package gregtech.api.util; import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.E; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid; import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values; import gregtech.api.gui.modularui.GT_UIInfos; import gregtech.api.interfaces.ITexture; import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.ICoverable; import; /** * For Covers with a special behavior. Has fixed storage format of 4 byte. Not very convenient... */ public abstract class GT_CoverBehavior extends GT_CoverBehaviorBase<ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData> { public boolean mPlayerNotified = false; public GT_CoverBehavior() { this(null); } public GT_CoverBehavior(ITexture coverTexture) { super(ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData.class, coverTexture); } protected static int convert(ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData data) { return data == null ? 0 : data.get(); } // region bridge the parent call to legacy calls @Override public final ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData createDataObject() { return new ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData(); } @Override public ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData createDataObject(int aLegacyData) { return new ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData(aLegacyData); } @Override protected boolean isRedstoneSensitiveImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, long aTimer) { return isRedstoneSensitive(side, aCoverID, aCoverVariable.get(), aTileEntity, aTimer); } @Override protected ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData doCoverThingsImpl(ForgeDirection side, byte aInputRedstone, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, long aTimer) { if (aCoverVariable == null) aCoverVariable = new ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData(); aCoverVariable.set(doCoverThings(side, aInputRedstone, aCoverID, aCoverVariable.get(), aTileEntity, aTimer)); return aCoverVariable; } @Override protected boolean onCoverRightClickImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, EntityPlayer aPlayer, float aX, float aY, float aZ) { return onCoverRightclick(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity, aPlayer, aX, aY, aZ); } @Override protected ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData onCoverScrewdriverClickImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, EntityPlayer aPlayer, float aX, float aY, float aZ) { if (aCoverVariable == null) aCoverVariable = new ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData(); aCoverVariable .set(onCoverScrewdriverclick(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity, aPlayer, aX, aY, aZ)); return aCoverVariable; } @Override protected boolean onCoverShiftRightClickImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, EntityPlayer aPlayer) { return onCoverShiftRightclick(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity, aPlayer); } @Deprecated @Override protected Object getClientGUIImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, EntityPlayer aPlayer, World aWorld) { return getClientGUI(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected boolean onCoverRemovalImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, boolean aForced) { return onCoverRemoval(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity, aForced); } @Override protected void onBaseTEDestroyedImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { onBaseTEDestroyed(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected void onCoverUnloadImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { onCoverUnload(aTileEntity); } @Override protected String getDescriptionImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return getDescription(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected float getBlastProofLevelImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return getBlastProofLevel(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected boolean letsRedstoneGoInImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return letsRedstoneGoIn(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected boolean letsRedstoneGoOutImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return letsRedstoneGoOut(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected boolean letsEnergyInImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return letsEnergyIn(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected boolean letsEnergyOutImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return letsEnergyOut(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected boolean letsFluidInImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, Fluid aFluid, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return letsFluidIn(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aFluid, aTileEntity); } @Override protected boolean letsFluidOutImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, Fluid aFluid, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return letsFluidOut(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aFluid, aTileEntity); } @Override protected boolean letsItemsInImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, int aSlot, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return letsItemsIn(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aSlot, aTileEntity); } @Override protected boolean letsItemsOutImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, int aSlot, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return letsItemsOut(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aSlot, aTileEntity); } @Override protected boolean isGUIClickableImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return isGUIClickable(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected boolean manipulatesSidedRedstoneOutputImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return manipulatesSidedRedstoneOutput(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected boolean alwaysLookConnectedImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return alwaysLookConnected(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected byte getRedstoneInputImpl(ForgeDirection side, byte aInputRedstone, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return getRedstoneInput(side, aInputRedstone, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected int getTickRateImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return getTickRate(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected byte getLensColorImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return getLensColor(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } @Override protected ItemStack getDropImpl(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, ISerializableObject.LegacyCoverData aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return getDrop(side, aCoverID, convert(aCoverVariable), aTileEntity); } // endregion public boolean isRedstoneSensitive(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, long aTimer) { return true; } /** * Called by updateEntity inside the covered TileEntity. aCoverVariable is the Value you returned last time. */ public int doCoverThings(ForgeDirection side, byte aInputRedstone, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, long aTimer) { return aCoverVariable; } /** * Called when someone rightclicks this Cover. * <p/> * return true, if something actually happens. */ public boolean onCoverRightclick(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, EntityPlayer aPlayer, float aX, float aY, float aZ) { return false; } /** * Called when someone rightclicks this Cover with a Screwdriver. Doesn't call @onCoverRightclick in this Case. * <p/> * return the new Value of the Cover Variable */ public int onCoverScrewdriverclick(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, EntityPlayer aPlayer, float aX, float aY, float aZ) { return aCoverVariable; } /** * Called when someone shift-rightclicks this Cover with no tool. Doesn't call @onCoverRightclick in this Case. */ public boolean onCoverShiftRightclick(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, EntityPlayer aPlayer) { if (hasCoverGUI() && aPlayer instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { lastPlayer = new WeakReference<>(aPlayer); mPlayerNotified = false; if (useModularUI()) { GT_UIInfos.openCoverUI(aTileEntity, aPlayer, side); } else { GT_Values.NW.sendToPlayer( new GT_Packet_TileEntityCoverGUI( side, aCoverID, aCoverVariable, aTileEntity, (EntityPlayerMP) aPlayer), (EntityPlayerMP) aPlayer); } return true; } return false; } @Deprecated public Object getClientGUI(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int coverData, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return null; } /** * Removes the Cover if this returns true, or if aForced is true. Doesn't get called when the Machine Block is * getting broken, only if you break the Cover away from the Machine. */ public boolean onCoverRemoval(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity, boolean aForced) { return true; } public void onCoverUnload(ICoverable aTileEntity) { } public void onBaseTEDestroyed(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) {} /** * Gives a small Text for the status of the Cover. */ public String getDescription(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return E; } /** * How Blast Proof the Cover is. 30 is normal. */ public float getBlastProofLevel(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return 10.0F; } /** * If it lets RS-Signals into the Block * <p/> * This is just Informative so that Machines know if their Redstone Input is blocked or not */ public boolean letsRedstoneGoIn(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return false; } /** * If it lets RS-Signals out of the Block */ public boolean letsRedstoneGoOut(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return false; } /** * If it lets Energy into the Block */ public boolean letsEnergyIn(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return false; } /** * If it lets Energy out of the Block */ public boolean letsEnergyOut(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return false; } /** * If it lets Liquids into the Block, aFluid can be null meaning if this is generally allowing Fluids or not. */ public boolean letsFluidIn(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, Fluid aFluid, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return false; } /** * If it lets Liquids out of the Block, aFluid can be null meaning if this is generally allowing Fluids or not. */ public boolean letsFluidOut(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, Fluid aFluid, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return false; } /** * If it lets Items into the Block, aSlot = -1 means if it is generally accepting Items (return false for no * Interaction at all), aSlot = -2 means if it would accept for all Slots (return true to skip the Checks for each * Slot). */ public boolean letsItemsIn(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, int aSlot, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return false; } /** * If it lets Items out of the Block, aSlot = -1 means if it is generally accepting Items (return false for no * Interaction at all), aSlot = -2 means if it would accept for all Slots (return true to skip the Checks for each * Slot). */ public boolean letsItemsOut(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, int aSlot, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return false; } /** * If it lets you rightclick the Machine normally */ public boolean isGUIClickable(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return true; } /** * Needs to return true for Covers, which have a Redstone Output on their Facing. */ public boolean manipulatesSidedRedstoneOutput(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return false; } /** * if this Cover should let Pipe Connections look connected even if it is not the case. */ public boolean alwaysLookConnected(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return false; } /** * Called to determine the incoming Redstone Signal of a Machine. Returns the original Redstone per default. The * Cover should @letsRedstoneGoIn or the aInputRedstone Parameter is always 0. */ public byte getRedstoneInput(ForgeDirection side, byte aInputRedstone, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return letsRedstoneGoIn(side, aCoverID, aCoverVariable, aTileEntity) ? aInputRedstone : 0; } /** * Gets the Tick Rate for doCoverThings of the Cover * <p/> * 0 = No Ticks! Yes, 0 is Default, you have to override this */ public int getTickRate(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return 0; } /** * The MC Color of this Lens. -1 for no Color (meaning this isn't a Lens then). */ public byte getLensColor(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return -1; } /** * @return the ItemStack dropped by this Cover */ public ItemStack getDrop(ForgeDirection side, int aCoverID, int aCoverVariable, ICoverable aTileEntity) { return GT_OreDictUnificator.get(true, aTileEntity.getCoverItemAtSide(side)); } }