package gregtech.api.util; import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.D2; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader; import cpw.mods.fml.common.ModContainer; import gregtech.GT_Mod; import gregtech.api.GregTech_API; import gregtech.api.enums.ItemList; import gregtech.api.enums.Materials; import gregtech.api.logic.FluidInventoryLogic; import gregtech.api.logic.ItemInventoryLogic; import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack; import gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeCategory; import gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMap; import gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMaps; import gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMetadataKey; import gregtech.api.recipe.metadata.EmptyRecipeMetadataStorage; import gregtech.api.recipe.metadata.IRecipeMetadataStorage; import gregtech.api.util.extensions.ArrayExt; import gregtech.api.util.item.ItemHolder; import ic2.core.Ic2Items; public class GT_Recipe implements Comparable { /** * If you want to change the Output, feel free to modify or even replace the whole ItemStack Array, for Inputs, * please add a new Recipe, because of the HashMaps. */ public ItemStack[] mInputs, mOutputs; /** * If you want to change the Output, feel free to modify or even replace the whole ItemStack Array, for Inputs, * please add a new Recipe, because of the HashMaps. */ public FluidStack[] mFluidInputs, mFluidOutputs; /** * If you changed the amount of Array-Items inside the Output Array then the length of this Array must be larger or * equal to the Output Array. A chance of 10000 equals 100% */ public int[] mChances; /** * An Item that needs to be inside the Special Slot, like for example the Copy Slot inside the Printer. This is only * useful for Fake Recipes in NEI, since findRecipe() and containsInput() don't give a shit about this Field. Lists * are also possible. */ public Object mSpecialItems; public int mDuration, mEUt, mSpecialValue; /** * Use this to just disable a specific Recipe, but the Configuration enables that already for every single Recipe. */ public boolean mEnabled = true; /** * If this Recipe is hidden from NEI */ public boolean mHidden = false; /** * If this Recipe is Fake and therefore doesn't get found by the findRecipe Function (It is still in the HashMaps, * so that containsInput does return T on those fake Inputs) */ public boolean mFakeRecipe = false; /** * If this Recipe can be stored inside a Machine in order to make Recipe searching more Efficient by trying the * previously used Recipe first. In case you have a Recipe Map overriding things and returning one time use Recipes, * you have to set this to F. */ public boolean mCanBeBuffered = true; /** * If this Recipe needs the Output Slots to be completely empty. Needed in case you have randomised Outputs */ public boolean mNeedsEmptyOutput = false; /** * If this is set to true, NBT equality is required for recipe check. */ public boolean isNBTSensitive = false; /** * Used for describing recipes that do not fit the default recipe pattern (for example Large Boiler Fuels) */ private String[] neiDesc = null; /** * Holds a set of metadata for this recipe. */ @Nonnull private final IRecipeMetadataStorage metadataStorage; /** * Category this recipe belongs to. Recipes belonging to recipemap are forced to have non-null category when added, * otherwise it can be null. */ private RecipeCategory recipeCategory; /** * Stores which mod added this recipe */ public List owners = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Stores stack traces where this recipe was added */ // BW wants to overwrite it, so no final public List> stackTraces = new ArrayList<>(); private GT_Recipe(GT_Recipe aRecipe, boolean shallow) { mInputs = shallow ? aRecipe.mInputs : GT_Utility.copyItemArray(aRecipe.mInputs); mOutputs = shallow ? aRecipe.mOutputs : GT_Utility.copyItemArray(aRecipe.mOutputs); mSpecialItems = aRecipe.mSpecialItems; mChances = aRecipe.mChances; mFluidInputs = shallow ? aRecipe.mFluidInputs : GT_Utility.copyFluidArray(aRecipe.mFluidInputs); mFluidOutputs = shallow ? aRecipe.mFluidOutputs : GT_Utility.copyFluidArray(aRecipe.mFluidOutputs); mDuration = aRecipe.mDuration; mSpecialValue = aRecipe.mSpecialValue; mEUt = aRecipe.mEUt; mNeedsEmptyOutput = aRecipe.mNeedsEmptyOutput; isNBTSensitive = aRecipe.isNBTSensitive; mCanBeBuffered = aRecipe.mCanBeBuffered; mFakeRecipe = aRecipe.mFakeRecipe; mEnabled = aRecipe.mEnabled; mHidden = aRecipe.mHidden; metadataStorage = EmptyRecipeMetadataStorage.INSTANCE; owners = new ArrayList<>(aRecipe.owners); reloadOwner(); } /** * Only for {@link GT_RecipeBuilder}. */ GT_Recipe(ItemStack[] mInputs, ItemStack[] mOutputs, FluidStack[] mFluidInputs, FluidStack[] mFluidOutputs, int[] mChances, Object mSpecialItems, int mDuration, int mEUt, int mSpecialValue, boolean mEnabled, boolean mHidden, boolean mFakeRecipe, boolean mCanBeBuffered, boolean mNeedsEmptyOutput, boolean nbtSensitive, String[] neiDesc, @Nullable IRecipeMetadataStorage metadataStorage, RecipeCategory recipeCategory) { this.mInputs = mInputs; this.mOutputs = mOutputs; this.mFluidInputs = mFluidInputs; this.mFluidOutputs = mFluidOutputs; this.mChances = mChances; this.mSpecialItems = mSpecialItems; this.mDuration = mDuration; this.mEUt = mEUt; this.mSpecialValue = mSpecialValue; this.mEnabled = mEnabled; this.mHidden = mHidden; this.mFakeRecipe = mFakeRecipe; this.mCanBeBuffered = mCanBeBuffered; this.mNeedsEmptyOutput = mNeedsEmptyOutput; this.isNBTSensitive = nbtSensitive; this.neiDesc = neiDesc; this.metadataStorage = metadataStorage == null ? EmptyRecipeMetadataStorage.INSTANCE : metadataStorage.copy(); this.recipeCategory = recipeCategory; reloadOwner(); } public GT_Recipe(boolean aOptimize, ItemStack[] aInputs, ItemStack[] aOutputs, Object aSpecialItems, int[] aChances, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, FluidStack[] aFluidOutputs, int aDuration, int aEUt, int aSpecialValue) { if (aInputs == null) aInputs = new ItemStack[0]; if (aOutputs == null) aOutputs = new ItemStack[0]; if (aFluidInputs == null) aFluidInputs = new FluidStack[0]; if (aFluidOutputs == null) aFluidOutputs = new FluidStack[0]; if (aChances == null) aChances = new int[aOutputs.length]; if (aChances.length < aOutputs.length) aChances = Arrays.copyOf(aChances, aOutputs.length); aInputs = ArrayExt.withoutTrailingNulls(aInputs, ItemStack[]::new); aOutputs = ArrayExt.withoutTrailingNulls(aOutputs, ItemStack[]::new); aFluidInputs = ArrayExt.withoutNulls(aFluidInputs, FluidStack[]::new); aFluidOutputs = ArrayExt.withoutNulls(aFluidOutputs, FluidStack[]::new); GT_OreDictUnificator.setStackArray(true, aInputs); GT_OreDictUnificator.setStackArray(true, aOutputs); for (ItemStack tStack : aOutputs) GT_Utility.updateItemStack(tStack); for (int i = 0; i < aChances.length; i++) if (aChances[i] <= 0) aChances[i] = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < aFluidInputs.length; i++) aFluidInputs[i] = aFluidInputs[i].copy(); for (int i = 0; i < aFluidOutputs.length; i++) aFluidOutputs[i] = aFluidOutputs[i].copy(); if (aOptimize && aDuration >= 32) { ArrayList tList = new ArrayList<>(); tList.addAll(Arrays.asList(aInputs)); tList.addAll(Arrays.asList(aOutputs)); for (int i = 0; i < tList.size(); i++) if (tList.get(i) == null) tList.remove(i--); for (byte i = (byte) Math.min(64, aDuration / 16); i > 1; i--) if (aDuration / i >= 16) { boolean temp = true; for (ItemStack stack : tList) if (stack.stackSize % i != 0) { temp = false; break; } if (temp) for (FluidStack aFluidInput : aFluidInputs) if (aFluidInput.amount % i != 0) { temp = false; break; } if (temp) for (FluidStack aFluidOutput : aFluidOutputs) if (aFluidOutput.amount % i != 0) { temp = false; break; } if (temp) { for (ItemStack itemStack : tList) itemStack.stackSize /= i; for (FluidStack aFluidInput : aFluidInputs) aFluidInput.amount /= i; for (FluidStack aFluidOutput : aFluidOutputs) aFluidOutput.amount /= i; aDuration /= i; } } } mInputs = aInputs; mOutputs = aOutputs; mSpecialItems = aSpecialItems; mChances = aChances; mFluidInputs = aFluidInputs; mFluidOutputs = aFluidOutputs; mDuration = aDuration; mSpecialValue = aSpecialValue; mEUt = aEUt; metadataStorage = EmptyRecipeMetadataStorage.INSTANCE; // checkCellBalance(); reloadOwner(); } // aSpecialValue = EU per Liter! If there is no Liquid for this Object, then it gets multiplied with 1000! public GT_Recipe(ItemStack aInput1, ItemStack aOutput1, ItemStack aOutput2, ItemStack