package gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity;

import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;

 * This File has just internal Information about the Redstone State of a TileEntity
public interface IRedstoneReceiver extends IHasWorldObjectAndCoords {

     * gets the Redstone Level of the TileEntity to the given Input Side
     * <p/>
     * Do not use this if ICoverable is implemented. ICoverable has @getInternalInputRedstoneSignal for Machine internal
     * Input Redstone This returns the true incoming Redstone Signal. Only Cover Behaviors should check it, not
     * MetaTileEntities.
    byte getInputRedstoneSignal(ForgeDirection side);

     * gets the strongest Redstone Level the TileEntity receives
    byte getStrongestRedstone();

     * gets if the TileEntity receives Redstone
    boolean getRedstone();

     * gets if the TileEntity receives Redstone at this Side
    boolean getRedstone(ForgeDirection side);