package gregtech.api.util; import static gregtech.api.util.GT_RecipeMapUtil.convertCellToFluid; import java.util.*; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import gregtech.api.GregTech_API; import gregtech.api.enums.ItemList; import gregtech.api.enums.Materials; import gregtech.api.interfaces.IGT_RecipeMap; import gregtech.api.util.GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map; // this class is intended to be import-static-ed on every recipe script // so take care to not put unrelated stuff here! public class GT_RecipeConstants { /** * Set to true to signal the recipe require low gravity. do nothing if recipe set specialValue explicitly. Can * coexist with CLEANROOM just fine */ public static final GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier LOW_GRAVITY = GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier.create( Boolean.class, "low_gravity"); /** * Set to true to signal the recipe require cleanroom. do nothing if recipe set specialValue explicitly. Can coexist * with LOW_GRAVITY just fine */ public static final GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier CLEANROOM = GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier.create( Boolean.class, "cleanroom"); /** * Common additive to use in recipe, e.g. for PBF, this is coal amount. */ public static final GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier ADDITIVE_AMOUNT = GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier.create( Integer.class, "additives"); /** * Used for fusion reactor. Denotes ignition threshold. */ public static final GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier FUSION_THRESHOLD = GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier.create( Integer.class, "fusion_threshold"); /** * Research time in a scanner used in ticks. */ public static final GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier RESEARCH_TIME = GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier.create( Integer.class, "research_time"); /** * Fuel type. TODO should we use enum directly? */ public static final GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier FUEL_TYPE = GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier.create( Integer.class, "fuel_type"); /** * Fuel value. */ public static final GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier FUEL_VALUE = GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier.create( Integer.class, "fuel_value"); /** * Fuel value. */ public static final GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier COIL_HEAT = GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier.create( Integer.class, "coil_heat"); /** * Research item used by assline recipes. */ public static final GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier RESEARCH_ITEM = GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier.create( ItemStack.class, "research_item"); /** * For assembler. It accepts a single item as oredict. It looks like no one uses this anyway... */ public static final GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier OREDICT_INPUT = GT_RecipeBuilder.MetadataIdentifier.create( Object.class, "oredict_input"); /** * Add fusion recipes. Dispatcher between complex fusion (which accepts arbitrarily many input/outputs) and classic * fusion (2 in 1 out). */ public static final IGT_RecipeMap Fusion = IGT_RecipeMap.newRecipeMap(builder -> { if (GT_Utility.isArrayEmptyOrNull(builder.getFluidInputs()) || GT_Utility.isArrayEmptyOrNull(builder.getFluidOutputs())) return Collections.emptyList(); if (builder.getFluidInputs().length > 2 || builder.getFluidOutputs().length > 2) return GT_Recipe_Map.sComplexFusionRecipes.doAdd(builder); return GT_Recipe_Map.sFusionRecipes.doAdd(builder); }); /** * Add a arc furnace recipe. Adds to both normal arc furnace and plasma arc furnace. * Will override the fluid input with oxygen/plasma for the respective recipe maps, so there is no point setting it. */ public