aOutput3, ItemStack aOutput4, int aSpecialValue, int aType) { this( true, new ItemStack[] { aInput1 }, new ItemStack[] { aOutput1, aOutput2, aOutput3, aOutput4 }, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, Math.max(1, aSpecialValue)); if (mInputs.length > 0 && aSpecialValue > 0) { switch (aType) { // Diesel Generator case 0 -> { RecipeMaps.dieselFuels.addRecipe(this); RecipeMaps.largeBoilerFakeFuels.getBackend() .addDieselRecipe(this); } // Gas Turbine case 1 -> RecipeMaps.gasTurbineFuels.addRecipe(this); // Thermal Generator case 2 -> RecipeMaps.hotFuels.addRecipe(this); // Plasma Generator case 4 -> RecipeMaps.plasmaFuels.addRecipe(this); // Magic Generator case 5 -> RecipeMaps.magicFuels.addRecipe(this); // Fluid Generator. Usually 3. Every wrong Type ends up in the Semifluid Generator default -> { RecipeMaps.denseLiquidFuels.addRecipe(this); RecipeMaps.largeBoilerFakeFuels.getBackend() .addDenseLiquidRecipe(this); } } } } // Dummy GT_Recipe maker... public GT_Recipe(ItemStack[] aInputs, ItemStack[] aOutputs, Object aSpecialItems, int[] aChances, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, FluidStack[] aFluidOutputs, int aDuration, int aEUt, int aSpecialValue) { this( true, aInputs, aOutputs, aSpecialItems, aChances, aFluidInputs, aFluidOutputs, aDuration, aEUt, aSpecialValue); } /** * Re-unificates all the items present in recipes. */ public static void reInit() { GT_Log.out.println("GT_Mod: Re-Unificating Recipes."); for (RecipeMap map : RecipeMap.ALL_RECIPE_MAPS.values()) { map.getBackend() .reInit(); } } public ItemStack getRepresentativeInput(int aIndex) { if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= mInputs.length) return null; return GT_Utility.copyOrNull(mInputs[aIndex]); } public ItemStack getOutput(int aIndex) { if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= mOutputs.length) return null; return GT_Utility.copyOrNull(mOutputs[aIndex]); } /** * Dictates the ItemStacks displayed in the output slots of any NEI page handled by the default GT NEI handler. * Override to make shown items differ from a GT_Recipe's item output array * * @see gregtech.nei.GT_NEI_DefaultHandler * @param i Slot index * @return ItemStack to be displayed in the slot */ public ItemStack getRepresentativeOutput(int i) { return getOutput(i); } public int getOutputChance(int aIndex) { if (mChances == null) return 10000; if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= mChances.length) return 10000; return mChances[aIndex]; } public FluidStack getRepresentativeFluidInput(int aIndex) { if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= mFluidInputs.length || mFluidInputs[aIndex] == null) return null; return mFluidInputs[aIndex].copy(); } public FluidStack getFluidOutput(int aIndex) { if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= mFluidOutputs.length || mFluidOutputs[aIndex] == null) return null; return mFluidOutputs[aIndex].copy(); } public void checkCellBalance() { if (!D2 || mInputs.length < 1) return; int tInputAmount = GT_ModHandler.getCapsuleCellContainerCountMultipliedWithStackSize(mInputs); int tOutputAmount = GT_ModHandler.getCapsuleCellContainerCountMultipliedWithStackSize(mOutputs); if (tInputAmount < tOutputAmount) { if (!Materials.Tin.contains(mInputs)) { GT_Log.err.println("You get more Cells, than you put in? There must be something wrong."); new Exception().printStackTrace(GT_Log.err); } } else if (tInputAmount > tOutputAmount) { if (!Materials.Tin.contains(mOutputs)) { GT_Log.err.println("You get less Cells, than you put in? GT Machines usually don't destroy Cells."); new Exception().printStackTrace(GT_Log.err); } } } public GT_Recipe copy() { return new GT_Recipe(this, false); } public GT_Recipe copyShallow() { return new GT_Recipe(this, true); } public boolean isRecipeInputEqual(boolean aDecreaseStacksizeBySuccess, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, ItemStack... aInputs) { return isRecipeInputEqual(aDecreaseStacksizeBySuccess, false, 1, aFluidInputs, aInputs); } // For non-multiplied recipe amount values public boolean isRecipeInputEqual(boolean aDecreaseStacksizeBySuccess, boolean aDontCheckStackSizes, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, ItemStack... aInputs) { return isRecipeInputEqual(aDecreaseStacksizeBySuccess, aDontCheckStackSizes, 1, aFluidInputs, aInputs); } /** * Okay, did some code archeology to figure out what's going on here. * *

