package gregtech.api.logic.interfaces;

import java.util.Objects;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;

import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;

import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IEnergyConnected;
import gregtech.api.logic.PowerLogic;

 * Power logic class for one to use to enable a machine to use energy
public interface PowerLogicHost {

     * @param side Side being access to try and get the power logic from
     * @return Can return NullPowerLogic if the side doesn't allow the return of the logic. That power logic is unusable
    PowerLogic getPowerLogic(@Nonnull ForgeDirection side);

     * Gives the power logic ignoring the side.
    default PowerLogic getPowerLogic() {
        return Objects.requireNonNull(getPowerLogic(ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN));

     * Shortcut to the method of {@link PowerLogic#isEnergyReceiver()}
    default boolean isEnergyReceiver() {
        return getPowerLogic().isEnergyReceiver();

     * Shortcut to the method of {@link PowerLogic#isEnergyEmitter()}
    default boolean isEnergyEmitter() {
        return getPowerLogic().isEnergyEmitter();

     * Method for emitting energy to other blocks and machines. Override when it needs to be changed.
    default void emitEnergyFromLogic() {
        IEnergyConnected.Util.emitEnergyToNetwork(this, getPowerOutputSide());

     * From where does the machine output energy from?
     * When the output side is {@link ForgeDirection#UNKNOWN} then it won't output energy
    ForgeDirection getPowerOutputSide();