package gregtech.api.multitileentity.multiblock.base; import static gregtech.GT_Mod.GT_FML_LOGGER; import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.ALL_VALID_SIDES; import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.NBT; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.IIcon; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidTankInfo; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidTank; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.StructureLibAPI; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.alignment.IAlignment; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.alignment.IAlignmentLimits; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.alignment.constructable.IConstructable; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.alignment.constructable.ISurvivalConstructable; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.alignment.enumerable.ExtendedFacing; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.alignment.enumerable.Flip; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.alignment.enumerable.Rotation; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.structure.IStructureDefinition; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.structure.IStructureElement; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.structure.ISurvivalBuildEnvironment; import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.util.Vec3Impl; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.ModularUITextures; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.IDrawable; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.ItemDrawable; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.drawable.UITexture; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.forge.IItemHandlerModifiable; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.forge.ItemStackHandler; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.forge.ListItemHandler; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.screen.*; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.api.widget.Widget; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.ButtonWidget; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.DrawableWidget; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.FakeSyncWidget; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.FluidSlotWidget; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.MultiChildWidget; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.Scrollable; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.SlotWidget; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.TabButton; import com.gtnewhorizons.modularui.common.widget.TabContainer; import; import gnu.trove.list.TIntList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values; import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.NBT; import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes; import gregtech.api.enums.SoundResource; import gregtech.api.enums.TextureSet; import gregtech.api.fluid.FluidTankGT; import gregtech.api.gui.modularui.GT_UITextures; import gregtech.api.interfaces.IDescribable; import gregtech.api.logic.PowerLogic; import gregtech.api.logic.ProcessingLogic; import gregtech.api.logic.interfaces.PowerLogicHost; import gregtech.api.logic.interfaces.ProcessingLogicHost; import gregtech.api.multitileentity.MultiTileEntityContainer; import gregtech.api.multitileentity.MultiTileEntityRegistry; import gregtech.api.multitileentity.interfaces.IMultiBlockController; import gregtech.api.multitileentity.interfaces.IMultiBlockPart; import gregtech.api.multitileentity.interfaces.IMultiTileEntity; import gregtech.api.multitileentity.interfaces.IMultiTileEntity.IMTE_AddToolTips; import gregtech.api.multitileentity.machine.MultiTileBasicMachine; import gregtech.api.multitileentity.multiblock.casing.FunctionalCasing; import gregtech.api.multitileentity.multiblock.casing.UpgradeCasing; import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack; import gregtech.api.util.GT_Multiblock_Tooltip_Builder; import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility; import gregtech.common.tileentities.casings.upgrade.InventoryUpgrade; public abstract class MultiBlockController> extends MultiTileBasicMachine implements IAlignment, IConstructable, IMultiBlockController, IDescribable, IMTE_AddToolTips, ISurvivalConstructable { private static final Map tooltip = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final List upgradeCasings = new ArrayList<>(); private final List functionalCasings = new ArrayList<>(); protected BuildState buildState = new BuildState(); protected Map multiBlockInputInventoryNames = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected Map multiBlockOutputInventoryNames = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected Map multiBlockInputInventoryToTankLink = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected Map multiBlockInputInventory = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected Map multiBlockOutputInventory = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected Map multiBlockInputTankNames = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected Map multiBlockOutputTankNames = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected Map multiBlockInputTank = new LinkedHashMap<>(); protected Map multiBlockOutputTank = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private boolean structureOkay = false, structureChanged = false; private ExtendedFacing extendedFacing = ExtendedFacing.DEFAULT; private IAlignmentLimits limits = getInitialAlignmentLimits(); private String inventoryName; private String tankName; protected boolean separateInputs = false; protected boolean voidExcess = false; protected boolean batchMode = false; protected boolean recipeLock = false; // A list of sides // Each side has a list of parts that have a cover that need to be ticked protected List>> registeredCoveredParts = Arrays.asList( new LinkedList<>(), new LinkedList<>(), new LinkedList<>(), new LinkedList<>(), new LinkedList<>(), new LinkedList<>()); /** Registry ID of the required casing */ public abstract short getCasingRegistryID(); /** Meta ID of the required casing */ public abstract short getCasingMeta(); /** * Create the tooltip for this multi block controller. */ protected abstract GT_Multiblock_Tooltip_Builder createTooltip(); /** * @return The starting offset for the structure builder */ public abstract Vec3Impl getStartingStructureOffset(); /** * Due to limitation of Java type system, you might need to do an unchecked cast. HOWEVER, the returned * IStructureDefinition is expected to be evaluated against current instance only, and should not be used against * other instances, even for those of the same class. */ @Override public abstract IStructureDefinition getStructureDefinition(); /** * Checks the Machine. *

