package gregtech.api.recipe;
import static gregtech.api.util.GT_RecipeBuilder.handleInvalidRecipe;
import static gregtech.api.util.GT_RecipeBuilder.handleRecipeCollision;
import static gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility.areStacksEqualOrNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Unmodifiable;
import gregtech.api.GregTech_API;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.IRecipeMap;
import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_Recipe;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_RecipeBuilder;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_StreamUtil;
import gregtech.api.util.MethodsReturnNonnullByDefault;
* Responsible for recipe addition / search for recipemap.
* In order to bind custom backend to recipemap, use {@link RecipeMapBuilder#of(String, BackendCreator)}.
public class RecipeMapBackend {
private RecipeMap> recipeMap;
* Recipe index based on items.
private final SetMultimap itemIndex = HashMultimap.create();
* Recipe index based on fluids.
private final SetMultimap fluidIndex = HashMultimap.create();
* All the recipes belonging to this backend, indexed by recipe category.
private final Map> recipesByCategory = new HashMap<>();
* List of recipemaps that also receive recipe addition from this backend.
private final List downstreams = new ArrayList<>(0);
* All the properties specific to this backend.
protected final RecipeMapBackendProperties properties;
public RecipeMapBackend(RecipeMapBackendPropertiesBuilder propertiesBuilder) { =;
void setRecipeMap(RecipeMap> recipeMap) {
this.recipeMap = recipeMap;
* @return Properties specific to this backend.
public RecipeMapBackendProperties getProperties() {
return properties;
* @return All the recipes belonging to this backend. Returned collection is immutable,
* use {@link #compileRecipe} to add / {@link #removeRecipes} to remove.
public Collection getAllRecipes() {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(allRecipes());
* @return Raw recipe list
private Collection allRecipes() {
return recipesByCategory.values()
* @return All the recipes belonging to this backend, indexed by recipe category.
public Collection getRecipesByCategory(RecipeCategory recipeCategory) {
return Collections
.unmodifiableCollection(recipesByCategory.getOrDefault(recipeCategory, Collections.emptyList()));
public Map> getRecipeCategoryMap() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(recipesByCategory);
// region add recipe
* Adds the supplied recipe to the recipe list and index, without any check.
* @return Supplied recipe.
public GT_Recipe compileRecipe(GT_Recipe recipe) {
if (recipe.getRecipeCategory() == null) {
recipesByCategory.computeIfAbsent(recipe.getRecipeCategory(), v -> new ArrayList<>())
for (FluidStack fluid : recipe.mFluidInputs) {
if (fluid == null) continue;
return addToItemMap(recipe);
* Adds the supplied recipe to the item cache.
protected GT_Recipe addToItemMap(GT_Recipe recipe) {
for (ItemStack item : recipe.mInputs) {
if (item == null) continue;
itemIndex.put(new GT_ItemStack(item), recipe);
return recipe;
* Builds recipe from supplied recipe builder and adds it.
protected Collection doAdd(GT_RecipeBuilder builder) {
Iterable extends GT_Recipe> recipes = properties.recipeEmitter.apply(builder);
Collection ret = new ArrayList<>();
for (GT_Recipe recipe : recipes) {
if (properties.recipeConfigCategory != null) {
assert properties.recipeConfigKeyConvertor != null;
String configKey = properties.recipeConfigKeyConvertor.apply(recipe);
if (configKey != null && (recipe.mDuration = GregTech_API.sRecipeFile
.get(properties.recipeConfigCategory, configKey, recipe.mDuration)) <= 0) {
if (recipe.mFluidInputs.length < properties.minFluidInputs
|| recipe.mInputs.length < properties.minItemInputs) {
return Collections.emptyList();
if (properties.recipeTransformer != null) {
recipe = properties.recipeTransformer.apply(recipe);
if (recipe == null) continue;
if (builder.isCheckForCollision() && checkCollision(recipe)) {
if (recipe.getRecipeCategory() != null && recipe.getRecipeCategory().recipeMap != this.recipeMap) {
if (!ret.isEmpty()) {
for (IRecipeMap downstream : downstreams) {
return ret;
private void handleCollision(GT_Recipe recipe) {
StringBuilder errorInfo = new StringBuilder();
boolean hasAnEntry = false;
for (FluidStack fluid : recipe.mFluidInputs) {
if (fluid == null) {
String s = fluid.getLocalizedName();
if (s == null) {
if (hasAnEntry) {
} else {
hasAnEntry = true;
for (ItemStack item : recipe.mInputs) {
if (item == null) {
String itemName = item.getDisplayName();
if (hasAnEntry) {
} else {
hasAnEntry = true;
void addDownstream(IRecipeMap downstream) {
* Removes supplied recipes from recipe list. Do not use unless absolute necessity!
