package gregtech.api.util;

import static gregtech.api.enums.GTValues.E;
import static gregtech.api.enums.Mods.IC2CropPlugin;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

import gregtech.GTMod;
import gregtech.api.GregTechAPI;
import gregtech.api.enums.ConfigCategories;
import gregtech.api.enums.Materials;
import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes;
import gregtech.api.objects.ItemData;
import gregtech.common.blocks.BlockOresAbstract;
import gregtech.common.blocks.TileEntityOres;
import ic2.api.crops.CropCard;
import ic2.api.crops.Crops;
import ic2.api.crops.ICropTile;
import speiger.src.crops.api.ICropCardInfo;

public class GTBaseCrop extends CropCard implements ICropCardInfo {

    public static ArrayList<GTBaseCrop> sCropList = new ArrayList<>();
    private String mName = E;
    private String mDiscoveredBy = "Gregorius Techneticies";
    private String[] mAttributes;
    private int mTier = 0;
    private int mMaxSize = 0;
    private int mAfterHarvestSize = 0;
    private int mHarvestSize = 0;
    private final int[] mStats = new int[5];
    private final int mGrowthSpeed = 0;
    private ItemStack mDrop = null;
    private ItemStack[] mSpecialDrops = null;
    private Materials mBlock = null;
    private static boolean bIc2NeiLoaded = IC2CropPlugin.isModLoaded();

     * To create new Crops
     * @param aID           Default ID
     * @param aCropName     Name of the Crop
     * @param aDiscoveredBy The one who discovered the Crop
     * @param aDrop         The Item which is dropped by the Crop. must be != null
     * @param aBaseSeed     Baseseed to plant this Crop. null == crossbreed only
     * @param aTier         tier of the Crop. forced to be >= 1
     * @param aMaxSize      maximum Size of the Crop. forced to be >= 3
     * @param aGrowthSpeed  how fast the Crop grows. if < 0 then its set to Tier*300
     * @param aHarvestSize  the size the Crop needs to be harvested. forced to be between 2 and max size
    public GTBaseCrop(int aID, String aCropName, String aDiscoveredBy, ItemStack aBaseSeed, int aTier, int aMaxSize,
        int aGrowthSpeed, int aAfterHarvestSize, int aHarvestSize, int aStatChemical, int aStatFood, int aStatDefensive,
        int aStatColor, int aStatWeed, String[] aAttributes, ItemStack aDrop, ItemStack[] aSpecialDrops) {
        new GTBaseCrop(

     * To create new Crops
     * @param aID           Default ID
     * @param aCropName     Name of the Crop
     * @param aDiscoveredBy The one who discovered the Crop
     * @param aDrop         The Item which is dropped by the Crop. must be != null
     * @param aBaseSeed     Baseseed to plant this Crop. null == crossbreed only
     * @param aTier         tier of the Crop. forced to be >= 1
     * @param aMaxSize      maximum Size of the Crop. forced to be >= 3
     * @param aGrowthSpeed  how fast the Crop grows. if < 0 then its set to Tier*300
     * @param aHarvestSize  the size the Crop needs to be harvested. forced to be between 2 and max size
     * @param aBlock        the block below needed for crop to grow. If null no block needed
    public GTBaseCrop(int aID, String aCropName, String aDiscoveredBy, ItemStack aBaseSeed, int aTier, int aMaxSize,
        int aGrowthSpeed, int aAfterHarvestSize, int aHarvestSize, int aStatChemical, int aStatFood, int aStatDefensive,
        int aStatColor, int aStatWeed, String[] aAttributes, Materials aBlock, ItemStack aDrop,
        ItemStack[] aSpecialDrops) {
        mName = aCropName;
        aID = GTConfig.addIDConfig(ConfigCategories.IDs.crops, mName.replaceAll(" ", "_"), aID);
        if (aDiscoveredBy != null && !aDiscoveredBy.equals(E)) mDiscoveredBy = aDiscoveredBy;
        if (aDrop != null && aID > 0 && aID < 256) {
            mDrop = GTUtility.copyOrNull(aDrop);
            mSpecialDrops = aSpecialDrops;
            mTier = Math.max(1, aTier);
            mMaxSize = Math.max(3, aMaxSize);
            mHarvestSize = Math.min(Math.max(aHarvestSize, 2), mMaxSize);
            mAfterHarvestSize = Math.min(Math.max(aAfterHarvestSize, 1), mMaxSize - 1);
            mStats[0] = aStatChemical;
            mStats[1] = aStatFood;
            mStats[2] = aStatDefensive;
            mStats[3] = aStatColor;
            mStats[4] = aStatWeed;
            mAttributes = aAttributes;
            mBlock = aBlock;
            if (!Crops.instance.registerCrop(this, aID))
                throw new GTItsNotMyFaultException("Make sure the Crop ID is valid!");
            if (aBaseSeed != null) Crops.instance.registerBaseSeed(aBaseSeed, this, 1, 1, 1, 1);
        if (bIc2NeiLoaded) {
            try {
                    .getMethod("registerCropInfo", Class.forName("speiger.src.crops.api.ICropCardInfo"))
            } catch (IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException | SecurityException | NoSuchMethodException
                | NoSuchFieldException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                bIc2NeiLoaded = false;