* NOTE: If using `buildState` be sure to `startBuilding()` and either `endBuilding()` or `failBuilding()` */ public boolean checkMachine() { double sum = 0; for (FunctionalCasing casing : functionalCasings) { sum += casing.getPartTier(); } tier = (int) Math.floor(sum / functionalCasings.size()); // Maximum Energy stores will have a cap of 2 minute work time of current voltage return tier > 0; } @Override public void writeMultiTileNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.writeMultiTileNBT(nbt); nbt.setBoolean(NBT.STRUCTURE_OK, structureOkay); nbt.setByte( NBT.ROTATION, (byte) extendedFacing.getRotation() .getIndex()); nbt.setByte( NBT.FLIP, (byte) extendedFacing.getFlip() .getIndex()); saveUpgradeInventoriesToNBT(nbt); } private void saveUpgradeInventoriesToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { final NBTTagList inputInvList = new NBTTagList(); multiBlockInputInventory.forEach((id, inv) -> { if (!id.equals("controller")) { final NBTTagCompound tTag = new NBTTagCompound(); tTag.setString(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORY_UUID, id); tTag.setString(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORY_NAME, multiBlockInputInventoryNames.get(id)); tTag.setInteger(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORY_SIZE, inv.getSlots()); writeInventory(tTag, inv, NBT.INV_INPUT_LIST); inputInvList.appendTag(tTag); } }); final NBTTagList outputInvList = new NBTTagList(); multiBlockOutputInventory.forEach((id, inv) -> { if (!id.equals("controller")) { final NBTTagCompound tTag = new NBTTagCompound(); tTag.setString(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORY_UUID, id); tTag.setString(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORY_NAME, multiBlockOutputInventoryNames.get(id)); tTag.setInteger(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORY_SIZE, inv.getSlots()); writeInventory(tTag, inv, NBT.INV_OUTPUT_LIST); outputInvList.appendTag(tTag); } }); nbt.setTag(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORIES_INPUT, inputInvList); nbt.setTag(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORIES_OUTPUT, outputInvList); } @Override public void readMultiTileNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.readMultiTileNBT(nbt); // Multiblock inventories are a collection of inventories. The first inventory is the default internal // inventory, and the others are added by inventory extending blocks. if (inputInventory != null) multiBlockInputInventory.put("controller", inputInventory); if (outputInventory != null) multiBlockOutputInventory.put("controller", outputInventory); structureOkay = nbt.getBoolean(NBT.STRUCTURE_OK); extendedFacing = ExtendedFacing.of( ForgeDirection.getOrientation(getFrontFacing()), Rotation.byIndex(nbt.getByte(NBT.ROTATION)), Flip.byIndex(nbt.getByte(NBT.FLIP))); loadUpgradeInventoriesFromNBT(nbt); } private void loadUpgradeInventoriesFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { final NBTTagList listInputInventories = nbt.getTagList(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORIES_INPUT, 10); for (int i = 0; i < listInputInventories.tagCount(); i++) { final NBTTagCompound nbtInv = listInputInventories.getCompoundTagAt(i); String invUUID = nbtInv.getString(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORY_UUID); String invName = nbtInv.getString(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORY_NAME); int invSize = nbtInv.getInteger(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORY_SIZE); IItemHandlerModifiable inv = new ItemStackHandler(invSize); loadInventory(nbtInv, inv, NBT.INV_INPUT_LIST); multiBlockInputInventory.put(invUUID, inv); multiBlockInputInventoryNames.put(invUUID, invName); } final NBTTagList listOutputInventories = nbt.getTagList(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORIES_OUTPUT, 10); for (int i = 0; i < listOutputInventories.tagCount(); i++) { final NBTTagCompound nbtInv = listOutputInventories.getCompoundTagAt(i); String invUUID = nbtInv.getString(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORY_UUID); String invName = nbtInv.getString(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORY_NAME); int invSize = nbtInv.getInteger(NBT.UPGRADE_INVENTORY_SIZE); IItemHandlerModifiable inv = new ItemStackHandler(invSize); loadInventory(nbtInv, inv, NBT.INV_OUTPUT_LIST); multiBlockOutputInventory.put(invUUID, inv); multiBlockOutputInventoryNames.put(invUUID, invName); } } @Override public void addToolTips(List aList, ItemStack aStack, boolean aF3_H) { aList.addAll(Arrays.asList(getDescription())); } @Override public String[] getDescription() { if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT)) { return getTooltip().getStructureInformation(); } else { return getTooltip().getInformation(); } } @Override protected void addDebugInfo(EntityPlayer aPlayer, int aLogLevel, ArrayList tList) { super.addDebugInfo(aPlayer, aLogLevel, tList); tList.add("Structure ok: " + checkStructure(false)); } protected int getToolTipID() { return getMultiTileEntityRegistryID() << 16 + getMultiTileEntityID(); } protected GT_Multiblock_Tooltip_Builder getTooltip() { return createTooltip(); } @Override public boolean checkStructure(boolean aForceReset) { if (!isServerSide()) return structureOkay; // Only trigger an update if forced (from onPostTick, generally), or if the structure has changed if ((structureChanged || aForceReset)) { structureOkay = checkMachine(); } structureChanged = false; return structureOkay; } @Override public void onStructureChange() { structureChanged = true; } public final boolean checkPiece(String piece, Vec3Impl offset) { return checkPiece(piece, offset.get0(), offset.get1(), offset.get2()); } /** * Explanation of the world coordinate these offset means: *

* Imagine you stand in front of the controller, with controller facing towards you not rotated or flipped. *

* The horizontalOffset would be the number of blocks on the left side of the controller, not counting controller * itself. The verticalOffset would be the number of blocks on the top side of the controller, not counting * controller itself. The depthOffset would be the number of blocks between you and controller, not counting * controller itself. *

