package gregtech.api.gui.widgets;

import java.awt.Rectangle;

import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;

import gregtech.api.interfaces.IGuiIcon;

 * Draws clickable and configurable tabs on the left or right side of another GUI
public class GT_GuiTabLine {

     * Defines a set of textures a tab line can use to render it's tab backgrounds
    public static class GT_GuiTabIconSet {

        public IGuiIcon disabled;
        public IGuiIcon normal;
        public IGuiIcon highlight;

        public GT_GuiTabIconSet(IGuiIcon normalIcon, IGuiIcon highlightIcon, IGuiIcon disabledIcon) {
            this.normal = normalIcon;
            this.highlight = highlightIcon;
            this.disabled = disabledIcon;

     * Controls the rendering style of the tab line
    public enum DisplayStyle {

        NONE((byte) 0),
        NORMAL((byte) 1),
        INVERSE((byte) -1);

        private byte value;

        DisplayStyle(byte value) {
            this.value = value;

        public byte getValue() {
            return value;

     * A GUI should implement these methods as well as call the tab line's onMouseClicked, onInit and drawTabs for the
     * tab line to attach to it properly.
    public interface GT_ITabRenderer {

        int getGuiLeft();

        int getGuiTop();

        int getXSize();

        RenderItem getItemRenderer();

        FontRenderer getFontRenderer();

        void addToolTip(GT_GuiTooltip tooltip);

        boolean removeToolTip(GT_GuiTooltip tooltip);

    // The tabs are arranged according to their index in this array
    protected final GT_GuiTab[] mTabs;

    private int tabLineLeft, tabLineTop, tabHeight, tabWidth, tabSpacing;

    // In which direction to draw the tab line
    private DisplayStyle xDir, yDir;

    // Whether to display on the right side of the GT_ITabRenderer instead of left
    protected boolean flipHorizontally, visible;

    private GT_GuiTabIconSet tabBackground;
    private GT_ITabRenderer gui;

     * Draws clickable and configurable tabs on the left or right side of a GT_ITabRenderer
     * @param gui           GT_ITabRenderer gui which this tab line attaches to
     * @param numTabs       number of tab positions in this tab line
     * @param tabLineLeft   left position of the tab line in relation to the gui
     * @param tabLineTop    top position of the tab line in relation to the gui
     * @param tabHeight     height of a tab
     * @param tabWidth      width of a tab
     * @param tabSpacing    pixels between each tab
     * @param xDir          whether to extend the line horizontally to the right (NORMAL), the left (INVERSE) or not at
     *                      all (NONE)
     * @param yDir          whether to extend the line vertically down (NORMAL), up (INVERSE) or not at all (NONE)
     * @param displayMode   whether to display on the left side of the GT_ITabRenderer (NORMAL), on it's right side
     *                      (INVERSE) or not at all (NONE)
     * @param tabBackground the set of textures used to draw this tab line's tab backgrounds
    public GT_GuiTabLine(GT_ITabRenderer gui, int numTabs, int tabLineLeft, int tabLineTop, int tabHeight, int tabWidth,
        int tabSpacing, DisplayStyle xDir, DisplayStyle yDir, DisplayStyle displayMode,
        GT_GuiTabIconSet tabBackground) {
        this.gui = gui;
        this.mTabs = new GT_GuiTab[numTabs];
        this.tabLineLeft = tabLineLeft;
        this.tabLineTop = tabLineTop;
        this.tabHeight = tabHeight;
        this.tabWidth = tabWidth;
        this.tabSpacing = tabSpacing;
        this.xDir = xDir;
        this.yDir = yDir;
        this.tabBackground = tabBackground;
        this.flipHorizontally = displayMode == DisplayStyle.INVERSE;
        this.visible = !(displayMode == DisplayStyle.NONE);

     * Creates a new tab at the specified position with the given parameters. This class handles the positioning.
     * @param tabId
     * @param item
     * @param overlay
     * @param text
    public void setTab(int tabId, ItemStack item, IGuiIcon overlay, String[] text) {
        mTabs[tabId] = new GT_GuiTab(

     * Get the bounds a given tab should occupy
     * @param tabId
     * @return
    protected Rectangle getBoundsForTab(int tabId) {
        return new Rectangle(getTabX(tabId), getTabY(tabId), this.tabWidth, this.tabHeight);

     * Enable or disable a tab. Disabled tabs have a dark background.
     * @param tabId
     * @param value
    public void setTabEnabled(int tabId, boolean value) {
        if (mTabs[tabId] != null) {
            mTabs[tabId].enabled = value;

     * Draw the tabs for this tab bar GT_ITabRenderer must call this method on drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer or on
     * drawScreen.
     * @param parTicks
     * @param mouseX
     * @param mouseY
    public void drawTabs(float parTicks, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
        if (this.visible) {
            GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
            drawBackground(parTicks, mouseX, mouseY);
            drawOverlays(parTicks, mouseX, mouseY);

     * Draw the tab's backgrounds first
     * @param parTicks
     * @param mouseX
     * @param mouseY
    protected void drawOverlays(float parTicks, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
        for (GT_GuiTab mTab : mTabs) {
            if (mTab != null) {
                mTab.drawOverlays(mouseX, mouseY, parTicks);

     * Draw anything that overlays the tab's background texture
     * @param parTicks
     * @param mouseX
     * @param mouseY
    protected void drawBackground(float parTicks, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
        for (GT_GuiTab mTab : mTabs) {
            if (mTab != null) {
                mTab.drawBackground(mouseX, mouseY, parTicks);

     * Call tabClick for every tab that was clicked. GT_ITabRenderer must call this method on mouseClicked.
     * @param mouseX
     * @param mouseY
     * @param mouseButton
    public void onMouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseButton) {
        for (int tabId = 0; tabId < mTabs.length; tabId++) {
            if (mTabs[tabId] != null && mTabs[tabId].getBounds()
                .contains(mouseX, mouseY)) {
                tabClicked(tabId, mouseButton);

     * Act on a tab being clicked.
     * @param tabId
     * @param mouseButton
    protected void tabClicked(int tabId, int mouseButton) {}

     * Reposition ourselves whenever the GT_ITabRenderer does so. GT_ITabRenderer must call this method on Init.
    public void onInit() {
        for (int i = 0; i < mTabs.length; i++) {
            if (mTabs[i] != null) {
                mTabs[i].setPosition(getTabX(i), getTabY(i));

     * Get the proper X position for a given tab
     * @param tabId
     * @return
    private int getTabX(int tabId) {
        return this.gui.getGuiLeft() + (flipHorizontally ? (gui.getXSize() - tabLineLeft - tabWidth) : tabLineLeft)
            + (tabId * (tabWidth + tabSpacing) * xDir.getValue());

     * Get the proper Y position for a given tab
     * @param tabId
     * @return
    private int getTabY(int tabId) {
        return this.gui.getGuiTop() + tabLineTop + (tabId * (tabHeight + tabSpacing) * yDir.getValue());