package gregtech.api.logic;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IVoidable;
import gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMap;
import gregtech.api.recipe.check.CheckRecipeResult;
import gregtech.api.recipe.check.CheckRecipeResultRegistry;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_OverclockCalculator;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_ParallelHelper;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_Recipe;
* Logic class to calculate result of recipe check from inputs.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "UnusedReturnValue" })
public abstract class AbstractProcessingLogic
> {
protected IVoidable machine;
protected Supplier> recipeMapSupplier;
protected GT_Recipe lastRecipe;
protected RecipeMap> lastRecipeMap;
protected ItemStack[] outputItems;
protected FluidStack[] outputFluids;
protected long calculatedEut;
protected int duration;
protected long availableVoltage;
protected long availableAmperage;
protected int overClockTimeReduction = 1;
protected int overClockPowerIncrease = 2;
protected boolean protectItems;
protected boolean protectFluids;
protected int maxParallel = 1;
protected Supplier maxParallelSupplier;
protected int calculatedParallels = 0;
protected int batchSize = 1;
protected float euModifier = 1.0f;
protected float speedBoost = 1.0f;
protected boolean amperageOC = true;
protected boolean isCleanroom;
// #region Setters
* Overwrites item output result of the calculation.
public P setOutputItems(ItemStack... itemOutputs) {
this.outputItems = itemOutputs;
return getThis();
* Overwrites fluid output result of the calculation.
public P setOutputFluids(FluidStack... fluidOutputs) {
this.outputFluids = fluidOutputs;
return getThis();
public P setIsCleanroom(boolean isCleanroom) {
this.isCleanroom = isCleanroom;
return getThis();
* Sets max amount of parallel.
public P setMaxParallel(int maxParallel) {
this.maxParallel = maxParallel;
return getThis();
* Sets method to get max amount of parallel.
public P setMaxParallelSupplier(Supplier supplier) {
this.maxParallelSupplier = supplier;
return getThis();
* Sets batch size for batch mode.
public P setBatchSize(int size) {
this.batchSize = size;
return getThis();
public P setRecipeMap(RecipeMap> recipeMap) {
return setRecipeMapSupplier(() -> recipeMap);
public P setRecipeMapSupplier(Supplier> supplier) {
this.recipeMapSupplier = supplier;
return getThis();
public P setEuModifier(float modifier) {
this.euModifier = modifier;
return getThis();
public P setSpeedBonus(float speedModifier) {
this.speedBoost = speedModifier;
return getThis();
* Sets machine used for void protection logic.
public P setMachine(IVoidable machine) {
this.machine = machine;
return getThis();
* Overwrites duration result of the calculation.
public P setDuration(int duration) {
this.duration = duration;
return getThis();
* Overwrites EU/t result of the calculation.
public P setCalculatedEut(long calculatedEut) {
this.calculatedEut = calculatedEut;
return getThis();
* Sets voltage of the machine. It doesn't need to be actual voltage (excluding amperage) of the machine;
* For example, most of the multiblock machines set maximum possible input power (including amperage) as voltage
* and 1 as amperage. That way recipemap search will be executed with overclocked voltage.
public P setAvailableVoltage(long voltage) {
availableVoltage = voltage;
return getThis();
* Sets amperage of the machine. This amperage doesn't involve in EU/t when searching recipemap.
* Useful for preventing tier skip but still considering amperage for parallel.
public P setAvailableAmperage(long amperage) {
availableAmperage = amperage;
return getThis();
public P setVoidProtection(boolean protectItems, boolean protectFluids) {
this.protectItems = protectItems;
this.protectFluids = protectFluids;
return getThis();
* Sets custom overclock ratio. 2/4 by default.
