255, 255, 255}, "Cerium Dioxide", subscriptNumbers("CeO2"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust().enforceUnification(), offsetID + 25, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff CeriumChloride = new Werkstoff( new short[] {255, 255, 255}, "Cerium Chloride", subscriptNumbers("CeCl3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 26, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff CeriumOxalate = new Werkstoff( new short[] {255, 255, 224}, "Cerium Oxalate", subscriptNumbers("Ce2(C2O4)3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 27, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff CeriumIIIOxide = new Werkstoff( new short[] {255, 255, 102}, "Cerium (III) Oxide", subscriptNumbers("Ce2O3"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 28, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff CeriumRichMixture = new Werkstoff( new short[] {244, 164, 96}, "Cerium-Rich Mixture", subscriptNumbers("??Ce??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.COMPOUND, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 29, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff CooledRareEarthConcentrate = new Werkstoff( new short[] {250, 214, 165}, "Cooled Rare Earth Concentrate", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 30, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff RarerEarthSediment = new Werkstoff( new short[] {250, 214, 165}, "Rarer Earth Sediment", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 31, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff HeterogenousHalogenicRareEarthMixture = new Werkstoff( new short[] {250, 214, 165}, "Heterogenous Halogenic Rare Earth Mixture", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 32, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff SaturatedRareEarthMixture = new Werkstoff( new short[] {250, 214, 165}, "Saturated Rare Earth Mixture", subscriptNumbers("????"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 33, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff SamaricResidue = new Werkstoff( new short[] {248, 243, 231}, "Samaric Residue", subscriptNumbers("??SmGd??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 34, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); public static final Werkstoff MonaziteResidue = new Werkstoff( new short[] {64, 69, 62}, subscriptNumbers("??ZrHfTh??"), new Werkstoff.Stats(), Werkstoff.Types.MIXTURE, new Werkstoff.GenerationFeatures().disable().onlyDust(), offsetID + 35, TextureSet.SET_DULL ); @Override public void run() { } }