package gregtech.api.util; import java.util.function.Supplier; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values; public class GT_OverclockCalculator { private static final double LOG2 = Math.log(2); /** * Voltage the recipe will run at */ private long recipeVoltage = 0; /* * The amount of amps the recipe needs */ private long recipeAmperage = 1; /** * Voltage of the machine */ private long machineVoltage = 0; /** * Amperage of the machine */ private long machineAmperage = 1; /** * Duration of the recipe */ private int duration = 0; /** * The parallel the machine has when trying to overclock */ private int parallel = 1; /** * The min heat required for the recipe */ private int recipeHeat = 0; /** * The heat the machine has when starting the recipe */ private int machineHeat = 0; /** * How much the bits should be moved to the right for each 1800 above recipe heat (Used for duration) */ private int durationDecreasePerHeatOC = 2; /** * Whether to enable overclocking with heat like the EBF every 1800 heat difference */ private boolean heatOC; /** * Whether to enable heat discounts every 900 heat difference */ private boolean heatDiscount; /** * The value used for discount final eut per 900 heat */ private double heatDiscountExponent = 0.95; /** * Discount for EUt at the beginning of calculating overclocks, like GT++ machines */ private double eutDiscount = 1; /** * Speeding/Slowing up/down the duration of a recipe at the beginning of calculating overclocks, like * GT++ machines */ private double speedBoost = 1; /** * How much the bits should be moved to the left when it is overclocking (Going up, 2 meaning it is multiplied with * 4x) */ private int eutIncreasePerOC = 2; /** * How much the bits should be moved to the right when its overclocking (Going down, 1 meaning it is halved) */ private int durationDecreasePerOC = 1; /** * Whether to give EUt Discount when the duration goes below one tick */ private boolean oneTickDiscount; /** * Whether the multi should use amperage to overclock with an exponent. Incompatible with amperageOC */ private boolean laserOC; /** * Laser OC's penalty for using high amp lasers for overclocking. Like what the Adv. Assline is doing */ private double laserOCPenalty = 0.3; /** * Whether the multi should use amperage to overclock normally. Incompatible with laserOC */ private boolean amperageOC; /** * If the OC calculator should only do a given amount of overclocks. Mainly used in fusion reactors */ private boolean limitOverclocks; /** * Maximum amount of overclocks to perform, when limitOverclocks = true */ private int maxOverclocks; /** * How many overclocks have been performed */ private int overclockCount; /** * How many overclocks were performed with heat out of the overclocks we had */ private int heatOverclockCount; /** * A supplier, which is used for machines which have a custom way of calculating duration, like Neutron Activator */ private Supplier durationUnderOneTickSupplier; /** * Should we actually try to calculate overclocking */ private boolean noOverclock; /** * variable to check whether the overclocks have been calculated */ private boolean calculated; private static final int HEAT_DISCOUNT_THRESHOLD = 900; private static final int HEAT_PERFECT_OVERCLOCK_THRESHOLD = 1800; /** * Creates calculator that doesn't do OC at all. Will use recipe duration. */ public static GT_OverclockCalculator ofNoOverclock(@Nonnull GT_Recipe recipe) { return ofNoOverclock(recipe.mEUt, recipe.mDuration); } /** * Creates calculator that doesn't do OC at all, with set duration. */ public static GT_OverclockCalculator ofNoOverclock(long eut, int duration) { return new GT_OverclockCalculator().setRecipeEUt(eut) .setDuration(duration) .setEUt(eut) .setNoOverclock(true); } /** * An Overclock helper for calculating overclocks in many different situations */ public GT_OverclockCalculator() {} /** * @param recipeEUt Sets the Recipe's starting voltage */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setRecipeEUt(long recipeEUt) { this.recipeVoltage = recipeEUt; return this; } /** * @param machineVoltage Sets the EUt that the machine can use. This is the voltage of the machine */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setEUt(long machineVoltage) { this.machineVoltage = machineVoltage; return this; } /** * @param duration Sets the duration of the recipe */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setDuration(int duration) { this.duration = duration; return this; } /** * @param machineAmperage Sets the Amperage that the