package gregtech.api.util;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector;

import com.gtnewhorizon.structurelib.StructureLibAPI;

 * This makes it easier to build multi tooltips, with a standardized format. <br>
 * Info section order should be:<br>
 * addMachineType<br>
 * addInfo, for what it does, special notes, etc.<br>
 * addSeparator, if you need it<br>
 * addPollutionAmount<br>
 * <br>
 * Structure order should be:<br>
 * beginStructureBlock<br>
 * addController<br>
 * addCasingInfo<br>
 * addOtherStructurePart, for secondary structure block info (pipes, coils, etc)<br>
 * addEnergyHatch/addDynamoHatch<br>
 * addMaintenanceHatch<br>
 * addMufflerHatch<br>
 * addInputBus/addInputHatch/addOutputBus/addOutputHatch, in that order<br>
 * Use addStructureInfo for any comments on nonstandard structure info wherever needed <br>
 * toolTipFinisher goes at the very end<br>
 * <br>
 * Originally created by kekzdealer
public class MultiblockTooltipBuilder {

    private static final String TAB = "   ";
    private static final String COLON = ": ";
    private static final String SEPARATOR = ", ";

    private final List<String> iLines;
    private final List<String> sLines;
    private final List<String> hLines;
    private final SetMultimap<Integer, String> hBlocks;

    private String[] iArray;
    private String[] sArray;
    private String[] hArray;

    // Localized tooltips
    private static final String TT_machineType = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.MachineType");
    private static final String TT_dimensions = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.Dimensions");
    private static final String TT_hollow = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.Hollow");
    private static final String TT_structure = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.Structure");
    private static final String TT_controller = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.Controller");
    private static final String TT_minimum = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.Minimum");
    private static final String TT_tiered = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.Tiered");
    private static final String TT_maintenancehatch = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.MaintenanceHatch");
    private static final String TT_energyhatch = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.EnergyHatch");
    private static final String TT_dynamohatch = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.DynamoHatch");
    private static final String TT_mufflerhatch = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.MufflerHatch");
    private static final String TT_inputbus = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.InputBus");
    private static final String TT_inputhatch = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.InputHatch");
    private static final String TT_outputbus = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.OutputBus");
    private static final String TT_outputhatch = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.OutputHatch");
    private static final String TT_causes = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.Causes");
    private static final String TT_pps = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.PPS");
    private static final String TT_hold = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.Hold");
    private static final String TT_todisplay = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.Display");
    private static final String TT_structurehint = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.StructureHint");
    private static final String TT_mod = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.Mod");
    private static final String TT_air = StatCollector.translateToLocal("GT5U.MBTT.Air");
    private static final String[] TT_dots = IntStream.range(0, 16)
        .mapToObj(i -> StatCollector.translateToLocal("structurelib.blockhint." + i + ".name"))

    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder() {
        iLines = new LinkedList<>();
        sLines = new LinkedList<>();
        hLines = new LinkedList<>();
        hBlocks = Multimaps.newSetMultimap(new HashMap<>(), HashSet::new);
        hBlocks.put(StructureLibAPI.HINT_BLOCK_META_AIR, TT_air);

     * Add a line telling you what the machine type is. Usually, this will be the name of a SB version.<br>
     * Machine Type: machine
     * @param machine Name of the machine type
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addMachineType(String machine) {
        iLines.add(TT_machineType + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + machine + EnumChatFormatting.RESET);
        return this;

     * Add a basic line of information about this structure
     * @param info The line to be added.
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addInfo(String info) {
        return this;

     * Add a number of basic lines of information about this structure
     * @param infoStrings The lines to be added.
     * @return Instance this method was called on.

    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addInfoAll(String... infoStrings) {
        return this;

     * Add a separator line like this:<br>
     * -----------------------------------------
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addSeparator() {
        return this;

     * Add a line telling how much this machine pollutes.
     * @param pollution Amount of pollution per second when active
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addPollutionAmount(int pollution) {
            TT_causes + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + pollution + " " + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + TT_pps);
        return this;

     * Begin adding structural information by adding a line about the structure's dimensions and then inserting a
     * "Structure:" line.
     * @param w      Structure width.
     * @param h      Structure height.
     * @param l      Structure depth/length.
     * @param hollow T/F, adds a (hollow) comment if true
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder beginStructureBlock(int w, int h, int l, boolean hollow) {
            EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TT_dimensions
                + COLON
                + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
                + w
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + "x"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
                + h
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + "x"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
                + l
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + " ("
                + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
                + "W"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + "x"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
                + "H"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + "x"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
                + "L"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + ") "
                + EnumChatFormatting.RED
                + (hollow ? EnumChatFormatting.RED + TT_hollow : ""));
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TT_structure + COLON);
        return this;

