package galacticgreg.schematics; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import; import galacticgreg.GalacticGreg; /** * Class for XML Structure files. You only should edit/use this file/class if you want to add/fix stuff with * GalacticGreg itself, and never if you're a mod developer and want to add support for GGreg to your mod. However, feel * free to copy this code to your own mod to implement structures. If you have questions, find me on github and ask */ public class SpaceSchematicHandler { File _mConfigFolderName; File _mSchematicsFolderName; private List _mSpaceSchematics; @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public SpaceSchematicHandler(File pConfigFolder) { _mConfigFolderName = new File(String.format("%s/%s", pConfigFolder.toString(), GalacticGreg.NICE_MODID)); _mSchematicsFolderName = new File(String.format("%s/schematics", _mConfigFolderName)); _mSpaceSchematics = new ArrayList<>(); if (!_mSchematicsFolderName.exists()) _mSchematicsFolderName.mkdirs(); } /** * Get a random schematic to be placed. * * @return A schematic that can be spawned in space */ public SpaceSchematic getRandomSpaceSchematic() { int tRandomChance = GalacticGreg.GalacticRandom.nextInt(100); List tRandomIDs = new ArrayList<>(); SpaceSchematic tChoosenSchematic = null; if (_mSpaceSchematics == null) return null; if (_mSpaceSchematics.isEmpty()) return null; if (_mSpaceSchematics.size() == 1) { tChoosenSchematic = _mSpaceSchematics.get(0); if (tChoosenSchematic.getRarity() < tRandomChance) tChoosenSchematic = null; } else { for (int i = 0; i < _mSpaceSchematics.size(); i++) { if (_mSpaceSchematics.get(i) .getRarity() >= tRandomChance) tRandomIDs.add(i); } } if (!tRandomIDs.isEmpty()) { int tRnd = GalacticGreg.GalacticRandom.nextInt(tRandomIDs.size()); tChoosenSchematic = _mSpaceSchematics.get(tRandomIDs.get(tRnd)); } return tChoosenSchematic; } /** * Try to reload the schematics. Will not change the list of currently loaded schematics if any errors are detected, * except if you force it to do so * * @return */ public boolean reloadSchematics(boolean pForceReload) { try { Collection structureFiles = FileUtils .listFiles(_mSchematicsFolderName, new String[] { "xml" }, false); List tNewSpaceSchematics = new ArrayList<>(); int tErrorsFound = 0; if (structureFiles.isEmpty()) return true; for (File tSchematic : structureFiles) { try { SpaceSchematic tSchematicObj = LoadSpaceSchematic(tSchematic); if (tSchematicObj != null) tNewSpaceSchematics.add(tSchematicObj); else { GalacticGreg.Logger.warn("Could not load Schematic %s. Please check the syntax", tSchematic); tErrorsFound++; } } catch (Exception e) { GalacticGreg.Logger.error("Error while loading Schematic %s", tSchematic); e.printStackTrace(); } }"Successfully loaded %d Schematics", tNewSpaceSchematics.size()); boolean tDoReplace = true; if (tErrorsFound > 0) { GalacticGreg.Logger.warn("Found %d errors while loading, not all schematics will be available"); if (pForceReload)"Reload was forced, replacing currently active list with new one"); else { GalacticGreg.Logger.warn("Nothing was replaced. Fix any errors and reload again"); tDoReplace = false; } } if (tDoReplace) _mSpaceSchematics = tNewSpaceSchematics; return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * Saves the schematic to disk. The schematics name will be used as filename * * @param pSchematic * @return */ public boolean SaveSpaceStructure(SpaceSchematic pSchematic) { try { if (pSchematic.getName() .isEmpty()) return false; JAXBContext tJaxbCtx = JAXBContext.newInstance(SpaceSchematic.class); Marshaller jaxMarsh = tJaxbCtx.createMarshaller(); jaxMarsh.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); jaxMarsh.marshal( pSchematic, new FileOutputStream(String.format("%s/%s.xml", _mSchematicsFolderName, pSchematic.getName()), false)); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * Load a schematic from disk by the schematic-name itself, without .xml or path * * @param pSchematicName * @return */ public SpaceSchematic LoadSpaceSchematic(String pSchematicName) { return LoadSpaceSchematic(new File(String.format("%s/%s.xml", _mSchematicsFolderName, pSchematicName))); } /** * Load a schematic file from disk by providing the actual file-object * * @param pName * @return */ public SpaceSchematic LoadSpaceSchematic(File pName) { SpaceSchematic tSchematic = null; try { JAXBContext tJaxbCtx = JAXBContext.newInstance(SpaceSchematic.class); if (!pName.exists()) { GalacticGreg.Logger.error("SchematicFile %s could not be found", pName); return null; } Unmarshaller jaxUnmarsh = tJaxbCtx.createUnmarshaller(); tSchematic = (SpaceSchematic) jaxUnmarsh.unmarshal(pName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return tSchematic; } }