* This variable was added in this * commit, in order to fix the issues mentioned in the PR. * *

* It looks like it controls checking NBT. At this point, since we are still using universal fluid cells which store * their fluids in NBT, it probably will not be safe to disable the NBT checks in the near future. Data sticks may * be another case. Anyway, we probably can't get rid of this without some significant changes to clean up recipe * inputs. */ public static boolean GTppRecipeHelper; /** * WARNING: Do not call this method with both {@code aDecreaseStacksizeBySuccess} and {@code aDontCheckStackSizes} * set to {@code true}! You'll get weird behavior. */ public boolean isRecipeInputEqual(boolean aDecreaseStacksizeBySuccess, boolean aDontCheckStackSizes, int amountMultiplier, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, ItemStack... aInputs) { double maxParallel = maxParallelCalculatedByInputs(amountMultiplier, aFluidInputs, aInputs); if (aDontCheckStackSizes) { return maxParallel > 0; } else if (maxParallel >= amountMultiplier) { if (aDecreaseStacksizeBySuccess) { consumeInput(amountMultiplier, aFluidInputs, aInputs); } return true; } return false; } /** * WARNING: Ensure that item inputs and fluid inputs are enough to be consumed with * {@link #maxParallelCalculatedByInputs} before calling this method! */ public void consumeInput(int amountMultiplier, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, ItemStack... aInputs) { if (amountMultiplier <= 0) return; long remainingCost; if (aFluidInputs != null) { for (FluidStack recipeFluidCost : mFluidInputs) { if (recipeFluidCost != null) { remainingCost = (long) recipeFluidCost.amount * amountMultiplier; for (FluidStack providedFluid : aFluidInputs) { if (providedFluid != null && providedFluid.isFluidEqual(recipeFluidCost)) { if (providedFluid.amount >= remainingCost) { providedFluid.amount -= remainingCost; break; } else { remainingCost -= providedFluid.amount; providedFluid.amount = 0; } } } } } } if (aInputs != null) { for (ItemStack recipeItemCost : mInputs) { ItemStack unifiedItemCost = GT_OreDictUnificator.get_nocopy(true, recipeItemCost); if (unifiedItemCost != null) { remainingCost = (long) recipeItemCost.stackSize * amountMultiplier; for (ItemStack providedItem : aInputs) { if (isNBTSensitive && !GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(providedItem, unifiedItemCost, false)) { continue; } else if (!isNBTSensitive && !GT_OreDictUnificator.isInputStackEqual(providedItem, unifiedItemCost)) { continue; } if (GTppRecipeHelper) { // Please see JavaDoc on GTppRecipeHelper for why this is here. if (GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(providedItem, Ic2Items.FluidCell.copy(), true) || GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(providedItem, ItemList.Tool_DataStick.get(1L), true) || GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(providedItem, ItemList.Tool_DataOrb.get(1L), true)) { if (!GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(providedItem, recipeItemCost, false)) continue; } } if (providedItem.stackSize >= remainingCost) { providedItem.stackSize -= remainingCost; break; } else { remainingCost -= providedItem.stackSize; providedItem.stackSize = 0; } } } } } } /** * Returns the number of parallel recipes, or 0 if recipe is not satisfied at all. 0 < number < 1 means that inputs * are found but not enough. Refer to SingleRecipeCheck#checkRecipeInputs. */ public double maxParallelCalculatedByInputs(int maxParallel, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, ItemStack... aInputs) { if (mInputs.length > 0 && aInputs == null) return 0; if (mFluidInputs.length > 0 && aFluidInputs == null) return 0; double currentParallel = maxParallel; if (aFluidInputs != null) { // Create map for fluid -> stored amount Map fluidMap = new HashMap<>(); Map fluidCost = new HashMap<>(); for (FluidStack fluidStack : aFluidInputs) { if (fluidStack == null) continue; fluidMap.merge(fluidStack.getFluid(), (long) fluidStack.amount, Long::sum); } for (FluidStack fluidStack : mFluidInputs) { if (fluidStack == null) continue; fluidCost.merge(fluidStack.getFluid(), (long) fluidStack.amount, Long::sum); } // Check how many parallels can it perform for each fluid for (Map.Entry costEntry : fluidCost.entrySet()) { if (costEntry.getValue() > 0) { currentParallel = Math.min( currentParallel, (double) fluidMap.getOrDefault(costEntry.getKey(), 0L) / costEntry.getValue()); } if (currentParallel <= 0) { return 0; } } } double remainingCost; long providedAmount; if (aInputs != null) { nextRecipeItemCost: for (ItemStack recipeItemCost : mInputs) { ItemStack unifiedItemCost = GT_OreDictUnificator.get_nocopy(true, recipeItemCost); if (unifiedItemCost != null) { remainingCost = recipeItemCost.stackSize * currentParallel; providedAmount = 0; for (ItemStack providedItem : aInputs) { if (isNBTSensitive && !GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(providedItem, unifiedItemCost, false)) { continue; } else if (!isNBTSensitive && !GT_OreDictUnificator.isInputStackEqual(providedItem, unifiedItemCost)) { continue; } if (GTppRecipeHelper) { // Please see JavaDoc on GTppRecipeHelper for why this is here. if (GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(providedItem, Ic2Items.FluidCell.copy(), true) || GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(providedItem, ItemList.Tool_DataStick.get(1L), true) || GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(providedItem, ItemList.Tool_DataOrb.get(1L), true)) { if (!GT_Utility.areStacksEqual(providedItem, recipeItemCost, false)) continue; } } // for non-consumed input if (recipeItemCost.stackSize == 0) continue nextRecipeItemCost; providedAmount += providedItem.stackSize; if (providedAmount >= remainingCost) continue nextRecipeItemCost; } if (providedAmount == 0) return 0; currentParallel = Math.min(currentParallel, (double) providedAmount / recipeItemCost.stackSize); } } } return currentParallel; } public boolean isRecipePossible(@Nullable ItemInventoryLogic itemInput, @Nullable FluidInventoryLogic fluidInput) { return getAmountOfRecipesDone(itemInput, fluidInput, 1, true) > 0; } public long getAmountOfRecipesDone(@Nullable ItemInventoryLogic itemInput, @Nullable FluidInventoryLogic fluidInput, long maxParallel, boolean simulate) { if (itemInput == null) { itemInput = new ItemInventoryLogic(0); } if (fluidInput == null) { fluidInput = new FluidInventoryLogic(0, 0); } itemInput.startRecipeCheck(); Map recipeItems = getItemInputsAsItemMap(); for (Entry entry : recipeItems.entrySet()) { maxParallel = Math .min(maxParallel, itemInput.calculateAmountOfTimesItemCanBeTaken(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } for (FluidStack fluid : mFluidInputs) { if (fluid == null) continue; maxParallel = Math .min(maxParallel, fluidInput.calculateAmountOfTimesFluidCanBeTaken(fluid.getFluid(), fluid.amount)); } if (simulate) { itemInput.stopRecipeCheck(); return maxParallel; } for (Entry entry : recipeItems.entrySet()) { itemInput.subtractItemAmount(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() * maxParallel, false); } for (FluidStack fluid : mFluidInputs) { if (fluid == null) continue; fluidInput.drain(fluid.getFluid(), fluid.amount * maxParallel, false); } itemInput.stopRecipeCheck(); return maxParallel; } private Map getItemInputsAsItemMap() { Map items = new HashMap<>(); for (ItemStack item : mInputs) { if (item == null) continue; ItemHolder itemHolder = new ItemHolder(item); items.put(itemHolder, items.getOrDefault(itemHolder, 0L) + item.stackSize); } return items; } @Override public int compareTo(GT_Recipe recipe) { // first lowest tier recipes // then fastest // then with lowest special value // then dry recipes // then with fewer inputs if (this.mEUt != recipe.mEUt) { return this.mEUt - recipe.mEUt; } else if (this.mDuration != recipe.mDuration) { return this.mDuration - recipe.mDuration; } else if (this.mSpecialValue != recipe.mSpecialValue) { return this.mSpecialValue - recipe.mSpecialValue; } else if (this.mFluidInputs.length != recipe.mFluidInputs.length) { return this.mFluidInputs.length - recipe.mFluidInputs.length; } else if (this.mInputs.length != recipe.mInputs.length) { return this.mInputs.length - recipe.mInputs.length; } return 0; } public String[] getNeiDesc() { return neiDesc; } /** * Sets description shown on NEI.