* All these offsets can be negative. */ protected final boolean checkPiece(String piece, int horizontalOffset, int verticalOffset, int depthOffset) { return getCastedStructureDefinition().check( this, piece, getWorld(), getExtendedFacing(), getXCoord(), getYCoord(), getZCoord(), horizontalOffset, verticalOffset, depthOffset, !structureOkay); } public final boolean buildPiece(String piece, ItemStack trigger, boolean hintsOnly, Vec3Impl offset) { return buildPiece(piece, trigger, hintsOnly, offset.get0(), offset.get1(), offset.get2()); } protected final boolean buildPiece(String piece, ItemStack trigger, boolean hintOnly, int horizontalOffset, int verticalOffset, int depthOffset) { return getCastedStructureDefinition().buildOrHints( this, trigger, piece, getWorld(), getExtendedFacing(), getXCoord(), getYCoord(), getZCoord(), horizontalOffset, verticalOffset, depthOffset, hintOnly); } protected final int survivalBuildPiece(String piece, ItemStack trigger, Vec3Impl offset, int elementBudget, ISurvivalBuildEnvironment env, boolean check) { return survivalBuildPiece( piece, trigger, offset.get0(), offset.get1(), offset.get2(), elementBudget, env, check); } protected final Integer survivalBuildPiece(String piece, ItemStack trigger, int horizontalOffset, int verticalOffset, int depthOffset, int elementBudget, ISurvivalBuildEnvironment env, boolean check) { return getCastedStructureDefinition().survivalBuild( this, trigger, piece, getWorld(), getExtendedFacing(), getXCoord(), getYCoord(), getZCoord(), horizontalOffset, verticalOffset, depthOffset, elementBudget, env, check); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private IStructureDefinition> getCastedStructureDefinition() { return (IStructureDefinition>) getStructureDefinition(); } @Override public ExtendedFacing getExtendedFacing() { return extendedFacing; } @Override public void setExtendedFacing(ExtendedFacing newExtendedFacing) { if (extendedFacing != newExtendedFacing) { onStructureChange(); if (structureOkay) stopMachine(false); extendedFacing = newExtendedFacing; structureOkay = false; if (isServerSide()) { StructureLibAPI.sendAlignment( this, new NetworkRegistry.TargetPoint( getWorld().provider.dimensionId, getXCoord(), getYCoord(), getZCoord(), 512)); } else { issueTextureUpdate(); } } } @Override public boolean onWrenchRightClick(EntityPlayer aPlayer, ItemStack tCurrentItem, byte wrenchSide, float aX, float aY, float aZ) { if (wrenchSide != getFrontFacing()) return super.onWrenchRightClick(aPlayer, tCurrentItem, wrenchSide, aX, aY, aZ); if (aPlayer.isSneaking()) { // we won't be allowing horizontal flips, as it can be perfectly emulated by rotating twice and flipping // horizontally allowing an extra round of flip make it hard to draw meaningful flip markers in // GT_Proxy#drawGrid toolSetFlip(getFlip().isHorizontallyFlipped() ? Flip.NONE : Flip.HORIZONTAL); } else { toolSetRotation(null); } return true; } @Override public void registerCoveredPartOnSide(final int aSide, IMultiBlockPart part) { if (aSide < 0 || aSide >= 6) return; final LinkedList> registeredCovers = registeredCoveredParts.get(aSide); // TODO: Make sure that we're not already registered on this side registeredCovers.add(new WeakReference<>(part)); } @Override public void unregisterCoveredPartOnSide(final int aSide, IMultiBlockPart aPart) { if (aSide < 0 || aSide >= 6) return; final LinkedList> coveredParts = registeredCoveredParts.get(aSide); final Iterator> it = coveredParts.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final IMultiBlockPart part = (; if (part == null || part == aPart) it.remove(); } } @Override public void onFirstTick(boolean isServerSide) { super.onFirstTick(isServerSide); if (isServerSide) { checkStructure(true); } else { StructureLibAPI.queryAlignment(this); } } private boolean tickCovers() { for (byte side : ALL_VALID_SIDES) { // TODO: Tick controller covers, if any final LinkedList> coveredParts = this.registeredCoveredParts.get(side); final Iterator> it = coveredParts.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final IMultiBlockPart part = (; if (part == null) { it.remove(); continue; } if (!part.tickCoverAtSide(side, mTickTimer)) it.remove(); } } return true; } @Override public void onTick(long timer, boolean isServerSide) { if (!tickCovers()) { return; } } @Override public void onPostTick(long tick, boolean isServerSide) { if (isServerSide) { if (tick % 600 == 5) { clearSpecialLists(); // Recheck the structure every 30 seconds or so if (!checkStructure(false)) checkStructure(true); } if (structureOkay) { runMachine(tick); } else { stopMachine(false); } } else { doActivitySound(getActivitySoundLoop()); } } protected void clearSpecialLists() { upgradeCasings.clear(); } @Override public final boolean isFacingValid(byte aFacing) { return canSetToDirectionAny(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(aFacing)); } @Override public void onFacingChange() { toolSetDirection(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(getFrontFacing())); onStructureChange(); } @Override public boolean allowCoverOnSide(byte aSide, GT_ItemStack aCoverID) { return aSide != facing; } @Override public String[] getStructureDescription(ItemStack stackSize) { return getTooltip().getStructureHint(); } @Override public IAlignmentLimits getAlignmentLimits() { return limits; } protected void setAlignmentLimits(IAlignmentLimits mLimits) { this.limits = mLimits; } // IMachineProgress @Override public long getProgress() { return progressTime; } @Override public long getMaxProgress() { return maxProgressTime; } @Override public boolean increaseProgress(int aProgressAmountInTicks) { return increaseProgressGetOverflow(aProgressAmountInTicks) != aProgressAmountInTicks; } @Override public FluidStack getDrainableFluid(byte aSide) { final IFluidTank tank = getFluidTankDrainable(aSide, null); return tank == null ? null : tank.getFluid(); } /** * Increases the Progress, returns the overflown Progress. */ public int increaseProgressGetOverflow(int aProgress) { return 0; } @Override public boolean hasThingsToDo() { return getMaxProgress() > 0; } public boolean isSeparateInputs() { return separateInputs; } public void setSeparateInputs(boolean aSeparateInputs) { separateInputs = aSeparateInputs; } // End IMachineProgress protected IAlignmentLimits getInitialAlignmentLimits() { return (d, r, f) -> !f.isVerticallyFliped(); } public static class BuildState { /** * Utility class to keep track of the build state of a multiblock */ boolean building = false; Vec3Impl currentOffset; public void startBuilding(Vec3Impl structureOffset) { if (building) throw new IllegalStateException("Already building!"); building = true; setCurrentOffset(structureOffset); } public Vec3Impl setCurrentOffset(Vec3Impl structureOffset) { verifyBuilding(); return (currentOffset = structureOffset); } private void verifyBuilding() { if (!building) throw new IllegalStateException("Not building!"); } public boolean failBuilding() { building = false; currentOffset = null; return false; } public Vec3Impl stopBuilding() { final Vec3Impl toReturn = getCurrentOffset(); building = false; currentOffset = null; return toReturn; } public Vec3Impl getCurrentOffset() { verifyBuilding(); return currentOffset; } public Vec3Impl addOffset(Vec3Impl offset) { verifyBuilding(); return setCurrentOffset(currentOffset.add(offset)); } } public IStructureElement addMultiTileCasing(String registryName, int meta, int modes) { MultiTileEntityRegistry registry = MultiTileEntityRegistry.getRegistry(registryName); int registryID = Block.getIdFromBlock(registry.mBlock); return addMultiTileCasing(registryID, meta, modes); } public IStructureElement addMultiTileCasing(int registryID, int meta, int modes) { return new IStructureElement() { private final short[] DEFAULT = new short[] { 255, 255, 255, 0 }; private IIcon[] mIcons = null; @Override public boolean check(S t, World world, int x, int y, int z) { final TileEntity tileEntity = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); if (!(tileEntity instanceof MultiBlockPart part)) return false; if (registryID != part.getMultiTileEntityRegistryID() || meta != part.getMultiTileEntityID()) return false; final IMultiBlockController tTarget = part.getTarget(false); if (tTarget != null && tTarget != MultiBlockController.this) return false; part.setTarget(MultiBlockController.this, modes); registerSpecialCasings(part); return true; } @Override public boolean spawnHint(S t, World world, int x, int y, int z, ItemStack trigger) { if (mIcons == null) { mIcons = new IIcon[6]; Arrays.fill(mIcons, TextureSet.SET_NONE.mTextures[OrePrefixes.block.mTextureIndex].getIcon()); // Arrays.fill(mIcons, getTexture(aCasing); // for (byte i : ALL_VALID_SIDES) { // mIcons[i] = aCasing.getIcon(i, aMeta); // } } final short[] RGBA = DEFAULT; StructureLibAPI.hintParticleTinted(world, x, y, z, mIcons, RGBA); // StructureLibAPI.hintParticle(world, x, y, z, aCasing, aMeta); return true; } @Override public boolean placeBlock(S t, World world, int x, int y, int z, ItemStack trigger) { final MultiTileEntityRegistry tRegistry = MultiTileEntityRegistry.getRegistry(registryID); final MultiTileEntityContainer tContainer = tRegistry .getNewTileEntityContainer(world, x, y, z, meta, null); if (tContainer == null) { GT_FML_LOGGER.error("NULL CONTAINER"); return false; } final IMultiTileEntity te = ((IMultiTileEntity) tContainer.mTileEntity); if (!(te instanceof MultiBlockPart)) { GT_FML_LOGGER.error("Not a multiblock part"); return false; } if (world.setBlock(x, y, z, tContainer.mBlock, 15 - tContainer.mBlockMetaData, 2)) { tContainer.setMultiTile(world, x, y, z); ((MultiBlockPart) te).setTarget(MultiBlockController.this, modes); registerSpecialCasings((MultiBlockPart) te); } return false; } public IIcon getTexture(OrePrefixes aBlock) { return TextureSet.SET_NONE.mTextures[OrePrefixes.block.mTextureIndex].getIcon(); } }; } protected void registerSpecialCasings(MultiBlockPart part) { if (part instanceof UpgradeCasing) { upgradeCasings.add((UpgradeCasing) part); } if (part instanceof FunctionalCasing) { functionalCasings.add((FunctionalCasing) part); } } /** * Fluid - MultiBlock related Fluid Tank behaviour. */ protected IFluidTank getFluidTankFillable(MultiBlockPart aPart, byte aSide, FluidStack aFluidToFill) { return getFluidTankFillable(aSide, aFluidToFill); } protected IFluidTank getFluidTankDrainable(MultiBlockPart aPart, byte aSide, FluidStack aFluidToDrain) { return getFluidTankDrainable(aSide, aFluidToDrain); } protected IFluidTank[] getFluidTanks(MultiBlockPart aPart, byte aSide) { return getFluidTanks(aSide); } @Override public int fill(MultiBlockPart aPart, ForgeDirection aDirection, FluidStack aFluid, boolean aDoFill) { if (aFluid == null || aFluid.amount <= 0) return 0; final IFluidTank tTank = getFluidTankFillable(aPart, (byte) aDirection.ordinal(), aFluid); if (tTank == null) return 0; final int rFilledAmount = tTank.fill(aFluid, aDoFill); if (rFilledAmount > 0 && aDoFill) hasInventoryChanged = true; return rFilledAmount; } @Override public FluidStack drain(MultiBlockPart aPart, ForgeDirection aDirection, FluidStack aFluid, boolean aDoDrain) { if (aFluid == null || aFluid.amount <= 0) return null; final IFluidTank tTank = getFluidTankDrainable(aPart, (byte) aDirection.ordinal(), aFluid); if (tTank == null || tTank.getFluid() == null || tTank.getFluidAmount() == 0 || !tTank.getFluid() .isFluidEqual(aFluid)) return null; final FluidStack rDrained = tTank.drain(aFluid.amount, aDoDrain); if (rDrained != null && aDoDrain) markInventoryBeenModified(); return rDrained; } @Override public FluidStack drain(MultiBlockPart aPart, ForgeDirection aDirection, int aAmountToDrain, boolean aDoDrain) { if (aAmountToDrain <= 0) return null; final IFluidTank tTank = getFluidTankDrainable(aPart, (byte) aDirection.ordinal(), null); if (tTank == null || tTank.getFluid() == null || tTank.getFluidAmount() == 0) return null; final FluidStack rDrained = tTank.drain(aAmountToDrain, aDoDrain); if (rDrained != null && aDoDrain) markInventoryBeenModified(); return rDrained; } @Override public boolean canFill(MultiBlockPart aPart, ForgeDirection aDirection, Fluid aFluid) { if (aFluid == null) return false; final IFluidTank tTank = getFluidTankFillable(aPart, (byte) aDirection.ordinal(), new FluidStack(aFluid, 0)); return tTank != null && (tTank.getFluid() == null || tTank.getFluid() .getFluid() == aFluid); } @Override public boolean canDrain(MultiBlockPart aPart, ForgeDirection aDirection, Fluid aFluid) { if (aFluid == null) return false; final IFluidTank tTank = getFluidTankDrainable(aPart, (byte) aDirection.ordinal(), new FluidStack(aFluid, 0)); return tTank != null && (tTank.getFluid() != null && tTank.getFluid() .getFluid() == aFluid); } @Override public FluidTankInfo[] getTankInfo(MultiBlockPart aPart, ForgeDirection aDirection) { final IFluidTank[] tTanks = getFluidTanks(aPart, (byte) aDirection.ordinal()); if (tTanks == null || tTanks.length <= 0) return GT_Values.emptyFluidTankInfo; final FluidTankInfo[] rInfo = new FluidTankInfo[tTanks.