package galacticgreg; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandomChestContent; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.ChestGenHooks; import cpw.mods.fml.common.IWorldGenerator; import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import galacticgreg.api.AsteroidBlockComb; import galacticgreg.api.BlockMetaComb; import galacticgreg.api.Enums; import galacticgreg.api.GTOreTypes; import galacticgreg.api.ISpaceObjectGenerator; import galacticgreg.api.ModDimensionDef; import galacticgreg.api.SpecialBlockComb; import galacticgreg.api.StructureInformation; import galacticgreg.auxiliary.GTOreGroup; import galacticgreg.dynconfig.DynamicDimensionConfig; import galacticgreg.registry.GalacticGregRegistry; import gregtech.api.util.GTLog; import; import gregtech.common.GTWorldgenerator; public class WorldGeneratorSpace implements IWorldGenerator { public static boolean sAsteroids = true; private final EventBus eventBus = new EventBus(); private World worldObj; private int chunkX; private int chunkZ; private int mSize = 100; private long mProfilingStart; private long mProfilingEnd; public WorldGeneratorSpace() { GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(this, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } public void generate(Random pRandom, int pX, int pZ, World pWorld, IChunkProvider pChunkGenerator, IChunkProvider pChunkProvider) { pX *= 16; pZ *= 16; String tBiome = pWorld.getBiomeGenForCoords(pX + 8, pZ + 8).biomeName; pRandom = new Random(pRandom.nextInt()); if (tBiome == null) { tBiome = BiomeGenBase.plains.biomeName; } GalacticGreg.Logger .trace("Triggered generate: [ChunkGenerator %s] [Biome %s]", pChunkGenerator.toString(), tBiome); ModDimensionDef tDimDef = GalacticGregRegistry.getDimensionTypeByChunkGenerator(pChunkGenerator); if (tDimDef == null) { GalacticGreg.Logger.trace( "Ignoring ChunkGenerator type %s as there is no definition for it in the registry", pChunkGenerator.toString()); return; } else { GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("Selected DimDef: [%s]", tDimDef.getDimIdentifier()); } /* * In some later addons maybe, not for now. Ignoring Biome-based worldgen String tBiome = * pWorld.getBiomeGenForCoords(pX + 8, pZ + 8).biomeName; pRandom = new Random(pRandom.nextInt()); if (tBiome == * null) { tBiome = BiomeGenBase.plains.biomeName; } */ if (tDimDef.getDimensionType() != Enums.DimensionType.Planet) { if (tDimDef.getRandomAsteroidMaterial() == null) GalacticGreg.Logger.error( "Dimension [%s] is set to Asteroids, but no asteroid material is specified! Nothing will generate", tDimDef.getDimensionName()); else Generate_Asteroids(tDimDef, pRandom, pWorld, pX, pZ); } else if (tDimDef.getDimensionType() != Enums.DimensionType.Asteroid) { Generate_OreVeins(tDimDef, pRandom, pWorld, pX, pZ, "", pChunkGenerator, pChunkProvider); } Chunk tChunk = pWorld.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pX, pZ); if (tChunk != null) { tChunk.isModified = true; } } private void Generate_Asteroids(ModDimensionDef pDimensionDef, Random pRandom, World pWorld, int pX, int pZ) { GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("Running asteroid-gen in Dim %s", pDimensionDef.getDimIdentifier()); DynamicDimensionConfig.AsteroidConfig tAConf = DynamicDimensionConfig.getAsteroidConfig(pDimensionDef); if (tAConf == null) { GalacticGreg.Logger.error( "Dimension %s is set to asteroid, but no config object can be found. Skipping!", pDimensionDef.getDimIdentifier()); return; } else { GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("Asteroid probability: %d", tAConf.Probability); } if ((tAConf.Probability <= 1) || (pRandom.nextInt(tAConf.Probability) == 0)) { GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("Generating asteroid NOW"); // --------------------------- if (GalacticGreg.GalacticConfig.ProfileOreGen) mProfilingStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); // ----------------------------- // Get Random position int tX = pX + pRandom.nextInt(16); int tY = 50 + pRandom.nextInt(200 - 50); int tZ = pZ + pRandom.nextInt(16); // Check if position is free if ((pWorld.getBlock(tX, tY, tZ) .isAir(pWorld, tX, tY, tZ))) { int tCustomAsteroidOffset = -1; int tGraniteMeta = 0; // Select Random OreGroup and Asteroid Material GTOreGroup tOreGroup = WorldgenOreLayerSpace.getRandomOreGroup(pDimensionDef, pRandom, true); AsteroidBlockComb tABComb = pDimensionDef.getRandomAsteroidMaterial(); if (tABComb == null) return; // Fill Vars for random Asteroid Block tFinalAsteroidBlock = tABComb.getBlock(); int tFinalAsteroidBlockMeta = tABComb.getMeta(); int tFinalOreOffset = tABComb.getOreMaterial() .getOffset(); int tFinalUpdateMode = tABComb.getOreMaterial() .getUpdateMode(); GalacticGreg.Logger.debug( "Asteroid will be build with: Block: [%s] OreType: [%s]", Block.blockRegistry.getNameForObject(tABComb.getBlock()), tABComb.getOreMaterial() .toString()); // get random Ore-asteroid generator from the list of registered generators ISpaceObjectGenerator aGen = pDimensionDef.getRandomSOGenerator(Enums.SpaceObjectType.OreAsteroid); if (aGen == null) { GalacticGreg.Logger.ot_error( "GalacticGreg.Generate_Asteroids.NoSOGenFound", "No SpaceObjectGenerator has been registered for type ORE_ASTEROID in Dimension %s. Nothing will generate", pDimensionDef.getDimensionName()); return; } aGen.reset(); aGen.setCenterPoint(tX, tY, tZ); aGen.randomize(tAConf.MinSize, tAConf.MaxSize); // Initialize random values and set size aGen.calculate(); // Calculate structure // Random loot-chest somewhere in the asteroid Vec3 tChestPosition = Vec3.createVectorHelper(0, 0, 0); boolean tDoLootChest = false; int tNumLootItems = 0; if (tAConf.LootChestChance > 0) { GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("Random loot chest enabled, flipping the coin"); int tChance = pRandom.nextInt(100); // Loot chest is 1 in 100 (Was: 1:1000 which actually never // happend) if (tAConf.LootChestChance >= tChance) { GalacticGreg.Logger.debug("We got a match. Preparing to generate the loot chest"); // Get amount of items for the loot chests, randomize it (1-num) if enabled if (tAConf.RandomizeNumLootItems) tNumLootItems = pRandom.nextInt(tAConf.NumLootItems - 1) + 1; else tNumLootItems = tAConf.NumLootItems; GalacticGreg.Logger .debug(String.format("Loot chest random item count will be: %d", tNumLootItems)); // try to find any block that is not on the asteroids outer-shell GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("Starting lookup for valid asteroid-block for the chest"); for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++) // 64 enough? Should be { int tRndBlock = pRandom.nextInt( aGen.getStructure() .size()); StructureInformation tChestSI = aGen.getStructure() .get(tRndBlock); if (tChestSI.getBlockPosition() != Enums.TargetBlockPosition.AsteroidShell) { GalacticGreg.Logger.debug( String.format( "Chest position found [x:%d y:%d z:%d]", tChestSI.getX(), tChestSI.getY(), tChestSI.getZ())); // Found valid position "Somewhere" in the