package gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity;

import net.minecraft.inventory.ISidedInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

public interface IHasInventory extends ISidedInventory, IHasWorldObjectAndCoords {

    default void markInventoryBeenModified() {}

     * if the Inventory of this TileEntity got modified this tick
    boolean hasInventoryBeenModified();

     * if this is just a Holoslot
    boolean isValidSlot(int aIndex);

     * Tries to add a Stack to the Slot.
     * It doesn't matter if the Slot is valid or invalid as described at the Function above.
     * @return true if aStack == null, then false if aIndex is out of bounds, then false if aStack cannot be added, and then true if aStack has been added
    boolean addStackToSlot(int aIndex, ItemStack aStack);

     * Tries to add X Items of a Stack to the Slot.
     * It doesn't matter if the Slot is valid or invalid as described at the Function above.
     * @return true if aStack == null, then false if aIndex is out of bounds, then false if aStack cannot be added, and then true if aStack has been added
    boolean addStackToSlot(int aIndex, ItemStack aStack, int aAmount);