* If you have a large number of recipes for the recipemap, this is not efficient memory wise, so use * {@link gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMapBuilder#neiSpecialInfoFormatter} instead. */ public void setNeiDesc(String... neiDesc) { this.neiDesc = neiDesc; } // region metadata // Don't try implementing setMetadata, as metadataStorage can be EmptyRecipeMetadataStorage /** * Gets metadata associated with this recipe. Can return null. Use * {@link #getMetadataOrDefault(RecipeMetadataKey, Object)} * if you want to specify default value. */ @Nullable public T getMetadata(RecipeMetadataKey key) { return key.cast(metadataStorage.getMetadata(key)); } /** * Gets metadata associated with this recipe with default value. Does not return null unless default value is null. */ @Contract("_, !null -> !null") @Nullable public T getMetadataOrDefault(RecipeMetadataKey key, @Nullable T defaultValue) { return key.cast(metadataStorage.getMetadataOrDefault(key, defaultValue)); } @Nonnull public IRecipeMetadataStorage getMetadataStorage() { return metadataStorage; } // endregion public RecipeCategory getRecipeCategory() { return recipeCategory; } /** * Exists only for recipe copying from external. For ordinal use case, use {@link GT_RecipeBuilder#recipeCategory}. */ public void setRecipeCategory(RecipeCategory recipeCategory) { this.recipeCategory = recipeCategory; } private static final List excludedStacktraces = Arrays.asList( "java.lang.Thread", "gregtech.api.interfaces.IRecipeMap", "gregtech.api.interfaces.IRecipeMap$1", "gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMap", "gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMapBackend", "gregtech.api.recipe.RecipeMapBackendPropertiesBuilder", "gregtech.api.util.GT_Recipe", "gregtech.api.util.GT_RecipeBuilder", "gregtech.api.util.GT_RecipeConstants", "gregtech.api.util.GT_RecipeMapUtil", "gregtech.common.GT_RecipeAdder"); public void reloadOwner() { setOwner( Loader.instance() .activeModContainer()); if (GT_Mod.gregtechproxy.mNEIRecipeOwnerStackTrace) { List toAdd = new ArrayList<>(); for (StackTraceElement stackTrace : Thread.currentThread() .getStackTrace()) { if ( .noneMatch( c -> stackTrace.getClassName() .equals(c))) { toAdd.add(formatStackTrace(stackTrace)); } } stackTraces.add(toAdd); } } private static String formatStackTrace(StackTraceElement stackTraceElement) { String raw = stackTraceElement.toString(); int startParen = raw.lastIndexOf('('); int colon = raw.lastIndexOf(':'); if (colon == -1) { // native or unknown source return raw; } // strip class name and leave line number, as class name is already shown return raw.substring(0, startParen + 1) + raw.substring(colon); } public void setOwner(ModContainer newOwner) { ModContainer oldOwner = !owners.isEmpty() ? this.owners.get(owners.size() - 1) : null; if (newOwner != null && newOwner != oldOwner) { owners.add(newOwner); } } /** * Use in case {@link Loader#activeModContainer()} isn't helpful */ public void setOwner(String modId) { for (ModContainer mod : Loader.instance() .getModList()) { if (mod.getModId() .equals(modId)) { setOwner(mod); return; } } } public GT_Recipe setInputs(ItemStack... aInputs) { // TODO determine if we need this without trailing nulls call this.mInputs = ArrayExt.withoutTrailingNulls(aInputs, ItemStack[]::new); return this; } public GT_Recipe setOutputs(ItemStack... aOutputs) { this.mOutputs = ArrayExt.withoutTrailingNulls(aOutputs, ItemStack[]::new); return this; } public GT_Recipe setFluidInputs(FluidStack... aInputs) { this.mFluidInputs = ArrayExt.withoutTrailingNulls(aInputs, FluidStack[]::new); return this; } public GT_Recipe setFluidOutputs(FluidStack... aOutputs) { this.mFluidOutputs = ArrayExt.withoutTrailingNulls(aOutputs, FluidStack[]::new); return this; } public GT_Recipe setDuration(int aDuration) { this.mDuration = aDuration; return this; } public GT_Recipe setEUt(int aEUt) { this.mEUt = aEUt; return this; } public static class GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine { public static final ArrayList sAssemblylineRecipes = new ArrayList<>(); static { if (!Boolean.getBoolean("com.gtnh.gt5u.ignore-invalid-assline-recipe")) GregTech_API.sFirstWorldTick.add(GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine::checkInvalidRecipes); else GT_Log.out.println("NOT CHECKING INVALID ASSLINE RECIPE."); } private static void checkInvalidRecipes() { int invalidCount = 0; GT_Log.out.println("Started assline validation"); for (GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine recipe : sAssemblylineRecipes) { if (recipe.getPersistentHash() == 0) { invalidCount++; GT_Log.err.printf("Invalid recipe: %s%n", recipe); } } if (invalidCount > 0) throw new RuntimeException( "There are " + invalidCount + " invalid assembly line recipe(s)! Check GregTech.log for details!"); } public ItemStack mResearchItem; public int mResearchTime; public ItemStack[] mInputs; public FluidStack[] mFluidInputs; public ItemStack mOutput; public int mDuration; public int mEUt; public ItemStack[][] mOreDictAlt; private int mPersistentHash; /** * THIS CONSTRUCTOR DOES SET THE PERSISTENT HASH. *

* if you set one yourself, it will give you one of the RunetimeExceptions! */ public GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine(ItemStack aResearchItem, int aResearchTime, ItemStack[] aInputs, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, ItemStack aOutput, int aDuration, int aEUt) { this( aResearchItem, aResearchTime, aInputs, aFluidInputs, aOutput, aDuration, aEUt, new ItemStack[aInputs.length][]); int tPersistentHash = 1; for (ItemStack tInput : aInputs) tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + GT_Utility.persistentHash(tInput, true, false); tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + GT_Utility.persistentHash(aResearchItem, true, false); tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + GT_Utility.persistentHash(aOutput, true, false); for (FluidStack tFluidInput : aFluidInputs) tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + GT_Utility.persistentHash(tFluidInput, true, false); tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + aResearchTime; tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + aDuration; tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + aEUt; setPersistentHash(tPersistentHash); } /** * THIS CONSTRUCTOR DOES NOT SET THE PERSISTENT HASH. *

* if you don't set one yourself, it will break a lot of stuff! */ public GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine(ItemStack aResearchItem, int aResearchTime, ItemStack[] aInputs, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, ItemStack aOutput, int aDuration, int aEUt, ItemStack[][] aAlt) { mResearchItem = aResearchItem; mResearchTime = aResearchTime; mInputs = aInputs; mFluidInputs = aFluidInputs; mOutput = aOutput; mDuration = aDuration; mEUt = aEUt; mOreDictAlt = aAlt; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; GT_ItemStack[] thisInputs = new GT_ItemStack[this.mInputs.length]; int totalInputStackSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.mInputs.length; i++) { thisInputs[i] = new GT_ItemStack(this.mInputs[i]); totalInputStackSize += thisInputs[i].mStackSize; } int inputHash = Arrays.deepHashCode(thisInputs); int inputFluidHash = Arrays.deepHashCode(this.mFluidInputs); GT_ItemStack thisOutput = new GT_ItemStack(mOutput); GT_ItemStack thisResearch = new GT_ItemStack(mResearchItem); int miscRecipeDataHash = Arrays.deepHashCode( new Object[] { totalInputStackSize, mDuration, mEUt, thisOutput, thisResearch, mResearchTime }); result = prime * result + inputFluidHash; result = prime * result + inputHash; result = prime * result + miscRecipeDataHash; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine other)) { return false; } if (this.mInputs.length != other.mInputs.length) { return false; } if (this.mFluidInputs.length != other.mFluidInputs.length) { return false; } // Check Outputs Match GT_ItemStack output1 = new