    public byte getSizeAfterHarvest(ICropTile crop) {
        return (byte) mAfterHarvestSize;

    public int growthDuration(ICropTile aCrop) {
        if (mGrowthSpeed < 200) return super.growthDuration(aCrop);
        return tier() * mGrowthSpeed;

    public int getrootslength(ICropTile crop) {
        return 5;

    public String[] attributes() {
        return mAttributes;

    public String discoveredBy() {
        return mDiscoveredBy;

    public final boolean canGrow(ICropTile aCrop) {
        // block check is only performed at the last stage of growth
        if (this.needsBlockBelow() && aCrop.getSize() == mMaxSize - 1) {
            return isBlockBelow(aCrop);
        return aCrop.getSize() < maxSize();

    public final boolean canBeHarvested(ICropTile aCrop) {
        return aCrop.getSize() >= mHarvestSize;

    public boolean canCross(ICropTile aCrop) {
        return aCrop.getSize() + 2 > maxSize();

    public int stat(int n) {
        if (n < 0 || n >= mStats.length) return 0;
        return mStats[n];

    public String name() {
        return mName;

    public int tier() {
        return mTier;

    public int maxSize() {
        return mMaxSize;

    public ItemStack getGain(ICropTile aCrop) {
        int tDrop = 0;
        if (mSpecialDrops != null && (tDrop = java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.current()
            .nextInt(0, (mSpecialDrops.length * 2) + 2)) < mSpecialDrops.length && mSpecialDrops[tDrop] != null) {
            return GTUtility.copyOrNull(mSpecialDrops[tDrop]);
        return GTUtility.copyOrNull(mDrop);

    public boolean rightclick(ICropTile aCrop, EntityPlayer aPlayer) {
        if (!canBeHarvested(aCrop)) return false;
        return aCrop.harvest(aPlayer instanceof EntityPlayerMP);

    public int getOptimalHavestSize(ICropTile crop) {
        return maxSize();

     * Checks if the crop needs a block below it
     * @return True if the crop needs a block below it to grow to its max size
    public boolean needsBlockBelow() {
        return GTMod.gregtechproxy.mCropNeedBlock && this.mBlock != null;

    public boolean isBlockBelow(ICropTile aCrop) {
        if (aCrop == null) {
            return false;
        for (int i = 1; i < this.getrootslength(aCrop); i++) {
            Block tBlock = aCrop.getWorld()
                .getBlock(aCrop.getLocation().posX, aCrop.getLocation().posY - i, aCrop.getLocation().posZ);
            if ((tBlock instanceof BlockOresAbstract)) {
                TileEntity tTileEntity = aCrop.getWorld()
                    .getTileEntity(aCrop.getLocation().posX, aCrop.getLocation().posY - i, aCrop.getLocation().posZ);
                if ((tTileEntity instanceof TileEntityOres)) {
                    Materials tMaterial = GregTechAPI.sGeneratedMaterials[(((TileEntityOres) tTileEntity).mMetaData
                        % 1000)];
                    if ((tMaterial != null) && (tMaterial != Materials._NULL)) {
                        return tMaterial == mBlock;
            } else {
                int tMetaID = aCrop.getWorld()
                    .getBlockMetadata(aCrop.getLocation().posX, aCrop.getLocation().posY - i, aCrop.getLocation().posZ);
                if (isBlockBelow(new ItemStack(tBlock, 1, tMetaID))) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * An isolated function to check if an item stack is a block that should be below this crop
     * @param aItem a stack of the block placed under the crop
     * @return The result of the check
    public boolean isBlockBelow(ItemStack aItem) {
        // safety in case someone calls this without checking if we have a block
        if (!this.needsBlockBelow()) return true;

        // get material from stack
        ItemData tAssociation = GTOreDictUnificator.getAssociation(aItem);
        if (tAssociation == null) return false;

        // return true if it's an ore of the material
        // note: some ores don't appear to have associations in testing, naq ore is an example of that
        if (tAssociation.mPrefix.toString()
            .startsWith("ore") && tAssociation.mMaterial.mMaterial == mBlock) {
            return true;

        // return true if it's a block of the material
        return tAssociation.mPrefix == OrePrefixes.block && tAssociation.mMaterial.mMaterial == mBlock;

    public List<String> getCropInformation() {
        if (mBlock != null) {
            ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>(1);
                    "Requires %s Ore or Block of %s as soil block to reach full growth.",
            return result;
        return null;

    public ItemStack getDisplayItem() {
        if (mSpecialDrops != null && mSpecialDrops[mSpecialDrops.length - 1] != null) {
            return GTUtility.copyOrNull(mSpecialDrops[mSpecialDrops.length - 1]);
        return GTUtility.copyOrNull(mDrop);