package gregtech.api.gui; import gregtech.api.gui.widgets.GT_GuiFakeItemButton; import gregtech.api.gui.widgets.GT_GuiIcon; import gregtech.api.gui.widgets.GT_GuiIconButton; import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; @Deprecated public class GT_GUIDialogSelectItem extends GT_GUIScreen { public static final int UNSELECTED = -1; private static final int cols = 9; private static final int rows = 3; private final int textColor = this.getTextColorOrDefault("text", 0xff555555); private final GuiScreen parent; private final Consumer selectedCallback; // passed in stack private final List stacks; // all slots not including btnCurrent private final List slots = new ArrayList<>(); // the currently selected slot content private final GT_GuiFakeItemButton btnCurrent = new GT_GuiFakeItemButton(this, 8, 25, GT_GuiIcon.SLOT_DARKGRAY).setMimicSlot(true); private final boolean noDeselect; private int selected; private int scroll = 0; private GT_GuiIconButton btnUp; private GT_GuiIconButton btnDown; public GT_GUIDialogSelectItem( String header, ItemStack headerItem, GuiScreen parent, Consumer selectedCallback, List stacks) { this(header, headerItem, parent, selectedCallback, stacks, UNSELECTED); } public GT_GUIDialogSelectItem( String header, ItemStack headerItem, GuiScreen parent, Consumer selectedCallback, List stacks, int selected) { this(header, headerItem, parent, selectedCallback, stacks, selected, false); } /** * Open a dialog to select an item from given list. Given callback may be called zero or more times depending on user action. * @param header Header text * @param headerItem ItemStack to use as Dialog icon * @param parent open which GUIScreen when this dialog is closed. use null if it has no parent. * @param selectedCallback callback upon selected * @param stacks list to choose from * @param selected preselected item. Use {@link #UNSELECTED} for unselected. Invalid selected will be clamped to 0 or highest index * @param noDeselect true if player cannot deselect, false otherwise. If this is set to true, selectedCallback is guaranteed to be called with a nonnull stack */ public GT_GUIDialogSelectItem( String header, ItemStack headerItem, GuiScreen parent, Consumer selectedCallback, List stacks, int selected, boolean noDeselect) { super(176, 107, header); this.noDeselect = noDeselect; if (headerItem != null) this.headerIcon.setItem(headerItem); this.parent = parent; this.selectedCallback = selectedCallback; this.stacks = stacks; if (stacks.size() > rows * cols) { btnUp = new GT_GuiIconButton(this, 0, 134, 25, GT_GuiIcon.GREEN_ARROW_UP); btnDown = new GT_GuiIconButton(this, 1, 152, 25, GT_GuiIcon.GREEN_ARROW_DOWN); } for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { slots.add(new GT_GuiFakeItemButton(this, 8 + 18 * j, 44 + 18 * i, GT_GuiIcon.SLOT_GRAY) .setMimicSlot(true)); } } setSelected(noDeselect ? Math.max(0, selected) : selected); ensureSelectedDisplayed(); } @Override protected void onInitGui(int guiLeft, int guiTop, int gui_width, int gui_height) { btnCurrent.setX( 8 + 2 + fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(StatCollector.translateToLocal(""))); } @Override public void closeScreen() { selectedCallback.accept(getCandidate(getSelected())); mc.displayGuiScreen(parent); if (parent == null) mc.setIngameFocus(); } @Override public void buttonClicked(GuiButton button) { switch ( { case 0: setScroll(scroll - 1); return; case 1: setScroll(scroll + 1); return; } super.buttonClicked(button); } @Override public void drawExtras(int mouseX, int mouseY, float parTicks) { int y = 25 + (18 - getFontRenderer().FONT_HEIGHT) / 2; getFontRenderer().drawString(StatCollector.translateToLocal(""), 8, y, textColor); super.drawExtras(mouseX, mouseY, parTicks); } @Override public void mouseClicked(int x, int y, int button) { int mx = x - guiLeft, my = y - guiTop; if (button == 0) { if (btnCurrent.getBounds().contains(mx, my)) { ensureSelectedDisplayed(); return; } for (int i = 0, slotsSize = slots.size(); i < slotsSize; i++) { GT_GuiFakeItemButton slot = slots.get(i); if (slot.getBounds().contains(mx, my)) { setSelected(slotIndexToListIndex(i)); return; } } } else if (button == 1 && getSelected() >= 0) { if (btnCurrent.getBounds().contains(mx, my)) { setSelected(UNSELECTED); return; } GT_GuiFakeItemButton slot = getSlot(listIndexToSlotIndex(getSelected())); if (slot != null && slot.getBounds().contains(mx, my)) { setSelected(UNSELECTED); } } super.mouseClicked(x, y, button); } @Override public void onMouseWheel(int x, int y, int delta) { if (delta < 0) setScroll(scroll + 1); else if (delta > 0) setScroll(scroll - 1); } private void fillSlots() { for (int i = 0, j = scroll * cols; i < slots.size(); i++, j++) { slots.get(i) .setItem(getCandidate(j)) .setBgIcon(j == getSelected() ? GT_GuiIcon.SLOT_DARKGRAY : GT_GuiIcon.SLOT_GRAY); } } private void ensureSelectedDisplayed() { if (getSelected() < scroll * cols) { setScroll(getSelected() / cols); } else if (getSelected() > (scroll + rows) * cols) { setScroll((getSelected() - (rows - 1) * cols) / cols); } else { // called nonetheless to update button enabled states setScroll(scroll); } } private int slotIndexToListIndex(int index) { int mapped = scroll * cols + index; return mapped >= stacks.size() ? UNSELECTED : mapped; } private int listIndexToSlotIndex(int index) { return index - scroll * cols; } public int getSelected() { return selected; } public void setSelected(int selected) { if (selected == this.selected) return; int newSelected = GT_Utility.clamp(selected, UNSELECTED, stacks.size() - 1); if (noDeselect && newSelected == UNSELECTED) return; GT_GuiFakeItemButton selectedSlot = getSlot(this.selected); if (selectedSlot != null) selectedSlot.setBgIcon(GT_GuiIcon.SLOT_GRAY); this.selected = newSelected; btnCurrent.setItem(getCandidate(this.selected)); selectedSlot = getSlot(this.selected); if (selectedSlot != null) selectedSlot.setBgIcon(GT_GuiIcon.SLOT_DARKGRAY); } private void setScroll(int scroll) { if (stacks.size() > rows * cols) { int lo = 0; int hi = (stacks.size() - rows * cols) / cols + 1; this.scroll = GT_Utility.clamp(scroll, lo, hi); btnUp.enabled = this.scroll != lo; btnDown.enabled = this.scroll != hi; } fillSlots(); } private ItemStack getCandidate(int listIndex) { return listIndex < 0 || listIndex >= stacks.size() ? null : stacks.get(listIndex); } private GT_GuiFakeItemButton getSlot(int slotIndex) { return slotIndex < 0 || slotIndex >= slots.size() ? null : slots.get(slotIndex); } }