     * Begin adding structural information by adding a line about the structure's dimensions<br>
     * and then inserting a "Structure:" line. Variable version displays min and max
     * @param wmin   Structure min width.
     * @param wmax   Structure max width.
     * @param hmin   Structure min height.
     * @param hmax   Structure max height.
     * @param lmin   Structure min depth/length.
     * @param lmax   Structure max depth/length.
     * @param hollow T/F, adds a (hollow) comment if true
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder beginVariableStructureBlock(int wmin, int wmax, int hmin, int hmax, int lmin,
        int lmax, boolean hollow) {
            EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TT_dimensions
                + COLON
                + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
                + wmin
                + (wmin != wmax ? "-" + wmax : "")
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + "x"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
                + hmin
                + (hmin != hmax ? "-" + hmax : "")
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + "x"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
                + lmin
                + (lmin != lmax ? "-" + lmax : "")
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + " ("
                + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
                + "W"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + "x"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
                + "H"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + "x"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GOLD
                + "L"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + ") "
                + (hollow ? EnumChatFormatting.RED + TT_hollow : ""));
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TT_structure + COLON);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Controller: info
     * @param info Positional information.
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addController(String info) {
        sLines.add(TAB + EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TT_controller + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)minCountx casingName (minimum) (tiered)
     * @param casingName Name of the Casing.
     * @param minCount   Minimum needed for valid structure check.
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
     * @deprecated Replaced by {@link #addCasingInfoMin(String, int, boolean)}
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addCasingInfo(String casingName, int minCount) {
        return addCasingInfoMin(casingName, minCount, false);

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)countx casingName (tiered)
     * @param casingName Name of the Casing.
     * @param isTiered   Flag if this casing accepts multiple tiers (e.g. coils)
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addCasingInfoExactly(String casingName, int count, boolean isTiered) {
        return addCasingInfoExactlyColored(

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)countx casingName (tiered)
     * @param casingName Name of the Casing.
     * @param isTiered   Flag if this casing accepts multiple tiers (e.g. coils)
     * @param countColor Color of the casing count text
     * @param textColor  Color of the casing name text
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addCasingInfoExactlyColored(String casingName, EnumChatFormatting textColor,
        int count, EnumChatFormatting countColor, boolean isTiered) {
            countColor + TAB
                + count
                + "x "
                + EnumChatFormatting.RESET
                + textColor
                + casingName
                + (isTiered ? " " + TT_tiered : ""));
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)minCountx casingName (minimum) (tiered)
     * @param casingName Name of the Casing.
     * @param minCount   Minimum needed for valid structure check.
     * @param isTiered   Flag if this casing accepts multiple tiers (e.g. coils)
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addCasingInfoMin(String casingName, int minCount, boolean isTiered) {
        return addCasingInfoMinColored(

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)minCountx casingName (minimum) (tiered)
     * @param casingName Name of the Casing.
     * @param minCount   Minimum needed for valid structure check.
     * @param isTiered   Flag if this casing accepts multiple tiers (e.g. coils)
     * @param countColor Color of the casing count text
     * @param textColor  Color of the casing name text
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addCasingInfoMinColored(String casingName, EnumChatFormatting textColor,
        int minCount, EnumChatFormatting countColor, boolean isTiered) {
            countColor + TAB
                + minCount
                + "x "
                + EnumChatFormatting.RESET
                + textColor
                + casingName
                + " "
                + TT_minimum
                + (isTiered ? " " + TT_tiered : ""));
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)minCountx - maxCountx casingName (minimum) (tiered)
     * @param casingName Name of the Casing.
     * @param minCount   Minimum needed for valid structure check.
     * @param maxCount   Maximum needed for valid structure check.
     * @param isTiered   Flag if this casing accepts multiple tiers (e.g. coils)
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addCasingInfoRange(String casingName, int minCount, int maxCount,
        boolean isTiered) {
        return addCasingInfoRangeColored(

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)minCountx - maxCountx casingName (minimum) (tiered)
     * @param casingName Name of the Casing.
     * @param minCount   Minimum needed for valid structure check.
     * @param maxCount   Maximum needed for valid structure check.
     * @param isTiered   Flag if this casing accepts multiple tiers (e.g. coils)
     * @param countColor Color of the casing count text
     * @param textColor  Color of the casing name text
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addCasingInfoRangeColored(String casingName, EnumChatFormatting textColor,
        int minCount, int maxCount, EnumChatFormatting countColor, boolean isTiered) {
            countColor + TAB
                + minCount
                + "x"
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + " - "
                + countColor
                + maxCount
                + "x "
                + EnumChatFormatting.RESET
                + textColor
                + casingName
                + (isTiered ? " " + TT_tiered : ""));
        return this;

     * Use this method to add a structural part that isn't covered by the other methods.<br>
     * (indent)name: info
     * @param name Name of the hatch or other component.
     * @param info Positional information.
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addOtherStructurePart(String name, String info) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + name + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Maintenance Hatch: info
     * @param info Positional information.
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addMaintenanceHatch(String info) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_maintenancehatch + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Muffler Hatch: info
     * @param info Location where the hatch goes
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addMufflerHatch(String info) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_mufflerhatch + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Energy Hatch: info
     * @param info Positional information.
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addEnergyHatch(String info) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_energyhatch + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Dynamo Hatch: info
     * @param info Positional information.
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addDynamoHatch(String info) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_dynamohatch + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Input Bus: info
     * @param info Location where the bus goes
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addInputBus(String info) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_inputbus + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Input Hatch: info
     * @param info Location where the hatch goes
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addInputHatch(String info) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_inputhatch + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Output Bus: info
     * @param info Location where the bus goes
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addOutputBus(String info) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_outputbus + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Output Hatch: info
     * @param info Location where the bus goes
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addOutputHatch(String info) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_outputhatch + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        return this;