GT_ItemStack(this.mOutput); GT_ItemStack output2 = new GT_ItemStack(other.mOutput); if (!output1.equals(output2)) { return false; } // Check Scanned Item Match GT_ItemStack scan1 = new GT_ItemStack(this.mResearchItem); GT_ItemStack scan2 = new GT_ItemStack(other.mResearchItem); if (!scan1.equals(scan2)) { return false; } // Check Items Match GT_ItemStack[] thisInputs = new GT_ItemStack[this.mInputs.length]; GT_ItemStack[] otherInputs = new GT_ItemStack[other.mInputs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < thisInputs.length; i++) { thisInputs[i] = new GT_ItemStack(this.mInputs[i]); otherInputs[i] = new GT_ItemStack(other.mInputs[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < thisInputs.length; i++) { if (!thisInputs[i].equals(otherInputs[i]) || thisInputs[i].mStackSize != otherInputs[i].mStackSize) { return false; } } // Check Fluids Match for (int i = 0; i < this.mFluidInputs.length; i++) { if (!this.mFluidInputs[i].isFluidStackIdentical(other.mFluidInputs[i])) { return false; } } return this.mDuration == other.mDuration && this.mEUt == other.mEUt && this.mResearchTime == other.mResearchTime; } public int getPersistentHash() { if (mPersistentHash == 0) GT_Log.err.println("Assline recipe persistent hash has not been set! Recipe: " + mOutput); return mPersistentHash; } @Override public String toString() { return "GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine{" + "mResearchItem=" + mResearchItem + ", mResearchTime=" + mResearchTime + ", mInputs=" + Arrays.toString(mInputs) + ", mFluidInputs=" + Arrays.toString(mFluidInputs) + ", mOutput=" + mOutput + ", mDuration=" + mDuration + ", mEUt=" + mEUt + ", mOreDictAlt=" + Arrays.toString(mOreDictAlt) + '}'; } /** * @param aPersistentHash the persistent hash. it should reflect the exact input used to generate this recipe If * 0 is passed in, the actual persistent hash will be automatically remapped to 1 * instead. * @throws IllegalStateException if the persistent hash has been set already */ public void setPersistentHash(int aPersistentHash) { if (this.mPersistentHash != 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set persistent hash twice!"); if (aPersistentHash == 0) this.mPersistentHash = 1; else this.mPersistentHash = aPersistentHash; } } public static class GT_Recipe_WithAlt extends GT_Recipe { public ItemStack[][] mOreDictAlt; /** * Only for {@link GT_RecipeBuilder}. */ GT_Recipe_WithAlt(ItemStack[] mInputs, ItemStack[] mOutputs, FluidStack[] mFluidInputs, FluidStack[] mFluidOutputs, int[] mChances, Object mSpecialItems, int mDuration, int mEUt, int mSpecialValue, boolean mEnabled, boolean mHidden, boolean mFakeRecipe, boolean mCanBeBuffered, boolean mNeedsEmptyOutput, boolean nbtSensitive, String[] neiDesc, @Nullable IRecipeMetadataStorage metadataStorage, RecipeCategory recipeCategory, ItemStack[][] mOreDictAlt) { super( mInputs, mOutputs, mFluidInputs, mFluidOutputs, mChances, mSpecialItems, mDuration, mEUt, mSpecialValue, mEnabled, mHidden, mFakeRecipe, mCanBeBuffered, mNeedsEmptyOutput, nbtSensitive, neiDesc, metadataStorage, recipeCategory); this.mOreDictAlt = mOreDictAlt; } public GT_Recipe_WithAlt(boolean aOptimize, ItemStack[] aInputs, ItemStack[] aOutputs, Object aSpecialItems, int[] aChances, FluidStack[] aFluidInputs, FluidStack[] aFluidOutputs, int aDuration, int aEUt, int aSpecialValue, ItemStack[][] aAlt) { super( aOptimize, aInputs, aOutputs, aSpecialItems, aChances, aFluidInputs, aFluidOutputs, aDuration, aEUt, aSpecialValue); mOreDictAlt = aAlt; } public Object getAltRepresentativeInput(int aIndex) { if (aIndex < 0) return null; if (aIndex < mOreDictAlt.length) { if (mOreDictAlt[aIndex] != null && mOreDictAlt[aIndex].length > 0) { ItemStack[] rStacks = new ItemStack[mOreDictAlt[aIndex].length]; for (int i = 0; i < mOreDictAlt[aIndex].length; i++) { rStacks[i] = GT_Utility.copyOrNull(mOreDictAlt[aIndex][i]); } return rStacks; } } if (aIndex >= mInputs.length) return null; return GT_Utility.copyOrNull(mInputs[aIndex]); } } }