public void removeRecipes(Collection extends GT_Recipe> recipesToRemove) {
for (Collection recipes : recipesByCategory.values()) {
for (GT_ItemStack key : new HashMap<>(itemIndex.asMap()).keySet()) {
for (String key : new HashMap<>(fluidIndex.asMap()).keySet()) {
* Removes supplied recipe from recipe list. Do not use unless absolute necessity!
public void removeRecipe(GT_Recipe recipe) {
* If you want to shoot your foot...
public void clearRecipes() {
// endregion
* Re-unificates all the items present in recipes. Also reflects recipe removals.
public void reInit() {
for (GT_Recipe recipe : allRecipes()) {
GT_OreDictUnificator.setStackArray(true, recipe.mInputs);
GT_OreDictUnificator.setStackArray(true, recipe.mOutputs);
* @return If supplied item is a valid input for any of the recipes
public boolean containsInput(ItemStack item) {
return itemIndex.containsKey(new GT_ItemStack(item)) || itemIndex.containsKey(new GT_ItemStack(item, true));
* @return If supplied fluid is a valid input for any of the recipes
public boolean containsInput(Fluid fluid) {
return fluidIndex.containsKey(fluid.getName());
// region find recipe
* Checks if given recipe conflicts with already registered recipes.
* @return True if collision is found.
boolean checkCollision(GT_Recipe recipe) {
return matchRecipeStream(recipe.mInputs, recipe.mFluidInputs, null, null, false, true, true).findAny()
* Overwrites {@link #matchRecipeStream} method. Also override {@link #doesOverwriteFindRecipe} to make it work.
protected GT_Recipe overwriteFindRecipe(ItemStack[] items, FluidStack[] fluids, @Nullable ItemStack specialSlot,
@Nullable GT_Recipe cachedRecipe) {
return null;
* @return Whether to use {@link #overwriteFindRecipe} for finding recipe.
protected boolean doesOverwriteFindRecipe() {
return false;
* Modifies successfully found recipe. Make sure not to mutate the found recipe but use copy!
protected GT_Recipe modifyFoundRecipe(GT_Recipe recipe, ItemStack[] items, FluidStack[] fluids,
@Nullable ItemStack specialSlot) {
return recipe;
* Called when {@link #matchRecipeStream} cannot find recipe.
protected GT_Recipe findFallback(ItemStack[] items, FluidStack[] fluids, @Nullable ItemStack specialSlot) {
return null;
* Returns all the matched recipes in the form of Stream, without any additional check for matches.
* @param rawItems Item inputs.
* @param fluids Fluid inputs.
* @param specialSlot Content of the special slot. Normal recipemaps don't need this, but some do.
* Set {@link RecipeMapBuilder#specialSlotSensitive} to make it actually functional.
* Alternatively overriding {@link #filterFindRecipe} will also work.
* @param cachedRecipe If this is not null, this method tests it before all other recipes.
* @param notUnificated If this is set to true, item inputs will be unificated.
* @param dontCheckStackSizes If this is set to true, this method won't check item count and fluid amount
* for the matched recipe.
