package; import; import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values; import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity; import gregtech.common.GT_Proxy; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager; /** * Client -> Server: Request that the server opens a Gregtech GUI for us after providing us with the required data. */ public class GT_Packet_GtTileEntityGuiRequest extends GT_Packet_New { protected int mX; protected short mY; protected int mZ; protected int guiId; protected int dimId, playerId; protected int parentGuiId; public GT_Packet_GtTileEntityGuiRequest() { super(true); } public GT_Packet_GtTileEntityGuiRequest(int mX, short mY, int mZ, int guiId, int dimID, int playerID, int parentGuiId) { super(false); this.mX = mX; this.mY = mY; this.mZ = mZ; this.guiId = guiId; this.dimId = dimID; this.playerId = playerID; this.parentGuiId = parentGuiId; } public GT_Packet_GtTileEntityGuiRequest(int mX, short mY, int mZ, int guiId, int dimID, int playerID) { this(mX, mY, mZ, guiId, dimID, playerID, -1); } @Override public void encode(ByteBuf aOut) { aOut.writeInt(mX); aOut.writeShort(mY); aOut.writeInt(mZ); aOut.writeInt(guiId); aOut.writeInt(dimId); aOut.writeInt(playerId); aOut.writeInt(parentGuiId); } @Override public GT_Packet_New decode(ByteArrayDataInput aData) { return new GT_Packet_GtTileEntityGuiRequest( aData.readInt(), aData.readShort(), aData.readInt(), aData.readInt(), aData.readInt(), aData.readInt(), aData.readInt()); } @Override public byte getPacketID() { return 15; } @Override public void process(IBlockAccess aWorld) { World world = DimensionManager.getWorld(this.dimId); if (world == null) return; TileEntity tile = world.getTileEntity(this.mX, this.mY, this.mZ); if (!(tile instanceof IGregTechTileEntity) || ((IGregTechTileEntity) tile).isDead()) return; IGregTechTileEntity gtTile = ((IGregTechTileEntity) tile); EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) world.getEntityByID(playerId); // If the requested Gui ID corresponds to a cover, send the cover data to the client so they can open it. if (GT_Proxy.GUI_ID_COVER_SIDE_BASE <= guiId && guiId < GT_Proxy.GUI_ID_COVER_SIDE_BASE+6) { byte coverSide = (byte) (guiId - GT_Proxy.GUI_ID_COVER_SIDE_BASE); GT_Packet_TileEntityCoverGUI packet = new GT_Packet_TileEntityCoverGUI( this.mX, this.mY, this.mZ, coverSide, gtTile.getCoverIDAtSide(coverSide), gtTile.getComplexCoverDataAtSide(coverSide), this.dimId, this.playerId, parentGuiId); GT_Values.NW.sendToPlayer(packet, player); } else if (guiId == 0) { gtTile.openGUI(player); } } }