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tTanks.length; i++) rInfo[i] = new FluidTankInfo(tTanks[i]); return rInfo; } @Override public IFluidTank[] getFluidTanksForGUI(MultiBlockPart aPart) { if (aPart.modeSelected(MultiBlockPart.FLUID_IN)) return inputTanks; if (aPart.modeSelected(MultiBlockPart.FLUID_OUT)) return outputTanks; return GT_Values.emptyFluidTank; } // #region Energy @Override public PowerLogic getPowerLogic(IMultiBlockPart part, byte side) { if (!(this instanceof PowerLogicHost)) { return null; } if (part.getFrontFacing() != side) { return null; } return ((PowerLogicHost) this).getPowerLogic(side); } // #endregion Energy /** * Item - MultiBlock related Item behaviour. */ @Override public void registerInventory(String aName, String aID, int aInventorySize, int aType) { if (aType == InventoryUpgrade.INPUT || aType == InventoryUpgrade.BOTH) { if (multiBlockInputInventory.containsKey(aID)) return; multiBlockInputInventory.put(aID, new ItemStackHandler(aInventorySize)); multiBlockInputInventoryNames.put(aID, aName); } if (aType == InventoryUpgrade.OUTPUT || aType == InventoryUpgrade.BOTH) { if (multiBlockOutputInventory.containsKey(aID)) return; multiBlockOutputInventory.put(aID, new ItemStackHandler(aInventorySize)); multiBlockOutputInventoryNames.put(aID, aName); } } @Override public void unregisterInventory(String aName, String aID, int aType) { if ((aType == InventoryUpgrade.INPUT || aType == InventoryUpgrade.BOTH) && multiBlockInputInventory.containsKey(aID)) { multiBlockInputInventory.remove(aID, multiBlockInputInventory.get(aID)); multiBlockInputInventoryNames.remove(aID, aName); } if ((aType == InventoryUpgrade.OUTPUT || aType == InventoryUpgrade.BOTH) && multiBlockOutputInventory.containsKey(aID)) { multiBlockOutputInventory.remove(aID, multiBlockOutputInventory.get(aID)); multiBlockOutputInventoryNames.remove(aID, aName); } } @Override public void changeInventoryName(String aName, String aID, int aType) { if ((aType == InventoryUpgrade.INPUT || aType == InventoryUpgrade.BOTH) && multiBlockInputInventoryNames.containsKey(aID)) { multiBlockInputInventoryNames.put(aID, aName); } if ((aType == InventoryUpgrade.OUTPUT || aType == InventoryUpgrade.BOTH) && multiBlockOutputInventoryNames.containsKey(aID)) { multiBlockOutputInventoryNames.put(aID, aName); } } @Override public boolean hasInventoryBeenModified(MultiBlockPart aPart) { if (aPart.modeSelected(MultiBlockPart.ITEM_IN)) return hasInventoryBeenModified(); else if (aPart.modeSelected(MultiBlockPart.ITEM_OUT)) return hasOutputInventoryBeenModified(); return false; } @Override public boolean isValidSlot(MultiBlockPart aPart, int aIndex) { return false; } @Override public IItemHandlerModifiable getInventoryForGUI(MultiBlockPart aPart) { if (isServerSide()) { for (UpgradeCasing tPart : upgradeCasings) { if (!(tPart instanceof InventoryUpgrade)) continue; tPart.issueClientUpdate(); } } final Map multiBlockInventory = getMultiBlockInventory(aPart); if (multiBlockInventory == null) return null; final String lockedInventory = aPart.getLockedInventory(); if (lockedInventory == null) { return new ListItemHandler(multiBlockInventory.values()); } else { final IItemHandlerModifiable inv = multiBlockInventory.get(lockedInventory); return inv != null ? inv : null; } } @Override public boolean addStackToSlot(MultiBlockPart aPart, int aIndex, ItemStack aStack) { return false; } @Override public boolean addStackToSlot(MultiBlockPart aPart, int aIndex, ItemStack aStack, int aAmount) { return false; } protected Map getMultiBlockInventory(MultiBlockPart aPart) { if (aPart.modeSelected(MultiBlockPart.ITEM_IN)) return multiBlockInputInventory; else if (aPart.modeSelected(MultiBlockPart.ITEM_OUT)) return multiBlockOutputInventory; return null; } protected Map getMultiBlockInventoryNames(MultiBlockPart aPart) { if (aPart.modeSelected(MultiBlockPart.ITEM_IN)) return multiBlockInputInventoryNames; else if (aPart.modeSelected(MultiBlockPart.ITEM_OUT)) return multiBlockOutputInventoryNames; return null; } protected Pair getInventory(MultiBlockPart aPart, int aSlot) { final Map multiBlockInventory = getMultiBlockInventory(aPart); if (multiBlockInventory == null) return null; final String invName = aPart.getLockedInventory(); if (invName != null && !invName.isEmpty()) return new ImmutablePair<>(multiBlockInventory.get(invName), aSlot); int start = 0; for (IItemHandlerModifiable inv : multiBlockInventory.values()) { if (aSlot >= start && aSlot < start + inv.getSlots()) { return new ImmutablePair<>(inv, aSlot - start); } start += inv.getSlots(); } return null; } @Override public int[] getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(MultiBlockPart aPart, byte aSide) { final TIntList tList = new TIntArrayList(); final Map multiBlockInventory = getMultiBlockInventory(aPart); if (multiBlockInventory == null) return tList.toArray(); final String lockedInventory = aPart.getLockedInventory(); // Item in --> input inv // Item out --> output inv int start = 0; if (lockedInventory == null) { for (IItemHandlerModifiable inv : multiBlockInventory.values()) { for (int i = start; i < inv.getSlots() + start; i++) tList.add(i); start += inv.getSlots(); } } else { final IItemHandlerModifiable inv = multiBlockInventory.get(lockedInventory); final int len = inv != null ? inv.getSlots() : 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) tList.add(i); } return tList.toArray(); } @Override public boolean canInsertItem(MultiBlockPart aPart, int aSlot, ItemStack aStack, byte aSide) { final Pair tInv = getInventory(aPart, aSlot); if (tInv == null) return false; final int tSlot = tInv.getRight(); final IItemHandlerModifiable inv = tInv.getLeft(); return inv.getStackInSlot(tSlot) == null || GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(aStack, inv.getStackInSlot(tSlot)); // && // allowPutStack(getBaseMetaTileEntity(), // aIndex, // (byte) // aSide, // aStack) } @Override public boolean canExtractItem(MultiBlockPart aPart, int aSlot, ItemStack aStack, byte aSide) { final Pair tInv = getInventory(aPart, aSlot); if (tInv == null) return false; final int tSlot = tInv.getRight(); final IItemHandlerModifiable inv = tInv.getLeft(); return inv.getStackInSlot(tSlot) != null; // && allowPullStack(getBaseMetaTileEntity(), aIndex, (byte) aSide, // aStack); } @Override public int getSizeInventory(MultiBlockPart aPart) { final Map multiBlockInventory = getMultiBlockInventory(aPart); if (multiBlockInventory == null) return 0; final String lockedInventory = aPart.getLockedInventory(); if (lockedInventory == null) { int len = 0; for (IItemHandlerModifiable inv : multiBlockInventory.values()) len += inv.getSlots(); return len; } else { final IItemHandlerModifiable inv = multiBlockInventory.get(lockedInventory); return inv != null ? inv.getSlots() : 0; } } @Override