* @param forCollisionCheck If this method is called to check collision with already registered recipes.
* @return Stream of matches recipes.
Stream matchRecipeStream(ItemStack[] rawItems, FluidStack[] fluids, @Nullable ItemStack specialSlot,
@Nullable GT_Recipe cachedRecipe, boolean notUnificated, boolean dontCheckStackSizes,
boolean forCollisionCheck) {
if (doesOverwriteFindRecipe()) {
return GT_StreamUtil.ofNullable(overwriteFindRecipe(rawItems, fluids, specialSlot, cachedRecipe));
if (recipesByCategory.isEmpty()) {
return Stream.empty();
// Some recipe classes require a certain amount of inputs of certain kinds. Like "at least 1 fluid + 1 item"
// or "at least 2 items" before they start searching for recipes.
// This improves performance massively, especially when people leave things like programmed circuits,
// molds or shapes in their machines.
// For checking collision, we assume min inputs check already has been passed as of building the recipe.
if (!forCollisionCheck) {
if (properties.minFluidInputs > 0) {
int count = 0;
for (FluidStack fluid : fluids) if (fluid != null) count++;
if (count < properties.minFluidInputs) {
return Stream.empty();
if (properties.minItemInputs > 0) {
int count = 0;
for (ItemStack item : rawItems) if (item != null) count++;
if (count < properties.minItemInputs) {
return Stream.empty();
ItemStack[] items;
// Unification happens here in case the item input isn't already unificated.
if (notUnificated) {
items = GT_OreDictUnificator.getStackArray(true, (Object[]) rawItems);
} else {
items = rawItems;
return Stream.>of(
// Check the recipe which has been used last time in order to not have to search for it again, if possible.
.filter(recipe -> recipe.mCanBeBuffered)
.filter(recipe -> filterFindRecipe(recipe, items, fluids, specialSlot, dontCheckStackSizes))
.map(recipe -> modifyFoundRecipe(recipe, items, fluids, specialSlot))
// Now look for the recipes inside the item index, but only when the recipes actually can have items inputs.
GT_StreamUtil.ofConditional(!itemIndex.isEmpty(), items)
.flatMap(item -> Stream.of(new GT_ItemStack(item), new GT_ItemStack(item, true)))
.filter(recipe -> filterFindRecipe(recipe, items, fluids, specialSlot, dontCheckStackSizes))
.map(recipe -> modifyFoundRecipe(recipe, items, fluids, specialSlot))
// If the minimum amount of items required for the recipes is 0, then it could match to fluid-only recipes,
// so check fluid index too.
GT_StreamUtil.ofConditional(properties.minItemInputs == 0, fluids)
fluidStack -> fluidIndex.get(
.filter(recipe -> filterFindRecipe(recipe, items, fluids, specialSlot, dontCheckStackSizes))
.map(recipe -> modifyFoundRecipe(recipe, items, fluids, specialSlot))
// Lastly, find fallback.
forCollisionCheck ? Stream.empty()
: GT_StreamUtil.ofSupplier(() -> findFallback(items, fluids, specialSlot))
* The minimum filter required for recipe match logic. You can override this to have custom validation.
* Other checks like machine voltage will be done in another places.
* Note that this won't be called if {@link #doesOverwriteFindRecipe} is true.
protected boolean filterFindRecipe(GT_Recipe recipe, ItemStack[] items, FluidStack[] fluids,
@Nullable ItemStack specialSlot, boolean dontCheckStackSizes) {
if (recipe.mEnabled && !recipe.mFakeRecipe
&& recipe.isRecipeInputEqual(false, dontCheckStackSizes, fluids, items)) {
return !properties.specialSlotSensitive
|| areStacksEqualOrNull((ItemStack) recipe.mSpecialItems, specialSlot);
return false;
// endregion
public interface BackendCreator {
* @see RecipeMapBackend#RecipeMapBackend
B create(RecipeMapBackendPropertiesBuilder propertiesBuilder);