package gregtech.api.registries; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; public class LHECoolantRegistry { private static final Map<String, LHECoolantInfo> lheCoolants = new HashMap<>(); /** * Registers a coolant for use in Large Heat Exchangers and Whakawhiti Weras. * See the constants in {@link #registerBaseCoolants()} as a reference for what the multipliers should be. * The multipliers are used in * {@link gregtech.common.tileentities.machines.multi.GT_MetaTileEntity_HeatExchanger#checkProcessing()} * and {@link gregtech.common.tileentities.machines.multi.GT_MetaTileEntity_HeatExchanger#onRunningTick()}. * * @param coldFluidName The fluid name of the resulting cold coolant * @param hotFluidName The fluid name of the input hot coolant * @param steamMultiplier The steam multiplier * @param superheatedThreshold The super heated threshold multiplier - see the constants in * {@link #registerBaseCoolants()} for a reference */ public static void registerCoolant(String coldFluidName, String hotFluidName, double steamMultiplier, double superheatedThreshold) { var coolant = new LHECoolantInfo(coldFluidName, hotFluidName, steamMultiplier, superheatedThreshold); lheCoolants.put(coldFluidName, coolant); lheCoolants.put(hotFluidName, coolant); } public static LHECoolantInfo getCoolant(String fluidName) { return lheCoolants.get(fluidName); } public static LHECoolantInfo getCoolant(Fluid fluid) { return lheCoolants.get(fluid.getName()); } public static void registerBaseCoolants() { // I have no idea where these constants originally came from, but I've preserved the comments from // GT_MetaTileEntity_HeatExchanger registerCoolant( "ic2pahoehoelava", "lava", 1.0 / 5.0, // lava is not boosted 1.0 / 4.0 // unchanged ); registerCoolant( "ic2coolant", "ic2hotcoolant", 1.0 / 2.0, // was boosted x2 on top of x5 -> total x10 -> nerf with this code back to 5x 1.0 / 5.0 // 10x smaller since the Hot Things production in reactor is the same ); registerCoolant( "molten.solarsaltcold", "molten.solarsalthot", 2.5, // Solar Salt to Steam ratio is 5x higher than Hot Coolant's ratio 1.0 / 25.0 // Given that, multiplier is 5x higher and threshold is 5x lower ); } public static class LHECoolantInfo { public final String coldFluidName, hotFluidName; public final double steamMultiplier, superheatedThreshold; private Fluid coldFluid, hotFluid; public LHECoolantInfo(String coldFluidName, String hotFluidName, double steamMultiplier, double superheatedThreshold) { this.coldFluidName = coldFluidName; this.hotFluidName = hotFluidName; this.steamMultiplier = steamMultiplier; this.superheatedThreshold = superheatedThreshold; } public Fluid getColdFluid() { if (coldFluid == null) { coldFluid = FluidRegistry.getFluid(coldFluidName); } return coldFluid; } public Fluid getHotFluid() { if (hotFluid == null) { hotFluid = FluidRegistry.getFluid(hotFluidName); } return hotFluid; } public FluidStack getColdFluid(int amount) { return new FluidStack(getColdFluid(), amount); } public FluidStack getHotFluid(int amount) { return new FluidStack(getHotFluid(), amount); } } }