static final IGT_RecipeMap UniversalArcFurnace = IGT_RecipeMap.newRecipeMap(builder -> { if (!GT_Utility.isArrayOfLength(builder.getItemInputsBasic(), 1) || GT_Utility.isArrayEmptyOrNull(builder.getItemOutputs())) return Collections.emptyList(); int aDuration = builder.getDuration(); if ((aDuration = GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get("arcfurnace", builder.getItemInputBasic(0), aDuration)) <= 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } builder.duration(aDuration); Collection ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (Materials mat : new Materials[] { Materials.Argon, Materials.Nitrogen }) { int tPlasmaAmount = (int) Math.max(1L, aDuration / (mat.getMass() * 16L)); GT_RecipeBuilder b2 = builder.copy(); b2.fluidInputs(mat.getPlasma(tPlasmaAmount)) .fluidOutputs(mat.getGas(tPlasmaAmount)); ret.addAll(GT_Recipe_Map.sPlasmaArcFurnaceRecipes.doAdd(b2)); } ret.addAll( GT_Recipe_Map.sArcFurnaceRecipes.doAdd( builder.copy() .fluidInputs(Materials.Oxygen.getGas(aDuration)))); return ret; }); /** * Add a chemical reactor recipe to both LCR and singleblocks. */ public static final IGT_RecipeMap UniversalChemical = IGT_RecipeMap.newRecipeMap(builder -> { for (ItemStack input : builder.getItemInputsBasic()) { // config >= 10 -> this is a special chemical recipe that output fluid/canned fluid variant. // it doesn't belong to multiblocks if (GT_Utility.isAnyIntegratedCircuit(input) && input.getItemDamage() >= 10) { return builder.addTo(GT_Recipe_Map.sChemicalRecipes); } } return GT_Utility.concat( builder.copy() .addTo(GT_Recipe_Map.sChemicalRecipes), convertCellToFluid(builder, false) // LCR does not need cleanroom, for now. .metadata(CLEANROOM, false) .addTo(GT_Recipe_Map.sMultiblockChemicalRecipes)); }); /** * The one and only :tm: assline recipe adder. * Uses {@link #RESEARCH_ITEM} metadata as research item, and {@link #RESEARCH_TIME} metadata as research time, unit * in ticks. */ public static final IGT_RecipeMap AssemblyLine = IGT_RecipeMap.newRecipeMap(builder -> { Optional rr = builder.forceOreDictInput() .validateInputCount(4, 16) .validateOutputCount(1, 1) .validateOutputFluidCount(-1, 0) .validateInputFluidCount(0, 4) .buildWithAlt(); if (!rr.isPresent()) return Collections.emptyList(); GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_WithAlt r = rr.get(); ItemStack[][] mOreDictAlt = r.mOreDictAlt; Object[] inputs = builder.getItemInputsOreDict(); ItemStack aResearchItem = builder.getMetadata(RESEARCH_ITEM); ItemStack aOutput = r.mOutputs[0]; int tPersistentHash = 1; for (int i = 0, mOreDictAltLength = mOreDictAlt.length; i < mOreDictAltLength; i++) { ItemStack[] alts = mOreDictAlt[i]; Object input = inputs[i]; if (input instanceof ItemStack) tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + GT_Utility.persistentHash((ItemStack) input, true, false); else if (input instanceof ItemStack[]) { for (ItemStack alt : ((ItemStack[]) input)) { tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + GT_Utility.persistentHash(alt, true, false); } tPersistentHash *= 31; } else if (input instanceof Object[]objs) { Arrays.sort( alts, Comparator.comparing( s -> GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifierFor(s.getItem()).modId) .thenComparing(s -> GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifierFor(s.getItem()).name) .thenComparingInt(Items.feather::getDamage) .thenComparingInt(s -> s.stackSize)); tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + (objs[0] == null ? "" : objs[0].toString()).hashCode(); tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + ((Number) objs[1]).intValue(); } GT_Log.err.println( "addAssemblingLineRecipe " + aResearchItem.getDisplayName() + " --> " + aOutput.getUnlocalizedName() + " there is some null item in that recipe"); } tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + GT_Utility.persistentHash(aResearchItem, true, false); tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + GT_Utility.persistentHash(aOutput, true, false); for (FluidStack fluidInput : r.mFluidInputs) { if (fluidInput == null) continue; tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + GT_Utility.persistentHash(fluidInput, true, false); } int aResearchTime = builder.getMetadata(RESEARCH_TIME); tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + aResearchTime; tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + r.mDuration; tPersistentHash = tPersistentHash * 31 + r.mEUt; Collection ret = new ArrayList<>(3); ret.add( GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sScannerFakeRecipes.addFakeRecipe( false, new ItemStack[] { aResearchItem }, new ItemStack[] { aOutput }, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Tool_DataStick.getWithName(1L, "Writes Research result") }, null, null, aResearchTime, 30, -201)); // means it's scanned ret.add( GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_Map.sAssemblylineVisualRecipes.addFakeRecipe( false, r.mInputs, new ItemStack[] { aOutput }, new ItemStack[] { ItemList.Tool_DataStick.getWithName(1L, "Reads Research result") }, r.mFluidInputs, null, r.mDuration, r.mEUt, 0, r.mOreDictAlt, false)); GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine tRecipe = new GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine( aResearchItem, aResearchTime, r.mInputs, r.mFluidInputs, aOutput, r.mDuration, r.mEUt, r.mOreDictAlt); tRecipe.setPersistentHash(tPersistentHash); GT_Recipe.GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine.sAssemblylineRecipes.add(tRecipe); GT_AssemblyLineUtils.addRecipeToCache(tRecipe); return ret; }); /** * Just like any normal assembler recipe, however it accepts one input item to be oredicted. Pass in the item to * oredict via {@link #OREDICT_INPUT}. It will be used along all other item inputs as input of this recipe. */ public static IGT_RecipeMap AssemblerOD = IGT_RecipeMap.newRecipeMap(builder -> { Collection ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (ItemStack input : GT_OreDictUnificator.getOresImmutable(builder.getMetadata(OREDICT_INPUT))) { ret.addAll( builder.copy() .itemInputs(GT_RecipeMapUtil.appendArray(builder.getItemInputsBasic(), input)) .addTo(GT_Recipe_Map.sAssemblerRecipes)); } return ret; }); /** * A universal fuel adder. It's actually just a dispatcher towards all actual fuel recipe maps. * Dispatch based on {@link #FUEL_TYPE}. Uses {@link #FUEL_VALUE} as fuel value. * Can use {@link FuelType#ordinal()} as a human-readable form of what FUEL_TYPE should be. * You can bypass this and add to relevant fuel maps directly if you wish. */ public static IGT_RecipeMap Fuel = IGT_RecipeMap.newRecipeMap(builder -> { builder.validateInputCount(1, 1) .validateNoInputFluid() .validateOutputCount(-1, 0) .validateNoOutputFluid(); if (!builder.isValid()) return Collections.emptyList(); int fuelType = builder.getMetadata(FUEL_TYPE); builder.metadata( FUEL_VALUE, GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get( "fuel_" + fuelType, builder.getItemInputBasic(0), builder.getMetadata(FUEL_VALUE))); return FuelType.get(fuelType) .getTarget() .doAdd(builder); }); public enum FuelType { // ORDER MATTERS. DO NOT INSERT ELEMENT BETWEEN EXISTING ONES DieselFuel(GT_Recipe_Map.sDieselFuels), GasTurbine(GT_Recipe_Map.sTurbineFuels), // appears unused HotFuel(GT_Recipe_Map.sHotFuels), SemiFluid(GT_Recipe_Map.sDenseLiquidFuels), PlasmaTurbine(GT_Recipe_Map.sPlasmaFuels), Magic(GT_Recipe_Map.sMagicFuels),; private static final FuelType[] VALUES = values(); private final IGT_RecipeMap target; FuelType(IGT_RecipeMap target) { = target; } public static FuelType get(int fuelType) { if (fuelType < 0 || fuelType >= VALUES.length) return SemiFluid; return VALUES[fuelType]; } public IGT_RecipeMap getTarget() { return target; } } static { GT_RecipeMapUtil.SPECIAL_VALUE_ALIASES.add(COIL_HEAT); GT_RecipeMapUtil.SPECIAL_VALUE_ALIASES.add(FUSION_THRESHOLD); GT_RecipeMapUtil.SPECIAL_VALUE_ALIASES.add(FUEL_VALUE); } }