package gregtech.api.gui; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values; import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.ICoverable; import; @Deprecated public abstract class GT_GUICover extends GT_GUIScreen { public final ICoverable tile; public int parentGuiId = -1; public GT_GUICover(ICoverable tile, int width, int height, ItemStack cover) { super(width, height, cover == null ? "" : cover.getDisplayName()); this.tile = tile; headerIcon.setItem(cover); } @Override public void updateScreen() { super.updateScreen(); if (!tile.isUseableByPlayer(mc.thePlayer)) { closeScreen(); } } /** * The parent GUI to exit to. -1 is ignored. * * @param parentGuiId parent GUI ID */ public void setParentGuiId(int parentGuiId) { this.parentGuiId = parentGuiId; } @Override public void closeScreen() { // If this cover was given a guiId, tell the server to open it for us when this GUI closes. if (parentGuiId != -1 && tile.isUseableByPlayer(mc.thePlayer)) { GT_Values.NW.sendToServer( new GT_Packet_GtTileEntityGuiRequest( tile.getXCoord(), tile.getYCoord(), tile.getZCoord(), parentGuiId, tile.getWorld().provider.dimensionId, mc.thePlayer.getEntityId())); } else {;; } } }