package gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;

import gregtech.api.util.shutdown.ShutDownReason;
import gregtech.api.util.shutdown.ShutDownReasonRegistry;

 * For Machines which have Progress
public interface IMachineProgress extends IHasWorldObjectAndCoords {

     * returns the Progress this Machine has made. Warning, this can also be negative!
    int getProgress();

     * returns the Progress the Machine needs to complete its task.
    int getMaxProgress();

     * Manually increases the Progress of the Machine by vent cover.
    boolean increaseProgress(int aProgressAmountInTicks);

     * returns if the Machine currently does something.
    boolean hasThingsToDo();

     * returns if the Machine just got enableWorking called after being disabled. Used for Translocators, which need to
     * check if they need to transfer immediately.
    boolean hasWorkJustBeenEnabled();

     * allows Machine to work
    void enableWorking();

     * disallows Machine to work
    void disableWorking();

     * if the Machine is allowed to Work
    boolean isAllowedToWork();

    default void setAllowedToWork(Boolean allowedToWork) {
        if (allowedToWork) {
        } else {

     * used to control Machines via Redstone Signal Strength by special Covers In case of 0 the Machine is very likely
     * doing nothing, or is just not being controlled at all.
    default byte getWorkDataValue() {
        return 0;

     * used to control Machines via Redstone Signal Strength by special Covers only Values between 0 and 15!
    default void setWorkDataValue(byte aValue) {}

     * gives you the Active Status of the Machine
    boolean isActive();

     * sets the visible Active Status of the Machine
    void setActive(boolean aActive);

     * Indicates if the object in question was forced to shut down (i.e. loss of power)
    default boolean wasShutdown() {
        return false;

    default ShutDownReason getLastShutDownReason() {
        return ShutDownReasonRegistry.NONE;