machine can support */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setAmperage(long machineAmperage) { this.machineAmperage = machineAmperage; return this; } /** * @param recipeAmperage Sets the Amperage of the recipe */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setRecipeAmperage(long recipeAmperage) { this.recipeAmperage = recipeAmperage; return this; } /** * Enables Perfect OC in calculation */ public GT_OverclockCalculator enablePerfectOC() { this.durationDecreasePerOC = 2; return this; } /** * Use {@link #setHeatOC(boolean)} */ @Deprecated public GT_OverclockCalculator enableHeatOC() { return setHeatOC(true); } /** * Set if we should be calculating overclocking using EBF's perfectOC */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setHeatOC(boolean heatOC) { this.heatOC = heatOC; return this; } /** * Use {@link #setHeatDiscount(boolean)} */ @Deprecated public GT_OverclockCalculator enableHeatDiscount() { return setHeatDiscount(true); } /** * Sets if we should add a heat discount at the end of calculating an overclock, just like the EBF */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setHeatDiscount(boolean heatDiscount) { this.heatDiscount = heatDiscount; return this; } /** * Sets the starting heat of the recipe */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setRecipeHeat(int recipeHeat) { this.recipeHeat = recipeHeat; return this; } /** * Use {@link #setMachineHeat(int)} */ @Deprecated public GT_OverclockCalculator setMultiHeat(int machineHeat) { return setMachineHeat(machineHeat); } /** * Sets the heat of the coils on the machine */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setMachineHeat(int machineHeat) { this.machineHeat = machineHeat; return this; } /** * Sets an EUtDiscount. 0.9 is 10% less energy. 1.1 is 10% more energy */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setEUtDiscount(float aEUtDiscount) { this.eutDiscount = aEUtDiscount; return this; } /** * Sets a Speed Boost for the multiblock. 0.9 is 10% faster. 1.1 is 10% slower */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setSpeedBoost(float aSpeedBoost) { this.speedBoost = aSpeedBoost; return this; } /** * Sets the parallel that the multiblock uses */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setParallel(int aParallel) { this.parallel = aParallel; return this; } /** * Sets the heat discount during OC calculation if HeatOC is used. Default: 0.95 = 5% discount Used like a EU/t * Discount */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setHeatDiscountMultiplier(float heatDiscountExponent) { this.heatDiscountExponent = heatDiscountExponent; return this; } /** * Sets the Overclock that should be calculated when one. This uses BitShifting! Default is 2, which is a 4x * decrease */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setHeatPerfectOC(int heatPerfectOC) { this.durationDecreasePerHeatOC = heatPerfectOC; return this; } /** * Sets the amount that the EUt increases per overclock. This uses BitShifting! Default is 2, which is a 4x increase */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setEUtIncreasePerOC(int aEUtIncreasePerOC) { this.eutIncreasePerOC = aEUtIncreasePerOC; return this; } /** * Sets the amount that the duration decreases per overclock. This uses BitShifting! Default is 1, which halves the * duration */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setDurationDecreasePerOC(int durationDecreasePerOC) { this.durationDecreasePerOC = durationDecreasePerOC; return this; } /** * Use {@link #setOneTickDiscount(boolean)} */ @Deprecated public GT_OverclockCalculator enableOneTickDiscount() { return setOneTickDiscount(true); } /** * Set One Tick Discount on EUt based on Duration Decrease Per Overclock. This functions the same as single * blocks. */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setOneTickDiscount(boolean oneTickDiscount) { this.oneTickDiscount = oneTickDiscount; return this; } /** * Limit the amount of overclocks that can be performed, regardless of how much power is available. Mainly used for * fusion reactors. */ public GT_OverclockCalculator limitOverclockCount(int maxOverclocks) { this.limitOverclocks = true; this.maxOverclocks = maxOverclocks; return this; } public GT_OverclockCalculator setLaserOC(boolean laserOC) { this.laserOC = laserOC; return this; } public GT_OverclockCalculator setAmperageOC(boolean amperageOC) { this.amperageOC = amperageOC; return this; } public GT_OverclockCalculator setLaserOCPenalty(double laserOCPenalty) { this.laserOCPenalty = laserOCPenalty; return this; } /** * Set a supplier for calculating custom duration for when its needed under one tick */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setDurationUnderOneTickSupplier(Supplier supplier) { this.durationUnderOneTickSupplier = supplier; return this; } /** * Sets if we should do overclocking or not */ public GT_OverclockCalculator setNoOverclock(boolean noOverclock) { this.noOverclock = noOverclock; return this; } /** * Call this when all values have been put it. */ public GT_OverclockCalculator calculate() { if (calculated) { throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to calculate overclocks twice"); } calculateOverclock(); calculated = true; return this; } private void calculateOverclock() { duration = (int) Math.ceil(duration * speedBoost); if (noOverclock) { recipeVoltage = calculateFinalRecipeEUt(calculateHeatDiscountMultiplier()); return; } if (laserOC && amperageOC) { throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to calculate overclock with both laser and amperage overclocking"); } double heatDiscountMultiplier = calculateHeatDiscountMultiplier(); if (heatOC) { heatOverclockCount = calculateAmountOfHeatOverclocks(); } double recipePowerTier = calculateRecipePowerTier(heatDiscountMultiplier); double machinePowerTier = calculateMachinePowerTier(); overclockCount = calculateAmountOfNeededOverclocks(machinePowerTier, recipePowerTier); if (recipeVoltage <= GT_Values.V[0]) { overclockCount = Math.min(overclockCount, calculateRecipeToMachineVoltageDifference()); } if (overclockCount < 0) { recipeVoltage = Long.MAX_VALUE; duration = Integer.MAX_VALUE; return; } overclockCount = limitOverclocks ? Math.min(maxOverclocks, overclockCount) : overclockCount; heatOverclockCount = Math.min(heatOverclockCount, overclockCount); recipeVoltage <<= eutIncreasePerOC * overclockCount; duration >>= durationDecreasePerOC * (overclockCount - heatOverclockCount); duration >>= durationDecreasePerHeatOC * heatOverclockCount; if (oneTickDiscount) { recipeVoltage >>= durationDecreasePerOC * ((int) (machinePowerTier - recipePowerTier - overclockCount)); if (recipeVoltage < 1) { recipeVoltage = 1; } } if (laserOC) { calculateLaserOC(); } if (duration < 1) { duration = 1; } recipeVoltage = calculateFinalRecipeEUt(heatDiscountMultiplier); } private double calculateRecipePowerTier(double heatDiscountMultiplier) { return calculatePowerTier(recipeVoltage * parallel * eutDiscount * heatDiscountMultiplier * recipeAmperage); } private double calculateMachinePowerTier() { return calculatePowerTier( machineVoltage * (amperageOC ? machineAmperage : Math.min(machineAmperage, parallel))); } private int calculateRecipeToMachineVoltageDifference() { return (int) (Math.ceil(calculatePowerTier(machineVoltage)) - Math.ceil(calculatePowerTier(recipeVoltage))); } private double calculatePowerTier(double voltage) { return 1 + Math.max(0, (Math.log(voltage) / LOG2) - 5) / 2; } private long calculateFinalRecipeEUt(double heatDiscountMultiplier) { return (long) Math.ceil(recipeVoltage * eutDiscount * heatDiscountMultiplier * parallel * recipeAmperage); } private int calculateAmountOfHeatOverclocks() { return Math.min( (machineHeat - recipeHeat) / HEAT_PERFECT_OVERCLOCK_THRESHOLD, calculateAmountOfOverclocks( calculateMachinePowerTier(), calculateRecipePowerTier(calculateHeatDiscountMultiplier()))); } /** * Calculate maximum possible overclocks ignoring if we are going to go under 1 tick */ private int calculateAmountOfOverclocks(double machinePowerTier, double recipePowerTier) { return (int) (machinePowerTier - recipePowerTier); } /** * Calculates the amount of overclocks needed to reach 1 ticking * * Here we limit "the tier difference overclock" amount to a number * of overclocks needed to reach 1 tick duration, for example: * * recipe initial duration = 250 ticks (12,5 seconds LV(1)) * we have LCR with IV(5) energy hatch, which overclocks at 4/4 rate * * log_4 (250) ~ 3,98 is the number of overclocks needed to reach 1 tick * * to calculate log_a(b) we can use the log property: * log_a(b) = log_c(b) / log_c(a) * in our case we use natural log base as 'c' * * as a final step we apply Math.ceil(), * otherwise for fractional nums like 3,98 we will never reach 1 tick */ private int calculateAmountOfNeededOverclocks(double machinePowerTier, double recipePowerTier) { return (int) Math.min( calculateAmountOfOverclocks(machinePowerTier, recipePowerTier), Math.ceil(Math.log(duration) / Math.log(1 << durationDecreasePerOC))); } private double calculateHeatDiscountMultiplier() { int