package gregtech.api.logic;

import java.util.List;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;

import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IRecipeLockable;
import gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMap;
import gregtech.api.recipe.check.CheckRecipeResult;
import gregtech.api.recipe.check.CheckRecipeResultRegistry;
import gregtech.api.recipe.check.SingleRecipeCheck;
import gregtech.api.util.GTRecipe;
import gregtech.api.util.OverclockCalculator;
import gregtech.api.util.ParallelHelper;

 * Logic class to calculate result of recipe check from inputs, based on recipemap.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "UnusedReturnValue" })
public class ProcessingLogic extends AbstractProcessingLogic<ProcessingLogic> {

    protected IRecipeLockable recipeLockableMachine;
    protected ItemStack specialSlotItem;
    protected ItemStack[] inputItems;
    protected FluidStack[] inputFluids;
    protected boolean isRecipeLocked;

    public ProcessingLogic() {}

    // #region Setters

    public ProcessingLogic setInputItems(ItemStack... itemInputs) {
        this.inputItems = itemInputs;
        return getThis();

    public ProcessingLogic setInputItems(List<ItemStack> itemOutputs) {
        this.inputItems = itemOutputs.toArray(new ItemStack[0]);
        return getThis();

    public ProcessingLogic setInputFluids(FluidStack... fluidInputs) {
        this.inputFluids = fluidInputs;
        return getThis();

    public ProcessingLogic setInputFluids(List<FluidStack> fluidInputs) {
        this.inputFluids = fluidInputs.toArray(new FluidStack[0]);
        return getThis();

    public ProcessingLogic setSpecialSlotItem(ItemStack specialSlotItem) {
        this.specialSlotItem = specialSlotItem;
        return getThis();

     * Enables single recipe locking mode.
    public ProcessingLogic setRecipeLocking(IRecipeLockable recipeLockableMachine, boolean isRecipeLocked) {
        this.recipeLockableMachine = recipeLockableMachine;
        this.isRecipeLocked = isRecipeLocked;
        return getThis();

     * Clears calculated results and provided machine inputs to prepare for the next machine operation.

    public ProcessingLogic clear() {
        this.inputItems = null;
        this.inputFluids = null;
        this.specialSlotItem = null;
        this.outputItems = null;
        this.outputFluids = null;
        this.calculatedEut = 0;
        this.duration = 0;
        this.calculatedParallels = 0;
        return getThis();

    // #endregion

    // #region Logic

     * Executes the recipe check: Find recipe from recipemap, Calculate parallel, overclock and outputs.
    public CheckRecipeResult process() {
        RecipeMap<?> recipeMap = preProcess();

        if (inputItems == null) {
            inputItems = new ItemStack[0];
        if (inputFluids == null) {
            inputFluids = new FluidStack[0];

        if (isRecipeLocked && recipeLockableMachine != null && recipeLockableMachine.getSingleRecipeCheck() != null) {
            // Recipe checker is already built, we'll use it
            SingleRecipeCheck singleRecipeCheck = recipeLockableMachine.getSingleRecipeCheck();
            // Validate recipe here, otherwise machine will show "not enough output space"
            // even if recipe cannot be found
            if (singleRecipeCheck.checkRecipeInputs(false, 1, inputItems, inputFluids) == 0) {
                return CheckRecipeResultRegistry.NO_RECIPE;

            return validateAndCalculateRecipe(
        Stream<GTRecipe> matchedRecipes = findRecipeMatches(recipeMap);
        Iterable<GTRecipe> recipeIterable = matchedRecipes::iterator;
        CheckRecipeResult checkRecipeResult = CheckRecipeResultRegistry.NO_RECIPE;
        for (GTRecipe matchedRecipe : recipeIterable) {
            CalculationResult foundResult = validateAndCalculateRecipe(matchedRecipe);
            if (foundResult.successfullyConsumedInputs) {
                // Successfully found and set recipe, so return it
                return foundResult.checkRecipeResult;
            if (foundResult.checkRecipeResult != CheckRecipeResultRegistry.NO_RECIPE) {
                // Recipe failed in interesting way, so remember that and continue searching
                checkRecipeResult = foundResult.checkRecipeResult;
        return checkRecipeResult;

     * Checks if supplied recipe is valid for process. This involves voltage check, output full check. If successful,
     * additionally performs input consumption, output calculation with parallel, and overclock calculation.
     * @param recipe The recipe which will be checked and processed
    private CalculationResult validateAndCalculateRecipe(@Nonnull GTRecipe recipe) {
        CheckRecipeResult result = validateRecipe(recipe);
        if (!result.wasSuccessful()) {
            return CalculationResult.ofFailure(result);

        ParallelHelper helper = createParallelHelper(recipe);
        OverclockCalculator calculator = createOverclockCalculator(recipe);

        if (!helper.getResult()
            .wasSuccessful()) {
            return CalculationResult.ofFailure(helper.getResult());

        return CalculationResult.ofSuccess(applyRecipe(recipe, helper, calculator, result));

     * Finds a list of matched recipes. At this point no additional check to the matched recipe has been done.
     * <p>
     * Override {@link #validateRecipe} to have custom check.
     * <p>
     * Override this method if it doesn't work with normal recipemaps.
    protected Stream<GTRecipe> findRecipeMatches(@Nullable RecipeMap<?> map) {
        if (map == null) {
            return Stream.empty();
        return map.findRecipeQuery()

     * Override to tweak parallel logic if needed.
    protected ParallelHelper createParallelHelper(@Nonnull GTRecipe recipe) {
        return new ParallelHelper().setRecipe(recipe)
            .setAvailableEUt(availableVoltage * availableAmperage)
            .setMachine(machine, protectItems, protectFluids)
            .setRecipeLocked(recipeLockableMachine, isRecipeLocked)

    // #endregion

     * Represents the status of check recipe calculation. {@link #successfullyConsumedInputs} does not necessarily mean
     * {@link #checkRecipeResult} being successful, when duration or power is overflowed. Being failure means
     * recipe cannot meet requirements and recipe search should be continued if possible.
    protected final static class CalculationResult {

        public final boolean successfullyConsumedInputs;
        public final CheckRecipeResult checkRecipeResult;

        public static CalculationResult ofSuccess(CheckRecipeResult checkRecipeResult) {
            return new CalculationResult(true, checkRecipeResult);

        public static CalculationResult ofFailure(CheckRecipeResult checkRecipeResult) {
            return new CalculationResult(false, checkRecipeResult);

        private CalculationResult(boolean successfullyConsumedInputs, CheckRecipeResult checkRecipeResult) {
            this.successfullyConsumedInputs = successfullyConsumedInputs;
            this.checkRecipeResult = checkRecipeResult;