public ItemStack getStackInSlot(MultiBlockPart aPart, int aSlot) { final Pair tInv = getInventory(aPart, aSlot); if (tInv == null) return null; final int tSlot = tInv.getRight(); final IItemHandlerModifiable inv = tInv.getLeft(); if (inv == null) return null; return inv.getStackInSlot(tSlot); } @Override public ItemStack decrStackSize(MultiBlockPart aPart, int aSlot, int aDecrement) { final ItemStack tStack = getStackInSlot(aPart, aSlot); ItemStack rStack = GT_Utility.copyOrNull(tStack); if (tStack != null) { if (tStack.stackSize <= aDecrement) { setInventorySlotContents(aPart, aSlot, null); } else { rStack = tStack.splitStack(aDecrement); if (tStack.stackSize == 0) setInventorySlotContents(aPart, aSlot, null); } } return rStack; } @Override public ItemStack getStackInSlotOnClosing(MultiBlockPart aPart, int aSlot) { final Pair tInv = getInventory(aPart, aSlot); if (tInv == null) return null; final IItemHandlerModifiable inv = tInv.getLeft(); final int tSlot = tInv.getRight(); final ItemStack rStack = inv.getStackInSlot(tSlot); inv.setStackInSlot(tSlot, null); return rStack; } @Override public void setInventorySlotContents(MultiBlockPart aPart, int aSlot, ItemStack aStack) { final Pair tInv = getInventory(aPart, aSlot); if (tInv == null) return; final IItemHandlerModifiable inv = tInv.getLeft(); final int tSlot = tInv.getRight(); inv.setStackInSlot(tSlot, aStack); } @Override public List getInventoryNames(MultiBlockPart aPart) { final List inventoryNames = new ArrayList<>(); inventoryNames.add("all"); inventoryNames.add("controller"); inventoryNames.addAll(getMultiBlockInventoryNames(aPart).values()); return inventoryNames; } @Override public List getInventoryIDs(MultiBlockPart aPart) { final List tInventoryIDs = new ArrayList<>(); tInventoryIDs.add("all"); tInventoryIDs.addAll(getMultiBlockInventory(aPart).keySet()); return tInventoryIDs; } @Override public String getInventoryName(MultiBlockPart aPart) { final StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.append(getInventoryName()); if (aPart.modeSelected(MultiBlockPart.ITEM_IN)) { str.append(" Input"); } else if (aPart.modeSelected(MultiBlockPart.ITEM_OUT)) { str.append(" Output"); String a; } else { str.append(" Unknown"); } final String lockedInventory = aPart.getLockedInventory(); if (lockedInventory != null && !lockedInventory.equals("")) { str.append(" [Locked: ") .append(lockedInventory) .append("]"); } return str.toString(); } @Override public boolean hasCustomInventoryName(MultiBlockPart aPart) { return hasCustomInventoryName(); } @Override public int getInventoryStackLimit(MultiBlockPart aPart) { return getInventoryStackLimit(); } @Override public void markDirty(MultiBlockPart aPart) { markDirty(); if (aPart.modeSelected(MultiBlockPart.ITEM_OUT)) markOutputInventoryBeenModified(); else markInventoryBeenModified(); } @Override public boolean isUseableByPlayer(MultiBlockPart aPart, EntityPlayer aPlayer) { return isUseableByPlayer(aPlayer); } @Override public void openInventory(MultiBlockPart aPart) { // TODO: MultiInventory - consider the part's inventory openInventory(); } @Override public void closeInventory(MultiBlockPart aPart) { // TODO: MultiInventory - consider the part's inventory closeInventory(); } @Override public boolean isItemValidForSlot(MultiBlockPart aPart, int aSlot, ItemStack aStack) { return isItemValidForSlot(aSlot, aStack); } /* * Helper Methods For Recipe checking */ protected ItemStack[] getAllItemInputs() { return getInventoriesForInput().getStacks() .toArray(new ItemStack[0]); } protected ItemStack[] getAllOutputItems() { return getInventoriesForOutput().getStacks() .toArray(new ItemStack[0]); } protected Iterable> getItemInputsForEachInventory() { return multiBlockInputInventory.entrySet() .stream() .map( (entry) -> Pair.of( entry.getValue() .getStacks() .toArray(new ItemStack[0]), entry.getKey())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } protected void setItemOutputs(String inventory, ItemStack... itemOutputs) { itemsToOutput = itemOutputs; inventoryName = inventory; } @Override protected void setItemOutputs(ItemStack... outputs) { super.setItemOutputs(outputs); inventoryName = null; } @Override protected void outputItems() { if (itemsToOutput == null) { return; } IItemHandlerModifiable inv; if (inventoryName != null) { inv = multiBlockOutputInventory.getOrDefault(inventoryName, getInventoriesForOutput()); } else { inv = getInventoriesForOutput(); } for (ItemStack item : itemsToOutput) { int index = 0; while (item != null && item.stackSize > 0 && index < inv.getSlots()) { item = inv.insertItem(index++, item.copy(), false); } } itemsToOutput = null; } protected void setFluidOutputs(String tank, FluidStack... fluidOuputs) { fluidsToOutput = fluidOuputs; tankName = tank; } @Override protected void setFluidOutputs(FluidStack... outputs) { super.setFluidOutputs(outputs); tankName = null; } @Override protected void outputFluids() { if (fluidsToOutput == null) { return; } List tanks = new ArrayList<>(multiBlockOutputTank.values()); for (FluidStack fluid : fluidsToOutput) { int index = 0; while (fluid != null && fluid.amount > 0 && index < tanks.size()) { int filled = tanks.get(index++) .fill(fluid, true); fluid.amount -= filled; } } } @Override protected void updateSlots() { IItemHandlerModifiable inv = getInventoriesForInput(); for (int i = 0; i < inv.getSlots(); i++) { if (inv.getStackInSlot(i).stackSize <= 0) { inv.setStackInSlot(i, null); } } } @Override protected boolean checkRecipe() { if (!(this instanceof ProcessingLogicHost)) { return false; } ProcessingLogic logic = ((ProcessingLogicHost) this).getProcessingLogic(); logic.clear(); boolean result = false; if (isSeparateInputs()) { for (Pair inventory : getItemInputsForEachInventory()) { IItemHandlerModifiable outputInventory = multiBlockOutputInventory .getOrDefault(inventory.getLeft(), null); result = logic.setInputItems(inventory.getLeft()) .setCurrentOutputItems( outputInventory != null ? outputInventory.getStacks() .toArray(new ItemStack[0]) : null) .process(); if (result) { inventoryName = inventory.getRight(); break; } logic.clear(); } } else { result = logic.setInputItems(getAllItemInputs()) .setCurrentOutputItems(getAllOutputItems()) .process(); } setDuration(logic.getDuration()); setEut(logic.getEut()); setItemOutputs(logic.getOutputItems()); setFluidOutputs(logic.getOutputFluids()); return result; } /* * GUI Work - Multiblock GUI related methods */ @Override public boolean useModularUI() { return true; } @Override public ModularWindow createWindow(UIBuildContext