package gregtech.api.graphs; import gregtech.api.graphs.consumers.ConsumerNode; import gregtech.api.graphs.paths.NodePath; import gregtech.api.metatileentity.BaseMetaPipeEntity; import gregtech.api.metatileentity.MetaPipeEntity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import static gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility.getOppositeSide; // generates the node map abstract public class GenerateNodeMap { // clearing the node map to make sure it is gone on reset public static void clearNodeMap(Node aNode, int aReturnNodeValue) { if (aNode.mTileEntity instanceof BaseMetaPipeEntity) { BaseMetaPipeEntity tPipe = (BaseMetaPipeEntity) aNode.mTileEntity; tPipe.setNode(null); tPipe.setNodePath(null); if (aNode.mSelfPath != null) { aNode.mSelfPath.clearPath(); aNode.mSelfPath = null; } } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { NodePath tPath = aNode.mNodePaths[i]; if (tPath != null) { tPath.clearPath(); aNode.mNodePaths[i] = null; } Node tNextNode = aNode.mNeighbourNodes[i]; if (tNextNode == null) continue; if (tNextNode.mNodeValue != aReturnNodeValue) clearNodeMap(tNextNode, aNode.mNodeValue); aNode.mNeighbourNodes[i] = null; } } // get how many connections the pipe have private static int getNumberOfConnections(MetaPipeEntity aPipe) { int tCons = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (aPipe.isConnectedAtSide(i)) tCons++; } return tCons; } // gets the next node protected void generateNextNode(BaseMetaPipeEntity aPipe, Node aPipeNode, byte aInvalidSide, int aNextNodeValue, ArrayList tConsumers, HashSet tNodeMap) { MetaPipeEntity tMetaPipe = (MetaPipeEntity) aPipe.getMetaTileEntity(); for (byte i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (i == aInvalidSide) { continue; } TileEntity tNextTileEntity = aPipe.getTileEntityAtSide(i); if (tNextTileEntity == null || (tMetaPipe != null && !tMetaPipe.isConnectedAtSide(i))) continue; ArrayList tNewPipes = new ArrayList<>(); Pair nextTileEntity = getNextValidTileEntity(tNextTileEntity, tNewPipes, i, tNodeMap); if (nextTileEntity != null) { Node tNextNode = generateNode(nextTileEntity.mTileEntity, aPipeNode, aNextNodeValue + 1, tNewPipes, nextTileEntity.mSide, tConsumers, tNodeMap); if (tNextNode != null) { aNextNodeValue = tNextNode.mHighestNodeValue; aPipeNode.mHighestNodeValue = tNextNode.mHighestNodeValue; aPipeNode.mNeighbourNodes[i] = tNextNode; aPipeNode.mNodePaths[i] = aPipeNode.returnValues.mReturnPath; aPipeNode.locks[i] = aPipeNode.returnValues.returnLock; aPipeNode.mNodePaths[i].reloadLocks(); } } } aPipe.reloadLocks(); } // on a valid tile entity create a new node protected Node generateNode(TileEntity aTileEntity, Node aPreviousNode, int aNextNodeValue, ArrayList aPipes, int aSide, ArrayList aConsumers, HashSet aNodeMap) { if (aTileEntity.isInvalid()) return null; byte tSideOp = getOppositeSide(aSide); byte tInvalidSide = aPreviousNode == null ? -1 : tSideOp; Node tThisNode = null; if (isPipe(aTileEntity)) { BaseMetaPipeEntity tPipe = (BaseMetaPipeEntity) aTileEntity; MetaPipeEntity tMetaPipe = (MetaPipeEntity) tPipe.getMetaTileEntity(); int tConnections = getNumberOfConnections(tMetaPipe); Node tPipeNode; if (tConnections == 1) { tPipeNode = getEmptyNode(aNextNodeValue, tSideOp, aTileEntity, aConsumers); if (tPipeNode == null) return null; } else { tPipeNode = getPipeNode(aNextNodeValue, tSideOp, aTileEntity, aConsumers); } tPipe.setNode(tPipeNode); aNodeMap.add(tPipeNode); tPipeNode.mSelfPath = getNewPath(new MetaPipeEntity[]{tMetaPipe}); tThisNode = tPipeNode; if (tInvalidSide > -1) { tPipeNode.mNeighbourNodes[tInvalidSide] = aPreviousNode; tPipeNode.mNodePaths[tInvalidSide] = getNewPath(aPipes.toArray(new MetaPipeEntity[0])); Lock lock = new Lock(); tPipeNode.mNodePaths[tSideOp].lock = lock; tPipeNode.locks[tInvalidSide] = lock; aPreviousNode.returnValues.mReturnPath = tPipeNode.mNodePaths[tInvalidSide]; aPreviousNode.returnValues.returnLock = lock; } if (tConnections > 1) generateNextNode(tPipe, tPipeNode, tInvalidSide, aNextNodeValue, aConsumers, aNodeMap); } else if (addConsumer(aTileEntity, tSideOp, aNextNodeValue, aConsumers)) { ConsumerNode tConsumeNode = aConsumers.get(aConsumers.size() - 1); tConsumeNode.mNeighbourNodes[tSideOp] = aPreviousNode; tConsumeNode.mNodePaths[tSideOp] = getNewPath(aPipes.toArray(new MetaPipeEntity[0])); Lock lock = new Lock(); tConsumeNode.mNodePaths[tSideOp].lock = lock; aPreviousNode.returnValues.mReturnPath = tConsumeNode.mNodePaths[tSideOp]; aPreviousNode.returnValues.returnLock = lock; tThisNode = tConsumeNode; } return tThisNode; } // go over the pipes until we see a valid tile entity that needs a node protected Pair getNextValidTileEntity(TileEntity aTileEntity, ArrayList aPipes, byte aSide, HashSet aNodeMap) { if (isPipe(aTileEntity)) { BaseMetaPipeEntity tPipe = (BaseMetaPipeEntity) aTileEntity; MetaPipeEntity tMetaPipe = (MetaPipeEntity) tPipe.getMetaTileEntity(); Node tNode = tPipe.getNode(); if (tNode != null) { if (aNodeMap.contains(tNode)) return null; } int tConnections = getNumberOfConnections(tMetaPipe); if (tConnections == 2) { byte tSideOp = getOppositeSide(aSide); for (byte i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (i == tSideOp || !(tMetaPipe.isConnectedAtSide(i))) continue; TileEntity tNewTileEntity = tPipe.getTileEntityAtSide(i); if (tNewTileEntity == null) continue; if (isPipe(tNewTileEntity)) { aPipes.add(tMetaPipe); return getNextValidTileEntity(tNewTileEntity, aPipes, i, aNodeMap); } else { return new Pair(aTileEntity, i); } } } else { return new Pair(aTileEntity, aSide); } } else { return new Pair(aTileEntity, aSide); } return null; } // check if the tile entity is the correct pipe protected boolean isPipe(TileEntity aTileEntity) { return aTileEntity instanceof BaseMetaPipeEntity; } // checks if the tile entity is a consumer and add to the list abstract protected boolean addConsumer(TileEntity aTileEntity, byte aSide, int aNodeValue, ArrayList aConsumers); // get correct pathClass that you need for your node network protected abstract NodePath getNewPath(MetaPipeEntity[] aPipes); // used for if you need to use dead ends for something can be null protected Node getEmptyNode(int aNodeValue, byte aSide, TileEntity aTileEntity, ArrayList aConsumers) { return null; } // get correct node type you need for your network protected Node getPipeNode(int aNodeValue, byte aSide, TileEntity aTileEntity, ArrayList aConsumers) { return new Node(aNodeValue, aTileEntity, aConsumers); } private static class Pair { public byte mSide; public TileEntity mTileEntity; public Pair(TileEntity aTileEntity, byte aSide) { this.mTileEntity = aTileEntity; this.mSide = aSide; } } }