heatDiscounts = heatDiscount ? (machineHeat - recipeHeat) / HEAT_DISCOUNT_THRESHOLD : 0; return Math.pow(heatDiscountExponent, heatDiscounts); } private void calculateLaserOC() { long inputEut = machineVoltage * machineAmperage; double currentPenalty = (1 << eutIncreasePerOC) + laserOCPenalty; while (inputEut > recipeVoltage * currentPenalty && recipeVoltage * currentPenalty > 0 && duration > 1) { duration >>= durationDecreasePerOC; recipeVoltage *= currentPenalty; currentPenalty += laserOCPenalty; } } /** * @return The consumption after overclock has been calculated */ public long getConsumption() { if (!calculated) { throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to get consumption before calculating"); } return recipeVoltage; } /** * @return The duration of the recipe after overclock has been calculated */ public int getDuration() { if (!calculated) { throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to get duration before calculating"); } return duration; } /** * @return Number of performed overclocks */ public int getPerformedOverclocks() { if (!calculated) { throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to get performed overclocks before calculating"); } return overclockCount; } /** * Returns duration as a double to show how much it is overclocking too much to determine extra parallel. * This doesn't count as calculating */ public double calculateDurationUnderOneTick() { if (durationUnderOneTickSupplier != null) return durationUnderOneTickSupplier.get(); if (noOverclock) return duration; int normalOverclocks = calculateAmountOfOverclocks( calculateMachinePowerTier(), calculateRecipePowerTier(calculateHeatDiscountMultiplier())); normalOverclocks = limitOverclocks ? Math.min(normalOverclocks, maxOverclocks) : normalOverclocks; int heatOverclocks = Math.min(calculateAmountOfHeatOverclocks(), normalOverclocks); return (duration * speedBoost) / (Math.pow(1 << durationDecreasePerOC, normalOverclocks - heatOverclocks) * Math.pow(1 << durationDecreasePerHeatOC, heatOverclocks)); } /** * Returns the EUt consumption one would get from overclocking under 1 tick * This Doesn't count as calculating * * @param originalMaxParallel Parallels which are of the actual machine before the overclocking extra ones */ public long calculateEUtConsumptionUnderOneTick(int originalMaxParallel, int currentParallel) { if (noOverclock) return recipeVoltage; double heatDiscountMultiplier = calculateHeatDiscountMultiplier(); // So what we need to do here is as follows: // - First we need to figure out what out parallel multiplier for getting to that OC was // - Second we need to find how many of those were from heat overclocks // - Third we need to find how many were from normal overclocking. // = For that we need to find how much better heat overclocks are compared to normal ones // = Then remove that many from our normal overclocks // - Fourth we find how many total overclocks we have // - Fifth we find how many of those are needed to one tick // - Finally we calculate the formula // = The energy increase from our overclocks for parallel // = The energy increase from our overclock to reach maximum under one tick potential // =- NOTE: This will always cause machine to use full power no matter what. Otherwise it creates many // anomalies. // = Everything else for recipe voltage is also calculated here. double parallelMultiplierFromOverclocks = (double) currentParallel / originalMaxParallel; double amountOfParallelHeatOverclocks = Math.min( Math.log(parallelMultiplierFromOverclocks) / Math.log(1 << durationDecreasePerHeatOC), calculateAmountOfHeatOverclocks()); double amountOfParallelOverclocks = Math.log(parallelMultiplierFromOverclocks) / Math.log(1 << durationDecreasePerOC) - amountOfParallelHeatOverclocks * (1 << durationDecreasePerHeatOC - durationDecreasePerOC); double machineTier = calculateMachinePowerTier(); double recipeTier = calculateRecipePowerTier(heatDiscountMultiplier); double amountOfTotalOverclocks = calculateAmountOfOverclocks(machineTier, recipeTier); if (recipeVoltage <= GT_Values.V[0]) { amountOfTotalOverclocks = Math.min(amountOfTotalOverclocks, calculateRecipeToMachineVoltageDifference()); } return (long) Math.ceil( recipeVoltage * Math.pow(1 << eutIncreasePerOC, amountOfParallelOverclocks + amountOfParallelHeatOverclocks) * Math.pow( 1 << eutIncreasePerOC, amountOfTotalOverclocks - (amountOfParallelOverclocks + amountOfParallelHeatOverclocks)) * originalMaxParallel * eutDiscount * recipeAmperage * heatDiscountMultiplier); } }