buildContext) { System.out.println("MultiBlockController::createWindow"); if (!useModularUI()) return null; buildContext.setValidator(getValidator()); final ModularWindow.Builder builder = ModularWindow.builder(getGUIWidth(), getGUIHeight()); builder.setBackground(getGUITextureSet().getMainBackground()); builder.setGuiTint(getGUIColorization()); if (doesBindPlayerInventory()) { bindPlayerInventoryUI(builder, buildContext); } addUIWidgets(builder, buildContext); addTitleToUI(builder); addCoverTabs(builder, buildContext); return; } @Override public boolean hasGui(byte aSide) { return true; } @Override protected void addTitleTextStyle(ModularWindow.Builder builder, String title) { // leave empty } @Override public int getGUIHeight() { return 192; } protected Widget getGregTechLogo() { return new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(getGUITextureSet().getGregTechLogo()) .setSize(17, 17); } @Override public void addUIWidgets(ModularWindow.Builder builder, UIBuildContext buildContext) { if (isServerSide()) { for (UpgradeCasing tPart : upgradeCasings) { if (!(tPart instanceof InventoryUpgrade)) continue; tPart.issueClientUpdate(); } } int page = 0; TabContainer tabs = new TabContainer().setButtonSize(20, 24); tabs.addTabButton( new TabButton(page++) .setBackground( false, ModularUITextures.VANILLA_TAB_TOP_START.getSubArea(0, 0, 1f, 0.5f), new ItemDrawable(getStackForm(1)).withFixedSize(16, 16) .withOffset(2, 4)) .setBackground( true, ModularUITextures.VANILLA_TAB_TOP_START.getSubArea(0, 0.5f, 1f, 1f), new ItemDrawable(getStackForm(1)).withFixedSize(16, 16) .withOffset(2, 4)) .addTooltip(getLocalName()) .setPos(20 * (page - 1), -20)) .addPage(createMainPage().setSize(getGUIWidth(), getGUIHeight())); if (hasItemInput()) { tabs.addTabButton( new TabButton(page++) .setBackground( false, ModularUITextures.VANILLA_TAB_TOP_START.getSubArea(0, 0, 1f, 0.5f), GT_UITextures.PICTURE_ITEM_IN.withFixedSize(16, 16) .withOffset(2, 4)) .setBackground( true, ModularUITextures.VANILLA_TAB_TOP_START.getSubArea(0, 0.5f, 1f, 1f), GT_UITextures.PICTURE_ITEM_IN.withFixedSize(16, 16) .withOffset(2, 4)) .setPos(20 * (page - 1), -20)) .addPage( new MultiChildWidget().addChild(getItemInventoryInputGUI()) .addChild(getGregTechLogo().setPos(147, 86)) .setSize(getGUIWidth(), getGUIHeight())); } if (hasItemOutput()) { tabs.addTabButton( new TabButton(page++) .setBackground( false, ModularUITextures.VANILLA_TAB_TOP_START.getSubArea(0, 0, 1f, 0.5f), GT_UITextures.PICTURE_ITEM_OUT.withFixedSize(16, 16) .withOffset(2, 4)) .setBackground( true, ModularUITextures.VANILLA_TAB_TOP_START.getSubArea(0, 0.5f, 1f, 1f), GT_UITextures.PICTURE_ITEM_OUT.withFixedSize(16, 16) .withOffset(2, 4)) .setPos(20 * (page - 1), -20)) .addPage( new MultiChildWidget().addChild(getItemInventoryOutputGUI()) .addChild(getGregTechLogo().setPos(147, 86)) .setSize(getGUIWidth(), getGUIHeight())); } if (hasFluidInput()) { tabs.addTabButton( new TabButton(page++) .setBackground( false, ModularUITextures.VANILLA_TAB_TOP_START.getSubArea(0, 0, 1f, 0.5f), GT_UITextures.PICTURE_FLUID_IN.withFixedSize(16, 16) .withOffset(2, 4)) .setBackground( true, ModularUITextures.VANILLA_TAB_TOP_START.getSubArea(0, 0.5f, 1f, 1f), GT_UITextures.PICTURE_FLUID_IN.withFixedSize(16, 16) .withOffset(2, 4)) .setPos(20 * (page - 1), -20)) .addPage( new MultiChildWidget().addChild(getFluidInventoryInputGUI()) .addChild(getGregTechLogo().setPos(147, 86)) .setSize(getGUIWidth(), getGUIHeight())); } if (hasFluidOutput()) { tabs.addTabButton( new TabButton(page++) .setBackground( false, ModularUITextures.VANILLA_TAB_TOP_START.getSubArea(0, 0, 1f, 0.5f), GT_UITextures.PICTURE_FLUID_OUT.withFixedSize(16, 16) .withOffset(2, 4)) .setBackground( true, ModularUITextures.VANILLA_TAB_TOP_START.getSubArea(0, 0.5f, 1f, 1f), GT_UITextures.PICTURE_FLUID_OUT.withFixedSize(16, 16) .withOffset(2, 4)) .setPos(20 * (page - 1), -20)) .addPage( new MultiChildWidget().addChild(getFluidInventoryOutputGUI()) .addChild(getGregTechLogo().setPos(147, 86)) .setSize(getGUIWidth(), getGUIHeight())); } builder.widget(tabs); } protected MultiChildWidget createMainPage() { MultiChildWidget page = new MultiChildWidget(); page.addChild( new DrawableWidget().setDrawable(GT_UITextures.PICTURE_SCREEN_BLACK) .setPos(7, 4) .setSize(160, 75)) .addChild(createButtons()); return page; } protected MultiChildWidget createButtons() { MultiChildWidget buttons = new MultiChildWidget(); buttons.setSize(16, 167) .setPos(7, 86); buttons.addChild(createPowerSwitchButton()) .addChild(new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(this::isAllowedToWork, val -> { if (val) enableWorking(); else disableWorking(); })) .addChild(createVoidExcessButton()) .addChild(new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(() -> voidExcess, val -> voidExcess = val)) .addChild(createInputSeparationButton()) .addChild(new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(() -> separateInputs, val -> separateInputs = val)) .addChild(createBatchModeButton()) .addChild(new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(() -> batchMode, val -> batchMode = val)) .addChild(createLockToSingleRecipeButton()) .addChild(new FakeSyncWidget.BooleanSyncer(() -> recipeLock, val -> recipeLock = val)); return buttons; } protected Widget getItemInventoryInputGUI() { final IItemHandlerModifiable inv = getInventoriesForInput(); final Scrollable scrollable = new Scrollable().setVerticalScroll(); for (int rows = 0; rows * 4 < Math.min(inv.getSlots(), 128); rows++) { final int columnsToMake = Math.min(Math.min(inv.getSlots(), 128) - rows * 4, 4); for (int column = 0; column < columnsToMake; column++) { scrollable.widget( new SlotWidget(inv, rows * 4 + column).setPos(column * 18, rows * 18) .setSize(18, 18)); } } return scrollable.setSize(18 * 4 + 4, 18 * 5) .setPos(52, 7); } protected Widget getItemInventoryOutputGUI() { final IItemHandlerModifiable inv = getInventoriesForOutput(); final Scrollable scrollable = new Scrollable().setVerticalScroll(); for (int rows = 0; rows * 4 < Math.min(inv.getSlots(), 128); rows++) { final int columnsToMake = Math.min(Math.min(inv.getSlots(), 128) - rows * 4, 4); for (int column = 0; column < columnsToMake; column++) { scrollable.widget( new SlotWidget(inv, rows * 4 + column).setPos(column * 18, rows * 18) .setSize(18, 18)); } } return scrollable.setSize(18 * 4 + 4, 18 * 5) .setPos(52, 7); } protected IItemHandlerModifiable getInventoriesForInput() { return new ListItemHandler(multiBlockInputInventory.values()); } protected IItemHandlerModifiable getInventoriesForOutput() { return new ListItemHandler(multiBlockOutputInventory.values()); } protected