* Parameters represent number of bit shift, so 1 -> 2x, 2 -> 4x.
public P setOverclock(int timeReduction, int powerIncrease) {
this.overClockTimeReduction = timeReduction;
this.overClockPowerIncrease = powerIncrease;
return getThis();
* Sets overclock ratio to 4/4.
public P enablePerfectOverclock() {
return this.setOverclock(2, 2);
* Sets whether the multi should use amperage to OC or not
public P setAmperageOC(boolean amperageOC) {
this.amperageOC = amperageOC;
return getThis();
* Clears calculated results (and provided machine inputs) to prepare for the next machine operation.
public P clear() {
this.calculatedEut = 0;
this.duration = 0;
this.calculatedParallels = 0;
return getThis();
// #endregion
// #region Logic
* Executes the recipe check: Find recipe from recipemap, Calculate parallel, overclock and outputs.
public abstract CheckRecipeResult process();
* Refreshes recipemap to use. Remember to call this before {@link #process} to make sure correct recipemap is used.
* @return Recipemap to use now
protected RecipeMap> preProcess() {
RecipeMap> recipeMap;
if (recipeMapSupplier == null) {
recipeMap = null;
} else {
recipeMap = recipeMapSupplier.get();
if (lastRecipeMap != recipeMap) {
lastRecipe = null;
lastRecipeMap = recipeMap;
if (maxParallelSupplier != null) {
maxParallel = maxParallelSupplier.get();
return recipeMap;
* Check has been succeeded, so it applies the recipe and calculated parameters.
* At this point, inputs have been already consumed.
protected CheckRecipeResult applyRecipe(@Nonnull GT_Recipe recipe, @Nonnull GT_ParallelHelper helper,
@Nonnull GT_OverclockCalculator calculator, @Nonnull CheckRecipeResult result) {
if (recipe.mCanBeBuffered) {
lastRecipe = recipe;
} else {
lastRecipe = null;
calculatedParallels = helper.getCurrentParallel();
if (calculator.getConsumption() == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
return CheckRecipeResultRegistry.POWER_OVERFLOW;
if (calculator.getDuration() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return CheckRecipeResultRegistry.DURATION_OVERFLOW;
calculatedEut = calculator.getConsumption();
double finalDuration = calculateDuration(recipe, helper, calculator);
if (finalDuration >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return CheckRecipeResultRegistry.DURATION_OVERFLOW;
duration = (int) finalDuration;
CheckRecipeResult hookResult = onRecipeStart(recipe);
if (!hookResult.wasSuccessful()) {
return hookResult;
outputItems = helper.getItemOutputs();
outputFluids = helper.getFluidOutputs();
return result;
* Override to tweak final duration that will be set as a result of this logic class.
protected double calculateDuration(@Nonnull GT_Recipe recipe, @Nonnull GT_ParallelHelper helper,
@Nonnull GT_OverclockCalculator calculator) {
return calculator.getDuration() * helper.getDurationMultiplierDouble();
* Override to do additional check for found recipe if needed.
protected CheckRecipeResult validateRecipe(@Nonnull GT_Recipe recipe) {
return CheckRecipeResultRegistry.SUCCESSFUL;
* Override to perform additional logic when recipe starts.
* This is called when the recipe processing logic has finished all
* checks, consumed all inputs, but has not yet set the outputs to
* be produced. Returning a result other than SUCCESSFUL will void
* all inputs!
protected CheckRecipeResult onRecipeStart(@Nonnull GT_Recipe recipe) {
return CheckRecipeResultRegistry.SUCCESSFUL;
* Override to tweak overclock logic if needed.
protected GT_OverclockCalculator createOverclockCalculator(@Nonnull GT_Recipe recipe) {
return new GT_OverclockCalculator().setRecipeEUt(recipe.mEUt)
// #endregion
// #region Getters
public ItemStack[] getOutputItems() {
return outputItems;
public FluidStack[] getOutputFluids() {
return outputFluids;
public int getDuration() {
return duration;
public long getCalculatedEut() {
return calculatedEut;
public int getCurrentParallels() {
return calculatedParallels;
public P getThis() {
return (P) this;
// #endregion