     * Use this method to add a structural part that isn't covered by the other methods.<br>
     * (indent)name: info
     * @param name Name of the hatch or other component.
     * @param info Positional information.
     * @param dots The valid locations for this part when asked to display hints
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addOtherStructurePart(String name, String info, int... dots) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + name + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        for (int dot : dots) hBlocks.put(dot, name);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Maintenance Hatch: info
     * @param info Positional information.
     * @param dots The valid locations for this part when asked to display hints
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addMaintenanceHatch(String info, int... dots) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_maintenancehatch + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        for (int dot : dots) hBlocks.put(dot, TT_maintenancehatch);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Muffler Hatch: info
     * @param info Location where the hatch goes
     * @param dots The valid locations for this part when asked to display hints
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addMufflerHatch(String info, int... dots) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_mufflerhatch + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        for (int dot : dots) hBlocks.put(dot, TT_mufflerhatch);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Energy Hatch: info
     * @param info Positional information.
     * @param dots The valid locations for this part when asked to display hints
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addEnergyHatch(String info, int... dots) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_energyhatch + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        for (int dot : dots) hBlocks.put(dot, TT_energyhatch);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Dynamo Hatch: info
     * @param info Positional information.
     * @param dots The valid locations for this part when asked to display hints
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addDynamoHatch(String info, int... dots) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_dynamohatch + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        for (int dot : dots) hBlocks.put(dot, TT_dynamohatch);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Input Bus: info
     * @param info Location where the bus goes
     * @param dots The valid locations for this part when asked to display hints
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addInputBus(String info, int... dots) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_inputbus + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        for (int dot : dots) hBlocks.put(dot, TT_inputbus);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Input Hatch: info
     * @param info Location where the hatch goes
     * @param dots The valid locations for this part when asked to display hints
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addInputHatch(String info, int... dots) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_inputhatch + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        for (int dot : dots) hBlocks.put(dot, TT_inputhatch);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Output Bus: info
     * @param info Location where the bus goes
     * @param dots The valid locations for this part when asked to display hints
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addOutputBus(String info, int... dots) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_outputbus + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        for (int dot : dots) hBlocks.put(dot, TT_outputbus);
        return this;

     * Add a line of information about the structure:<br>
     * (indent)Output Hatch: info
     * @param info Location where the bus goes
     * @param dots The valid locations for this part when asked to display hints
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addOutputHatch(String info, int... dots) {
        sLines.add(EnumChatFormatting.WHITE + TAB + TT_outputhatch + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY + info);
        for (int dot : dots) hBlocks.put(dot, TT_outputhatch);
        return this;

     * Use this method to add non-standard structural info.<br>
     * (indent)info
     * @param info The line to be added.
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addStructureInfo(String info) {
        sLines.add(TAB + info);
        return this;

     * Use this method to add non-standard structural info.<br>
     * (indent)info
     * @param channel the name of subchannel
     * @param purpose the purpose of subchannel
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addSubChannelUsage(String channel, String purpose) {
        sLines.add(TAB + StatCollector.translateToLocalFormatted("GT5U.MBTT.subchannel", channel, purpose));
        return this;

     * Use this method to add non-standard structural hint. This info will appear before the standard structural hint.
     * @param info The line to be added. This should be an entry into minecraft's localization system.
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addStructureHint(String info) {
        return this;

     * Use this method to add an entry to standard structural hint without creating a corresponding line in structure
     * information
     * @param name The name of block This should be an entry into minecraft's localization system.
     * @param dots Possible locations of this block
     * @return Instance this method was called on.
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder addStructureHint(String name, int... dots) {
        for (int dot : dots) hBlocks.put(dot, StatCollector.translateToLocal(name));
        return this;

     * Call at the very end.<br>
     * Adds a final line with the mod name and information on how to display the structure guidelines.<br>
     * Ends the building process.
     * @param mod Name of the mod that adds this multiblock machine
    public MultiblockTooltipBuilder toolTipFinisher(String mod) {
            TT_hold + " "
                + EnumChatFormatting.BOLD
                + "[LSHIFT]"
                + EnumChatFormatting.RESET
                + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY
                + " "
                + TT_todisplay);
        iLines.add(TT_mod + COLON + EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + mod + EnumChatFormatting.GRAY);
        iArray = iLines.toArray(new String[0]);
        sArray = sLines.toArray(new String[0]);
        // e.getKey() - 1 because 1 dot is meta 0.
        hArray = Stream.concat(
                .map(e -> TT_dots[e.getKey() - 1] + COLON + String.join(SEPARATOR, e.getValue())))
        return this;

    public String[] getInformation() {
        return iArray;

    public String[] getStructureInformation() {
        return sArray;

    public String[] getStructureHint() {
        return hArray;