Widget getFluidInventoryInputGUI() { final IFluidTank[] tanks = inputTanks; final Scrollable scrollable = new Scrollable().setVerticalScroll(); for (int rows = 0; rows * 4 < tanks.length; rows++) { final int columnsToMake = Math.min(tanks.length - rows * 4, 4); for (int column = 0; column < columnsToMake; column++) { final FluidSlotWidget fluidSlot = new FluidSlotWidget(tanks[rows * 4 + column]); scrollable.widget( fluidSlot.setPos(column * 18, rows * 18) .setSize(18, 18)); } } return scrollable.setSize(18 * 4 + 4, 18 * 4) .setPos(52, 7); } protected Widget getFluidInventoryOutputGUI() { final IFluidTank[] tanks = outputTanks; final Scrollable scrollable = new Scrollable().setVerticalScroll(); for (int rows = 0; rows * 4 < tanks.length; rows++) { final int columnsToMake = Math.min(tanks.length - rows * 4, 4); for (int column = 0; column < columnsToMake; column++) { final FluidSlotWidget fluidSlot = new FluidSlotWidget(tanks[rows * 4 + column]); fluidSlot.setInteraction(true, false); scrollable.widget( fluidSlot.setPos(column * 18, rows * 18) .setSize(18, 18)); } } return scrollable.setSize(18 * 4 + 4, 18 * 5) .setPos(52, 7); } protected ButtonWidget createPowerSwitchButton() { ButtonWidget button = new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> { if (isAllowedToWork()) { disableWorking(); } else { enableWorking(); } }) .setPlayClickSoundResource( () -> isAllowedToWork() ? SoundResource.GUI_BUTTON_UP.resourceLocation : SoundResource.GUI_BUTTON_DOWN.resourceLocation); button.setBackground(() -> { List ret = new ArrayList<>(); ret.add(GT_UITextures.BUTTON_STANDARD); if (isAllowedToWork()) { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_POWER_SWITCH_ON); } else { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_POWER_SWITCH_OFF); } return ret.toArray(new IDrawable[0]); }) .setPos(144, 0) .setSize(16, 16); button.addTooltip(StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.gui.button.power_switch")) .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY); return button; } protected ButtonWidget createVoidExcessButton() { ButtonWidget button = new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> { if (isVoidExcessButtonEnabled()) { voidExcess = !voidExcess; } }) .setPlayClickSound(true); button.setBackground(() -> { List ret = new ArrayList<>(); ret.add(GT_UITextures.BUTTON_STANDARD); if (isVoidExcessButtonEnabled()) { if (isVoidExcessEnabled()) { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_VOID_EXCESS_ON); } else { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_VOID_EXCESS_OFF); } } else { if (isVoidExcessEnabled()) { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_VOID_EXCESS_ON_DISABLED); } else { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_VOID_EXCESS_OFF_DISABLED); } } return ret.toArray(new IDrawable[0]); }) .setPos(54, 0) .setSize(16, 16); button.addTooltip(StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.gui.button.void_excess")) .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY); return button; } protected boolean isVoidExcessEnabled() { return voidExcess; } protected boolean isVoidExcessButtonEnabled() { return true; } protected ButtonWidget createInputSeparationButton() { Widget button = new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> { if (isInputSeparationButtonEnabled()) { separateInputs = !separateInputs; } }) .setPlayClickSound(true) .setBackground(() -> { List ret = new ArrayList<>(); ret.add(GT_UITextures.BUTTON_STANDARD); if (isInputSeparationButtonEnabled()) { if (isInputSeparationEnabled()) { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_INPUT_SEPARATION_ON); } else { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_INPUT_SEPARATION_OFF); } } else { if (isInputSeparationEnabled()) { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_INPUT_SEPARATION_ON_DISABLED); } else { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_INPUT_SEPARATION_OFF_DISABLED); } } return ret.toArray(new IDrawable[0]); }) .setPos(36, 0) .setSize(16, 16); button.addTooltip(StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.gui.button.input_separation")) .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY); return (ButtonWidget) button; } protected boolean isInputSeparationEnabled() { return separateInputs; } protected boolean isInputSeparationButtonEnabled() { return true; } protected ButtonWidget createBatchModeButton() { Widget button = new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> { if (isBatchModeButtonEnabled()) { batchMode = !batchMode; } }) .setPlayClickSound(true) .setBackground(() -> { List ret = new ArrayList<>(); ret.add(GT_UITextures.BUTTON_STANDARD); if (isBatchModeButtonEnabled()) { if (isBatchModeEnabled()) { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_BATCH_MODE_ON); } else { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_BATCH_MODE_OFF); } } else { if (isBatchModeEnabled()) { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_BATCH_MODE_ON_DISABLED); } else { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_BATCH_MODE_OFF_DISABLED); } } return ret.toArray(new IDrawable[0]); }) .setPos(18, 0) .setSize(16, 16); button.addTooltip(StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.gui.button.batch_mode")) .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY); return (ButtonWidget) button; } protected boolean isBatchModeButtonEnabled() { return true; } protected boolean isBatchModeEnabled() { return batchMode; } protected ButtonWidget createLockToSingleRecipeButton() { Widget button = new ButtonWidget().setOnClick((clickData, widget) -> { if (supportsSingleRecipeLocking()) { recipeLock = !recipeLock; } }) .setPlayClickSound(true) .setBackground(() -> { List ret = new ArrayList<>(); ret.add(GT_UITextures.BUTTON_STANDARD); if (supportsSingleRecipeLocking()) { if (isRecipeLockingEnabled()) { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_RECIPE_LOCKED); } else { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_RECIPE_UNLOCKED); } } else { if (isRecipeLockingEnabled()) { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_RECIPE_LOCKED_DISABLED); } else { ret.add(GT_UITextures.OVERLAY_BUTTON_RECIPE_UNLOCKED_DISABLED); } } return ret.toArray(new IDrawable[0]); }) .setPos(0, 0) .setSize(16, 16); button.addTooltip(StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.gui.button.lock_recipe")) .setTooltipShowUpDelay(TOOLTIP_DELAY); return (ButtonWidget) button; } protected boolean supportsSingleRecipeLocking() { return false; } protected boolean isRecipeLockingEnabled() { return recipeLock; } }