asteroid, set position... tChestPosition = Vec3 .createVectorHelper(tChestSI.getX(), tChestSI.getY(), tChestSI.getZ()); // .. and set CreateFlag to true tDoLootChest = true; break; } } } } // Now build the structure GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("Now generating Space-Structure"); for (StructureInformation si : aGen.getStructure()) { // Only replace airblocks if (pWorld.isAirBlock(si.getX(), si.getY(), si.getZ())) { // === Loot-chest generator >> if (tDoLootChest) // If gen-lootchest enabled... { // Check if current x/y/z is the location where the chest shall be created if ((int) tChestPosition.xCoord == si.getX() && (int) tChestPosition.yCoord == si.getY() && (int) tChestPosition.zCoord == si.getZ()) { GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("Now generating LootChest and contents"); // Get items for the configured loot-table WeightedRandomChestContent[] tRandomLoot = ChestGenHooks .getItems(DynamicDimensionConfig.getLootChestTable(tAConf), pRandom); // Get chest-block to spawn BlockMetaComb tTargetChestType = GalacticGreg.GalacticConfig.CustomLootChest; // Place down the chest if (tTargetChestType.getMeta() > 0) pWorld.setBlock( si.getX(), si.getY(), si.getZ(), tTargetChestType.getBlock(), tTargetChestType.getMeta(), 2); else pWorld.setBlock(si.getX(), si.getY(), si.getZ(), tTargetChestType.getBlock()); // Retrieve the TEs IInventory that should've been created IInventory entityChestInventory = (IInventory) pWorld .getTileEntity(si.getX(), si.getY(), si.getZ()); // If it's not null... if (entityChestInventory != null) { // and if we're on the server... if (!pWorld.isRemote) { // Fill the chest with stuffz! WeightedRandomChestContent.generateChestContents( pRandom, tRandomLoot, entityChestInventory, tNumLootItems); GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("Loot chest successfully generated"); } } else { // Something made a boo.. GalacticGreg.Logger.warn( "Could not create lootchest at X[%d] Y[%d] Z[%d]. getTileEntity() returned null", si.getX(), si.getY(), si.getZ()); } // Make sure we never compare coordinates again (for this asteroid/Structure) tDoLootChest = false; // Do some debug logging GalacticGreg.Logger .debug("Generated LootChest at X[%d] Y[%d] Z[%d]", si.getX(), si.getY(), si.getZ()); // And skip the rest of this function continue; } } // << Loot-chest generator === // === Ore generator >> boolean tPlacedOreBlock = false; // If a valid oregroup has been selected (more than 0 ore-veins are enabled for this dim) if (tOreGroup != null) { // GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("tOreGoup is populated, continuing"); // Choose a number between 0 and 100 int ranOre = pRandom.nextInt(100); int tFinalOreMeta = 0; // If choosen number is below the configured orechance, do random between and sporadic if (ranOre < tAConf.OreChance) { if (pRandom.nextBoolean()) { // Only take as final value if meta is not zero if (tOreGroup.SporadicBetweenMeta > 0) tFinalOreMeta = tOreGroup.SporadicBetweenMeta; } else { // Only take as final value if meta is not zero if (tOreGroup.SporadicAroundMeta > 0) tFinalOreMeta = tOreGroup.SporadicAroundMeta; } } // If choosen number is below the configured orechance, do random primary and secondary // We use an offset here, so this part is always higher than the first check. else if (ranOre < tAConf.OreChance + tAConf.OrePrimaryOffset) { if (pRandom.nextBoolean()) { // Only take as final value if meta is not zero if (tOreGroup.PrimaryMeta > 0) tFinalOreMeta = tOreGroup.PrimaryMeta; } else { // Only take as final value if meta is not zero if (tOreGroup.SecondaryMeta > 0) tFinalOreMeta = tOreGroup.SecondaryMeta; } } // if the final oreMeta has been found... //"tFinalOreMeta is %d", tFinalOreMeta); if (tFinalOreMeta > 0) { // make sure we obey the configured "HiddenOres" setting (No ores on the shell) if (tAConf.HiddenOres && (si.getBlockPosition() == Enums.TargetBlockPosition.AsteroidShell)) { // Ore would be placed around the shell, which is disabled (hiddenores) GalacticGreg.Logger.trace( "Skipping ore-placement event (HiddenOres=true; TargetBlockPosition=AsteroidShell)"); } else { // try to place the ore block. The result is stored in tPlacedOreBlock tPlacedOreBlock = TileEntitySpaceOres.setOuterSpaceOreBlock( pDimensionDef, pWorld, si.getX(), si.getY(), si.getZ(), tOreGroup.SecondaryMeta, true, tFinalOreOffset); } } } // << Ore generator === // === Additional special blocks >> // If no ore-block has been placed yet... if (!tPlacedOreBlock) { // try to spawn special blocks boolean tFlag = doGenerateSpecialBlocks( pDimensionDef, pRandom, pWorld, tAConf, si.getX(), si.getY(), si.getZ(), si.getBlockPosition()); // No special block placed? Try smallores if (tFlag) tFlag = doGenerateSmallOreBlock( pDimensionDef, pRandom, pWorld, tAConf, si.getX(), si.getY(), si.getZ(), tFinalOreOffset); // no smallores either? do normal block if (tFlag) pWorld.setBlock( si.getX(), si.getY(), si.getZ(), tFinalAsteroidBlock, tFinalAsteroidBlockMeta, tFinalUpdateMode); } // << Additional special blocks === } } } // --------------------------- // OreGen profiler stuff if (GalacticGreg.GalacticConfig.ProfileOreGen) { try { mProfilingEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); long tTotalTime = mProfilingEnd - mProfilingStart; GalacticGreg.Profiler.AddTimeToList(pDimensionDef, tTotalTime); GalacticGreg.Logger.debug( "Done with Asteroid-Worldgen in DimensionType %s. Generation took %d ms", pDimensionDef.getDimensionName(), tTotalTime); } catch (Exception ignored) {} // Silently ignore errors } // --------------------------- } GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("Leaving asteroid-gen for Dim %s", pDimensionDef.getDimIdentifier()); } /** * Generate Special Blocks in asteroids if enabled * * @param pDimensionDef * @param pRandom * @param pWorld * @param tAConf * @param eX * @param eY * @param eZ * @return */ private boolean doGenerateSpecialBlocks(ModDimensionDef pDimensionDef, Random pRandom, World pWorld, DynamicDimensionConfig.AsteroidConfig tAConf, int eX, int eY, int eZ, Enums.TargetBlockPosition pBlockPosition) { boolean tFlag = true; // Handler to generate special BlockTypes randomly if activated if (tAConf.SpecialBlockChance > 0) { if (pRandom.nextInt(100) < tAConf.SpecialBlockChance) { SpecialBlockComb bmc = pDimensionDef.getRandomSpecialAsteroidBlock(); if (bmc != null) { boolean tIsAllowed = false; switch (bmc.getBlockPosition()) { case AsteroidCore: if (pBlockPosition == Enums.TargetBlockPosition.AsteroidCore) tIsAllowed = true; break; case AsteroidCoreAndShell: if (pBlockPosition == Enums.TargetBlockPosition.AsteroidCore || pBlockPosition == Enums.TargetBlockPosition.AsteroidShell) tIsAllowed = true; break; case AsteroidShell: if (pBlockPosition == Enums.TargetBlockPosition.AsteroidShell) tIsAllowed = true; break; case AsteroidInnerCore: if (pBlockPosition == Enums.TargetBlockPosition.AsteroidInnerCore) tIsAllowed = true; break; default: break; } if (tIsAllowed) { pWorld.setBlock(eX, eY, eZ, bmc.getBlock(), bmc.getMeta(), 2); tFlag = false; } } } } return tFlag; } /** * Pick a random small-ore block from the list of enabled small ores for this dim * * @param pDimDef * @param pRandom * @return */ private boolean doGenerateSmallOreBlock(ModDimensionDef pDimDef, Random pRandom, World pWorld, DynamicDimensionConfig.AsteroidConfig pAConf, int pX, int pY, int pZ, int pTargetBlockOffset) { boolean tFlag = true; // If smallores are enabled... if (pAConf.SmallOreChance > 0) { // ... and we hit the random-chance ... if (pRandom.nextInt(100) < pAConf.SmallOreChance) { // Do small ores. int tRandomWeight; boolean continueSearch = true; int tFoundOreMeta = -1; // First find a small ore... for (int i = 0; (i < 256) && (continueSearch); i++) { tRandomWeight = pRandom.nextInt(WorldgenOreLayerSpace.sWeight); for (GTWorldgen tWorldGen : GalacticGreg.smallOreWorldgenList) { if (!(tWorldGen instanceof WorldgenOreSmallSpace)) { continue; } // That is enabled for *this* dim... if (!((WorldgenOreSmallSpace) tWorldGen).isEnabledForDim(pDimDef)) continue; // And in the correct y-level, of ObeyLimits is true... if (pAConf.ObeyHeightLimits && !((WorldgenOreSmallSpace) tWorldGen).isAllowedForHeight(pY)) continue; // Care about weight tRandomWeight -= ((WorldgenOreSmallSpace) tWorldGen).mAmount; if (tRandomWeight <= 0) { // And return found ore meta tFoundOreMeta = ((WorldgenOreSmallSpace) tWorldGen).mMeta; continueSearch = false; } } } if (tFoundOreMeta > -1) { // Make the oreID a small ore with correct type int tCustomOffset = (GTOreTypes.SmallOres.getOffset() + pTargetBlockOffset); // Set the smallOre block TileEntitySpaceOres .setOuterSpaceOreBlock(pDimDef, pWorld, pX, pY, pZ, tFoundOreMeta, true, tCustomOffset); tFlag = false; } } } return tFlag; } /** * Untested! But should work... Comments are todo * * @param pDimensionDef * @param pRandom * @param pWorld * @param pX * @param pZ * @param pBiome * @param pChunkGenerator * @param pChunkProvider */ private void Generate_OreVeins(ModDimensionDef pDimensionDef, Random pRandom, World pWorld, int pX, int pZ, String pBiome, IChunkProvider pChunkGenerator, IChunkProvider pChunkProvider) { GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("Running orevein-gen in Dim %s", pDimensionDef.getDimIdentifier()); if (GTWorldgenerator.isOreChunk(pX / 16, pZ / 16)) { if ((WorldgenOreLayerSpace.sWeight > 0) && (GalacticGreg.oreVeinWorldgenList.size() > 0)) { boolean temp = true; int tRandomWeight; for (int i = 0; (i < 256) && (temp); i++) { tRandomWeight = pRandom.nextInt(WorldgenOreLayerSpace.sWeight); for (GTWorldgen tWorldGen : GalacticGreg.oreVeinWorldgenList) { if (tWorldGen instanceof WorldgenOreLayerSpace) tRandomWeight -= ((WorldgenOreLayerSpace) tWorldGen).mWeight; if (tRandomWeight <= 0) { try { if (tWorldGen.executeWorldgen( pWorld, pRandom, pBiome, Integer.MIN_VALUE, pX, pZ, pChunkGenerator, pChunkProvider)) { temp = false; } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(GTLog.err); } break; } } } } // Generate Small Ores int i = 0; for (int tX = pX - 16; i < 3; tX += 16) { int j = 0; for (int tZ = pZ - 16; j < 3; tZ += 16) { for (GTWorldgen tWorldGen : GalacticGreg.smallOreWorldgenList) { try { tWorldGen.executeWorldgen( pWorld, pRandom, "", Integer.MIN_VALUE, tX, tZ, pChunkGenerator, pChunkProvider); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(GTLog.err); } } j++; } i++; } } GalacticGreg.Logger.trace("Leaving orevein-gen for Dim %s", pDimensionDef.getDimIdentifier()); } }